1,111 research outputs found

    Illegal Immigration into Italy: Evidence from a field survey

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    The Survey on illegal migration in Italy (SIMI henceforth) aims to analyse the phenomenon of clandestines migrating to or through Italy. SIMI contains information concerning the main demographic, economic and social characteristics of a sample of 920 clandestines crossing Italian borders and apprehended during 2003. Migrants' motivations, intention to send remittance and expectations about the future are collected within SIMI and reported in this paper.

    Are the Follicular Fluid Characteristics of Recovered Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients Different From Those of Vaccinated Women Approaching in vitro Fertilization?

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    The aim of this pilot study is to evaluate if SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection induce observable metabolic effects in follicular fluid of women who are following in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. The possible impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on fertility and IVF outcome is considered. We have selected for this study: six women vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 infection, five recovered COVID-19 patients, and we used nine healthy women as the control group. At the time of oocytes retrieval from participants in the study, follicular fluids were collected and metabolomic analysis was performed by 1H NMR spectroscopy in combination with multivariate analysis to interpret the spectral data. The search for antibody positivity in the follicular fluid aspirates was also carried out, together with the western blotting analysis of some inflammatory proteins, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), and the free radical scavenger superoxide dismutase 2. Higher levels of Ala and Pro together with lower levels of lipids and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) were found in follicular fluids (FFs) of vaccinated women while lower levels of many metabolites were detected in FFs of recovered COVID patients. Expression level of TNF-α was significantly lower both in recovered COVID-19 patients and vaccinated women in comparison to healthy controls


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    Background and aim of the work. Due to the ageing of cancer patients, new approaches that require a more active participation in the self-management of cancer treatment at home are needed. Nurses are strategic in improving the patient\u2019s engagement capability in this regard. Knowing which interventions are more effective for the promotion of patient engagement could be useful to improve the effectiveness of the care provided. Therefore, this study aims to systematically review nursing interventions or programs that promote patient engagement in oncological nursing care and summarizing the main evidence related to their impact on relevant clinical and psychosocial outcomes. Method. This is a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol based on Cochrane Handbook for the systematic review of interventions. We will search the most important electronic databases (PUBMED, CINAHL, EMBASE, SCOPUS, ISI Web of Science, Cochrane library) to find out which patient engagement interventions (active adult patient involvement) are implemented in oncological settings and understand what is the effectiveness of these interventions on the outcomes reported in the literature. The GRADE methodology will be used to synthetize the evidence. If possible, also a meta-analysis will be performed. We registered the study protocol on the PROSPERO database (N\ub0 CRD42020146189). Discussion and Conclusion. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review to address this clinical question in the field of oncology. This review will offer health professionals indications on the most frequently adopted patient engagement interventions and verify their clinical effectiveness. Furthermore, any gaps in the scientific literature will be highlighted

    Collaborative living: social cohesion trajectories for a new community welfare

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    For a decade now economic crisis has been prompting people to organise to improve their lives seeking joint, sustainable solutions capable of ensuring satisfying living standards. A new residential culture is forming in both private and collective spaces. Providing homes means designing efficient buildings but also making available platforms capable of activating local community building resources. Co-operative type social management in Italy today is embodied by social housing action determining a de facto new welfare model and the experience of the Laboratorio sul Gestore Sociale Cooperativo has opened up new scalability potential for this model

    Benefits and challenges of a personal budget for people with mental health conditions or intellectual disability: A systematic review

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    Personal budgets (PBs) may improve the lives of people with mental health conditions and people with intellectual disability (ID). However, a clear definition of PB, benefits, and challenges is still faded. This work aims to systematically review evidence on PB use in mental health and ID contexts, from both a qualitative and quantitative perspective, and summarize the recent research on interventions, outcomes, and cost-effectiveness of PBs in beneficiaries with mental health conditions and/or ID. The present systematic review is an update of the existing literature analyzed since 2013. We performed a systematic search strategy of articles using the bibliographic databases PubMed and PsycINFO. Six blinded authors screened the works for inclusion/exclusion criteria, and two blinded authors extracted the data. We performed a formal narrative synthesis of the findings from the selected works. A total of 9,800 publications were screened, and 29 were included. Improvement in responsibility and awareness, quality of life, independent living, paid work, clinical, psychological, and social domains, and everyday aspects of the users' and their carers' life have been observed in people with mental health conditions and/or ID. However, the PBs need to be less stressful and burdensome in their management for users, carers, and professionals. In addition, more quantitative research is needed to inform PBs' policymakers


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    O aleitamento materno exclusivo até os seis meses de vida do lactente é um consenso da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), porém, no Brasil, as taxas de amamentação são bem menores que as expectativas, apesar de todas as campanhas de incentivo realizadas. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, identifica-se que mitos e crenças populares como “leite fraco” ou “pouco leite” são alguns dos fatores que influenciam a desistência da amamentação, bem como a falta de incentivo familiar e dos profissionais de saúde, tanto durante a gestação, nas consultas de pré-natal, quanto no pós-parto imediato e consultas de puerpério. Outro obstáculo ao aleitamento, principalmente ao exclusivo, é o retorno da nutriz ao trabalho. A falta de preparo das mamas durante a gestação, ou a falta de instrução em relação a técnicas de posição e pega pode gerar fissuras e ingurgitamentos mamários, colaborando para a desistência do aleitamento materno. Considerando a importância do aleitamento materno para a prevenção de doenças nos lactentes, além dos benefícios para a mulher, destaca-se a relevância da instrução e educação de gestantes e puérperas, por parte do profissional médico, acerca de todos os aspectos do aleitamento materno. As instruções e o encorajamento às mulheres, especialmente logo após o parto, incentivando a mamada na primeira hora pós-parto, esclarecendo dúvidas e auxiliando a nutriz com as técnicas de amamentação, podem melhorar os índices de aleitamento materno exclusivo, diminuindo, assim, as taxas de doenças entre lactentes e até mesmo de mortalidade infantil.Palavras-chave: Aleitamento materno. Importância. Incentivo. Pré-natal. Puerpério.


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    No estudo teve-se como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento nutricional de crianças em fase pré-escolar, com idades de quatro a cinco anos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com uma amostra de 79 crianças de uma escola pública em Herval d’Oeste, SC. Foram realizadas medidas antropométricas para avaliação do estado nutricional de acordo com o percentil adotado pelos critérios da OMS e padrão do NCHS. Considerou-se como sobrepeso o índice acima do percentil 90%, obesidade, acima do percentil 97%, e baixo peso, inferior a 5%. A prevalência de obesidade foi maior no sexo feminino, com 2,8% de diferença entre o sexo masculino; do total das amostras masculinas e femininas, encontraram-se 25% dos pré-escolares acima do peso ideal para a idade. A caracterização da situação nutricional das crianças matriculadas no CMEPP não aponta risco para desnutrição. Em contrapartida, observou-se como problema a presença de sobrepeso e obesidade entre os pré-escolares avaliados, indicando a necessidade de intervenções de educação e saúde para prevenir doenças crônicas e melhorar a qualidade de vida.Palavras-chave: Pré-escolar. Desenvolvimento nutricional. Medidas antropométricas

    Studio degli effetti tossici del ritardante di fiamma PBDE-47 su vongola Chamelea gallina (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Lo studio ha avuto l'obiettivo di valutare gli effetti del 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodifeniletere (PBDE‑47) su vongola Chamelea gallina (Venus gallina secondo la normativa commerciale vigente). I PBDE, impiegati in diversi prodotti industriali come ritardanti di fiamma, sono annoverati tra le sostanze pericolose dalla Direttiva 2011/65/UE. Si tratta di composti bioaccumulabili, ritenuti interferenti endocrini, genotossici e neurotossici, praticamente ubiquitari, la cui concentrazione nell'ambiente, negli ultimi anni, è aumentata in maniera considerevole. Il presente studio ha avuto l'obiettivo di verificare gli effetti del PBDE-47 su Chamelea gallina: potere tossico ed eventuali effetti dannosi sulle gonadi, capacità di bioaccumulo nei tessuti e possibile ingresso nella catena trofica. La ricerca si è avvalsa di prove sperimentali a 96 h e a 14-21gg su esemplari di vongola stabulati in acqua marina filtrata. Le prove sono state precedute da un periodo di adattamento dei molluschi della durata di 5-7gg. Le vongole sono state alimentate con alghe marine (Dunaliella tertiolecta). La scelta del composto tossico PBDE-47 è stata effettuata in considerazione delle maggiori concentrazioni, tra i congeneri di PBDE, riscontrate in alcune specie acquatiche. Lo studio ha evidenziato che le concentrazioni impiegate del contaminante non hanno alterato le funzioni vitali, causato livelli significativi di mortalità e determinato alterazioni evidenti alle gonadi di Chamelea gallina. La ricerca ha evidenziato, comunque, il potere di bioaccumulo del mollusco bivalve, permettendo al PBDE-47 l'ingresso nella catena trofica