7,303 research outputs found

    Total photoionization cross sections of atomic oxygen from threshold to 44.3A

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    The relative cross section of atomic oxygen for the production of singly charged ions has been remeasured in more detail and extended to cover the wavelength range 44.3 to 910.5 A by the use of synchrotron radiation. In addition, the contribution of multiple ionization to the cross sections has been measured allowing total photoionization cross sections to be obtained below 250 A. The results have been made absolute by normalization to previously measured data. The use of synchrotron radiation has enabled measurements of the continuum cross section to be made between the numerous autoionizing resonances that occur near the ionization thresholds. This in turn has allowed a more critical comparison of the various theoretical estimates of the cross section to be made. The series of autoionizing resonances leading to the 4-P state of the oxygen ion have been observed for the first time in an ionization type experiment and their positions compared with both theory and previous photographic recordings

    Power Spectra in a Zero-Range Process on a Ring: Total Occupation Number in a Segment

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    We study the dynamics of density fluctuations in the steady state of a non-equilibrium system, the Zero-Range Process on a ring lattice. Measuring the time series of the total number of particles in a \emph{segment} of the lattice, we find remarkable structures in the associated power spectra, namely, two distinct components of damped-oscillations. The essential origin of both components is shown in a simple pedagogical model. Using a more sophisticated theory, with an effective drift-diffusion equation governing the stochastic evolution of the local particle density, we provide reasonably good fits to the simulation results. The effects of altering various parameters are explored in detail. Avenues for improving this theory and deeper understanding of the role of particle interactions are indicated.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figure

    Condensation transitions in a model for a directed network with weighted links

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    An exactly solvable model for the rewiring dynamics of weighted, directed networks is introduced. Simulations indicate that the model exhibits two types of condensation: (i) a phase in which, for each node, a finite fraction of its total out-strength condenses onto a single link; (ii) a phase in which a finite fraction of the total weight in the system is directed into a single node. A virtue of the model is that its dynamics can be mapped onto those of a zero-range process with many species of interacting particles -- an exactly solvable model of particles hopping between the sites of a lattice. This mapping, which is described in detail, guides the analysis of the steady state of the network model and leads to theoretical predictions for the conditions under which the different types of condensation may be observed. A further advantage of the mapping is that, by exploiting what is known about exactly solvable generalisations of the zero-range process, one can infer a number of generalisations of the network model and dynamics which remain exactly solvable.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Stochastic vortex dynamics in two-dimensional easy-plane ferromagnets: Multiplicative versus additive noise

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    We study how thermal fluctuations affect the dynamics of vortices in the two-dimensional classical, ferromagnetic, anisotropic Heisenberg model depending on their additive or multiplicative character. Using a collective coordinate theory, we analytically show that multiplicative noise, arising from fluctuations in the local field term of the Landau-Lifshitz equations, and Langevin-like additive noise both have the same effect on vortex dynamics (within a very plausible assumption consistent with the collective coordinate approach). This is a non-trivial result, as multiplicative and additive noises usually modify the dynamics quite differently. We also carry out numerical simulations of both versions of the model finding that they indeed give rise to very similar vortex dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Kinetic energies of fragment ions produced by dissociative photoionization of NO

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    The kinetic energies of ions produced by dissociative photoionization of NO have been measured at the discrete resonance lines of He (584A) and Ne (736A), and with undispersed synchrotron radiation. O sup + ions were identified with energies from 0 to approximately 0.5 eV and two groups of N sup + ions one with energy of 0.36 eV and another with energies between 0.9 and 1.5 eV, apparently produced by predissociation of the C sup 3 P 1 and B'1 sigma states respectively

    Multi-spectral piston sensor for co-phasing giant segmented mirrors and multi-aperture interferometric arrays

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    This paper presents the optical design of a multi-spectral piston sensor suitable to co-phasing giant segmented mirrors equipping the Future Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). The general theory of the sensor is described in detail and numerical simulations have been carried out, demonstrating that direct piston and tip-tilt measurements are feasible within accuracies respectively close to 20 nm and 10 nano-radians. Those values are compatible with the co-phasing requirements, although the method seems to be perturbed by uncorrected atmospheric seein

    Testable two-loop radiative neutrino mass model based on an LLQdcQdcLLQd^cQd^c effective operator

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    A new two-loop radiative Majorana neutrino mass model is constructed from the gauge-invariant effective operator LiLjQkdcQldcϵikϵjlL^i L^j Q^k d^c Q^l d^c \epsilon_{ik} \epsilon_{jl} that violates lepton number conservation by two units. The ultraviolet completion features two scalar leptoquark flavors and a color-octet Majorana fermion. We show that there exists a region of parameter space where the neutrino oscillation data can be fitted while simultaneously meeting flavor-violation and collider bounds. The model is testable through lepton flavor-violating processes such as μeγ{\mu} \to e{\gamma}, μeee\mu \to eee, and μNeN\mu N \to eN conversion, as well as collider searches for the scalar leptoquarks and color-octet fermion. We computed and compiled a list of necessary Passarino-Veltman integrals up to boxes in the approximation of vanishing external momenta and made them available as a Mathematica package, denoted as ANT.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures, typo in Eq. (4.9) as well as wrong chirality structures in Secs. 4.5 and 5.2 corrected, final results unchange

    Pressure-induced Spin-Peierls to Incommensurate Charge-Density-Wave Transition in the Ground State of TiOCl

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    The ground state of the spin-Peierls system TiOCl was probed using synchrotron x-ray diffraction on a single-crystal sample at T = 6 K. We tracked the evolution of the structural superlattice peaks associated with the dimerized ground state as a function of pressure. The dimerization along the b axis is rapidly suppressed in the vicinity of a first-order structural phase transition at Pc = 13.1(1) GPa. The high-pressure phase is characterized by an incommensurate charge density wave perpendicular to the original spin chain direction. These results show that the electronic ground state undergoes a fundamental change in symmetry, indicating a significant change in the principal interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Preliminary Study on the Profile of Medication Use and Patient Compliance in the Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    This study aimed to describe medications used and compliance in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. This was a nonexperimental and prospective study. Patients aged ≥18 years old, used medications for SLE and consented to participate were included in this study. Data was collected from September to November 2012 by observation and interview. Pill count method was used to measure patients compliance. All of 15 patients participated in this study were female with median of age 30 years old. Three patients received single medication and the rest received combination drugs. All patients used corticosteroids. In 12 patients it was combined with 1 or 2 of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). More than 50% patients did not comply with their medications. Further research is needed to elicit barriers for noncompliance and to produce strategy for improving the medication-taking-related behaviour in SLE patients

    Total and dissociative photoionization cross sections of N2 from threshold to 107 eV

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    The absolute cross sections for the production of N(+) and N2(+) were measured from the dissociative ionization threshold of 115 A. In addition, the absolute photoabsorption and photoionization cross sections were tabulated between 114 and 796 A. The ionization efficiencies were also given at several discrete wave lengths between 660 and 790 A. The production of N(+) fragment ions are discussed in terms of the doubly excited N2(+) states with binding energies in the range of 24 to 44 eV