21 research outputs found

    Les synagonistes du théâtre grec aux époques hellénistique et romaine : une question de terminologie et de fonction

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    The verb συναγωνίζομαι and the noun συναγωνιστής had two meanings in the Greek agonistic life : 1/ « to participate with other people in a contest », and 2/ « to compete together for the same prize » or « to assist somebody in a competition ». This second meaning very often concerns the musical and dramatic contests. It refers to all specialists whose disciplines were not rewarded with a prize : secondary actors (συναγωνισταΐ κωμικοί/τραγικοί), trainers and members of dramatic choruses, costumiers etc. All these specialists helped the other τεχνΤται to win the prize of the contests and this way became their συν άγων ιστ αϊ. These synagonistai were integrated in the Technitai-gni\as of the Hellenistic and Imperial periods, but formed at the same time (at least twice) associations that existed next to the guilds of the Dionysiac Artists.Le verbe συναγωνίζομαι et le nom συναγωνιστής avaient dans la vie agonistique grecque deux significations : 1/ « participer avec d'autres à un concours», et 2/ «combattre ensemble pour le même prix» ou «seconder quelqu'un dans un agôn». On trouve très souvent cette deuxième signification dans les agônes musicaux et dramatiques. Elle concerne tous les spécialistes dont les disciplines n'étaient récompensées par aucun prix : acteurs de second rang (συναγωνισταΐ κωμικοί/τραγικοί), instructeurs et membres de choeurs dramatiques, accessoiristes etc. Tous ces spécialistes assistaient les autres Technites pour remporter le prix de Y agôn et étaient ainsi leurs «synagonistes». Ces synagonistes étaient intégrés dans les associations de Technites de l'époque hellénistique et impériale, mais formaient en même temps (deux cas du moins sont attestés) des associations qui existaient en marge des confréries de Technites.Aneziri Sophia. Les synagonistes du théâtre grec aux époques hellénistique et romaine : une question de terminologie et de fonction. In: Pallas, 47/1997. De la scène aux gradins, sous la direction de Brigitte Le Guen . pp. 53-71

    Aspects of Female Euergetism in the Ancient Greek World

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    Women appear frequently as donors in the Greek antiquity, an action that emphasizes their presence in the public sphere. The endowments of movable or landed property, which were undertaken in order to furnish a permanent income for the perpetual support of a specific purpose, constitute an interesting category within the wide category of female donations constitute. This epigraphic evidence offers rich information about the founder, the recipient of the endowment, the endowment assets or their administration. Moreover, it allows us to ask questions on female agency and the purposes of the endowments, on the role of family as well as the perception of the endowments in the respective societies. The numerous cases in which men act as donors can be used for reference, especially regarding potential differences due to gender.Dans l’Antiquité grecque, les femmes apparaissent fréquemment comme donatrices, une fonction qui souligne leur présence dans la sphère publique. Dans la vaste catégorie des donations féminines, un ensemble intéressant est constitué par les dons de biens, mobiliers ou fonciers, offerts dans le but de fournir un revenu permanent qui sera destiné à la réalisation perpétuelle d’une action précise (fondations sous condition). Les données épigraphiques fournissent de riches informations sur le donateur, le destinataire de la fondation, les biens mobilisés pour la fondation ou sur leur mode d’administration. Davantage, elles autorisent à poser la question de l’agentivité féminine et des objectifs de telles fondations, du rôle des familles et de la manière dont ces fondations étaient perçues par les sociétés concernées. Les nombreux cas où les hommes agissent en tant que donateurs seront utilisés en guise de référence, tout particulièrement pour examiner les différences éventuelles qui seraient liées au genre

    Greek strategies of adaptation to the Roman world: The case of the contests

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    This article examines strategies that made it possible for Greek contests and the professionals who were engaged in them to retain their identity in the Roman Empire while they adapted to the circumstances of the new era. In their efforts to preserve and to enhance existing prestige and privilege, the organizers and others who were involved in the contests attempted both to exploit the past and to establish links to the new Roman power. The consequent linking of the Imperial cult with festivals, artists, athletes, and their associations provided tools that assisted the promotion of Imperial power and ideology. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands

    Étude préliminaire sur le culte privé des souverains hellénistiques : problèmes et méthode

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    Au professeur Fr. Gschnitzer à l’occasion de son 75e anniversaire Bien que depuis le milieu du xxe siècle les publications scientifiques comptent de nombreuses contributions sur le culte des souverains hellénistiques, on constate que l’aspect privé de cette pratique ne constitue qu’une part modeste de la recherche. Une présentation de l’ensemble du matériel concernant le culte privé des souverains hellénistiques dépasserait de loin le cadre de cet article. Ainsi se bornera-t-on aux questions..

    À propos de Collezioni epigrafiche della Grecia occidentale

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    The present paper presents the first volume of Collezioni epigrafiche della Grecia occidentale/Epigraphische Sammlungen aus Westgriechenland. It reflects, on the one hand, on the absolute necessity to preserve multilingualism in Altertumswissenschaft; on the other, on the purposes and methods of making catalogues or inventories of epigraphic collections; and finally on the past conditions and the current state of epigraphic and prosopographic research in West Greece and especially in Aetolia

    About Collezioni epigrafiche della Grecia occidentale [À propos de collezioni epigrafiche della grecia occidentale]

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    The present paper presents the first volume of Collezioni epigrafiche della Grecia occidentale/Epigraphische Sammlungen aus Westgriechenland. It reflects, on the one hand, on the absolute necessity to preserve multilingualism in Altertumswissen-schaft; on the other, on the purposes and methods of making catalogues or inventories of epigraphic collections; and finally on the past conditions and the current state of epigraphic and prosopographic research in West Greece and especially in Aetolia. © 2020 Global Research Online. All rights reserved

    A new set of KPIs and a new methodology for NATECH (Natural-technological) risk assessment

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    Natural-technological accidents, or NATECHs, reveal a particular exposure and vulnerability of industrial facilities to natural hazards and disasters. NATECH is seen as an emerging risk due to 3 main Emerging Risk issues. ERi 1 : Industry development in areas exposed to natural hazards or disasters : higher hazard potential, higher frequency of accidents ; ERi 2 : Growing complexity of the industrial system : higher dependency on vulnerable networks (telecom, transport, utilities, lifelines) ; ERi 3 : Climate change is believed to induce more severe/intense natural disasters, with subsequently growing impacts on industrial facilities. Within the iNTeg-Risk project, several tasks were dediated to investigate the NaTech issue (T1.5.3 - ERRA NATECH, and T2.5.4). ERi 1 and 3 were mainly considered within the work carried out. However, the (un)availability of safety barriers should be considered when establishing event trees and failure trees (accident risk; so-called bow-tie approach, etc.). In the paper, the developments made in the ERRA NATECH are presented : A new risk analysis methodology for NATECH events and a set of new KPIs are discussed and showed. The handbook of good Practices for NATECH mitigation will be a main output of the ERRA participants. A preliminary application of the results to a case-study was also carried out

    Safety science new scope

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    Safety Science serves as an international medium for research in the science of human, technological, organizational and societal safety. It extends to the safety of all fields of human activity. Relevant topics range from human behavior at work to assessment and management of safety in organizations to economic and legal concerns in safety and health. Safety Science is multidisciplinary. The expertise of its contributors and its audience range from social science to engineering, natural sciences, and medicine. Papers addressing the interfaces between technology, people and organizations are especially welcome. Safety Science will enable academic researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in companies, government agencies and international bodies to learn about the latest evidence and trends in the field. The journal focuses primarily on original research papers across its whole scope, but also welcomes state-of-the-art review papers, discussion papers on current topics, letters to the Editor, and first-hand case histories on accidents and disasters of special significance