72 research outputs found

    spanish broom spartium junceum l as new fiber for biocomposites the effect of crop age and microbial retting on fiber quality

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    Recently, there has been a revival of interest in Spanish broom (Spartium junceum L.) as a possible source of fibers to be used in biocomposite materials. The aim of this work was to evaluate the role of two selected strains of Clostridium felsineum (NCIMB 10690 and NCIMB 9539) in the retting of Spanish broom vermenes. Chemical composition and physical, mechanical, and morphological properties of fibers were investigated. The obtained results indicate that the process provides an ecofriendly method for Spanish broom retting and support the hypothesis that these fibers can be successfully used in composite materials

    Health-Promoting Compounds in Stevia: The Effect of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, Phosphorus Supply and Harvest Time

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    This work aimed to establish the synergic role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) symbiosis, phosphorus (P) fertilization and harvest time on the contents of stevia secondary metabolites. Consequently, steviol glycosides (SVglys) concentration and profile, total phenols and flavonoids as well as antioxidant assays, have been assessed in inoculated and no-inoculated plants, grown with or without P supply and collected at different growth stages(69, 89 and 123 days after transplanting).The obtained results suggest that the synthesis of stevia secondary metabolites is induced and/or modulated by all the investigated variability factors. In particular, AMF symbiosis promoted total SVglys content and positively influenced the concentration of some minor compounds (steviolbioside, dulcoside A and rebaudioside B), indicating a clear effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on SVglys biosynthetic pathway. Interestingly, only the mycorrhizal plants were able to synthesize rebaudioside B. In addition, P supply provided the highest levels of total phenols and flavonoids at leaf level, together with the maximum in vitro antioxidant activities (FRAP and ORAC). Finally, the harvest time carried out during the full vegetative phase enhanced the entire composition of the phytocomplex (steviolbioside, dulcoside A, stevioside, rebaudioside A, B, C. total phenols and flavonoids). Moreover, polyphenols and SVglys appeared to be the main contributors to the in vitro antioxidant capacity, while only total phenols mostly contributed to the cellular antioxidant activity (CAA). These findings provide original information about the role played by AMF in association with P supply, in modulating the accumulation of bioactive compounds during stevia growth. At the cultivation level, the control of these preharvest factors, together with the most appropriate harvest time, can be used as tools for improving the nutraceutical value of raw material, with particular attention to its exploitation as functional ingredient for food and dietary supplements and cosmetics

    Effects of Temperature, Light and Pre-Chilling on Seed Germination of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni Accessions

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    Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni is a perennial shrub of the Asteraceae family native to Paraguay and Brazil where it has been used for several years as a sweetener. It is a short-day species, with a critical light requirement for flowering of roughly 13 hours. In plants whose biological cycle is strongly photoperiod-dependent, latitude is one of the major factors influencing reproduction. Late flowering may adversely affect seed production if this occurs during a season that is unfavorable to pollination. At Italian latitudes, this species often gives scanty seed production, with low germination rate and poor germination energy of seeds produced. In 2001 four accessions have been grown for seed production in a field plot experiment in Central Italy. The various accessions were found to exhibit noticeably different photoperiod requirements, which affected flowering time (from late August to the end of September) and consequently also the conditions of achene filling and ripening. Late flowering and seed ripening occurred during autumn season, unfavourable to complete seed formation, leading to an increase in the empty seed percentage recorded for each accession. Detailed germination trials were therefore undertaken using seeds collected from plants of the different accessions in order to assess the quality of the seeds produced. Various germination methods have been tested in a controlled environment adopting four different temperatures (20° C, 25° C constant temperature and 15/25° C, 20/30° C (16/8h) alternating temperature) in light or darkness with or without pre-chilling. Germination rates varied over an extensive range (germination percentage from 9 to 83%), mainly due to the divergent specific characteristics of the material examined and the different treatments studied. At all temperatures tested, the most earlier accession, showed the higher germination percentages (54-83%) while the latest accession was among those with the lowest germination values (9-44%). Overall, at the constant temperatures assayed, pre-chilling gave a higher germination percentage as compared to no pre-chilling, while at alternating temperatures higher germination rates were obtained in the absence of pre-chilling. The great variability observed between accessions for photoperiodic requirement as well as in seed germinative characteristics was probably due to the fact that this species was not subjected to any genetic improvement program

    Precision Nitrogen Management In Camelina: Preliminary Results From A Case Study In Central Italy

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    Nowadays, the use of advanced technologies in agriculture is mandatory in order to increase cropping system sustainability and quality. To guarantee a higher yield, farmers need to ensure the best health of their crops with, at the same time, the least environmental impact. Particular attention is generally paid to nitrogen fertilization since nitrogen use efficiency in modern agriculture is very low. It means that a lot of synthetic chemicals are wasted rather than utilized by crops with consequent environmental issues. The use of spectral reflectance indices, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and chlorophyll index (Dualex), are reliable indicators to determine N status of crop plants. In this contest, very scarce knowledge is available about the response of camelina - a promising oilseed crop for food, feed, and the bio-based industry - to different N rates as well as on the use of remote/proximal sensing. So, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of N fertilization rate and timing on camelina seed yield and quality. At the same time, biochemical parameters and NDVI by using proximal sensing techniques were assessed with the aim to optimise camelina agronomic management

    Evaluation of Chemical Composition of Two Linseed Varieties as Sources of Health-Beneficial Substances

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    Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is becoming more and more important in the health food market as a functional food, since its seeds and oil represent a rich source of bioactive compounds. Its chemical composition is strongly correlated with, and dependent on, genetic characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation in seed yield, oil content, fatty acid composition and secondary metabolite profiles between a low-linolenic linseed variety, belonging to the Solin-type group (Solal), and a high-linolenic traditional one (Bethune), cultivated, both as spring crops, in open field conditions of Central Italy. The achieved results pointed out the dierent behavior of the two varieties in terms of growth cycle, oil content, and some important yield components, such as capsule number per plant and thousand seed weight. There were also significant dierences in seed composition regarding total phenols, total flavonoids, antioxidant activities as well as in carotenoid, tocopherol, and tocotrienol profiles between the two varieties. In particular, Solal was characterized by the greatest contents of oil, phenols, flavonoids, - and - tocotrienol, together with the highest antioxidant activity. Bethune, on the contrary, showed the highest amounts of carotenoids (lutein and -carotene). These results indicate a clear eect of the genetic characteristics on the biosynthesis of these secondary metabolites and, consequently, on the related antioxidant activity. Our findings suggest that the mutation process, responsible for the selection of the low-linolenic cultivar, is able to modify the biosynthetic pathways of carotenoids and phenolics

    Expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and AHR-interacting protein in pituitary adenomas: pathological and clinical implications.

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professionalGermline mutations of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-interacting protein (AIP) gene confer a predisposition to pituitary adenomas (PA), usually in the setting of familial isolated PA. To provide further insights into the possible role of AIP in pituitary tumour pathogenesis, the expression of AIP and AHR was determined by real-time RT-PCR and/or immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a large series of PA (n=103), including 17 with AIP mutations (AIP(mut)). Variable levels of AIP and AHR transcripts were detected in all PA, with a low AHR expression (P<0.0001 versus AIP). Cytoplasmic AIP and AHR were detected by IHC in 84.0 and 38.6% of PA respectively, and significantly correlated with each other (P=0.006). Nuclear AHR was detected in a minority of PA (19.7%). The highest AIP expression was observed in somatotrophinomas and non-secreting (NS) PA, and multivariate analysis in somatotrophinomas showed a significantly lower AIP immunostaining in invasive versus non-invasive cases (P=0.019). AIP expression was commonly low in other secreting PA. AIP immunostaining was abolished in a minority of AIP(mut) PA, with a frequent loss of cytoplasmic AHR and no evidence of nuclear AHR. In contrast, AIP overexpression in a subset of NS PA could be accompanied by nuclear AHR immunopositivity. We conclude that down-regulation of AIP and AHR may be involved in the aggressiveness of somatotrophinomas. Overall, IHC is a poorly sensitive tool for the screening of AIP mutations. Data obtained on AHR expression suggest that AHR signalling may be differentially affected according to PA phenotype

    Expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and AHR-interacting protein in pituitary adenomas: pathological and clinical implications.

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    Germline mutations of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-interacting protein (AIP) gene confer a predisposition to pituitary adenomas (PA), usually in the setting of familial isolated PA. To provide further insights into the possible role of AIP in pituitary tumour pathogenesis, the expression of AIP and AHR was determined by real-time RT-PCR and/or immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a large series of PA (n=103), including 17 with AIP mutations (AIP(mut)). Variable levels of AIP and AHR transcripts were detected in all PA, with a low AHR expression (P<0.0001 versus AIP). Cytoplasmic AIP and AHR were detected by IHC in 84.0 and 38.6% of PA respectively, and significantly correlated with each other (P=0.006). Nuclear AHR was detected in a minority of PA (19.7%). The highest AIP expression was observed in somatotrophinomas and non-secreting (NS) PA, and multivariate analysis in somatotrophinomas showed a significantly lower AIP immunostaining in invasive versus non-invasive cases (P=0.019). AIP expression was commonly low in other secreting PA. AIP immunostaining was abolished in a minority of AIP(mut) PA, with a frequent loss of cytoplasmic AHR and no evidence of nuclear AHR. In contrast, AIP overexpression in a subset of NS PA could be accompanied by nuclear AHR immunopositivity. We conclude that down-regulation of AIP and AHR may be involved in the aggressiveness of somatotrophinomas. Overall, IHC is a poorly sensitive tool for the screening of AIP mutations. Data obtained on AHR expression suggest that AHR signalling may be differentially affected according to PA phenotype

    Massive-Scale RNA-Seq Analysis of Non Ribosomal Transcriptome in Human Trisomy 21

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    Hybridization- and tag-based technologies have been successfully used in Down syndrome to identify genes involved in various aspects of the pathogenesis. However, these technologies suffer from several limits and drawbacks and, to date, information about rare, even though relevant, RNA species such as long and small non-coding RNAs, is completely missing. Indeed, none of published works has still described the whole transcriptional landscape of Down syndrome. Although the recent advances in high-throughput RNA sequencing have revealed the complexity of transcriptomes, most of them rely on polyA enrichment protocols, able to detect only a small fraction of total RNA content. On the opposite end, massive-scale RNA sequencing on rRNA-depleted samples allows the survey of the complete set of coding and non-coding RNA species, now emerging as novel contributors to pathogenic mechanisms. Hence, in this work we analysed for the first time the complete transcriptome of human trisomic endothelial progenitor cells to an unprecedented level of resolution and sensitivity by RNA-sequencing. Our analysis allowed us to detect differential expression of even low expressed genes crucial for the pathogenesis, to disclose novel regions of active transcription outside yet annotated loci, and to investigate a plethora of non-polyadenilated long as well as short non coding RNAs. Novel splice isoforms for a large subset of crucial genes, and novel extended untranslated regions for known genes—possibly novel miRNA targets or regulatory sites for gene transcription—were also identified in this study. Coupling the rRNA depletion of samples, followed by high-throughput RNA-sequencing, to the easy availability of these cells renders this approach very feasible for transcriptome studies, offering the possibility of investigating in-depth blood-related pathological features of Down syndrome, as well as other genetic disorders

    Família, dificuldades no aprendizado e problemas de comportamento em escolares

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    Resumo Nos anos escolares, família e escola são contextos em que se engendram mecanismos de risco e proteção para trajetórias favoráveis ou não de desenvolvimento das crianças. Dificuldades adaptativas precoces, expressas em altos níveis de problemas emocionais e/ou comportamentais, têm sido associadas a trajetórias desfavoráveis. O presente estudo objetivou testar um modelo de predição de problemas de comportamento em escolares, tendo como preditores variáveis de apoio ao desenvolvimento e adversidade no contexto familiar, bem como a presença da queixa escolar, sinalizando adversidade no contexto escolar. Participaram 60 crianças, de 7 a 11 anos, e suas mães, recrutadas em escola pública de Ensino Fundamental e em clínica-escola de psicologia. Os instrumentos utilizados foram Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven, Inventário de Comportamento da Infância e Adolescência (CBCL), Inventário de Recursos do Ambiente Familiar (RAF), subescala Vida Familiar, da Escala de Eventos Adversos (EEA). A coleta ocorreu na clínica e na escola. Os dados foram analisados por meio de regressão linear múltipla, verificando-se o poder explicativo das variáveis ambientais sobre os desfechos comportamentais. Os resultados apontaram a adversidade escolar como principal preditor de problemas de atenção, problemas sociais e comportamento agressivo. A adversidade familiar foi associada a problemas internalizantes e externalizantes. Duas modalidades de apoio familiar (rotina regular no dia a dia e atividades de lazer no tempo livre) parecem implicadas na atenuação dos problemas de comportamento. Destaca-se que esses são recursos passíveis de intervenção

    Pre-Germination Treatments, Temperature, and Light Conditions Improved Seed Germination of Passiflora incarnata L.

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    Perennial medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) may represent interesting, environmentally friendly crops for the Mediterranean environments. Among MAPs, Passiflora incarnata L. (maypop) represents a very promising crop for its wide adaptability to diverse climatic conditions, low input requirements, and high added-value due to its unique medicinal properties. The main problem in P. incarnata large-scale cultivation is the poor seed quality with erratic and low seed germination, due to its apparent pronounced seed dormancy. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate different chemical and physical treatments for overpassing seed dormancy and enhancing seed germination rates of P. incarnata. The effects of (i) different pre-germination treatments (pre-chilling, gibberellic acid—GA3, leaching, scarification, non-treated control), (ii) light or darkness exposure, and (iii) temperature conditions (25, 30, and 35 °C constant and 20–30 °C alternating temperatures) have been examined in seed germination percentage and mean germination time of three P. incarnata accessions (F2016, FF2016, and A2016) grown in field conditions in Central Italy. Data showed that the pre-germination treatments generally stimulated faster germination compared to the control, with the best results obtained in the dark and with high temperatures. These findings are useful for the choice of the most suitable seed pre-germination treatment that can facilitate stable, high and agronomically acceptable germination rates in P. incarnata
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