669 research outputs found

    Fulfilling Community Health Assessment Requirements: Lessons Learned From Facilitating State-Wide Community Health Forums

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    Background: A prerequisite for National Public Health Accreditation is completion of a Community Health Assessment (CHA) that presents an exhaustive profile of the population served by a particular public health agency. Methods: The Georgia Department of Public Health (GA DPH) contracted with the Center for Public Health Practice and Research at Georgia Southern University to facilitate five state-wide community health forums. Results: Evaluation of the forums yielded qualitative data illustrating current challenges faced by Georgians, as well as assets that could be leveraged to improve health status. Conclusion: Lessons learned from these state-wide community health forums can be applied to improve the overall process of gathering data for a comprehensive CHA throughout Georgia or other areas interested in pursuing public health agency accreditation

    Fulfilling Community Health Assessment Requirements: Lessons Learned From Facilitating State-wide Community Health Forums

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    Background: A prerequisite for National Public Health Accreditation is completion of a Community Health Assessment (CHA) that presents an exhaustive profile of the population served by a particular public health agency. Methods: The Georgia Department of Public Health (GA DPH) contracted with the Center for Public Health Practice and Research at Georgia Southern University to facilitate five state-wide community health forums. Results: Evaluation of the forums yielded qualitative data illustrating current challenges faced by Georgians, as well as assets that could be leveraged to improve health status. Conclusion: Lessons learned from these state-wide community health forums can be applied to improve the overall process of gathering data for a comprehensive CHA throughout Georgia or other areas interested in pursuing public health agency accreditation

    Electrochemical processing in molten salts – a nuclear perspective

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    Nuclear power provides a sustainable, long-term energy source that is an important technology in efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions. However, issues related to construction, safety, risk of proliferation, poor public perception and the perpetual issue of end-of-life waste management remain of serious concern. A large body of work has employed molten salt-based electrochemical techniques as practical and viable methods to reprocess spent nuclear fuel and nuclear materials, in addition to producing refractory metals of broader technological relevance. This review summarises the essential aspects of the design of electrochemical reactors for electroreduction, -winning and -refining technologies. Specifically, a critique of materials choice in relation to temperature is presented alongside the effects of different metal oxide feed precursors and molten salt selection. A thorough discourse is provided on each of the actinides (Am, Cm, Np, Pu, Th and U) and lanthanides (Eu) with an evaluation of the performance of several precursor cell types and designs. The type of feed precursor, metal oxide-to-salt ratio and oxide ion concentration are factors that must be considered with regards to current efficiency and are critical to the scaling of current laboratory technologies to pilot-scale. However, a challenge remains in this transition due to potential irradiation hazards of materials under a neutron flux. There is still a need to understand the mechanism by which different radioisotopes are formed and their interaction with metallic compounds in molten salts, yet data in this area is scarce and further work is needed

    A central role for hepatic conventional dendritic cells in supporting Th2 responses during helminth infection

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are the key initiators of T-helper (Th) 2 immune responses against the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni. Although the liver is one of the main sites of antigen deposition during infection with this parasite, it is not yet clear how distinct DC subtypes in this tissue respond to S. mansoni antigens in vivo, or how the liver microenvironment might influence DC function during establishment of the Th2 response. In this study, we show that hepatic DC subsets undergo distinct activation processes in vivo following murine infection with S. mansoni. Conventional DCs (cDCs) from schistosome-infected mice upregulated expression of the costimulatory molecule CD40 and were capable of priming naive CD4+ T cells, whereas plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) upregulated expression of MHC class II, CD86 and CD40 but were unable to support the expansion of either naive or effector/memory CD4+ T cells. Importantly, in vivo depletion of pDCs revealed that this subset was dispensable for either maintenance or regulation of the hepatic Th2 effector response during acute S. mansoni infection. Our data provides strong evidence that S. mansoni infection favors the establishment of an immunogenic, rather than tolerogenic, liver microenvironment that conditions cDCs to initiate and maintain Th2 immunity in the context of ongoing antigen exposure

    Life Quality Impairment Caused by Hookworm-Related Cutaneous Larva Migrans in Resource-Poor Communities in Manaus, Brazil

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    Hookworm-related cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is a parasitic skin disease common in developing countries with hot climates. In resource-poor settings, CLM is associated with considerable morbidity. The disease is caused by animal hookworm larvae that penetrate the skin and migrate aimlessly in the epidermis as they cannot penetrate the basal membrane. Particularly in the rainy season, the intensity of infection is high with up to 40 larval tracks in an affected individual. Tracks are very itchy and are surrounded by a significant inflammation of the skin. Bacterial superinfection is common and intensifies the inflammation. The psychosocial consequences caused by CLM have never been investigated. We showed that CLM causes skin disease-associated life quality impairment in 91 patients with CLM. Skin disease-associated life quality was significantly impaired. The degree of impairment correlated to the intensity of infection and the number of body areas affected. After treatment with ivermectin, life quality was rapidly restored

    Promoting Substance Use Education Among Generalist Physicians: An Evaluation of the Chief Resident Immersion Training (CRIT) Program

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    BACKGROUND: Education about substance use (SU) disorders remains inadequate in medical training. OBJECTIVE: To describe the Chief Resident Immersion Training (CRIT) program in addiction medicine and to evaluate its impact on chief resident (CR) physicians' substance use knowledge, skills, clinical practice, and teaching. DESIGN: A controlled educational study of CRIT programs (2003, 2004, and 2005) for incoming CRs in generalist disciplines. Intervention CRs were trained to diagnose, manage, and teach about SU. The control CRs sought but did not receive the intervention. PARTICIPANTS: Eighty-six CR applicants to the CRIT program. MEASUREMENTS: Baseline and 6-month questionnaires assessing substance use knowledge, skills, clinical practice, and teaching. Outcomes were compared within groups from baseline to follow-up and between groups at follow-up. RESULTS: The intervention (n=64) and control (n=22) CRs were similar demographically. At 6-month followup, the intervention CRs reported a significant increase in SU knowledge, confidence, and preparedness to diagnose, manage, and teach and an increase in SU clinical and teaching practices compared to their baseline and control CRs. CONCLUSIONS: This intensive training for chief residents (CRs) improved knowledge, confidence, and preparedness to diagnose, manage, and teach about substance use (SU), affecting both the CRs' SU clinical and teaching practices. The CRIT program was an effective model for dissemination of SU knowledge and skills to educators in a key position to share this training with a broader audience of medical trainees. This model holds potential to address other high priority medical, yet under-addressed, content areas as well

    Using creative co-design to develop a decision support tool for people with malignant pleural effusion

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    Abstract: Background: Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is a common, serious problem predominantly seen in metastatic lung and breast cancer and malignant pleural mesothelioma. Recurrence of malignant pleural effusion is common, and symptoms significantly impair people’s daily lives. Numerous treatment options exist, yet choosing the most suitable depends on many factors and making decisions can be challenging in pressured, time-sensitive clinical environments. Clinicians identified a need to develop a decision support tool. This paper reports the process of co-producing an initial prototype tool. Methods: Creative co-design methods were used. Three pleural teams from three disparate clinical sites in the UK were involved. To overcome the geographical distance between sites and the ill-health of service users, novel distributed methods of creative co-design were used. Local workshops were designed and structured, including video clips of activities. These were run on each site with clinicians, patients and carers. A joint national workshop was then conducted with representatives from all stakeholder groups to consider the findings and outputs from local meetings. The design team worked with participants to develop outputs, including patient timelines and personas. These were used as the basis to develop and test prototype ideas. Results: Key messages from the workshops informed prototype development. These messages were as follows. Understanding and managing the pleural effusion was the priority for patients, not their overall cancer journey. Preferred methods for receiving information were varied but visual and graphic approaches were favoured. The main influences on people’s decisions about their MPE treatment were personal aspects of their lives, for example, how active they are, what support they have at home. The findings informed the development of a first prototype/service visualisation (a video representing a web-based support tool) to help people identify personal priorities and to guide shared treatment decisions. Conclusion: The creative design methods and distributed model used in this project overcame many of the barriers to traditional co-production methods such as power, language and time. They allowed specialist pleural teams and service users to work together to create a patient-facing decision support tool owned by those who will use it and ready for implementation and evaluation
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