8 research outputs found

    Cultural Events Organizers in the Context of Cultural Manangement

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    Závěr Rigorózní práce se pokusila o bližší představení vykonavatelů managementu kulturních akcí. Prvním z jejích cílů bylo přispět k vyplnění mezery v odborném prostředí, které by mohlo rozšířit tolik potřebné diskuze a umožnilo stavět odborný zájem na zatím ojedinělé práci z organizátorské oblasti kultury. I když je zvolené téma obsáhlé, snažila jsem se, i přes omezený rozsah práce, alespoň o určité přiblížení fenoménu. Práce se věnovala terminologickému představení pojmů z oblasti, stručnému přehledu evropské a české historie managementu kulturních akcí a významným organizátorským osobnostem v dějinách. Prostor byl věnován současnému řízení kulturních projektů včetně nedostatečných možností vzdělání oproti zahraničí. Je sice pravdou, že ještě v nedávné minulosti neexistovalo žádné formální vzdělávání v oblasti managementu kultury, ale i když se situace začíná měnit, stále není ideální. Práce posuzovala i vhodné schopnosti, předpoklady a klíčové činnosti organizátorů. Díky narůstající převaze žen organizátorek jim také byla věnována jedna z kapitol a pokusila se vyjádřit ženská specifika při organizátorské práci. Z některých současných tendencí je možné odhadnout budoucí vývoj a proto ani ten nebyl v krátkosti opomenut. Druhým a stěžejním cílem práce bylo stanovení klasifikace hlavních typů...This thesis attempted to closer introduction of management executors of cultural events. The first of its aims was to contribute towards filling the gap in professional area that could extend much-needed discussion and allowed to build a professional interest in the so far unique work from organizational area of culture. Although the selected topic was a broad one, I tried to give at least partially a detailed account of this phenomenon. The work was devoted to presentation of terminological terms in the field, brief overview of European and Czech history of the management of cultural events and significant personalities in the history of organizing. The work dealt with the current management of cultural projects, including a lack of educational opportunities than abroad. It is true that in the recent past there was no existence of formal education as far as cultural management is concerned. Even though there have been slight changes, the situation is not ideal. This work assessed also appropriate skills, assumptions and key activities of the organizers. With the increasing prevalence of women organizers they were also given one of the chapters that attempted to express the specifics of women's organizational work. It is possible to predict the future from some current trends, and therefore it has...Institute of EthnologyÚstav etnologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    About history and present of cultural events management. Cultural events managers and organizers

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá managementem kulturních akcí s detailním zaměřením na manažery a organizátory kulturních akcí v historické a současné perspektivě. Předmět práce byl zvolen jako kulturologický fenomén, jehož kapacita stejně jako množství těchto realizátorů kulturních projektů neustále narůstá. Teoretická část práce je rozdělena do jedenácti kapitol, které se zabývají nejprve úvodnímu pojednání o managementu kulturních akcí, představení rozdělení organizátorů kulturních aktivit a typologii kulturních akcí. Druhá kapitola se soustředí na historický nástin řízení kulturních projektů od starověké, středověké a novověké etapy včetně historických specifik českého prostředí. Současný management kulturních akcí jako zaměření čtvrté kapitoly obsahuje pojednání o šesti zásadních činnostech organizátorů, jejich vhodných vlastnostech a také druhů možných neúspěchů v této oblasti. Další stěžejní kapitoly mají za cíl představit pět definovaných druhů organizátorských subjektů s důrazem na jejich ideový, tvůrčí, organizátorský a ekonomický podíl na realizaci kulturního projektu. Konkrétní příklady těchto subjektů jsou také součástí těchto kapitol. Ke konci teoretické části práce jsou zkoumána specifika žen - organizátorek a nastínění budoucnosti organizátorů i managementu kulturních akcí. Empirická část práce...The MA thesis deals with management of cultural events with detailed focus on managers and people organising these events offering contemporary and historical perspectives. The subject of this work has been raised as cultural phenomenon whose capacity as well as the number of organisers realising these cultural projects increases constantly. The theoretical part is divided into eleven chapters that deal firstly with introductory discourse about management of cultural events, introduction of the classification of organisers of cultural events, and the typology of cultural events. The second chapter concentrates on historical outline of managing cultural projects from ancient and medieval to modern times including historical specifics of the Czech environment. Contemporary cultural events management as the focus of the fourth chapter contains discourse on six significant activities of organisers, their appropriate features as well as types of possible failures in this area. Further chapters aim at five defined organisational subjects focusing on their ideological, creative, organisational and economic participation in realisation of cultural projects. The chapters also include particular cases of these subjects. Towards the end of the theoretical part there area also specifics of females discussed - female...Institute of EthnologyÚstav etnologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    About history and present of cultural events management. Cultural events managers and organizers

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    The MA thesis deals with management of cultural events with detailed focus on managers and people organising these events offering contemporary and historical perspectives. The subject of this work has been raised as cultural phenomenon whose capacity as well as the number of organisers realising these cultural projects increases constantly. The theoretical part is divided into eleven chapters that deal firstly with introductory discourse about management of cultural events, introduction of the classification of organisers of cultural events, and the typology of cultural events. The second chapter concentrates on historical outline of managing cultural projects from ancient and medieval to modern times including historical specifics of the Czech environment. Contemporary cultural events management as the focus of the fourth chapter contains discourse on six significant activities of organisers, their appropriate features as well as types of possible failures in this area. Further chapters aim at five defined organisational subjects focusing on their ideological, creative, organisational and economic participation in realisation of cultural projects. The chapters also include particular cases of these subjects. Towards the end of the theoretical part there area also specifics of females discussed - female..

    Exotický turismus v České republice

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    This thesis analyses the phenomenon of exotic tourism, which has been expanding into Central Europe and has been adapting since the beginning of the new millennium. The specific essence of this form of tourism is organizing trips to Latin American countries where the main goal is to participate in traditional rituals organized directly by the locals of the Amazon, the neo-shamans, or members of the syncretic churches. The thesis is divided into theoretical and research parts. The theoretical part deals with the history of the Amazon, what exotic tourism is and how it penetrated the Czech Republic. The research part is based on 14 pre-recorded semi-structured interviews with respondents who have immediate experience with Amazonian traditional medicine. The aim of this work is to find out what manifestations of tourism Czech travellers encounter in the Amazon, specifically to analyse their experiences with the use of ayahuasca and tobacco, analyse the extension and adaptation of this medicine in the Czech Republic, as well as to evaluate the therapeutic potential of these products, as well

    Cultural Events Organizers in the Context of Cultural Manangement

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    This thesis attempted to closer introduction of management executors of cultural events. The first of its aims was to contribute towards filling the gap in professional area that could extend much-needed discussion and allowed to build a professional interest in the so far unique work from organizational area of culture. Although the selected topic was a broad one, I tried to give at least partially a detailed account of this phenomenon. The work was devoted to presentation of terminological terms in the field, brief overview of European and Czech history of the management of cultural events and significant personalities in the history of organizing. The work dealt with the current management of cultural projects, including a lack of educational opportunities than abroad. It is true that in the recent past there was no existence of formal education as far as cultural management is concerned. Even though there have been slight changes, the situation is not ideal. This work assessed also appropriate skills, assumptions and key activities of the organizers. With the increasing prevalence of women organizers they were also given one of the chapters that attempted to express the specifics of women's organizational work. It is possible to predict the future from some current trends, and therefore it has..

    Colours in German sayings. Occurrence of basic colours in German phraseologisms and their equivalence in Czech

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    This bachelor thesis focuses on the phrases of three selected colors, namely blue, red and green. The theoretical part deals with the concept of phraseology in the narrower and broader sense of the word, its characteristic features, classification and finally with corpus materials. The practical part describes the psychology of the mentioned colors and the meaning of selected phrases. It also deals with the occurrence and quantitative comparison of selected phrases, their translation into Czech and equivalence

    Structure and properties of AB21, a novel Agaricus bisporus protein with structural relation to bacterial pore-forming toxins

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    We report the characterization of the dimeric protein AB21 from Agaricus bisporus, one of the most commonly and widely consumed mushrooms in the world. The protein shares no significant sequence similarity with any protein of known function, and it is the first characterized member of its protein family. The coding sequence of the ab21 gene was determined and the protein was expressed in E. coli in a recombinant form. We demonstrated a high thermal and pH stability of AB21 and proved the weak affinity of the protein to divalent ions of some transition metals (nickel, zinc, cadmium, and cobalt). The reported crystallographic structure exhibits an interesting rod‐like helical bundle fold with structural similarity to bacterial toxins of the ClyA superfamily. By immunostaining, we demonstrated an abundance of AB21 in the fruiting bodies of A. bisporus