14 research outputs found

    Relationship between the Symptom frequency and anti-asthmatic Treatment intensity Score (STS) computed by using the weights from the GEIRD data (horizontal axis) and STS computed by using the weights from the ECRHS II data (vertical axis).

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    <p>Relationship between the Symptom frequency and anti-asthmatic Treatment intensity Score (STS) computed by using the weights from the GEIRD data (horizontal axis) and STS computed by using the weights from the ECRHS II data (vertical axis).</p

    Fuse: Accurate Multiplexing of Hardware Performance Counters Across Executions

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    *<p>Also adjusted for the type of interview (telephone vs face to face).</p><p>£ Overall adjusted p-value for smoking  = 0.5896.</p>§<p>IQR, Interquartile Range: (1<sup>st</sup> quartile–3<sup>rd</sup> quartile).</p>‡<p>Overall adjusted p-value for asthma control at baseline <0.0001.</p><p>Significant unadjusted p-value and adjusted OR (p<0.05) are reported in bold.</p

    Distribution of GINA-based asthma control at follow-up according to GINA-based asthma control measured at baseline.

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    <p>The percentage of subjects in each category of GINA-based asthma control at follow up is reported inside histograms. The numbers of subjects with controlled, partially controlled and uncontrolled asthma at baseline are different from those reported in the result section due to missing data on control at follow-up.</p