69 research outputs found

    The Experience of  Helicopters subject-course in the OCW-UPM Project. A Proposal on Technology Dissemination.

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    An experience developed by the authors in the design of educational tools, funded on multimedia support for using in teaching, will be presented. These tools have been used on the subject of Helicopters, http://ocw.upm.es/ingenieriaaeroespacial/ helicopteros at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (E.U.I.T. Aeronáutica). Throughout more than ten years, these didactical and educational elements have been defined and developed. It has the singularity that most of them have been designed for undergraduate students, as a part of their end of degree projectwork. This peculiarity has led to a wide range of proposals and solutions, as well as an appropriate approach. depending on the level of knowledge. The evolution of tools for developing these materials will be presented, discussing advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we will advance the new materials which are being prepared at present

    Experimental study for the determination of the turbulence onset in natural convection on inclined plates

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    In June, 8th, 2009 the balloon-borne solar telescope SUNRISE was launched from the Swedish Space Corporation balloon facility Esrange. A telescope with a mirror of 1 m in diameter ob-served the Sun during six days until the mission was terminated in Canada. The design process of SUNRISE and of any optical telescope requires the analysis of the effect of surrounding air on the quality of images. The turbulence encountered in the local telescope environment de-grades its optical performance. This phenomenon called `seeing' consists of optical aberrations produced by density non-homogeneities in the air along the optical path. The refraction index of air changes due to thermal non-uniformities so that the wavefront incident on the mirror is randomly distorted, and therefore, images are altered. When telescope mirrors are heated, as it happens in solar telescopes, and therefore they are at a temperature different from the environment's, natural convection occurs. It is then crucial to know whether the flow in front of the mirror is laminar or turbulent. After reviewing the literature, it was found that the scattering of results about the onset of the transition gives only rough orders of magnitude of the values of the critical Grashof numbers. Aiming to obtain more information about it, the problem of determination of the turbulence onset in natural convection on heated inclined plates in air environment was experimentally revisited. The transition has been determined from hot wire velocity measurements. The onset of turbulence has been considered to take place where velocity perturbations start to grow. Experiments have shown that the onset depends not only on the Grashof number, but also on other parameters as the temperature difference between the heated plate and the surrounding air. A correlation between dimensionless Grashof and Reynolds numbers has been obtained, fitting extraordinarily well the experimental data. The results are obtained in terms of non-dimensional numbers, this way they apply to any air pressure and therefore to any floating altitud

    Assigning New Responsibilities for Undergraduate Students in the Design Process of UAV Platforms

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    Design and building of UAVs (for civil and military missions) is a field of actuation where the most important Universities, research Centers and Aeronautical designers have dedicated a lot of human effort. This paper describes a long research work carried out by a group of UPM professors who are currently coordinating the design and building of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) at the EUIT. Aeronáutica to synthesize the work done in the twelve years. We first focus with the validity of this experience as a means to develop some skills and to achieve some teaching competencies which will be essential for engineers in the 21st Century, according to the Bologna Process project Tuning. The second part presents the highlights of the project: all the features and stages of this engineering project, and the current moment of evolution in the process will be presented, together with a description of the main difficulties the project has undergone, as a global experience in engineering design and development

    The development of a wind tunnel DAQ system by using Labview tools

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    This paper presents the experimental three-year learning activity developed by a group of teachers in a wind tunnel facility. The authors, leading a team of students, carried out a project consisting of the design, assembly and testing of a wind tunnel. The project included all stages of the process from its initial specifications to its final quality flow assessments, going through the calculation of each element, and the building of the whole wind tunnel. The group of (final year) students was responsible for the whole wind tunnel project as a part of their bachelor degree project. The paper focuses on the development of wind tunnel data acquisition software. This automatic tool is essential to improve the automation of the data acquisition of the wind tunnel facility systems, in particular for a 6DOF multi-axis force/torque sensor. This work can be considered as a typical example of real engineering practice: a set of specifications that has to be modified due to the constraints imposed throughout the project, in order to obtain the final resul

    Aplicación de la mejora continua en la planificación de la producción de la empresa Conectores Mineros S. A. C.

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    La planificación de la producción es importante en una empresa, debido a que depende de ello que el trabajo se realice en un determinado periodo, esta a su vez requiere de la integración eficiente de varias áreas, entre ellas el área de producción, la logística y el área de finanzas. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo demostrar la relación que existe entre la optimización de la planificación de la producción y la mejora continua. Para elaborar el trabajo se tomó como base un lineamiento que diagnosticó el estado inicial de esta sub área, para posteriormente proponer y aplicar mejoras utilizando el ciclo de mejora continua en siete pasos. Terminada la aplicación los indicadores mostraron resultados favorables; se implementó un sistema que hizo más eficiente la planificación, reduciendo las operaciones de planificación de la producción en un promedio de 34.4%, esto produjo un impacto positivo en las operaciones de producción, incrementándose en 49.8% los ingresos de la empresa. En conclusión, se demostró la utilidad de la mejora continua en la planificación de la producción y se verificó la importancia de adquirir conocimientos sobre gestión estratégica y táctica de operaciones, así como control de la producción y aplicación de mejora continua

    Evaluación de la eficiencia del óxido de calcio procedente de la calcinación de la cáscara de huevo con aserrín de Bolaina (Guazuma crinita Martius), para el ablandamiento de las aguas de pozo, Lima 2018

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    La cáscara de huevo (94% en CaCO3) es un desecho que abunda en nuestras ciudades, esto genera grandes cantidades de residuos sólidos que van a parar en los rellenos sanitarios o en el peor de los casos a los botaderos colaborando así con la contaminación de nuestros espacios públicos. En el presente estudio se pudo obtener óxido de calcio (CaO) y carbón activado al calcinarse, en una mufla, cáscaras de huevo con aserrín de Bolaina a una temperatura de 700 °C. El CaO y el carbón obtenido se utilizaron para ablandar aguas de pozo (agua subterránea) obteniendo una eficiencia de más del 80%. Este hecho lleva a pensar que este tratamiento se puede considerar como una alternativa de solución al problema de las aguas duras y al mismo tiempo reducir las 184 cáscaras de huevo per cápita al año que se generan en el Perú. Se concluye que las cáscaras de huevo calcinadas con aserrín de Bolaina reducen la dureza de las aguas de pozo.de manera significativa de una forma sostenible

    Herramientas digitales y su relación con la retroalimentación en una universidad, Lima, 2021

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    La educación en tiempos de pandemia ha sido difícil de desarrollarla debido al poco conocimiento de las herramientas digitales por parte de los maestros y estudiantes. En este contexto, la retroalimentación que se conoce como una parte esencial del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje ha sido estudiada desde una enseñanza virtual es por ello que se planteó como objetivo Determinar la relación entre el uso de herramientas digitales y la retroalimentación en una universidad de Lima. El estudio fue una investigación básica siguiendo un diseño no experimental y correlacional. Para lograr tal fin, se adaptó un instrumento de evaluación siendo validado por tres jueces expertos en la materia. Se realizó un estudio con 70 estudiantes universitarios siendo esta una muestra censal. El procesamiento de la información se realizó con el programa SPSS versión 21 y el programa MS Excel es así como se pudo obtener los estadísticos inferenciales y descriptivos respectivamente. Los resultados mostraron una relación directa y baja (p<0.05) entre las herramientas digitales y retroalimentación. Además, se pudo concluir que hay una dependencia por parte de la retroalimentación sobre las herramientas digitales. Asimismo, es necesario ampliar el estudio realizado de manera aplicativa para buscar nuevas formas de retroalimentar de manera virtual aplicando las diferentes herramientas digitales

    A wind tunnel two-dimensional parametric investigation of biplane configurations

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    This paper presents an experimental and systematic investigation about how geometric parameters on a biplane configuration have an influence on aerodynamic parameters. This experimental investigation has been developed in a two-dimensional approach. Theoretical studies about biplanes configurations have been developed in the past, but there is not enough information about experimental wind tunnel data at low Reynolds number. This two-dimensional study is a first step to further tridimensional investigations about the box wing configuration. The main objective of the study is to find the relationships between the geometrical parameters which present the best aerodynamic behavior: the highest lift, the lowest drag and the lowest slope of the pitching moment. A tridimensional wing-box model will be designed following the pattern of the two dimensional study conclusions. It will respond to the geometrical relationships that have been considered to show the better aerodynamic behavior. This box-wing model will be studied in the aim of comparing the advantages and disadvantages between this biplane configuration and the plane configuration, looking for implementing the box-wing in the UAV?s field. Although the box wing configuration has been used in a small number of existing UAV, prestigious researchers have found it as a field of high aerodynamic and structural potential

    System Integration in a UAS design. An example of undergraduate student's tasks.

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    Systems integration is the origin of most major difficulties found in the engineering design of aeronautical vehicles. The whole design team must assure that each subsystem accomplishes its particular goals and that, together with the rest of the systems, they all meet the general aircraft requirements.Design and building of UAS is a field of actuation to which leading Universities, research Centers and Aeronautical designers have dedicated a lot of effort. In recent years, a team of students, lecturers and professors at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) have been working on the design and building of a UAS for civil observation. The design of multi-mission Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has seen a rapid progress in the last years. A wide variety of designs and applications, some of them really ingenious, have been proposed. The project, which has been going on as a teamwork experience for the last ten years, consists of the design and building of a UAV, and its peculiarity is that it has been carried out entirely by undergraduate students, as part of their Final Research Project. The students face a challenge that includes all the features and stages of an authentic engineering project. We present the current moment of evolution in the process, together with a description of the main difficulties the project has undergone, as a global experience in engineering design and development