42 research outputs found

    Rola rówieśniczego tutoringu w rozwijaniu umiejętności komunikacyjnych dzieci przedszkolnych z niepełnosprawnościami

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    This article provides an overview of two approaches to peer-mediated intervention that have been effective in improving the social and communicative interactions among preschool children with developmental disabilities and their classmates without disabilities. These peer-mediated interventions involve teaching facilitative initiation and responsive interaction strategies to peers and teaching sociodramatic scripts. The studies presented in this paper prove that thanks to relationships with properly trained peers disabled children more often get involved in team games, more often establish interactions with their peers, are more eager to talk to them and less often exhibit socially unacceptable behaviors

    The Role of Peer Tutoring in Inclusive Education of Students with Disabilities

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    Researchers and teachers are interested in implementing best practices that improve inclusion of students with disabilities in ordinary schools. One solution to overcome these challenges is the implementation of peer tutoring as a flexible, peer-mediated strategythat involves students serving as academic tutors and tutees. In this article the author analyzes the following issues: 1) genesis and essence of inclusive education, 2) theoretical basis of peer tutoring, 3) peer tutoring in dyads, 4) peer tutoring in classroom, and 5) conditions for implementing peer tutoring

    Kontrowersje wokół społecznego modelu niepełnosprawności

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    Twardowski Andrzej, Controversies around the social model of disability. Culture – Society – Education no 2(16) 2019, Poznań 2019, pp. 7–21, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI: 10.14746/kse.2019.16.1 The aim of the article is to present a critical analysis of the social model of disability.In the first part, the author discusses the genesis, essence and basic advantages of the social model of disability. Next, five major disadvantages of this model are analysed:/1/ avoiding dealing with impairment as an important aspect of the lives of people with disabilities, /2/ separating impairment from disability, /3/ assuming that all people with disabilities are exposed to social oppression, /4/ postulating the creation of an environment without barriers and /5/ assuming that disability is the basis of the identity of people affected by it. In the final part of the article, the author presents reflections on the possibility of creating a new, more holistic model of disability.Twardowski Andrzej, Controversies around the social model of disability. Culture – Society – Education no 2(16) 2019, Poznań 2019, pp. 7–21, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI: 10.14746/kse.2019.16.1 The aim of the article is to present a critical analysis of the social model of disability.In the first part, the author discusses the genesis, essence and basic advantages of the social model of disability. Next, five major disadvantages of this model are analysed:/1/ avoiding dealing with impairment as an important aspect of the lives of people with disabilities, /2/ separating impairment from disability, /3/ assuming that all people with disabilities are exposed to social oppression, /4/ postulating the creation of an environment without barriers and /5/ assuming that disability is the basis of the identity of people affected by it. In the final part of the article, the author presents reflections on the possibility of creating a new, more holistic model of disability

    Possibilities of using peer tutoring in the education of children with intellectual disability

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    Inclusion of able peers into the process of aiding the development of disabled children is beneficial for both groups. Able children have the opportunity to get to know disabled peers better, to understand them and to develop an accepting attitude toward them. Disabled children have the opportunity to learn that their able peers pay attention to them and are willing to play and talk to them. They also have a chance to experience that they can successfully influence other people. What is more, their autonomy increases since they have to relay more on themselves in interaction with peers. In the article the author analyzes the following issues: 1) theoretical basis of peer tutoring; 2) types of teaching interaction between children; 3) preparing the non-disabled peers for the role of tutors; 4) effectiveness of peer tutoring in teaching children with intellectual disabilities; 5) role of the teacher as an organizer of peer tutoring; 6) questions that require verification by future research. sification of the social issued and different possibilities of its interpretation. An important characteristic of this perspective is also the fact that it points out the need of trying to improve democracy. Like Laclau claims, “the moment of imagining of a desire is maybe more important than its accomplishing, because it is the moment that motivates us to action and initiates the creative thinking”. Inclusion of able peers into the process of aiding the development of disabled children is beneficial for both groups. Able children have the opportunity to get to know disabled peers better, to understand them and to develop an accepting attitude toward them. Disabled children have the opportunity to learn that their able peers pay attention to them and are willing to play and talk to them. They also have a chance to experience that they can successfully influence other people. What is more, their autonomy increases since they have to relay more on themselves in interaction with peers. In the article the author analyzes the following issues: 1) theoretical basis of peer tutoring; 2) types of teaching interaction between children; 3) preparing the non-disabled peers for the role of tutors; 4) effectiveness of peer tutoring in teaching children with intellectual disabilities; 5) role of the teacher as an organizer of peer tutoring; 6) questions that require verification by future research

    Bariery integracji społecznej osób z niepełnosprawnościami. Polskie doświadczenia

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    The implementation of social integration consists in creating opportunities for the disabled to participate in normal life, providing access to all public institutions and social situations in which fully able people participate. Social integration in this meaning is a long way and numerous barriers are likely to appear. Barriers are all obstacles which make it difficult or impossible for the disabled to participate in the mainstream of social life and to perform socially appreciated roles. The author discusses main social integration barriers of persons with disabilities in Poland: diagnostic, educational, social, psychological, and employment-related.301191307Studia Edukacyjn

    The Social Model of Disability – Critical Analysis

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    The aim of this article is to provide a description and analysis of the social model of disability, and how it has developed during the past 40 years. In the first part of article the author presents the origins and basic tenets of the social model of disability emphasizing its key elements: the distinction between impairment and disability and the phenomenon of social oppression. Next, he describe the benefits of the social model. In the remainder of this article, the author analyze the main weaknesses of the social model of disability. The paper concludes with some reflections on the need to change in understanding of disability

    Architektura Miasto Piękno tom 2

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    "Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej zawsze był miejscem pełnym osobowości, indywidualności, talentów. Gdy profesorowie i mistrzowie odchodzili z Wydziału, mieliśmy świadomość, że tu nigdy już nie będzie tak samo. Wydział jednak trwał i trwa jak piękno miasta, które jest przecież dziełem zbiorowym, o nakładających się warstwach, wzmacniających i tworzących jego tożsamość. Tak też kolejne pokolenia kontynuują i budują historię Wydziału. Wydział pełen jest wspomnień i anegdot. W fotografiach, księgach, obrazach, meblach kryją się opowieści."(...

    Wirtualne wizyty domowe we wczesnym wspomaganiu rozwoju dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami

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    Pandemia COVID-19 zmusiła specjalistów wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju do zastąpienia osobistych wizyt domowych wizytami wirtualnymi. Wirtualne wizyty domowe, dzięki zastosowaniu technologii wideokonferencji, pozwalają połączyć się z rodzicami w formie wizualnej oraz dźwiękowej i świadczyć usługi, bez konieczności osobistego odwiedzania rodziny. Wizyty wirtualne skłaniają specjalistów do stosowania wobec rodziców większej liczby strategii coachingowych oraz wymagają, aby rodzice angażowali się w bezpośrednie relacje z dzieckiem. W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono warunki, które muszą być spełnione, aby wirtualna wizyta domowa mogła się odbyć oraz scharakteryzowano kluczowe elementy wizyty. Następnie przedstawiono te zalety wirtualnych wizyt domowych, które mają największy wpływ na ich skuteczność. W końcowej części artykułu wskazano na najważniejsze ograniczenia wirtualnych wizyt domowych.The COVID-19 pandemic forced early intervention specialists to shift from in-person home visits to virtual visits. Virtual home visits utilizes videoconferencing technology to connect with parents via both video and audio formats and deliver services without having to "visit" their home. Virtual visits pushes specialists to increase the amount of explicit parents coaching strategies they use and requires that parents engage with the child directly. In the first part of the article, the author presents the conditions that must be met for a virtual home visit to take place and describes the key elements of the visit. Next, he presents which advantages of virtual home visits have the greatest impact on their effectiveness. In the final part of the article, the author highlights the most important limitations of virtual home visits

    Potential application of peer tutoring in the inclusive education of students with disability

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    Both researchers and practitioners are interested in implementing best practices that improve educational outcomes for all learners. One solution to overcoming these challenges is the implementation of peer tutoring as a flexible strategy that involves students serving as academic tutors and tutees. In this article the author analyzes the following issues: (1) genesis and essence of inclusive education; (2) types of peer tutoring in the inclusive classrooms and (3) conditions for the effectiveness of peer tutoring in inclusive education

    Cultural Model of Disability – Origins, Assumptions, Advantages

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    This article aims to describe the cultural model of disability. In contrast to the social model of disability, which is strongly coherent, the cultural model of disability has not yet been specified, despite ongoing discussions on cultural determinants of understanding disability. In the first part of the article, the origins and essence of the cultural model are presented. Next, the four main assumptions underlying the model are characterised: 1) people perceive reality through the prism of their culture and experience acquired with it, 2) disability can have different meanings depending on what kind of discourse constitutes its meaning, 3) disability does not mean a feature of an individual, but a category of human differentiation, which can be embodied and thus materialised, 4) instead of just “looking” at people with disabilities and asking what problems they are struggling with, and what support from the society they need, the current perspective should be broadened and include the entire society and its culture. The final part of the article highlights the most important advantages of the cultural model of disability