38 research outputs found

    Els canvis demogràfics en el Neolític

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    Dossier paleontropologia

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    Un nouveau regard sur les restes anthropologiques du site néolithique de Tell Ramad (Syrie)

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    Il s’agit d’une nouvelle étude des matériels anthropologiques de Tell Ramad, au cours de laquelle ont été réalisées des études dentaires, pathologiques et des comparaisons dentaires avec les matériels d’autres sites du PPNB moyen et récent. Par ailleurs, un nouveau regard sur les crânes surmodelés et/ou peints a mis en évidence que cette pratique funéraire a été habituelle à Tell Ramad à cette époque, étant donné que presque la moitié des individus exhumés présente ce type de manipulation.The main objective of this paper is to make a revision of the anthropological remains documented in Tell Ramad. Studies of the teeth, pathologies and dental comparison with the series from other Middle and Recent PPNB archaeological sites have been made. At the same time, a new approach to the plastered and/or painted skulls found has showed how this burial practice was very usual in Tell Ramad, since half the buried individuals at the site present this kind of skull treatment.إن الهدف الرئيسي من هذا المقال هو عمل مراجعة للبقايا الأنتروبولوجية الموثقة في تل الرماد. لقد تم القيام بدراسات على الأسنان، الأمراض، ومقارنات من خلال الأسنان مع مجموعة من المواقع الأثرية الأخرى العائدة إلى فترة العصر الحجري ماقبل الفخاري ب الوسيط والحديث. في الوقت نفسه، أوضحت النظرة الجديدة على الجماجم المقولبة (المطليّة بطريقة تقولبها بشكل جديد). التي عثر عليها، كيف أن هذا الطقس الجنائزي كان معروفاً في تل الرماد، حيث أن نصف الأفراد المدفونين في الموقع أظهرت جماجمهم بهذا النوع من العناية

    Els primers homínids: un debat obert

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    En els darrers anys, el coneixement sobre el nostre apassionat passat evolutiu ha anat cobrant més i més interès a causa de la rapidesa amb què es van succeïnt les novetats, sorgides de jaciments o de laboratoris. El canvi vertiginós, la complexitat que genera l'aprofundiment en alguns temes, l'especialització que això comporta, aixi com la major varietat d'estudis i opinions -derivades de l'augment del nombre d'investigadors i dels estudis multidisciplinaris-, sovint porten el no-especialista a una pèrdua de perspectiva. Manquen, al nostre país, articles que des d'un plantejament divulgatiu ofereixin panoràmiques actualitzades. El present treball pretén contribuir a aquest objectiu

    Estudis de les restes humanes del Neolític Antic de la comarca del Montsià (Tarragona)

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    [ESP]Se trata del estudio de los restos óseos y dentarios procedentes de once yacimientos neolIticos de Ia comarca del Montsià. Se ha realizado un trabajo comparativo de la dentición, y el estudio de la dieta mediante el análisis del contenido de elementos traza indica que la muestra presentaría una dieta eminentemente vegetariana. [EN] This is a study of dental and bone remains from eleven Neolithic excavation sites in the county of Montsià. A comparative study of the teeth and a study of the diet was made by analysing the content of trace elements that indicate an essentially vegetarian diet in the sample provided

    Seated memory : new insights into Near Eastern Neolithic mortuary variability from Tell Halula, Syria

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    Despite a long history of field research in the Neolithic of the Near East, archaeologists have a remarkably poor understanding of the degree of variation in mortuary practices within and between major Neolithic settlements. Such an understanding is critical for reconstructing the social, economic, and ritual interconnections between people in villages and, by extension, how researchers model social organization in early agricultural villages. Mortuary data from Middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) components of Tell Halula, a large Neolithic village in the middle valley of the Euphrates River, Syria, illustrate how household members buried their dead in standardized ways. These practices included burial of individuals only inside of buildings, in only one area of the main room, in single graves, and always in a fully upright, seated position. Houses were rebuilt in the same location, and rebuilding was always designed so that new houses had space for new burials. These residential buildings served as active spaces of life and death during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic at Tell Halula. Viewed collectively, the mortuary practices of Tell Halula are remarkably different from those of other contemporaneous Neolithic villages and challenge researchers to both document regional variation in shared cultural practices and model the social processes that contributed to shared regional practices and, simultaneously, to variation in how specific practices were enacted as event