115 research outputs found

    Developing tourism of Polish castles and fortified manor houses to raise interest in historic fortifications and preserve historic landscape monuments

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    Developing tourism of historic fortifications requires appropriate investment planning along with conservation and restorative work. Sensible and well-planned investments to facilitate tourism can help to preserve historic landscapes. The aim of this article is to review the current situation of how tourism of castles and fortified manor houses is being developedg and how it could be further implemented in Poland to combine it with restoration and reconstruction efforts. Particular attention was paid to the fortified manor house, or castle, formerly of the Gładysz family in Szymbark, the castle in Korzkiew and the Dunajec Castle in Niedzica in the Małopolskie Voivodeship. Giving new purpose to historic fortifications while at the same time providing legal protection of historic sites, landscapes and the environment is an opportunity for sustainable development of tourism at these sites. Historic fortifications are increasingly becoming the focus of cultural tourism, and are being used as attractive sites for conferences and business functions

    Staycation as a way of spending free time by city dwellers : examples of tourism products created by Local Action Groups in Lesser Poland Voivodeship in response to a new trend in tourism

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    Social and economic changes contribute to changes in the lifestyle of modern society, including as well the method of spending free time. City dwellers who, because of economic reasons, have to altogether resign from package holidays or just reduce expenses, are searching for an opportunity to relax in the countryside and towns located near their home. Therefore a phenomenon called staycation, which consists of visiting one's own city or its closest neighbourhood, is becoming more and more popular. Tourism products aimed at different groups of visitors are created in response to the changing needs and expectations of people. Local Action Groups are especially active in this field and in recent years they have run many projects concerning the creation of places attractive for a visit, relaxation and recreation. The purpose of the article was to present examples of tourism products created by these associations in Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The products presented in this article can be connected with the phenomenon of staycation and the current needs of dwellers concerning spending free time. Local cultural heritage and natural environment are becoming the basis for supralocal tourism products which allow promoting rural areas, little towns and outskirts of urban agglomerations

    Działania uczelni wyższych na rzecz rozwoju oferty turystyczno-kulturalnej w miastach akademickich : studium przypadku Krakowa

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    The contemporary role that higher education institutions play is not limited to educational and scientific research activity. It involves also creating local tourism cultural offer and an offer of spending leisure time for inhabitants and visitors. Therefore the purpose of the article is to describe the activities undertaken by higher education institutions using the example of Krakow. On the basis of the query of source materials it was possible to identify types of undertakings carried out by higher education institutions, also in cooperation with other entities for which the basis are academic traditions and potential. As the example of Krakow shows, higher education institutions affect the development of incoming tourism in three main areas: educational tourism, cultural tourism, and business tourism and MICE industry. They also broaden the offer of spending leisure time in the city directed to inhabitants, students and tourists. Academic potential influences the function and image of the city in the national and international arena. Thus it seems necessary to include higher education institutions in the development of a local tourism offer and cultural animation of the city life

    African Art: The Journey from Ethnological Collection to the Museum of Art

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    This article aims to show the transformation in the way African art is displayed in museums which has taken place over the last few decades. Over the last 70 years, from the second half of the twentieth century, the field of African Art studies, as well as the forms taken by art exhibitions, have changed considerably. Since W. Rubin’s controversial exhibition Primitivism in 20th Century Art at MoMA (1984), art originating from Africa has begun to be more widely presented in museums with a strictly artistic profile, in contrast to the previous exhibitions which were mostly located in ethnographical museums. This could be the result of the changes that have occurred in the perception of the role of museums in the vein of new museology and the concept of a “curatorial turn” within museology. But on the other hand, it seems that the recognition of the artistic values of old and contemporary art from the African continent allows art dealers to make large profits from selling such works. This article also considers the evolution of the idea of African art as a commodity and the modern form of presentations of African art objects. The current breakthrough exhibition at the Bode Museum in Berlin is thoroughly analysed. This exhibition, entitled Beyond compare, presents unexpected juxtapositions of old works of European art and African objects of worship. Thus, the major purpose of this article is to present various benefits of shifting meaning from “African artefacts” to “African objects of art,” and therefore to relocate them from ethnographic museums to art museums and galleries

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    „Why do we need art history?” In the 21st century – in the context of the 20th century history of the discipline

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    Creativity is now an exposed trait. This is due to the high need for innovation, original and useful solutions that serve the development of the organization, their effective market entry and long-term survival. This publication is a collection of papers prepared under The First National Conference “CREATIVE VIBES. Kreatywnością napędzamy gospodarkę”, whose aim was to stir issues concerning the significance of creativity from the point of view of the development of innovative economy, as well as to draw attention to the role of creativity in the education process of students and its impact on the development of professional competence.The article presents various approaches to the methodology of modern and contemporary art history. It provides signposts and a set of possible orientations toward the field of art history, by presenting some of the theoretical perspectives most widely used in the discipline today (e.g. historiography, iconography, ‘iconic turn’or the most recent concept – ‘Relational Aesthetics’). The aim of this article is to present art as a visual representation of a range of concepts and emotions as well as to examine the progress of different ways in which people study, interpret and appreciate art in its richness and multitude of forms

    Wykorzystanie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w dostępie do informacji i usług turystycznych w świetle wyników badań przeprowadzonych wśród polskich turystów w województwie małopolskim

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    Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne znalazły szerokie zastosowanie w dostępie do informacji i usług turystycznych, a korzystanie z tego typu rozwiązań oddziałuje na zachowania turystyczne. Celem autorki artykułu było scharakteryzowanie na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań zachowań i opinii turystów w zakresie korzystania z tych technologii przed planowaną podróżą. Wyniki te, w tym ocena użyteczności narzędzi cyfrowych, wskazują, że turyści są zainteresowani korzystaniem z technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych. Najbardziej aktywnymi użytkownikami byli respondenci w wieku poniżej 35 lat, mieszkający w miastach i mający wykształcenie średnie lub wyższe. Strony internetowe, aplikacje mobilne i inne rozwiązania utworzone z zastosowaniem omawianych technologii były traktowane przez nich przede wszystkim jako źródło szeroko rozumianej informacji turystycznej oraz narzędzie ułatwiające planowanie trasy przemieszczania się, a także kupowanie usług turystycznych. Dla podróżnych miały również znaczenie media społecznościowe, umożliwiające dzielenie się w Internecie treściami związanymi z wyjazdem turystycznym

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    Publikacja dofinansowana przez Fundację Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz Katedrę Historii Sztuk