4 research outputs found

    High-altitude population neonatal and maternal phenotypes associated with birthweight protection.

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    BACKGROUND: States which reduce foetal oxygen delivery are associated with impaired intrauterine growth. Hypoxia results when barometric pressure falls with ascent to altitude, and with it the partial pressure of inspired oxygen ('hypobaric hypoxia'). birthweight is reduced when native lowlanders gestate at such high altitude (HA)-an effect mitigated in native (millennia) HA populations. Studying HA populations offer a route to explore the mechanisms by which hypoxia impacts foetal growth. METHODS: Between February 2017 and January 2019, we prospectively studied 316 pregnant women, in Leh, Ladakh (altitude 3524 m, where oxygen partial pressure is reduced by 1/3) and 101 pregnant women living in Delhi (low altitude, 216 m above sea level). RESULTS: Of Ladakhi HA newborns, 14% were small for gestational age (10th weight centile. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that Ladakhi offspring birthweight is relatively spared from the expected adverse HA effects. Furthermore, maternal body composition and greater UtA size may be physiological HA adaptations and warrant further study, as they offer potential mechanisms to overcome hypoxia-related growth issues. IMPACT: Reduced foetal oxygen delivery seen in native lowlanders who gestate at HA causes foetal growth restriction-an effect thought to be mitigated in native HA populations. We found that greater maternal body mass and UtA diameter were associated with increased offspring birthweight in a (Ladakh) HA population. This supports a role for them as physiological mediators of adaptation and provides insights into potential mechanisms that may treat hypoxia-related growth issues

    Long-lived atmospheric trace gases measurements in flask samples from three stations in India

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    International audienceWith the rapid growth in population and economic development, emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the Indian subcontinent have sharply increased during recent decades. However, evaluation of regional fluxes of GHGs and characterization of their spatial and temporal variations by atmospheric inversions remain uncertain due to a sparse regional atmospheric observation network. As a result of an Indo-French collaboration, three new atmospheric stations were established in India at Hanle (HLE), Pondicherry (PON) and Port Blair (PBL), with the objective of monitoring the atmospheric concentrations of GHGs and other trace gases. Here we present the results of the measurements of CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, SF 6 , CO, and H 2 from regular flask sampling at these three stations over the period 2007-2011. For each species, annual means, seasonal cycles and gradients between stations were calculated and related to variations in natural GHG fluxes, anthropogenic emissions, and monsoon circulations. Covariances between species at the synoptic scale were analyzed to investigate the likely source(s) of emissions. The flask measurements of various trace gases at the three stations have the potential to constrain the inversions of fluxes over southern and northeastern India. However , this network of ground stations needs further extension to other parts of India to better constrain the GHG budgets at regional and continental scales

    Pointing of HAGAR telescope mirrors

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    An array of seven atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes was commissioned at a high altitude site in Hanle in the Ladakh region of the Himalayas. The array called HAGAR has been designed to observe celestial γ-rays of energy >100 GeV. Each telescope is altitude-azimuth mounted and carries seven parabolic mirrors whose optic axes are co-aligned with the telescope axis. The telescopes point and track a celestial source using a PC-based drive control system. Two important issues in positioning of each HAGAR telescope are pointing accuracy of telescope axis and co-alignment of mirrors’ optic axes with the telescope axis. We have adopted a three pronged strategy to address these issues, namely use of pointing models to improve pointing accuracy of the telescopes, RA-DEC scan technique to measure the pointing offsets of the mirrors and mechanical fine-tuning of off-axis mirrors by sighting a distant stationary light source. This paper discusses our efforts in this regard as well as the current status of pointing and monitoring of HAGAR telescopes