13 research outputs found

    Differentiation of organically and conventionally produced milk by stable isotope and fatty acid analysis

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    Increasing sales of organic milk mean intensified tests for authenticity are required. In addition to comprehensive documentation, analytical methods to identify organic milk, and thus to differentiate it from conventional milk, are needed for consumer protection. Because the composition of milk is fundamentally dependent on the feeding of the cows, thirty-five samples from both production systems in Germany, including farm and retail milk, were collected within 12 months, to reflect seasonal variation, and appropriate properties were analysed. Fatty acid analysis enabled organic and conventional milk to be completely distinguished, because of the higher α-linolenic acid (C18:3ω3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5ω3) content of the former. Organic milk fat contained at least 0.56% C18:3ω3 whereas the maximum in conventional milk was 0.53%. Because of the parallel seasonal course of the C18:3ω3 content of organic and conventional retail samples, however, time-resolved comparison at the five sampling dates resulted in a clearer difference of 0.34± 0.06% on average. Analysis of stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) also enabled complete distinction of both types of milk; this can be explained by the different amounts of maize in the feed. For conventional milk fat δ13C values were −26.6‰ or higher whereas for organic milk fat values were always lower, with a maximum of −28.0‰. The time-resolved average difference was 4.5±1.0‰. A strong negative correlation (r=−0.92) was found between C18:3ω3 and δ13C. Analysis of a larger number of samples is required to check the preliminary variation ranges obtained in this pilot study and, probably, to adjust the limits. Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) or sulfur (δ34S) did not enable assignment of the origin of the milk; in cases of ambiguity, however, some trends observed might be useful in combination with other properties

    Follow-up of stable isotope analysis of organic versus conventional milk

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    Analysis of the stable isotope ratio of carbon (δ13C) and α-linolenic acid (C18:3ω3) content in milk fat is a useful indicator of organic milk production. Referring to corresponding measurements, further analyses of stable isotope ratios were performed in 120 samples of conventionally and organically produced whole milk collected from German retailers during a period of 18 months. Conventional milk predominantly exhibited higher δ15N values than organic milk, the latter of which never exceeded a maximum δ15N threshold value of 5.50‰. Measurements of δ34S did not differ significantly between organic and conventional milk. Because δ13C, in general, is related to maize consumption, δ13C in milk protein and δ13C in milk fat were equally suited for authentication of organic milk. Thus, a high correlation (r=0.99) was established between δ13C in milk protein and lipids. Although occurring on different levels in organic and conventional milk, the relatively constant fractionation of carbon isotopes between protein and fat will allow for the advanced detection of adulteration in processed milk products, such as fraudulent combinations of organic milk fat and conventional skim milk. In addition to the strong correlation between C18:3ω3 and δ13Cprotein (r=−0.91), a mutual dependence was identified between both δ13Cprotein and δ15N (r=0.66) and C18:3ω3 and δ15N (r=−0.61). Thus, multi-variable analyses are useful to increase robustness and reduce the number of exceptions in organic milk authentication. Future work involving multivariate statistical analysis can possibly further improve milk authentication in various respects including differentiating between brands of retail milk. (C) Springer-Verlag 201

    Cyanogenesis Inhibits Active Defense Reactions in Plants

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    Spatial variation in the trophic structure of micronekton assemblages from the eastern tropical North Atlantic in two regions of differing productivity and oxygen environments

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    Highlights: • Micronekton ecology differed between equatorial (EQ) and low-oxygen waters (LO). • The δ15N enrichment per trophic level was lower in the productive LO than in the EQ. • Migrating fauna in the LO encounter increased competition for food resources. • The δ15N values of non-migrators increased with depth in the EQ, but not in the LO. • The δ15N values of mesopelagic micronektonivores were lower in the productive LO. Abstract: The ecology of vertically migrating mesopelagic micronekton is affected by physical properties of their environment. Increased light attenuation in particle-rich productive waters, as well as low oxygen conditions decrease the migration amplitude. This likely has implications on the trophic organisation of micronekton communities, which are predominantly governed by niche partitioning in the vertical dimension. We investigated trophic structures of pelagic communities in the eastern tropical North Atlantic by comparing micronekton species assemblages from the low-oxygen region influenced by Mauritanian upwelling between 8° and 11° N (LO) and the less productive and more oxygenated equatorial area between 0 and 4°N (EQ). We analysed stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in body tissues of 35 species of mesopelagic fishes, four species of cephalopods, two species of cnidarians, and two species of decapods and used these values as a proxy for their trophic niche and correlated them with the traits feeding guild, migration pattern, mean depth of occurrence and body size. Our results demonstrate significant regional differences in the food web structure and vertical trophic interactions of the investigated micronekton assemblages. Diurnally migrating fishes that predominantly feed on copepods exhibited higher δ15N values in the LO (9.6‰) than in the EQ (8.9‰), reflecting changes in baseline values of pelagic tunicates. Contrary, all other Feeding – Migrator guilds show lower or similar δ15N values in the LO compared to the EQ, indicating reduced isotopic enrichment between trophic levels (TL) in the LO compared to the EQ. Further, a generally lower δ15N enrichment between TL3 – TL4 compared to TL2 – TL3 was observed (LO: TL2 – TL3: ~2.2‰, TL3 – TL4: ~1.2‰; EQ: TL2 – TL3: ~3.5‰, TL3 – TL4: ~2.2‰). Quantitative isotopic niche metrics suggest enhanced competition in trophic niche space, whereas relative isotopic niche positions indicate an increased importance of food from lower trophic levels (non-crustacean and/or gelatinous prey resources) for fishes from the LO compared to the EQ. The absence of a depth-related increase in δ15N values of partial- and nonmigrators of the LO is contrary to results from the EQ and previously published data. Low δ15N values in partially and nonmigrating micronektonivores of the LO in comparison with those of the EQ could be due to feeding on lower trophic prey components in the LO, as is indicated by an overlap in isotopic niche with that of partially and nonmigrating mixed crustacean feeders in the LO. Alternatively, driving mechanisms could be the consumption of prey from shallower waters, regional differences in δ15N enrichment, species-specific ecological differences or a combination of these processes. Each of these explanations is likely tightly correlated to a vertical biogeochemical structuring effect of low oxygen midwater layers fuelled by high nitrate inputs from the Mauritanian upwelling region. Our study provides crucial ecological insights for a better understanding of large-scale gradients in micronekton migration patterns

    Anaerobic digestates lower N2_{2}O emissions compared to cattle slurry by affecting rate and product stoichiometry of denitrification – An N2_{2}O isotopomer case study

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    Assessing effects of organic fertilizer applications on N2O emissions is of great interest because they can cause higher N2O emissions compared to inorganic fertilizers for a given amount of added nitrogen (N). But there are also reports about enhanced N2O reduction to climate-neutral elemental N2 after application of organic manures to soils. Factors controlling the N2O/(N2O + N2) product ratio of denitrification are interrelated, and also the ratio is difficult to study because of limitations in N2 flux measurements. In this study, we investigated N2O and N2 emissions from soil treated with organic fertilizers with different C/N ratios. An N2O isotopomer approach combined with conventional N2O and N2 flux measurements was employed to study underlying microbial pathways. ..

    Biologically mediated release of endogenous N2O and NO2 gases in a hydrothermal, hypoxic subterranean environment

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    24 páginas.- 14 figuras.- 5 tablas.- 136 referencias.- Supplementary data to this article can be found online athttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141218The migration of geogenic gases in continental areas with geothermal activity and active faults is an important process releasing greenhouse gases (GHG) to the lower troposphere. In this respect, caves in hypogenic environments are natural laboratories to study the compositional evolution of deep-endogenous fluids through the Critical Zone. Vapour Cave (Alhama, Murcia, Spain) is a hypogenic cave formed by the upwelling of hydrothermal CO2-rich fluids. Anomalous concentrations of N2O and NO2 were registered in the cave's subterranean atmosphere, averaging ten and five times the typical atmospheric backgrounds, respectively. We characterised the thermal conditions, gaseous compositions, sediments, and microbial communities at different depths in the cave. We did so to understand the relation between N-cycling microbial groups and the production and transformation of nitrogenous gases, as well as their coupled evolution with CO2 and CH4 during their migration through the Critical Zone to the lower troposphere. Our results showed an evident vertical stratification of selected microbial groups (Archaea and Bacteria) depending on the environmental parameters, including O2, temperature, and GHG concentration. Both the N2O isotope ratios and the predicted ecological functions of bacterial and archaeal communities suggest that N2O and NO2 emissions mainly depend on the nitrification by ammonia-oxidising microorganisms. Denitrification and abiotic reactions of the reactive intermediates NH2OH, NO, and NO2− are also plausible according to the results of the phylogenetic analyses of the microbial communities. Nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation by denitrifying methanotrophs of the NC10 phylum was also identified as a post-genetic process during migration of this gas to the surface. To the best of our knowledge, our report provides, for the first time, evidence of a niche densely populated by Micrarchaeia, which represents more than 50% of the total archaeal abundance. This raises many questions on the metabolic behaviour of this and other archaeal phyla. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects PID2019-110603RB-I00 , CGL2016-78318-C2-1R and CGL2016-78318-C2-2R AEI/FEDER/UE, and with the scientific and technical contribution of the following projects: CGL2016-75590-P with ERDF funds, CGL2017-83931-C3-2-P and CGL2017-87216-C4-1-R , AEI / FEDER , UE. S. Cuezva was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844535 — MIFLUKE. N. Otero was funded by the Serra Húnter Fellowship ( Generalitat de Catalunya , Spain). We thank to GERA-group of the Fire-fighters Service of Madrid Autonomous Region for the essential work on installing the system of tubes for air sampling and the Council of “Alhama de Murcia” for their technical assistance during fieldwork.Peer reviewe