12 research outputs found

    Experiences obtained in the application of SWOT analysis in Economy of Livestock Production

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    Resúmenes IV Congreso VetDoc de Docencia Veterinaria, León 2017 (6-7 de Julio)[ES] En el presente trabajo se analiza la capacidad de los estudiantes en recopilación de información, análisis de datos y trabajo en equipo para abordar la realización de análisis estratégico en empresas ganaderas y propuestas de resolución de problemas y mejoras factibles

    Development of veterinarian dynamic skills through training in heliciculture. Case of the entrepreneurship in Diputación de Córdoba

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    Resúmenes IV Congreso VetDoc de Docencia Veterinaria, León 2017 (6-7 de Julio)[ES] El objetivo de este estudio de innovación docente e investigación es desarrollar las capacidades dinámicas del alumno de veterinaria a partir de la formación en el emprendimiento en la actividad helicícola y tomando como unidad de aprendizaje los microemprendimientos desarrollados en la Diputación de Córdoba

    Characterization of morphological and meristic traits and their variations between two different populations (wild and cultured) of <i>Cichlasoma festae</i>, a species native to tropical Ecuadorian rivers

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    This study was carried out to determine morphometric and meristic characteristics of two populations (wild and cultured) of Cichlasoma festae and to establish whether populations could be discriminated based on morphometric variability. Twenty-two morphometric and four meristic characters were used to test the hypothesis differentiation. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) from 100 adult specimens showed significant differences (p &lt;  0.05) for 21 standardized morphometric measurements out of 26 characters among the means of the wild and cultured Cichlasoma festae populations tested. Cross correlation amongst certain morphometric variables (i.e. body weight, total length, standard length, pre-ventral length, AC1, LC1 and P1) were medium-strong (r ≥  0.5), while the remaining were weakly correlated (r &lt;  0.5). The length–weight relationship parameter b and condition factor (K) values were respectively 2.21 and 1.97 (indicating allometric growth) for cultured fish groups and 2.86 and 4.07 (p &lt;  0.05) for wild fish groups. The condition factor values were significantly different from each other and showed that feeding of cultured fish should be improved. Both groups were accurately separated (&gt;  80 % success rate) by linear discriminant functions that included only four morphometric measures

    Structural characterization of extensive farms in andalusian dehesas.

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    Three types of livestock farming systems are identified in Andalusian dehesas using multivariate analysis. One of two conservationist systems, both applying sustainable management criteria, was detected in most of farms: dehesa farming system (49% of farms): small extensive cattle and sheep farms, which adapt stocking rates to the availability of the land"s natural resources, and occasional use of strategic food supplementation; mountain farming system (21%) also relative to small farms, with mainly small ruminants and limited use of technology. The third system was a yield targeted system (30%), corresponding mainly to large cattle farms, with greater use of technology and high levels of food supplementation caused by stocking rates that exceed the land"s carrying capacity. Typology defined can be used as starting point to base technical and economic characterization of farming systems taking into consideration their current and future viability.Mediante análisis multivariante se establecieron tres tipos de sistemas ganaderos en las dehesas andaluzas. En 49% de las explotaciones se detectó un sistema ganadero denominado conservacionista de dehesa que corresponde a pequeñas explotaciones de bovino y ovino con bajo nivel de intensificación y carga ganadera ajustada a la disponibilidad alimenticia usando ocasionalmente suplementación estratégica. Las explotaciones (21%) del sistema conservacionista de sierra y montaña son también de reducida dimensión, con predominio de pequeños rumiantes y bajo empleo de tecnología. El sistema productivista (30% de las explotaciones) corresponde a ganaderías con predominio de bovinos, de mayor dimensión y nivel tecnológico que utilizan elevados niveles de suplementación pues sus cargas ganaderas están por encima de la capacidad de la dehesa. Los tipos establecidos pueden servir de punto de partida para la caracterización técnica y económica de los sistemas ganaderos considerando su viabilidad actual y futura