18 research outputs found


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    The heart is the leader for the life of a servant. There is a period of heart leading its host to the truth and there is a period of error in every deed. The important role of the heart invites the discussion to be directed in its leadership so that the Qur'an and Hadith have a central role in its activity to direct its host.In fact, today, human life as a servant dragged down in failure, indecision and destruction in every activity he holds, so the expected social conditions do not materialize. Consequently, there has been an injustice that brings about the marginalization of the rights they should have, whether those in the lower and upper middle class economies. This is because each party claims to have done justice in fact justice for himself and the people around him and not to the people as a whole which is his duty to pay attention to it. With the explanation of the concept of heart in the discourse of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith can provide a concrete explanation to provide a clear understanding in bringing a servant to the path directed by Al-Quran and Al-Hadith

    As-Sair Ilallah ( Jalan Menuju Allah )

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    “By tracing the various forms of worship used in accordance with Al-Quran and Al-Hadith accompanied by the patience of a servant as a manipulation of the application of understanding of both sources of Islam in the form of deeds and can answer the desire of the Sufis to know God Almighty, in walking to God. Through Taqarrub, suluk in reaching rihlah, through various different maqomat and ahwal that is adapted to both Islamic sources is an effort to reach it in the way of Allah SWT, which is wusul ilallah. All that is done in sair ilallah is the attainment to the realization of the essence of ihsan.”

    The Urgency of Religious Moderation in Preventing Radicalism in Indonesia

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    This paper aims to contribute to the thought of realizing religious moderation to prevent radicalism. The problem is, what is meant by religious moderation and how to do the deradicalization of religious moderation based harmony in Indonesia. This research used a qualitative method with content analysis techniques (content analysis), which examines and analyzes a number of literature (Library Research) related to the subject matter. Religious moderation is very significant in deradicalizing, namely; 1). Provide awareness of human nature to do good, the necessity of living side by side in the midst of heterogeneity, without cultural, religious and national boundaries. 2). A moderate attitude promotes hospitality and compassion, upholds human dignity, and lives a life based on religion, morals and universal ethics. 3). Religious people are aware of being citizens and at the same time becoming part of world citizens, respecting other truths. 4). Religious moderation is the most appropriate content and practice to prevent radicalism and preserve harmony in Indonesian earth, which is knitted with Pancasila values. Mental attitude that is moderate, fair, and balanced is the key to managing diversity. 5). With religious moderation, it will be able to manage plural and multicultural societies in the midst of the development of information technology in Indonesia. 6). Religious moderation becomes significant not only for the creation of constructive relations between religions externally, but it is also important internally to create harmony between various streams within one religion

    Hakikat Keislaman dalam Pemutusan Pelaksanaan Id. Adha (Memahami Tafsir Surat An-Nisa: 59 dan Ali Imran: 103)

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    AbstractIslam adalah agama yang megajarkan ummatnya kepada keselamatan sejati, yaitu penuhanan diri seorang hamba hanya kepada Allah Swt, sehingga mampu menghadapi kenyataan yang adanya sebab kenyataan tersebut juga bagian dari ciptaan Allah Swt. Kenyataan selalu dihadapi dengan berbagai persoalan dan permasalahan. Keputusan merupakan solusinya, namun di dalam memutuskan keputusan untuk sebagai solusi dalam menjawab persoalan dan menghadapi permasalahan, selalu ada perbedaan pemahaman. Perbedaan merupakan proses dalam menuju keputusan yang berpahamkan kebersamaan. Pemahaman bersama merupakan pemahaman yang sejati dalam menuju sebuah tujuan (hasil) dari kenyataan yang harus dihadapi.Contohnya, di dalam memutuskan pelaksanaan Iddain (dua hari raya), khususnya Id. Adha, membutuhkan pemahaman sejati dengan mengembalikan kepada hasil yang diinginkan yang berkaitan dengan tujuan bertauhid atau Hakikat Keislaman. Tujuan bertauhid adalah menyembah haya kepada Allah Swt. Dengan berlandaskan kepada tujuan bertauhid, maka dua kelompok yang berbeda akan memperoleh akal yang sehat sesuai dengan intruksi Allah dalam surat al-Alaq ayat 1-2, bahwa kita berbuat dengan karena Allah Swt. Kesadaran tersebut akan memberikan kebahagaiaan yang sejatinya pelaksanaan iddain dan puasa Ramadhan khususnya Id. Adha, merupakan alat yang mengantarkan kita menuju kebahagiaan dalam keislaman. Kebahagiaan tersebut terwujud oleh kebersamaan yang hanya berpeagang kepada tali Allah Swt atau hokum-Nya, yaitu al-quran dan Hadits. Berpegang kepada kedua sumber tersebut akan meredakan susana perselisihan atau perbedaan paham dan mengantarkan kepada kelurusan dalam beriman kepada Allah Swt. Kelurusan dalam mengimani Allah dan rasul-Nya akan mengantarkan seorang hamba Allah Swt., atau ummat Nabi Muhammad Saw., kepada kemudahan di dalam mempertemukan perbedaan menjadi kebersamaan dan menuju kebahagiaan dalam keislaman

    Hakikat Puasa Ramadhan dalam Perspektif Tasawuf (Tafsir Q.S Al-Baqarah: 183)

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    Tulisan ini berjudul Hakikat Puasa Ramadhan dalam Persfektif Tasawuf dengan menafsirkan Quran surah al-Baqarah ayat 183. Penulis berusaha menjembatani kondisi zaman sekarang yang penuh dengan kebimbangan dari sikap seorang hamba yang beribadah, di satu sisi dia berpuasa Ramadhan namun tetap menguasai sifat yang rakus dan sombong. Artikel ini akan membahas pengertian tasawuf dan tujuannya, ramadhan dan hikmahnya, serta korelasi puasa ramadhan dengan tasawuf sebagai wujud makna tafsir surah al-Baqarah ayat 183 dengan puasa ramadhan, dan empat makna hakikat puasa ramadhan dalam perspektif tasawuf


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    The study of Malays, is inseparable from their beliefs and concerns about the teachings of Islam. But does every Malay person want to enter the tarikat, specifically the Syattariyah Tarikat Mr. Sheikh H. Abdurrahman Silau Laut. If so, what factors drove them to enter it? Therefore, this paper focuses on in-depth interviews (dept interview), using the "filed risearch" and "frame of reference" methods. The aim is to find out the factors that drive them into this path. The results and discussion of this study, found that many Malay people entered the Syattariyah Tarikat which was founded by Mr. Sheikh H. Abdurrahman Silau Laut in Silau Laut District. There are two factors that encourage them to enter this path. First, the interinsic factor of the Malays wants to draw closer to Allah, and also wants to explore psychology. Secondly, the exinsic factor because it is motivated by others and all positive views towards the person of Mr. Sheikh of Silau Lautand the teachings of his path, karomah, i'iqad and his actions encourage them to enter this path. To the local government, scholars, pilgrims and the community paid serious attention to the preservation of the teachings of Tarikat Syattariyah as a scientific institution for the next generation. Keywords: Syattaryyah Tarikat, Abdurrahman, Silau Laut, Motivation, Melayu People of Asahan

    Motivasi Orang Melayu Mengikuti Tarikat Syattariyyah Tuan Syekh H. Abdurrahman Silau Laut Di Kecamatan Silau Laut Kabupaten Asahan

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    AbstrakPembahasan toleransi berdasarkan kitab al-Iklil dengan analisis ilmu sosial adalah sebuah langkah maju untuk memperkenalkan bahwa Islam tidak hanya bergulat pada sufisme dan pengalaman mistis semata. Tetapi juga mengakrabkan manusia dengan realitas. Selama ini, agama dianggap mengasingkan manusia dari realitas, seperti pandangan Marx yang menyebut bahwa agama membuat orang hanya bermimpi tentang realitas imajiner, atau Sigmund Freud yang menyebut agama hanya ilusi yang harus dimusnahkan. Setidaknya, dengan pengkajian nilai toleransi dalam tafsir al-Iklil, dapat diketahui bahwa ajaran Islam sangat dekat dengan realitas masyarakat[1] Secara umum, tidak terdapat diksi tasammuh dalam Alquranyang bermakna toleransi. Namun di dalam Alquran, terdapat banyak ayat yang membahas tentang sikap dan cara untuk menjalin interaksi dalam berkehidupan antara umat beragama. Ayat-ayat Alquran akan menjadi pondasi kepada  nilai-nilai tasammuh yang diajarkan oleh Islam melalui kitab sucinya.Penelitian ini, sebagaimana yang disebutkan di atas, terfokus kepada penelaahan terhadap teks-teks tafsir karya ulama besar tanah jawa yaitu Kh. Misbah Musthafa zein dalam tafsir al-Iklil dengan ayat-ayat tasammuh. Sebagaimana kita lihat kajian tentang Tasammuh sangat menarik untuk dikaji. Dari hasil penelaahan, ditemukan beberapa poin penting terkait pondasi toleransi yang telah dikaji berdasar pemikiran beliau.Kata Kunci:  Islam, Sufisme, Tasammuh, Tafsir[1] Kuntowijoyo, Muslim Tanpa Masjid, (Bandung: Mizan, 2001), hlm 98-99


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    The Da'wah of the Salafi School aims to purify Islamic teachings by eradicating all kinds of deviations from Islamic practices that have mixed with non-Islamic cultures, giving rise to bid'ah. The salafi school invites them to return to the Al-Qur'an and hadith, where hadiths are only understood textually and in their sermons the salafi scholars openly attack Islamic boarding school scholars. ? How is the resistance carried out by Islamic boarding school scholars to salafi preaching, especially in understanding hadith? What is the influence that occurred on the implementation of Fiqh by the people in Aceh and North Sumatra Medan? This research is qualitative, namely a way of research and understanding that is based on how to investigate environmental conditions and community problems. The method of qualitative research is usually stated as a naturalistic research method because the research is carried out when the circumstances are as they are, also known as the ethnographic method. The approach used is an anthropological approach. To get the data, structural analysis, historical analysis, and ideological criticism were carried out. Based on the results of the research, it can be seen that the proselytizing of the Salafi sect which is carried out by attacking Islamic boarding school scholars openly, aims to really practice shari'ah which has the basis of Rasulullah SAW. Because they think that the Islamic boarding school scholars have left the Sunnh of Rasulullah SAW, so if it is not sunnah, don't do it because it will enter into bid'ah acts. However, the method adopted by the Salafi sect has actually departed from the provisions of the Koran itself, which wants da'wah to be carried out gently. Islamic boarding schools/dayah scholars should show their resistance to the salafi school (wahabi), because the salafi school is wrong in understanding hadith, because it only relies on textual understanding. Whereas hadith as the second source of Islamic law must be understood correctly, both textually and contextually, so that the messages of the Messenger of Allah through hadith, especially in interpreting the verses of the Koran which are still common, reach the community correctly. Salafi da'wah carried out both in Aceh and in North Sumatra has not had an impact on the community in practicing fiqh as expected by the salafi sect, because the community still commemorates Islamic holidays and understands hadith based on the Shafi'i school of thought. It is hoped that the salafi sect will carry out da'wah in ways that are gentle and willing to communicate in two directions, so that the messages to be conveyed can be accepted by the community. It is hoped that Islamic boarding schools/dayah scholars will maintain communication with the Salafi school, so that divisions can be avoided in an effort to maintain unity among fellow Muslims. It is hoped that the community will always maintain conditions so that they remain conducive even though they face ridicule and insults in practicing fiqh in everyday life


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    ASI adalah zat terlarut dalam larutan protein, laktosa, dan garam organik yang dikeluarkan oleh kedua kelenjar susu ibu yang dimaksudkan sebagai makanan utama bayi. Kebijakan terkait pemberian ASI diatur dalam UU No. 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan yang artinya setiap bayi yang lahir berhak mendapatkan ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan. Prevalensi cakupan ASI eksklusif di Indonesia pada tahun 2019 sebesar 67,74%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi rendahnya pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya pemberian ASI eksklusif di Desa Dalu X-B Kecamatan Tanjung Morawa. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini melibatkan 1 informan kunci dan 5 informan lainnya yang merupakan ibu menyusui yang berdomisili di Desa Dalu X-B. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor pengetahuan ibu, faktor pendidikan ibu dan faktor pekerjaan ibu berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya pemberian ASI eksklusif di Desa Dalu X-B