366 research outputs found

    The assisted suicide of Italians in Switzerland and the silence of psychiatry

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    The debate on different forms of request of death has taken on a broad dimension in public opinion over last years, often referring on profoundly differentiated and often opposing positions of principle. Beyond cultural, political or ideal positions, a further critical issue, often underestimated or quite not considered, concerns a person’s ability to express a valid consent to the request of death, according to the same criteria of validity of the informed consent to any medical act. This assumes particular importance in the case of assisted suicide. Assisted suicide represents a phenomenon in sharp growth in Western world. It is legal in many nations, and in Switzerland it is also allowed for foreign citizens, thus increasing the phenomenon of the so-called “tourism of suicide”. In addition to neoplastic and neurological diseases, depression has also been accepted as a disease that makes assisted suicide possible. This imposes profound clinical and ethical considerations, since depression is unanimously recognized as a treatable disease and since in its most serious forms, such as those in which suicidal ideation dominates, it can compromise the patient’s ability to express a valid consent to any medical act, including the assisted suicide. Furthermore, it is often overlooked that any serious and disabling somatic disease, source of intense and chronic suffering, carries the very high risk of the onset of unrecognized depressive conditions, able in turn to negatively influence the ability to express valid consent. Faced with this situation, which has involved a large number of Italian citizens in recent years, the personal and official voice of psychiatry is absolutely lacking, contrasting its silence with the opinions of those who do not want to take into account its potentially fundamental considerations

    Ergosterol reduction impairs mitochondrial DNA maintenance in S. cerevisiae

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    Sterols are essential lipids, involved in many biological processes. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the enzymes of the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway (Erg proteins) are localized in different cellular compartments. With the aim of studying organelle interactions, we discovered that Erg27p resides mainly in Lipid Droplets (LDs) in respiratory competent cells, while in absence of respiration, is found mostly in the ER. The results presented in this paper demonstrate an interplay between the mitochondrial respiration and ergosterol production: on the one hand, rho° cells show lower ergosterol content when compared with wild type respiratory competent cells, on the other hand, the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway influences the mitochondrial status, since treatment with ketoconazole, which blocks the ergosterol pathway, or the absence of the ERG27 gene, induced rho° production in S. cerevisiae. The loss of mitochondrial DNA in the ∆erg27 strain is fully suppressed by exogenous addition of ergosterol. These data suggest the notion that ergosterol is essential for maintaining the mitochondrial DNA attached to the inner mitochondrial membrane

    The proteasome lid triggers COP9 signalosome activity during the transition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells into quiescence.

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    The class of Cullin–RING E3 ligases (CRLs) selectively ubiquitinate a large portion of proteins targeted for proteolysis by the 26S proteasome. Before degradation, ubiquitin molecules are removed from their conjugated proteins by deubiquitinating enzymes, a handful of which are associated with the proteasome. The CRL activity is triggered by modification of the Cullin subunit with the ubiquitin-like protein, NEDD8 (also known as Rub1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Cullin modification is then reversed by hydrolytic action of the COP9 signalosome (CSN). As the NEDD8– Rub1 catalytic cycle is not essential for the viability of S. cerevisiae, this organism is a useful model system to study the alteration of Rub1–CRL conjugation patterns. In this study, we describe two distinct mutants of Rpn11, a proteasome-associated deubiquitinating enzyme, both of which exhibit a biochemical phenotype characterized by high accumulation of Rub1-modified Cdc53–Cullin1 (yCul1) upon entry into quiescence in S. cerevisiae. Further characterization revealed proteasome 19S-lid-associated deubiquitination activity that authorizes the hydrolysis of Rub1 from yCul1 by the CSN complex. Thus, our results suggest a negative feedback mechanism via proteasome capacity on upstream ubiquitinating enzymes

    A role for microbial selection in frescoes' deterioration in Tomba degli Scudi in Tarquinia, Italy

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    Mural paintings in the hypogeal environment of the Tomba degli Scudi in Tarquinia, Italy, show a quite dramatic condition: the plaster mortar lost his cohesion and a white layer coating is spread over almost all the wall surfaces. The aim of this research is to verify if the activity of microorganisms could be one of the main causes of deterioration and if the adopted countermeasures (conventional biocide treatments) are sufficient to stop it. A biocide treatment of the whole environment has been carried out before the conservative intervention and the tomb has been closed for one month. When the tomb was opened again, we sampled the microorganisms present on the frescoes and we identified four Bacillus species and one mould survived to the biocide treatment. These organisms are able to produce spores, a highly resistant biological form, which has permitted the survival despite the biocide treatment. We show that these Bacillus strains are able to produce calcium carbonate and could be responsible for the white deposition that was damaging and covering the entire surface of the frescoes. Our results confirm that the sanitation intervention is non always resolutive and could even be deleterious in selecting harmful microbial communities

    Endogenous CCL2 neutralization restricts HIV-1 replication in primary human macrophages by inhibiting viral DNA accumulation

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    Macrophages are key targets of HIV-1 infection. We have previously described that the expressionof CC chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2) increases during monocyte differentiation to macrophages and it is furtherup-modulated by HIV-1 exposure. Moreover, CCL2 acts as an autocrine factor that promotes viral replication ininfected macrophages. In this study, we dissected the molecular mechanisms by which CCL2 neutralization inhibitsHIV-1 replication in monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM), and the potential involvement of the innate restrictionfactors protein sterile alpha motif (SAM) histidine/aspartic acid (HD) domain containing 1 (SAMHD1) and apolipoproteinB mRNA-editing, enzyme-catalytic, polypeptide-like 3 (APOBEC3) family members.Results:CCL2 neutralization potently reduced the number of p24 Gag+cells during the course of either productive orsingle cycle infection with HIV-1. In contrast, CCL2 blocking did not modify entry of HIV-1 based Virus Like Particles, thusdemonstrating that the restriction involves post-entry steps of the viral life cycle. Notably, the accumulation of viralDNA, both total, integrated and 2-LTR circles, was strongly impaired by neutralization of CCL2. Looking for correlates ofHIV-1 DNA accumulation inhibition, we found that the antiviral effect of CCL2 neutralization was independent of themodulation of SAMHD1 expression or function. Conversely, a strong and selective induction of APOBEC3A expression,to levels comparable to those of freshly isolated monocytes, was associated with the inhibition of HIV-1 replicationmediated by CCL2 blocking. Interestingly, the CCL2 neutralization mediated increase of APOBEC3A expression was typeI IFN independent. Moreover, the transcriptome analysis of the effect of CCL2 blocking on global gene expressionrevealed that the neutralization of this chemokine resulted in the upmodulation of additional genes involved in thedefence response to viruses.Conclusions:Neutralization of endogenous CCL2 determines a profound restriction of HIV-1 replication in primaryMDM affecting post-entry steps of the viral life cycle with a mechanism independent of SAMHD1. In addition, CCL2blocking is associated with induction of APOBEC3A expression, thus unravelling a novel mechanism which mightcontribute to regulate the expression of innate intracellular viral antagonistsin vivo. Thus, our study may potentially leadto the development of new therapeutic strategies for enhancing innate cellular defences against HIV-1 and protecting macrophages from infection

    Calcite moonmilk of microbial origin in the Etruscan Tomba degli Scudi in Tarquinia, Italy

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    A white deposit covering the walls in the Stanza degli Scudi of the Tomba degli Scudi, Tarquinia, Italy, has been investigated. In this chamber, which is still preserved from any kind of intervention such as cleaning and sanitization, ancient Etruscans painted shields to celebrate the military power of the Velcha family. Scanning electron microscopy analysis has revealed the presence of characteristic nanostructures corresponding to a calcite secondary mineral deposit called moonmilk. Analysis of the microbial community identified Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria as the most common phyla in strong association with the moonmilk needle fibre calcite and nanofibers of calcium carbonate. Employing classical microbiological analysis, we isolated from moonmilk a Streptomyces strain able to deposit gypsum and calcium carbonate on plates, supporting the hypothesis of an essential contribution of microorganisms to the formation of moonmilk

    The safeguarding capability of adults in Catholic Church ministries: A global perspective

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    Background: In the wake of historical sexual abuse across the Catholic Church globally, the Church continues to develop policies and processes to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse, including supporting the skills, knowledge, and confidence of members of the Church. Objective: We investigated the safeguarding capabilities of a range of people with different roles within Catholic Church ministries in various countries. Participants and setting: Our 184 participants included lay people, religious men and women, school staff, safeguarding officers and tertiary students associated with the Catholic Church. Data were collected across seven different countries. Methods: We measured the awareness, confidence, attitudes, and knowledge of participants and examined differences between participants in different roles within the Church and different countries through General Linear Models. Results: We found varying levels of awareness, confidence, attitudes, and knowledge regarding sexual abuse prevention and safeguarding. We pinpointed the significant differences in three of these domains (confidence, attitudes, and knowledge) both between people with different roles in the church worldwide, but also between the countries from which participants came from. Conclusions: We found that people in various countries and roles within the Church are at different stages of their safeguarding journey. Some are still understanding their roles (attitudes), some are still learning about how it is operationalised (awareness), and others are acquiring skills that will prepare them for enacting safeguarding policies and practices (confidence)

    Improving psychology students' attitudes toward people with schizophrenia: A quasirandomized controlled study

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    Despite scientific evidence that the majority of people with schizophrenia (PWS) have personal histories of traumatic life events and adversities, their needs for psychological support often remain unmet. Poor availability of nonpharmacological therapies in schizophrenia may be partly because of professionals' attitudes toward people diagnosed with this disorder. As future health professionals, psychology students represent a target population for efforts to increase the probability that PWS will be offered effective psychological therapies. This quasi-randomized controlled study investigated the effect of an educational intervention, addressing common prejudices via scientific evidence and prerecorded audio-testimony from PWS, on the attitudes of psychology students toward PWS. Students in their fifth year of a master's degree in Psychology at the Second University of Naples, Italy were randomly assigned to an experimental group-which attended two 3-hr sessions a week apart-or to a control group. Compared with their baseline assessment, at 1-month reassessment the 76 educated students endorsed more psychosocial causes and more of them recommended psychologists in the treatment of schizophrenia. They were also more optimistic about recovery, less convinced that PWS are recognizable and unpredictable, and more convinced that treatments, pharmacological and psychological, are useful. No significant changes were found, from baseline to 1-month reassessment, in the 112 controls. At 1-month reassessment, educated students were more optimistic about recovery and less convinced that PWS are unpredictable than controls. These findings suggest that psychology students' attitudes toward PWS can be improved by training initiatives including education and indirect contact with users
