884 research outputs found


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    Selat Makassar merupakan pintu masuk utama Arlindo di Indonesia. Variabilitas Arlindo dipengaruhi oleh fenomena El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Penelitian terdahulu menyatakan kekuatan Arlindo akan melemah saat El Niño dan mengalami peningkatan saat La Niña. Untuk memahami lebih lanjut keterkaitan ENSO dengan variabilitas Arlindo dilakukan penelitian menggunakan data hasil model numerik oseanografi Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) dari tahun 1993 sampai 2017. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode statistik dan analisis sinyal pada data kecepatan arus serta suhu dan salinitas air laut di Selat Makassar. Pada saat El-Niño, anomali temperatur bernilai negatif dan anomali salinitas bernilai positif, sedangkan pada saat La Niña terjadi sebaliknya. Pada Kanal Labani kecepatan arus meridional cukup besar dan dapat mencapai 1,2 m /s pada kedalaman termoklin dengan arah dominan ke selatan. Transpor volume Arlindo melemah saat El Niño dengan nilai -1,8×10 6 m3 /s (-1,8 Sv, 1 Sv = 1×10 6 m3 /s) dan menguat saat La Niña dengan nilai -3,2×10 6 m3 /s (-3,2 Sv). Hasil penting dari studi ini diperolehnya korelasi yang kuat antara variabilitas Arlindo dan ENSO yang ditunjukkan oleh anomali suhu dan salinitas air laut, intensitas arus laut, dan transpor volume Arlindo. Kata Kunci: Arlindo, ENSO, La Niña, El Niño, Selat Makassa


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    Penelitian tentang Analisis Logam Berat Besi (Fe), Mangan (Mn), Tembaga (Cu) di perairan Sungai Negara di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan kadar pencemaran logam berat yaitu Besi (Fe), Mangan (Mn), Tembaga (Cu) pada badan air Sungai Nagara dan didukung dengan adanya hasil data parameter kualitas air yaitu Suhu, pH, DO, COD, TDS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Indeks Pencemaran sebagai penentu tingkat pencemaran terhadap parameter kualitas air dan juga di uji menggunakan rumus korelasi untuk mengetahui tingkat hubungan antar parameter logam berat dengan parameter pendukung kualitas air. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa parameter kualitas air berupa Logam berat Besi, DO, pH, COD dan beberapa stasiun untuk hasil logam berat tembaga (Cu) telah melewati batas baku mutu yang telah di tetapkan oleh Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 tentang Tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Hasil dari indeks pencemaran juga menunjukan bahwa untuk semua stasiun di sungai negara termasuk dalam kategori tercemar ringan. Research on the Analysis of Heavy Metals of Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu) in thes waters of Negara River in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, South Kalimantan Province has been carried out. This study aims to determine the content of heavy metal pollution levels, namely Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu) in the Negara River water body and is supported by the results of water quality parameter data, namely Temperature, pH, DO, COD, TDS. This study used the Pollution Index method as a determinant of the level of pollution to water quality parameters and was also tested using a correlation formula to determine the level of relationship between heavy metal parameters and water quality supporting parameters. The results of this study show that water quality parameters in the form of Ferrous heavy metals, DO, pH, COD and several stations for copper heavy metal products (Cu) have exceeded the quality standard limit set by Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. The results of the pollution index also show that all stations in the country's rivers are included in the category of lightly polluted

    Hypertrophic osteopathy associated with a bronchial foreign body (grass awn) in a dog: a case report

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    A five-year-old dog was referred with a five-month history of lethargy, decreased appetite, cough and intermittent forelimb lameness. Radiographs revealed an intra-thoracic lesion and a marked periosteal bone apposition of the second digit on the left forelimb. As it was palisading and circumferential, the latter appeared typical of hypertrophic osteopathy (HO). A grass awn in a sub-lobar ramification of the right caudal bronchus was identified and removed by bronchoscopy. At three months follow-up, the digit appeared clinically normal. On radiographs the periosteal bone reaction had decreased, indicative of resolving hypertrophic osteopathy. Thoracic radiographs showed no abnormalities five months after foreign body removal and the bone lesion on the digit had disappeared. Successful treatment of the pulmonary foreign body abscess led to spontaneous regression of HO and eventually to complete resolution of clinical signs. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of HO secondary to a bronchial-pulmonary grass an abscess

    Anesthetic Management during Cesarean Section in English Bulldogs

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    The authors describe their experience with the management of the perioperative period, general anesthesia and the postoperative period in English bulldogs undergoing elective cesarean section and its effect on the neonates. The anesthetist for animals undergoing cesarean operation must be aware of any special needs, not only of the patient undergoing surgery, but also of the neonates. Anesthetic drugs administered to the pregnant patient will readily cross the placenta and affect them, with the exception of local anesthetics. Pregnant female patients are at increased anesthetic risk due to pregnancy-associated physiological alterations, such as altered pulmonary function. The anesthetist is often called to perform anesthesia on brachycephalic dogs for an elective cesarean section. Due to their conformation, these animals may have one or more anatomical abnormalities of the upper airways, which compromise the ability to ventilate adequately. The induction and recovery phases of anesthesia can be extremely dangerous in these patients, but the maintenance phase is generally fairly straightforward because the airways are controlled during maintenance. In addition, vagal tone is frequently high and this can contribute towards significant bradycardia and further airway narrowing. All these reasons make general anesthesia in brachycephalic dogs undergoing cesarean section rather complicated

    Cooperative scientific literature search and socialization through virtual teams

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    The scientific literature search is a key enabler for the research process. However, since it presents a lack of systematic procedure, is one of the most problematic and inefficient activities that researchers need to face during the development of their state of the arts. Moreover, most University students never experience sci- scientific literature search despite research is the main mission of the universities and one of the major activities of their professors as well as a primary param- enter for their careers. The aim of this paper is to i) present a new approach for sci- scientific literature search based on virtual team collaboration ii) explore the team dynamics of the knowledge building process in a virtual environment and, iii) propose a blog tool for open knowledge sharing both for experienced researchers and beginning students

    Use of Nanohydroxyapatite in Regenerative Therapy in Dogs Affected by Periodontopathy: Preliminary Results

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    Background: The present study aims to analyse the in vivo behaviour of nanohydroxyapatite and to assess its regenerative capacity in dogs affected by periodontal disease. Methods and findings: The dogs employed in the study were randomly subdivided into a control group and an experimental group. After clinical, instrumental and radiological examinations, all the subjects underwent dental prophylaxis and a bioptic sample was taken. A histopathological examination of the periodontal tissues, in correspondence to teeth with periodontopathy ranging between stages 2 and 3, followed. Regenerative therapy with applications of nanohydroxyapatite was administered only to the dogs of the experimental group. After a period of between 35 and 40 days, a further clinical, instrumental and radiological examination was carried out and a bioptic sample taken solely on the dogs whose histological examinations showed changes ascribable to periodontal disease. The results of the histopathological examination demonstrated that only the dogs in the experimental group, who underwent dental prophylaxis together with the administration of nanohydroxyapatite, showed clear signs of improvement with respect to their initial condition. Conclusions: In conclusion the study demonstrated that the nanohydroxyapatite represents a valid osteoconductive and osteoinductive graft product and confirmed its regenerative potential in periodontal therapy in dogs

    Dendritic cells in blood and urine samples from bladder cancer patients undergoing BCG immunotherapy

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    Objectives: Immunotherapy with BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) after transurethral resection of the bladder tumor represents a highly effective primary treatment for intermediate and high-risk superficial bladder cancer. The effectiveness of this therapy has been documented, but its mechanism of action is not clear yet. In the present study, we investigated the changes of dendritic cells (DC) numbers in peripheral blood and urine of patients with superficial bladder cancer undergoing BCG intravescical therapy Material and method: We have enumerated plasmacytoid and myeloid DCs in the peripheral blood and in the urine of patients with bladder cancer in order to clarify the role of these cells in the evolution of the disease and the effect of therapy. DCs in blood and urine samples were assessed using the single-platform TruCOUNT assay with monoclonal antibodies. The study population included 37 healthy donors and 13 patients with diagnosis of primitive superficial bladder cancer. Results: At the time of diagnosis a reduction of blood DCs was found in patients as opposed to healthy donors, while DCs were not found in the urine in the same way as in healthy subjects. Six of these patients were followed before and after weekly and monthly instillations of BCG. In the peripheral blood, we observed an immunological recovery of DCs from the third weekly instillation up to the sixth. In the urine of patients, we didn't find mDCs or pDCs at T0, but we found a statistically significant change from the third instillation up to the sixth. On the contrary, we didn't find mDCs in urine during monthly instillation. Conclusions: DC Count could be used in the monitoring of patients undergoing BCG therapy. Immunological restoration of mDC numbers in peripheral blood and the efflux in urine could be important for confirming the effectiveness of BCG instillation

    Evaluation of superatmospheric oxygen levels on ‘Tommy Atkins’ mangoes

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    [POR] Concentrações de O2 superiores a 21kPa podem aumentar, reduzir ou não influenciar as taxas de respiração, produção de etileno e o amadurecimento de frutas. O objetivo desse estudo foi o de avaliar a influência de altos níveis de O2 no metabolismo e amadurecimento de mangas ‘Tommy Atkins’, uma das cultivares mais exportadas para a Europa. Mangas ‘verdes, fisiologicamente desenvolvidas’ foram submetidas a: a) 20kPa O2 + N2; b) 40kPa O2 + N2; c) 60kPa O2 + N2; d) 80kPa O2 + N2; e) 90kPa O2 + N2. Essas misturas foram fornecidas às frutas a 4L h-1, em fluxo contínuo, através de um fluxocentro, em uma câmara a 25ºC. Durante 10 dias de experimentação, análises cromatográficas de CO2 foram realizadas diariamente, em 4 frascos de cada um dos tratamentos, sendo que cada frasco possuía 2 mangas e estavam conectados ao fluxocentro. Aos 0, 3, 6 e 10 dias, foram determinados em 10 frutas de cada tratamento: pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, resistência da polpa à penetração e cor da casca e da polpa (L*, Chroma e Hue). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância em delineamento completamente casualizado e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P≤0,05), à exceção dos dados de CO2. As taxas de respiração das mangas foram levemente influenciadas pelo O2, sendo que a 80kPa, a respiração dos frutos foi levemente superior, durante os 10 dias de análise. De modo geral, a respiração das mangas ‘Tommy Atkins’ variou de 80mg CO2 kg-1 h-1 a aproximadamente 240mg CO2 kg-1 h-1. Os diferentes níveis de O2 não influenciaram os parâmetros químicos, físicos e físico-químicos das frutas, que prosseguiram normalmente e de forma esperada. Como conclusão, tem-se que atmosferas contendo elevados níveis de O2 podem influenciar levemente o metabolismo de mangas ‘Tommy Atkins’, sem que haja reflexos em seu amadurecimento. [ENG] Oxygen concentrations higher than 21kPa may stimulate, have no effect, or reduce rates of respiration and ethylene production and fruit ripening. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of high O2 levels on the metabolism and ripening process of 'Tommy Atkins' mangoes. Mature-green fruits were enclosed in glass containers - 2 fruits per jar for CO2 determination and 10 fruits per jar for chemical analysis - and submitted to: a) 20kPa O2 + N2; b) 40kPa O2 + N2; c) 60kPa O2 + N2; d) 80kPa O2 + N2; and) 90kPa O2 + N2. The gas mixtures were continuously supplied to the fruits at 4L h-1, through a flow-board system, in a storage-room at 25ºC. Gas samples from the jars (4 replicates per treatment) were daily assayed for CO2 determination by using gas chromatography analysis. Initially and at the 3rd, 6th, and 10th day during storage, 10 fruits of each treatment were analyzed for: pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, pulp rupture force (N) and peel and pulp colors (L*, Chroma and Hue). The results were subject to statistical analysis of variance in a completely random design followed by Tukey´s test (P≤0,05), exception for CO2 data. ‘Tommy Atkins’ respiration rates were slightly influenced by high O2 levels as the fruit under 80kPa O2 had the highest CO2 production during storage. In general, the respiration rates varied from 80mg CO2 kg-1 h-1 to approximately 240mg CO2 kg-1 h-1. High O2 levels did not influence any of the physicalchemical parameters of the fruits. As a conclusion, super atmospheric oxygen levels may slightly stimulate the ‘Tommy Atkins’ metabolism without any impact in its ripening process.À Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) pela concessão de auxílio financeiro para a realização dessa pesquisa (Processo 04/13210-4) e bolsa de treinamento técnico (TT-3) à co-autora desse trabalho (Processo 05/60886-6). Ao Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) que, através do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC), concedeu Bolsa ao co-autor desse trabalho. À AIR LIQUIDE do Brasil pela doação de cilindros de misturas de gases, contendo altos níveis de oxigênio,utilizados nessa pesquisa

    Tailored star poly (ε-caprolactone) wet-spun scaffolds for in vivo regeneration of long bone critical size defects

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    One of the most challenging requirements of a successful bone tissue engineering approach is the development of scaffolds specifically tailored to individual tissue defects. Besides materials chemistry, well-defined scaffold’s structural features at the micro- and macro-levels are needed for optimal bone in-growth. In this study, polymeric fibrous scaffolds with a controlled internal network of pores and modelled on the anatomical shape and dimensions of a critical size bone defect in a rabbit’s radius model were developed by employing a computer-aided wet-spinning technique. The tailored scaffolds made of star poly(ε caprolactone) or star poly(ε-caprolactone)– hydroxyapatite composite material were implanted into 20-mm segmental defects created in radial diaphysis of New Zealand white rabbits. Bone regeneration and tissue response were assessed by X-rays and histological analysis at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after surgery. No signs of macroscopic and microscopic inflammatory reactions were detected, and the developed scaffolds showed a good ability to support and promote the bone regeneration process. However, no significant differences in osteoconductivity were observed between star poly(ε-caprolactone) and star poly(ε-caprolactone)–hydroxyapatite scaffolds. Long-term study on implanted star poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffolds confirmed the presence of signs of bone regeneration and remodelling, particularly evident at 24 weeks
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