325 research outputs found

    Qualidade do ensino e desenvolvimento profissional do docente como intelectual reflexivo.

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    Na última década de nosso século enfrentamos uma mudança surpreendente, incerta e brusca no cenário político que tem regido os intercâmbios internacionais durante a segunda metade do século.XIX; quando os sinais de aberta confrontação parecem diminuir ante a força do diálogo e da busca de um consenso, cabe esperar uma orientação da política e da economia mais inclinada à satisfação das necessidades sociais. Ao mesmo tempo que a abertura política demanda novos comportamentos, as exigências do desenvolvimento econômico e suas conseqüências sociais traçam claramente novos rumos a uma intervenção individual e coletiva dos cidadãos, ante um processo de troca vertiginosa e imprescindível. Diante de tal panorama, a qualidade do ensino na formação do cidadão está se convertendo em um problema público de primeira ordem. Nem a preparação científico-técnica, nem, em particular a formação cultural e humana, nem ao menos a esperada função compensatória da escola têm alcançado, em alguma parte, o nível de satisfação prometido e cada dia exigido com maior urgência. O livro branco sobre a "Reforma do Sistema Educativo na Espanha" é o fiel reflexo desta crescente preocupação pela qualidade do ensino que requer o cidadão do próximo milênio. De meu ponto de vista, a qualidade do ensino se assenta em dois pilares fundamentais: a organização do sistema educativo, com especial atenção à configuração dos centros educativos e ao desenvolvimento profissional docente. Neste trabalho quero deter-me neste último aspecto para tentar desvelar as completas e significativas relações que se estabelecem entre os modelos de desenvolvimento profissional do professor e a forma de entender a qualidade do ensino

    Identification of structural motifs as tunneling two-level systems in amorphous alumina at low temperatures

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    One of the most accepted models that describe the anomalous thermal behavior of amorphous materials at temperatures below 1 K relies on the quantum mechanical tunneling of atoms between two nearly equivalent potential energy wells forming a two-level system (TLS). Indirect evidence for TLSs is widely available. However, the atomistic structure of these TLSs remains an unsolved topic in the physics of amorphous materials. Here, using classical molecular dynamics, we found several hitherto unknown bistable structural motifs that may be key to understanding the anomalous thermal properties of amorphous alumina at low temperatures. We show through free energy profiles that the complex potential energy surface can be reduced to canonical TLSs. The tunnel splitting predicted from instanton theory, the number density, dipole moment, and coupling to external strain of the discovered motifs are consistent with experiments.We acknowledge financial support from the Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (Grant Agreement PIIF-GA-2012-326435 RespSpatDisp) and the European Research Council Advanced Grant DYNamo (ERC-2010-AdG-267374), both within the 7th European Community Framework Programme. We also thank “ayuda para la Especializacion de Personal Investigador del Vicerrectorado de Investigacion UPV/EHU-2013”, Grupos Consolidados UPV/EHU del Gobierno Vasco (IT-578-13), and the Ikerbasque Foundation. This research was supported, in part, by a grant of computer time from the CUNY HPC under NSF Grants CNS-0855217, CNS-0958379, and ACI-1126113.Peer Reviewe

    Identificación de regiones genómicas de almendro en progenies de híbridos interespecíficos (abstract)

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    La mejora genética de portainjertos tiene por objetivo obtener diferentes híbridos interespecíficos y combinar la tolerancia a estreses abióticos. Distintos cruzamientos entre almendro, melocotonero y ciruelo se están estudiado para su adaptación a un amplio rango de condiciones edafoclimáticas. En este estudio analizamos 49 individuos de cuatro progenies de híbridos interespccíficos de tres especies y sus parentales (dos ciruelos mirobolanes: 'P.2175' y 'P.2980'; los híbridos almendro x melocotonero 'Garnem' y 'Felinem'; el almendro 'Garfi'; y el melocotonero 'Nemared'). Se analizaron 48 SSRs polimórficos en los parentales a lo largo de los 8 grupos de ligamiento a partir de varios mapas de referencia de Prunus. El dendrograma UPGMA generado con la variabilidad genética observada, clasificó los genotipos en 5 grupos, permitiéndonos diferenciar en nuestras progenies las regiones genómicas del almendro entre las regiones del melocotonero y el ciruelo. En estas regiones se va a llevar a cabo el estudio de distintos genes implicados en la tolerancia a la sequía, puesto que el almendro es más tolerante que las otras dos especies, melocotonero y cirueloPublishe

    Nonlinear analysis of a simple model of temperature evolution in a satellite

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    We analyse a simple model of the heat transfer to and from a small satellite orbiting round a solar system planet. Our approach considers the satellite isothermal, with external heat input from the environment and from internal energy dissipation, and output to the environment as black-body radiation. The resulting nonlinear ordinary differential equation for the satellite's temperature is analysed by qualitative, perturbation and numerical methods, which show that the temperature approaches a periodic pattern (attracting limit cycle). This approach can occur in two ways, according to the values of the parameters: (i) a slow decay towards the limit cycle over a time longer than the period, or (ii) a fast decay towards the limit cycle over a time shorter than the period. In the first case, an exactly soluble average equation is valid. We discuss the consequences of our model for the thermal stability of satellites.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures (5 EPS files

    Síndrome del túnel radial: Epicondilitis resistente

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    Desde 1996 al 2003, fueron intervenidos 25 pacientes (26 extremidades) de síndrome del túnel radial. Todos los procedimientos fueron realizados por el mismo cirujano y en el mismo hospital con un abordaje postero-externo del túnel radial. Se realizó un seguimiento de todos los pacientes en el tiempo después de la cirugía de 4 meses a 6 años y 4 meses (tiempo medio de 22 meses). Los resultados fueron evaluados según los criterios de Roles y Mausdley; 12 pacientes tuvieron resultados excelentes (46.15%), 9 pacientes buenos (34.61%) y 5 pacientes regulares (19.23%). Once pacientes fueron tratados previamente de epicondilitis lateral (entesitis). La mayoría de los pacientes están satisfechos con la cirugía refiriendo un alivio de la sintomatología y una mejora de la funcionalidad tras la cirugía.Between 1996 and 2003, 25 patients (26 extremities) underwent decompression of the radial tunnel. All procedures were performed at the same surgeon and the same institution using posterior approach. The total 25 patients were available for follow-up evaluation alter surgery (range 4 months - 6 years and 4 months) with average of 22 months. The outcomes was determined using the original criteria of Roles and Mausdley, 12 patients were rated as excellent (46.15%), 9 patients has good results (34.61%) and 5 patients had fair results. Eleven patients were treated previously of tennis elbow. Most of the patients were satisfied and felt subjectively improved by the surgery. They obtained pain relief and better functional status after surgery

    Sarcomas de partes blandas. Análisis de 42 casos

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    El objetivo de este estudio es valorar el pronóstico a largo plazo de una serie de pacientes tratados en nuestro hospital en relación con diversos factores clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos que podrían condicionarlo. Se revisaron 123 pacientes tratado por tumores malignos de partes blandas entre los años 1979 y 1999, de estos solo 42 cumplieron las características para incluirles en nuestro estudio. Se valoró su evolución teniendo en cuenta las variables pronosticas identificadas en trabajos previamente publicados y nuestra propia experiencia y se realizó el estudio estadístico de las mismas. En el análisis estadístico del estudio se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 8.0WIN y se realizó el análisis de supervivencia mediante el método de Kaplan-Meier. El tiempo de supervivencia total descrito según este método para el total de los casos estudiados presenta una mediana de 33 meses con un error estándar de 8 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (17,49), el tiempo libre de enfermedad presenta una mediana de 9 meses con un error estándar de 2 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (6,12) y el tiempo de aparición de metástasis presenta una mediana de 26 meses con un error estándar de 5 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (17,35). A su vez se realizó el análisis bivariante de las múltiples variables pronosticas. El gran número de variables y la dispersión de la muestra hacen aconsejable estudios multicéntricos prospectivos más numerosos para obtener conclusiones definitivas sobre este tipo de tumores.The aim of this study is to evaluate the long-term prognosis of a series of patients treated in our hospital with regard to various clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic factors. A total of 123 patients who had been treated for malignant soft tissue tumours between 1979 and 1999 were reviewed. Of these, only 42 fulfilled the requirements to be included in our study. The outcome was evaluated taking into account prognostic variables identified in previously published studies and our own experience, and a statistical study of these factors as carried out with the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis method. The total survival time for all the cases studied was 33+8 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 17.49 months. The time free of illness was 9+2 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 6.12 months. The time-period until metastasis appeared was 26+5 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 17.35 months. At the same time, the bivariant analysis of the many prognostic variables was performed. The high number of variables and the dispersion of the sample group suggest that it would be advisable to carry out more prospective, multicentric studies to reach definitive conclusions about this type of tumour

    Estabilidad política, terrorismo y medios de comunicación. Un analisis de la incidencia de percepciones mediaticas en el turismo receptivo

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    The present research seeks to analyze the existing relationship between terrorist attacks, political instability, discourse from international media outlets and news agencies in receptive tourism. To accomplish this, four countries that have different internal situations will be studied in the period 2012- 2015: Egypt, Tunisia, Venezuela and Spain combining quantitative methodologies using official data from international and national organisms, with journalistic discourse analysis from 4 international news agencies and 4 international media outlets through the use of the MAXQDA (v. 11.0.11) software tool. The results have shown that the information spread by media about terrorist attacks have more effects on tourism than those about political and economic instability

    Synthesis, structural characterization, and ligand replacement reactions of gem-dithiolato-bridged rhodium and iridium complexes

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    The reaction of gem-dithiol compounds R2C(SH)2 (R = Bn (benzyl), iPr; R2 = −(CH2)4−) with dinuclear rhodium or iridium complexes containing basic ligands such as [M(μ-OH)(cod)]2 and [M(μ-OMe)(cod)]2, or the mononuclear [M(acac)(cod)] (M = Rh, Ir, cod = 1,5-cyclooctadiene) in the presence of a external base, afforded the dinuclear complexes [M2(μ-S2CR2)(cod)2] (1−4). The monodeprotonation of 1,1-dimercaptocyclopentane gave the mononuclear complex [Rh(HS2Cptn)(cod)] (5) that is a precursor for the dinuclear compound [Rh2(μ-S2Cptn)(cod)2] (6). Carbonylation of the diolefin compounds gave the complexes [Rh2(μ-S2CR2)(CO)4] (7−9), which reacted with P-donor ligands to stereoselectively produce the trans isomer of the disubstituted complexes [Rh2(μ-S2CR2)(CO)2(PR′3)2] (R′ = Ph, Cy (cyclohexyl)) (10−13) and [Rh2(μ-S2CBn2)(CO)2{P(OR′)3}2] (R′ = Me, Ph) (14−15). The substitution process in [Rh2(μ-S2CBn2)(CO)4] (7) by P(OMe)3 has been studied by spectroscopic means and the full series of substituted complexes [Rh2(μ-S2CBn2)(CO)4−n{P(OR)3}n] (n = 1, 4) has been identified in solution. The cis complex [Rh2(μ-S2CBn2)(CO)2(μ-dppb)] (16) was obtained by reaction of 7 with the diphosphine dppb (1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane). The molecular structures of the diolefinic dinuclear complexes [Rh2(μ-S2CR2)(cod)2] (R = Bn (1), iPr (2); R2 = −(CH2)4− (6)) and that of the cis complex 16 have been studied by X-ray diffraction.The financial support from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC/FEDER) Project CTQ2006-03973/BQU is gratefully acknowledged. A. B. R. thanks the Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED) for a fellowship. Also, A.B. R. and A.J. P. thank to Fonacit-Venezuela (S1-2002000260) for financial support.Peer Reviewe