744 research outputs found

    Economic Analysis of U.S. Immigration Reforms

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    In January 2004, President George Bush proposed the creation of a temporary worker program to allow more migrant workers to enter the US legally. This new temporary worker program would be open to undocumented workers in the US, as well as to prospective migrants currently residing abroad. The program would temporarily allow immigrants to fill jobs that, according to employers, would otherwise go unfilled at the current wage. The US Congress vetoed the presidential proposal, however, and requested a stricter enforcement of immigration law and the consequent deportation of undocumented immigrants. This study analyzes the economic effects of these immigration reforms on the US economy using an applied global general equilibrium model of migration. In this paper the global trade and migration model (GMig2) developed by Walmsley, Winters and Ahmed (2007) is modified to include a third labor category – undocumented unskilled – to reflect estimates of undocumented workers residing in the United States. The model is then used to analyze the impacts of two policy scenarios on the US economy: first, the deportation of undocumented workers currently residing in the US; and second, the legalization of undocumented agricultural workers. The first scenario is implemented through a decline in the number of undocumented workers residing in the US to zero, and a corresponding increase in the number of workers in Mexico. The second scenario is achieved by allowing undocumented workers to obtain legal status, thereby increasing their wages and productivity. We find that the deportation of undocumented workers causes a considerable loss to the US economy in terms of real GDP. Legalization of Mexican undocumented immigrants, on the other hand, is found to increase US real GDP. Hence the paper demonstrates there are clear advantages to the US economy of implementing proposals that both allow migrant workers to remain in the United States and increase the workers ability to participate freely in the US labor force as legal residents.US Undocumented Workers, Applied General Equilibrium, Political Economy,

    Evaluation of the Substitutability between U.S. and Canadian Softwood Lumber

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    Softwood lumber trade between the United States and Canada has worldwide attention due to its economic importance and for lengthy dispute. Most studies have focused on welfare effects of the dispute, while few studies have evaluated the question of likeness of product. This study evaluates the substitutability between U.S. and Canadian softwood lumber including other countries' softwood lumber. Price elasticities are derived from the linear approximation of the Almost Ideal Demand System. The results show that softwood lumber imports to the U.S. from various countries are indeed substitutes for U.S. softwood lumber. The Morishima elasticities of substitution indicate that other countries have a higher degree of substitutability than Canadian softwood lumber.International Relations/Trade,

    Assessment and subjective perception of high-school students after an educational component of hypopressive exercise

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    [Resumen] La creciente práctica de ejercicio hipopresivo (EH) en los centros de deporte o fitness plantea la posibilidad de incorporarlo como contenido en el marco de la actividad físico-saludable para las sesiones de educación física. Así, el objetivo del estudio fue conocer las percepciones y beneficios percibidos tras la práctica de una Unidad Didáctica (UD) de ejercicio hipopresivo (EH) por estudiantes de bachillerato. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 120 alumnos/as de Bachillerato de un instituto público de Vigo que participaron en una UD sobre EH. Se diseñó un cuestionario ad-hoc para conocer sus impresiones subjetivas, posibles beneficios percibidos y percepciones sobre la facilidad o dificultad en el aprendizaje técnico. Los resultados revelan un bajo conocimiento de los EH (82%). Un 49% lo percibe como una buena práctica de ejercicio físico. Las mayores dificultades para su aprendizaje fueron la: apnea (28%), el vacío abdominal (38%) y la colocación postural (33%). El EH se puede plantear como un contenido innovador en las sesiones de educación física como metodología de entrenamiento respiratoria y postural pero requiere de una adecuada progresión en su enseñanza-aprendizaje[Abstract] The growing practice of hypopressive exercise (HE) in sports or fitness centers sets up the possibility of including it as content in the framework of physical-healthy activity in physical education sessions. In this way, the aim of the study was to find out the perceptions and perceived benefits after practice of an Educational Component (EC) of hypopressive exercise (HE) by high-school students. The sample was made up of 120 high-school students from a state institute in Vigo, who took part in an EC of HE. An ad-hoc questionnaire was drawn up to find out their subjective impressions, possible perceived benefits and perceptions about ease or difficulty in the technical learning. The results reveal high unawareness of HE (82%). 49% viewed them as good physical education practice. The greatest difficulties in learning them were: apnea (28%), the abdominal vacuum (38%) and postural positioning (33%). HE may be planned as innovative content in physical education sessions, as a respiratory and postural training methodology, but demands an appropriate progression in its teaching-learning

    Measuring the Sensitivity of the Northern Ireland Protocol on the All-Ireland Agri-Food Supply Chain

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    Publication history: Published - 29 March 2023The agri-food sectors in Northern Ireland (NI) and Ireland (IRL) have become more integrated with more investments from IRL in the north and advances in all Ireland cooperation on animal health and welfare, and disease control. However, as both jurisdictions are considered structurally similar and both have a large dairy and beef sector, they are competing in the Great Britain (GB) market for agrifood products. When considering the island of Ireland agri-food sectors in the context of Brexit and the NI Protocol, there will be clear winners and losers under different Brexit and NI protocol scenarios. What constitutes a relatively “good” economic outcome for NI farmers may come at the expense of IRL farmers, while relatively “good” economic outcomes for IRL farmers may amplify negative outcomes for NI farmers. This paper analyses the impacts of the NI Protocol in terms of what it means for the agri-food sectors in IRL, NI, but also for the island of Ireland (ISL) as a whole

    Estado nutricional e hídrico en enfermos críticos con deterioro cutáneo en unidad de cuidados intensivos. 2014

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    Introducción: El principal objetivo de profesionales de enfermería ante un enfermo crítico ha sido estabilizar los parámetros vitales, hemodinámicos, funciones respiratorias, cardiovasculares y renales, pero el estado nutricional e hídrico de su paciente no se ha destacado. Objetivo: Determinar el estado nutricional e hídrico en enfermos críticos con deterioro de integridad cutánea en unidad de cuidados intensivos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal de corte en 60 enfermos críticos que presentaron deterioro de la integridad cutánea en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Universitario “Gral. Calixto García” en el periodo enero - diciembre 2014. La información obtenida fue procesada, validada y analizada por métodos computacionales, utilizando una PC compatible Celeron 633 con 64 RAM mediante el paquete Microsoft Office 2000, el sistema estadístico Epi-Info 2000, de la OMS, el análisis estadístico se realizó mediante paquete estadístico SPSS versión 16 para Windows. Los resultados obtenidos se agruparon para presentarse en tablas de frecuencias absolutas. Resultados: Las edades de mayor incidencia resultaron entre 42 y 49 años para un 25 %, los desnutridos fueron 30 para un 50 % y 39 presentaron deshidratación ligera para un 65 %. Conclusión: En los pacientes críticos, el estado de desnutrición y la deshidratación son factores  que predisponen al deterioro de la integridad cutánea; que el personal de enfermería de estas unidades debe trazarse acciones específicas para mejorar el estado nutricional e hídrico de los pacientes, para disminuir la aparición de úlceras por presión.Palabra Clave: Desnutrición, deshidratación, integridad cutánea.AbstractIntroduction: The principal objective of the nursing professionals facing critical patients has been directed to stabilize vital parameters, hemodynamic, respiratory, cardiovascular and renal functions, but the nutritional and hydric state of the patients has not been a main goal. Objective: Determine the nutritional and hydric state in critical patients with deterioration of cutaneous integrity in the intensive care unit. Methodology: A descriptive longitudinal study of cut in 60 critical patients that they presented deterioration of cutaneous integrity in the “General Calixto García” Teaching Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit in the period between January and December 2014. The information obtained was processed, validated and examined for computational methods, using a compatible PC Celeron 633 with 64 intervening RAM the Microsoft Office parcel 2000,the statistical Epi Info system 2000,of the WHO, the statistical analysis SPSS accomplished through the statistical parcel version  himself 16 for Windows. The obtained results were shown in charts of absolute frequencies. Results: The ages of major incidence were between 42 and 49 years old for a 25 %, the malnourished were 30 for a 50 % and 39 patients presented light dehydration (65 %). Conclusion: In the critical patients the status of malnutrition and the dehydration are factors that predisposed to deterioration of cutaneous integrity; that the nursing personal of these units should be to drawn specific stock for offer a better nutritional and hydric status in these patients, in order to decrease the appearing of pressure´s ulcer.Key Words: Malnutrition, dehydration, cutaneous integrity

    SELNET clinical practice guidelines for bone sarcoma

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    Bone sarcoma; Clinical guidelines; Latin-America contextSarcoma óseo; Guías clínicas; Contexto latinoamericanoSarcoma ossi; Guies clíniques; Context llatinoamericàBone sarcoma are infrequent diseases, representing < 0.2% of all adult neoplasms. A multidisciplinary management within reference centers for sarcoma, with discussion of the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies within an expert multidisciplinary tumour board, is essential for these patients, given its heterogeneity and low frequency. This approach leads to an improvement in patient’s outcome, as demonstrated in several studies. The Sarcoma European Latin-American Network (SELNET), aims to improve clinical outcome in sarcoma care, with a special focus in Latin-American countries. These Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) have been developed and agreed by a multidisciplinary expert group (including medical and radiation oncologist, surgical oncologist, orthopaedic surgeons, radiologist, pathologist, molecular biologist and representatives of patients advocacy groups) of the SELNET consortium, and are conceived to provide the standard approach to diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of bone sarcoma patients in the Latin-American context.The authors would like to thank the SELNET project, which has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant number 825806)

    Fronteiras Interétnicas no Sul do Brasil. Representação, imaginário e invisibilidade: reflexões acerca do caso dos Mbya-Guarani no litoral meridional do Estado de Santa Catarina

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    Este artigo apresenta algumas reflexões acerca das fronteiras interétnicas que delimitam os espaços simbólicos entre os Mbya-Guarani e os não indígenas no litoral meridional do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Também discute a conformação de marcos simbólicos divisórios edificados a partir de representações e de traços diacríticos, elementos que atuam como canalizadores da vida social. As fronteiras étnicas, outrossim, geram espaços conhecidos na literatura antropológica como “não lugares”, onde as identidades e as relações não são reconhecidas. Estes temas serão discutidos ao longo do texto

    Estudios sobre dengue y su inaplazable relación con las ciencias aplicadas

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    Estudios sobre dengue y su inaplazable relación con las ciencias aplicada

    Frecuencia del trastorno por déficit de atención en una escuela primaria

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de intervención comunitaria, desde un enfoque o paradigma cuantitativo en la escuela de nivel primario ¨José Martí ¨ del municipio Guines, Provincia La Habana, durante el período comprendido entre septiembre del 2006 a enero del 2007 con el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad, así como evaluar el nivel de conocimientos que sobre el trastorno objeto de estudio tienen los profesores del centro estudiantil, antes y después de un Programa de Intervención. Se seleccionó una muestra de 60 niños a los cuales se les realizaron pruebas psicológicas y psicométricas, además de una encuesta a los profesores para medir sus conocimientos sobre los elementos esenciales de la entidad clínica. Se evidenció en un alto porciento la presencia del síndrome patológico, reflejándose el mayor número de casos en el sexo masculino y en edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 7 años. El subtipo clínico que predominó en la investigación fue el trastorno por déficit de atención tipo combinado, así como se demostró la presencia de alta comorbilidad en los niños estudiados. Se comprobó escasos conocimientos por parte del personal docente de la institución antes del programa de capacitación instrumentado, así como mejoría en dichos conocimientos posterior a la etapa de intervención.