9 research outputs found
School failure is one of the more complex, more difficult and unfortunately frequent problem that modern school meets. Many factors can cause school failure, such as: child development characteristics, family and school-originated factors. The purpose of the research is analysis of the specific learning problems in students with a mild intellectual disability. For our research we used ACADIA test, which contains 13 subtests for assessing the overall individual functioning. The research involved 144 students. We divided the sample into two groups, children with intellectual disability (our target group) and control group. We found that generally all students with the intellectual disability have special learning problems. According to individual subtests analysis we concluded that the ability for visual association is best developed among these students while on the subtest for auditory memory they achieved worse results. With the analysis of the control group we found that 13.75% of the students have special learning problems. 
Socioeconomic status of the families with children with intellectual disability
Family is the fi rst and most important factor for socialization of the child and for providing appropriate conditions for its normal development. Living with a child with intellectual disabilities brings signifi cant fi nancial, emotional, and general, life changes. In the last few decades treatment of those people is completely changed. From medical and institutional approach, the focus has moved towards integral rehabilitation, which includes the entire family and their needs. The aim of the research is to determinate the socio-economic status of the families who have child with intellectual disabilities. In the survey we included 104 families of the children with intellectual disability in special primary schools and Daycare center. From the available methods, we used descriptive, causal method and method of generalization. During the analysis and interpretation of the results we made review of the educational level of the parents, their employment and fi nancial condition, and the health of all family members. We found that the educational level of the member of those families is lower than the educational level in the general population; these families have a lower employment rate with lower monthly incomes compared with the average incomes, and fi nally, have generally good health with increased frequency of transient problems and chronic diseases. The obtained results indicate that families have low socioeconomic status. Some of the results show us diffi cult economic, financial and social position, which can be interpreted as alarming and requiring immediate intervention for improving the socioeconomic status of these families. On the other hand, improvement of living conditions, raising the socio-economic level by itself provides higher quality of life for the children with intellectual disability and their families
Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19 : The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination–a multi-country study
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, higher educational institutions worldwide switched to emergency distance learning in early 2020. The less structured environment of distance learning forced students to regulate their learning and motivation more independently. According to self-determination theory (SDT), satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence and social relatedness affects intrinsic motivation, which in turn relates to more active or passive learning behavior. As the social context plays a major role for basic need satisfaction, distance learning may impair basic need satisfaction and thus intrinsic motivation and learning behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between basic need satisfaction and procrastination and persistence in the context of emergency distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in a cross-sectional study. We also investigated the mediating role of intrinsic motivation in this relationship. Furthermore, to test the universal importance of SDT for intrinsic motivation and learning behavior under these circumstances in different countries, we collected data in Europe, Asia and North America. A total of N = 15,462 participants from Albania, Austria, China, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Poland, Malta, North Macedonia, Romania, Sweden, and the US answered questions regarding perceived competence, autonomy, social relatedness, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, persistence, and sociodemographic background. Our results support SDT’s claim of universality regarding the relation between basic psychological need fulfilment, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, and persistence. However, whereas perceived competence had the highest direct effect on procrastination and persistence, social relatedness was mainly influential via intrinsic motivation.Peer reviewe
Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination–a multi-country study
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, higher educational institutions worldwide switched to emergency distance learning in early 2020. The less structured environment of distance learning forced students to regulate their learning and motivation more independently. According to self-determination theory (SDT), satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence and social relatedness affects intrinsic motivation, which in turn relates to more active or passive learning behavior. As the social context plays a major role for basic need satisfaction, distance learning may impair basic need satisfaction and thus intrinsic motivation and learning behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between basic need satisfaction and procrastination and persistence in the context of emergency distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in a cross-sectional study. We also investigated the mediating role of intrinsic motivation in this relationship. Furthermore, to test the universal importance of SDT for intrinsic motivation and learning behavior under these circumstances in different countries, we collected data in Europe, Asia and North America. A total of N = 15,462 participants from Albania, Austria, China, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Poland, Malta, North Macedonia, Romania, Sweden, and the US answered questions regarding perceived competence, autonomy, social relatedness, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, persistence, and sociodemographic background. Our results support SDT’s claim of universality regarding the relation between basic psychological need fulfilment, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, and persistence. However, whereas perceived competence had the highest direct effect on procrastination and persistence, social relatedness was mainly influential via intrinsic motivation.</p
Parenting a child with a disability presents unique challenges and requires additional care and attention. Parents play a crucial role in promoting their child’s development, fostering their independence, and nurturing their overall well-being.
This research study aims to investigate the adequacy of resources and support available to families of children with disabilities, as well as the perception of parents regarding these aspects. A specially designed questionnaire consisting of 21 questions was used as the research instrument, which was distributed to families through a Google form. The research sample was convenience-based and comprised 250 parents of children with disabilities.
The findings of the study reveal widespread dissatisfaction among parents in relation to institutional support. The results indicate that a significant majority of parents (80%) do not receive adequate institutional support, while only 1% reported receiving it. Furthermore, not a single parent reported being satisfied with the coordination among medical, educational, and social institutions, with 56% expressing dissatisfaction and 44% indicating partial satisfaction.
This study highlights the need for improved coordination among various institutions, increased parent education, and the provision of comprehensive support services to ensure a better quality of life for families of children with disabilities
Learning problems in children with mild intellectual disability
School failure is one of the more complex, more difficult and unfortunately frequent problem that modern school meets. Many factors can cause school failure, such as: child development characteristics, family and school-originated factors. The purpose of the research is analysis of the specific learning problems in students with a mild intellectual disability. For our research we used ACADIA test, which contains 13 subtests for assessing the overall individual functioning. The research involved 144 students. We divided the sample into two groups, children with intellectual disability (our target group) and control group. We found that generally all students with the intellectual disability have special learning problems. According to individual subtests analysis we concluded that the ability for visual association is best developed among these students while on the subtest for auditory memory they achieved worse results. With the analysis of the control group we found that 13.75% of the students have special learning problems.
Пристапност во туризмот: патувања на лицата со попреченост
Книгата „Пристапност во туризмот: патувања на лицата со попреченост“ е наменета за сите кои работат во секторот угостителство и туризам, за академската јавност, студентите, учениците, истражувачите, заинтересираните страни од приватниот, јавниот и невладиниот сектор кои директно или индиректно се поврзани со организацијата на туристички активности. Книгата е изготвена со цел да се збогати постоечката литература поврзана со проблематиката на пристапноста во туризмот од аспект на лицата со попреченост.
Материјалот во книгата е поделен во три основни поглавја. Во првиот дел е опфатен материјалот кој се однесува на современите аспекти на туризмот, карактеристиките на туризмот, како и регионалната дистрибуција на светскиот туризам. Исто така, обработен е материјалот поврзан со современите тенденции и влијанието на COVID-19 во туризмот.
Во вториот дел се разгледува пристапноста во туризмот. Се обработува материја поврзана со дефинирање и анализа на различни аспекти на пристапноста во туризмот, организацијата на патувањата, туристичката политика, туристичките водичи, понудата, профилот на побарувачката и сл. Исто така, посветен е дел на пристапност на објектите во туризмот и угостителството, како: ресторани и сектор храна и пијалаци, хотели и сектор сместување, пристапни дестинации, транспорт, тематски паркови, објекти на културата, настани, спорт, бродови за крстарење и плажи.
Третиот дел е посветен на меѓународните практики поврзани со пристапноста во туризмот. Во овој дел се обработува материјалот поврзан со пристапноста и туризмот во светот, како и активностите на Светска Туристичка Организација на ова поле. Исто така, се обработуваат и Европските практики на пристапност во туризмот, каде се дадени примери од развиени туристички земи како: Германија, Чешка, Словенија, Португалија и Англија.
Во книгата покрај меѓународните искуства опфатени се аспекти на пристапноста и туризмот во Македонија. Дадени се успешни примери и практики, како и проекти од секторот угостителство и туризам во земјата кои одат во прилог на подобрување на пристапноста во туризмот во земјата.
Во изработката на книгата користена е соодветна стручна литература и релевантни интернет извори од областа на пристапноста во туризмот. Имајќи предвид дека ова е прво издание на книгата, можеби сме пропуштиле некои важни елементи поврзани со пристапност во туризмот и патувањата на лицата со попреченост. За сите забелешки, мислења и коментари, авторите ќе Ви бидат благодарни и ќе ги земат предвид при создавањето на второто дополнето и проширено издание. Исто така, искажуваме благодарност и до сите наши колеги и соработници кои дадоа придонес во обезбедувањето на неопходните материјали за комплетирање на книгата, како и на рецензентите за укажаните искрени и конструктивни сугестии