3,765 research outputs found

    Modulation of MAA-induced apoptosis in male germ cells: role of Sertoli cell P/Q-type calcium channels

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    Spontaneous germ cell death by apoptosis occurs during normal spermatogenesis in mammals and is thought to play a role in the physiological mechanism limiting the clonal expansion of such cell population in the male gonad. In the prepubertal rat testis, the most conspicuous dying cells are pachytene spermatocytes, which are also the primary target of the apoptosis experimentally induced by the methoxyacetic acid (MAA). Since we have recently reported that Sertoli cells, the somatic component of the seminiferous epithelium, regulate not only germ cell viability and differentiation but also their death, we have further investigated the mechanism involved in such a control. In this paper we have used the protein clusterin, produced by Sertoli cells and associated with tissue damage or injury, as indicator of germ cell apoptosis in rat seminiferous tubules treated with MAA in the presence or in the absence of omega-agatoxin, a specific inhibitor of P/Q type voltage-operated calcium channels (VOCC's). We performed both a qualitative analysis of clusterin content and germ cell apoptosis by immunofluorescence experiments and a quantitative analysis by in situ end labelling of apoptotic germ cells followed by flow cytometry. The results obtained demonstrate that Sertoli cells modulate germ cell apoptosis induced by methoxyacetic acid also throughout the P/Q-type VOCC's

    Interdisciplinary Studies in Cultural and Environmental Heritage: History, Protection, Valorization, Management

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    An overview of the various and numerous themes relating to cultural and environ­mental heritage gathered together in one article represents, at an international level, a rare peculiarity. As a result of the research and teaching activities carried out over the decades at the Universities of Rome, Tuscia (Viterbo) and Bologna, integrated with the fundamental relationship and involvement of the Cultural and Productive Units scattered throughout the territory, I was led to synthetically describing, insofar as was possible, the different problems that involve the various scientific areas of a historical, technical, economic, managerial nature, within the context of interdisciplinarity and in respect of the holistic value of cultural heritage.Una panoramica delle varie e numerose tematiche che si riferiscono al Patrimonio Culturale e Ambientale raccolte in uno stesso articolo rappresenta, a livello interna­zionale, una particolarità più unica che rara. Quale risultato dell’attività di ricerca e di insegnamento svolta nel corso di alcuni decenni presso le Università di Roma, Tuscia (Viterbo) e Bologna, integrata dal fondamentale rapporto e coinvolgimento delle Unità Culturali e Produttive presenti nel territorio, sono state trattate sinteticamente, per quanto possibile, le differenti problematiche che coinvolgono le varie aree scientifiche di carattere storico, tecnico, economico, manageriale nell’ambito della interdisciplinar­ità e nel rispetto del valore olistico del bene culturale

    Personality and phobias in adolescence: age and gender in psychopathological expressions

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    Background: Although the understanding of adolescent phobias is important, this phenomenon has thus far not been adequately researched. This report, based on clinical experience, highlights prevalent phobic phenomena linked to personality characteristics. Methods: A sample of 241 adolescents from High School and the University of Messina, Italy was evaluated for phobic responses using the SAFA Scales. Personality types and aspects were assessed by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator F Form. Results: The results were consistent with the reported literature and revealed that psychopathological phenomena such as anxiety, obsession, eating disorders and phobias decreased with aging; however, depression remained constant over time. Significant differences emerged regarding gender, with the presence of higher scores on all scales except obsession for the female group. Personality analysis revealed aspects linked to the relations between psychopathological variables, introversion/ extraversion (such as polar dimensions), and rational/ irrational functions. Conclusion: This research indicates that phobic phenomena may be underestimated in adolescents and links personality types and symptoms with phobic phenomena, indicating the potential need for interventions in adolescents

    The Italian Domestic Stability “Pact”: its Perspectives and Framework Issues

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    Nella situazione attuale, gli effetti strutturali del patto di stabilità interno vanno considerati con ogni attenzione. Questi effetti sono “prociclici”: essi aggravano i fenomeni deflattivi che, dopo la crisi del 2008, sono oggi pesantemente in corso. L’analisi statistica condotta mostra una marcata differenziazione degli effetti sul territorio. Nel Centro-Nord prevale, strutturalmente una tendenza alla riduzione della spesa dei Comuni e ad un alleggerimento della pressione fiscale. Risulta, invece, una tendenza opposta nel Mezzogiorno. Ciò produce una rilevante riduzione del divario tra le risorse disponibili (divario che, nel 1999, è pari al 30% e, nel lungo periodo, si va via via riducendo fino ad arrivare al 10 %), riduzione che, per competenza, ma anche per cassa, è effetto di un peggioramento delle condizioni di vita dei lavoratori, attraverso imposte sensibilmente più elevate (tale incremento della pressione fiscale ha prodotto un incremento tendenziale delle entrate, che è pari, per gli anni a partire dal 1999, per competenza, al 25,4% nel Mezzogiorno, contro il 16,9% del Centro-Nord). Si mostrano, in secondo luogo, i gravi rischi che l’attuale situazione comporta per la tenuta finanziaria dei bilanci degli Enti. Sia nel Centro-Nord che nel Mezzogiorno, in termini di competenza, risulta una tendenza al formarsi di disavanzi (in realtà, in valore assoluto assai modesti). Il fenomeno preoccupante è tuttavia quello della mancata copertura degli oneri di ammortamento dei mutui, che dovrebbero essere coperti, nell’impianto del T.U.E.L. (cfr., in particolare, l’articolo 162, comma 6), nella parte corrente dei bilanci.Local Governments; Intergovernmental Fiscal Coordination Rules.

    Vulnerability and physical well-being of caregivers: what relationship?

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    Objectives. To assess relationships among burden, compassion, and well-being and health among an active group of caregivers. Methods. 301 caregivers with female prevalence (F = 61.1%, M = 38.9%) and ages between 18 and 84 years old (average = 38.72; SD 13.36) participated. Evaluation was carried using standardized instruments to assess: Burdens (CBI), dimensions related to Compassion and Burnout (ProQOL-5), State of Well-being (Who-5) and particular health-related domains (Emotional state, Physical health, Depressive Polarity, Dysphoric Polarity-SF-36). Correlational analyses and multivariate linear regressions were performed. Results. Positive correlations emerged between Burdens and Compassion Fatigue, Well-being and Satisfaction; inverse correlations emerged among Well-being and Burnout, Compassion Satisfaction and Emotional State, with the exception of Time Dependence. Multivariate linear regression indicated relations among Compassion Fatigue with Depression and Social Burden, Compassion Satisfaction with Depressive Polarity and Dysphoria and Burnout with Social Burden. Conclusions. Caregivers’ work presents various risks, with negative outcomes that need to be addressed for this group of professionals. These risks present a professional and human development opportunity

    Deiodinases and Cancer

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    : Hormones are key drivers of cancer development, and alteration of the intratumoral concentration of thyroid hormone (TH) is a common feature of many human neoplasias. Besides the systemic control of TH levels, the expression and activity of deiodinases constitute a major mechanism for the cell-autonomous, prereceptoral control of TH action. The action of deiodinases ensures tight control of TH availability at intracellular level in a time- and tissue-specific manner, and alterations in deiodinase expression are frequent in tumors. Research over the past decades has shown that in cancer cells, a complex and dynamic expression of deiodinases is orchestrated by a network of growth factors, oncogenic proteins, and miRNA. It has become increasingly evident that this fine regulation exposes cancer cells to a dynamic concentration of TH that is functional to stimulate or inhibit various cellular functions. This review summarizes recent advances in the identification of the complex interplay between deiodinases and cancer and how this family of enzymes is relevant in cancer progression. We also discuss whether deiodinase expression could represent a diagnostic tool with which to define tumor staging in cancer treatment or even a therapeutic tool against cancer

    Biological Bases of Immune-Related Adverse Events and Potential Crosslinks With Immunogenic Effects of Radiation

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors have gained an established role in the treatment of different tumors. Indeed, their use has dramatically changed the landscape of cancer care, especially for tumor types traditionally known to have poor outcomes. However, stimulating anticancer immune responses may also elicit an unusual pattern of immune-related adverse events (irAEs), different from those of conventional chemotherapy, likely due to a self-tolerance impairment featuring the production of autoreactive lymphocytes and autoantibodies, or a non-specific autoinflammatory reaction. Ionizing radiation has proven to promote both positive pro-inflammatory and immunostimolatory activities, and negative anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive mechanisms, as a result of cross-linked interactions among radiation dose, the tumor microenvironment and the host genetic predisposition. Several publications argue in favor of combining immunotherapy and a broad range of radiation schedules, based on the recent evidence of superior treatment responses and patient survival. The synergistic modulation of the immune response by radiation therapy and immunotherapeutics, particularly those manipulating T-cell activation, may also affect the type and severity of irAEs, suggesting a relationship between the positive antitumor and adverse autoimmune effects of these agents. As yet, information on factors that may help to predict immune toxicity is still lacking. The aim of our work is to provide an overview of the biological mechanisms underlying irAEs and possible crosslinks with radiation-induced anticancer immune responses. We believe such an overview may support the optimization of immunotherapy and radiotherapy as essential components of multimodal anticancer therapeutic approaches. Challenges in translating these to clinical practice are discussed
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