186 research outputs found

    Hidden Symmetries of Stochastic Models

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    In the matrix product states approach to nn species diffusion processes the stationary probability distribution is expressed as a matrix product state with respect to a quadratic algebra determined by the dynamics of the process. The quadratic algebra defines a noncommutative space with a SUq(n)SU_q(n) quantum group action as its symmetry. Boundary processes amount to the appearance of parameter dependent linear terms in the algebraic relations and lead to a reduction of the SUq(n)SU_q(n) symmetry. We argue that the boundary operators of the asymmetric simple exclusion process generate a tridiagonal algebra whose irriducible representations are expressed in terms of the Askey-Wilson polynomials. The Askey-Wilson algebra arises as a symmetry of the boundary problem and allows to solve the model exactly.Comment: This is a contribution to the Proc. of the O'Raifeartaigh Symposium on Non-Perturbative and Symmetry Methods in Field Theory (June 2006, Budapest, Hungary), published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    On a "New" Deformation of GL(2)

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    We refute a recent claim in the literature of a "new" quantum deformation of GL(2).Comment: 4 pages, LATE

    Superembedding methods for 4d N=1 SCFTs

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    We extend SO(4,2) covariant lightcone embedding methods of four-dimensional CFTs to N=1 superconformal field theory (SCFT). Manifest superconformal SU(2,2|1) invariance is achieved by realizing 4D superconformal space as a surface embedded in the projective superspace spanned by certain complex chiral supermatrices. Because SU(2,2|1) acts linearly on the ambient space, the constraints on correlators implied by superconformal Ward identities are automatically solved in this formalism. Applications include new, compact expressions for correlation functions containing one anti-chiral superfield and arbitrary chiral superfield insertions, and manifestly invariant expressions for the superconformal cross-ratios that parametrize the four-point function of two chiral and two anti-chiral fields. Superconformal expressions for the leading singularities in the OPE of chiral and anti-chiral operators are also given. Because of covariance, our expressions are valid in any superconformally flat background, e.g., AdS_4 or R times S^3.Comment: 33 pages, clarification of constraints, version to appear in PR

    Using Problems to Introduce some Tools and Technologies for Implementation of Graphics and Animation in C#

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    This paper is devoted to the learning of event programming by using Visual C# in specialized training in Informatics in high schools. Some basic tools and technologies for the implementation of graphics and animation in C# are discussed. Two example problems are proposed

    Cataloguing the Slavonic Manuscript Collection of the Plovdiv Public Library – Problems and MARC 21* Solutions

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    MARC 21 (‘Machine-Readable Cataloguing’) is a US library standard established worldwide and recently translated also in Bulgarian (those parts used most by librarians in their everyday work). The Bulgarian translations are freely available on the NALIS website (http://www.nalis.bg/) under the Library Standards Section, where also an Online Multilingual Dictionary of MARC 21 Terms can be found. All these works are approved by the US Library of Congress and published on its MARC 21 website under Translations (http://www.loc.gov/marc/translations.html#bulgarian).The paper presents a standardised scheme for describing the whole Slavonic Manuscript Collection kept at the Plovdiv Public Library. This scheme will be used for generating a structured pool of palaeographic and codicological data with a view to integrating the respective digital objects (digitised copies of the respective manuscripts and metadata, i.e. the descriptions, to them) into a digital content management platform. The experience gained in creating the catalogue of the Plovdiv Library’s Slavonic Manuscripts may be useful when discussing a unified methodology and a scheme for a machine-readable cataloguing of the Bulgarian manuscript collections in general. Besides, the principles of adapting the proposed standard to MARC 21 Bibliographic are enlisted. The template prepared, will be applied in ALEPH 500 and further developed in a related forthcoming activity

    A realization of the quantum Lorentz group

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    A realization of a deformed Lorentz algebra is considered and its irreducible representations are found; in the limit q1q\to 1, these are precisely the irreducible representations of the classical Lorentz group.Comment: This a short version of the Phys.Lett.B publicatio