395 research outputs found
Efectos de la crisis sobre la estructura industrial de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi
En el presente estudio se analiza cómo se ha compor
tado la industria vasca en estos
años de recesión y si ha sufrido cambios estructura
les en el proceso de supervivencia a
la crisis y adaptación a la nueva situación. Preten
do ofrecer una visión sintética de la
economía vasca comparando su situación antes de la
crisis con la que nos ofrecen los
datos de los últimos estudios estadísticos publicad
os sobre ella.
Para ello utilizaremos como base la estructura de i
ndicadores que anualmente emplea
el Instituto Vasco de Estadística (EUSTAT) en sus i
nformes anuales sobre la industria
vasca, comparando cómo era antes de la crisis, cóm
o es después de estos años de
recesión y qué cambios ha sufrido entre los dos pun
tos de referencia
Linked Opinions: Describing Sentiments on the Structured Web of Data
In the paper we report on the results of our experiments on the construction of the opinion ontology. Our aim is to show the benefits of publishing in the open, on the Web, the results of the opinion mining process in a structured form. On the road to achieving this, we attempt to answer the research question to what extent opinion information can be formalized in a unified way. Furthermore, as part of the evaluation, we experiment with the usage of Semantic Web technologies and show particular use cases that support our claims
Calculation of dielectrophoretic potential generated under illumination patterns on x- and z-cut LiNbO3 : application to photovoltaic particle trapping
The dielectrophoretic potential generated near the surface of a z-cut LiNbO3 by photovoltaic charge transport has been calculated for first time. The procedure and results
are compared with the ones corresponding to x-cut. Diferences in the position, sharpness and time evolution are reported, and their implication on particle trapping are
Estudio y diseño de un sustrato no conductivo para etiquetas RFID.
El uso de la tecnología de identificación por radio frecuencia (RFID) se ha incrementado en la última década, debido al rápido progreso y desarrollo del campo de las comunicaciones inalámbricas lo que ha hecho posible el rastreo e identificación de productos y procesos por la vía inalámbrica. Los principales elementos de la este sistema son una lectora RFID, una antena tranceptora y una etiqueta RFID. El funcionamiento es mediante retrodisperción mediante la etiqueta RFID en frecuencias UHF, donde al recibir las ondas electromagnéticas (EM) la etiqueta responde con un numero de identificación.
La etiqueta debido a su perfil es adherida a los productos a identificar o rastrear así como diferentes aplicaciones. Al adherirse la etiqueta RFID al producto a identificar, el material donde se adhiere la etiqueta afecta su comportamiento produciendo una interferencia electromagnética. Los materiales que mas interferencia provocan son los metales y contenedores de líquidos.
En el actual trabajo se describe una propuesta para evitar la interferencia electromagnética en las etiquetas RFID pasivas, lo cual consiste en un sustrato con una geometría intrínseca comprendida por diferentes índices de refracción. La geometría intrínseca del sustrato y los índices de refracción actúan como reflectores manteniendo la energía de la señal aislada del material al que está adherida la etiqueta. Se describe la geometría que se propone la cual debido a su composición mantiene una reflexión total interna. La geometría intrínseca del sustrato se obtiene mediante la metodología de la teoría de rayos, de tal forma que se obtenga una reflexión total dentro del sustrato, los resultados arrojados por esta teoría se confirman con un método más robusto elMétodo de Diferencias Finitas en el Dominio del Tiempo conocido como FDTD por sus siglas en ingles. En este trabajo se muestra el comportamiento electromagnético de la onda EM fuera y dentro del sustrato por medio de el FDTD, que al incidir en el sustrato propuesto se cumple el objetivo del este trabajo. Además se compara los resultados de la geometría del sustrato propuesto con otras dos sustratos con geometrías intrínsecas diferentes los cuales no cumplen en su totalidad con la reflexión total interna requerida para que la onda EM se mantenga aislada del producto, al cual se adhiere la etiqueta RFID y de esta forma evitar la interferencia electromagnética
Propagation losses by tunnelling in barrier optical waveguides
An analytical model is proposed in order to estimate the optical propagation losses due to tunnelling in barrier waveguides. The results are validated by means of a beam propagation method (BPM) simulations for different waveguides conditions
Optoelectronic tweezers under arbitrary illumination patterns: theoretical simulations and comparison to experiment
Photovoltaic tweezers are a promising tool to place and move particles on the surface of a photovoltaic material in a controlled way. To exploit this new technique it is necessary to accurately know the electric field created by a specific illumination on the surface of the crystal and above it. This paper describes a numerical algorithm to obtain this electric field generated by several relevant light patterns, and uses them to calculate the electrophoretic potential acting over neutral, polarizable particles in the proximity of the crystal. The results are compared to experiments carried out in LiNbO3 with good overall agreement
Representing radar rainfall uncertainty with ensembles based on a time-variant geostatistical error modelling approach
The application of radar quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) to hydrology and water quality models can be preferred to interpolated rainfall point measurements because of the wide coverage that radars can provide, together with a good spatio-temporal resolutions. Nonetheless, it is often limited by the proneness of radar QPE to a multitude of errors. Although radar errors have been widely studied and techniques have been developed to correct most of them, residual errors are still intrinsic in radar QPE. An estimation of uncertainty of radar QPE and an assessment of uncertainty propagation in modelling applications is important to quantify the relative importance of the uncertainty associated to radar rainfall input in the overall modelling uncertainty. A suitable tool for this purpose is the generation of radar rainfall ensembles. An ensemble is the representation of the rainfall field and its uncertainty through a collection of possible alternative rainfall fields, produced according to the observed errors, their spatial characteristics, and their probability distribution. The errors are derived from a comparison between radar QPE and ground point measurements. The novelty of the proposed ensemble generator is that it is based on a geostatistical approach that assures a fast and robust generation of synthetic error fields, based on the time-variant characteristics of errors. The method is developed to meet the requirement of operational applications to large datasets. The method is applied to a case study in Northern England, using the UK Met Office NIMROD radar composites at 1 km resolution and at 1 h accumulation on an area of 180 km by 180 km. The errors are estimated using a network of 199 tipping bucket rain gauges from the Environment Agency. 183 of the rain gauges are used for the error modelling, while 16 are kept apart for validation. The validation is done by comparing the radar rainfall ensemble with the values recorded by the validation rain gauges. The validated ensemble is then tested on a hydrological case study, to show the advantage of probabilistic rainfall for uncertainty propagation. The ensemble spread only partially captures the mismatch between the modelled and the observed flow. The residual uncertainty can be attributed to other sources of uncertainty, in particular to model structural uncertainty, parameter identification uncertainty, uncertainty in other inputs, and uncertainty in the observed flow.</p
Thermal behaviour of Sunrise, a balloon-borne solar Telescope
Sunrise is a solar telescope, successfully flown in June 2009 with a long duration balloon from the Swedish Space Corporation Esrange launch site. The design of the thermal control of SUNRISE was quite critical because of the sensitivity to temperature of the optomechanical devices and the electronics. These problems got more complicated due the size and high power dissipation of the system. A detailed thermal mathematical model of SUNRISE was set up to predict temperatures. In this communication the thermal behaviour of SUNRISE during flight is presented. Flight temperatures of some devices are presented and analysed. The measured data have been compared with the predictions given by the thermal mathematical models. The main discrepancies between flight data and the temperatures predicted by the models have been identified. This allows thermal engineers to improve the knowledge of the thermal behaviour of the system for future missions
Migration to an a on-line laboatory in mechanical engineering. The case of a cam-follower design practice.
The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has leaded to a change in the way the subjects are taught. One of the more important aspects of the EHEA is to support the autonomous study of the students. Taking into account this new approach, the virtual laboratory of the subject Mechanisms of the Aeronautical studies at the Technical University of Madrid is being migrated to an on-line scheme. This virtual laboratory consist on two practices: the design of cam-follower mechanisms and the design of trains of gears. Both practices are software applications that, in the current situation, need to be installed on each computer and the students carry out the practice at the computer classroom of the school under the supervision of a teacher. During this year the design of cam-follower mechanisms practice has been moved to a web application using Java and the Google Development Toolkit. In this practice the students has to design and study the running of a cam to perform a specific displacement diagram with a selected follower taking into account that the mechanism must be able to work properly at high speed regime. The practice has maintained its objectives in the new platform but to take advantage of the new methodology and try to avoid the inconveniences that the previous version had shown. Once the new practice has been ready, a pilot study has been carried out to compare both approaches: on-line and in-lab. This paper shows the adaptation of the cam and follower practice to an on-line methodology. Both practices are described and the changes that has been done to the initial one are shown. They are compared and the weak and strong points of each one are analyzed. Finally we explain the pilot study carried out, the students impression and the results obtained
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