59 research outputs found
MCM-41-type mesoporous silicas modified with alumina in the role of catalysts for methanol to dimethyl ether dehydration
MCM-41-type mesoporous silicas were modified with alumina by the impregnation, co-condensation, and template ion-exchange (TIE) methods. The obtained materials were characterized with respect to their chemical composition (ICP-OES), textural parameters (low-temperature N2 sorption), structure (XRD), and surface acidity (NH3-TPD) and tested as catalysts of methanol to dimethyl ether (DME) dehydration in a flow microreactor system. The catalytic performance of the studied materials was analyzed with respect to their porous structure, as well as their density and the strength of their acid sites. It was shown that the performance of the studied catalysts depends on the contribution of the surface exposed aluminum species, as well as their aggregation. For the most active catalyst, the study of its catalytic stability under rection conditions was performed. It was shown that the catalyst can be effectively regenerated by the incineration of carbon deposits under air flow at 550 °C for 1 h
Effect of ethanolamine oleate and polidocanol on the respiratory function and blood count in patients treated with esophageal variceal sclerotherapy
Wstęp: Celem pracy było przeprowadzenie analizy wymiany gazowej w płucach po skleroterapii
żylaków przełyku z zastosowaniem roztworu 5% etanolaminy (EO) i 3% polidokanolu (PK)
oraz ustalenie wpływu enoksaparyny (Enox) na zmiany gazometryczne w płucach i morfologię
krwi oraz obraz radiologiczny płuc u chorych po skleroterapii (ST) z zastosowaniem 5% EO.
Ponadto celem pracy była ocena zmian w badaniu morfologicznym krwi i obrazie radiologicznym
płuc po ST lub podwiązaniu żylaków przełyku (PŻP) oraz określenie rodzaju i częstości
powikłań po zabiegach.
Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono w 4 grupach, o liczebności 30 chorych w każdej
grupie: grupa I (EO) — ST z 5% EO, grupa II (PK) — ST z 3% PK, grupa III (EO + Enox)
— przed zabiegiem ST z 5% EO wstrzykiwano podskórnie enoksaparynę, grupa IV (PŻP) —
PŻP. Wykonano badania gazometryczne krwi tętniczej i żylnej przed oraz w 1., 5., 15., 30., 60.
i 120. minucie po zabiegu: pO2, pCO2, pH, satO2. Przed zabiegiem, w 90 minut i 24 godziny po
oznaczano: hematokryt (Ht), hemoglobinę (Hb), liczbę krwinek czerwonych (RBC), białych
(WBC) i płytek krwi (Plt). Badania radiologiczne płuc wykonywano przed i 48 go-dzin po
Wyniki: Wyniki badań gazometrycznych krwi tętniczej: paO2 — w grupie I i II stwierdzono
znamienny spadek, a w III i IV wartości nie wykazywały istotnych zmian; paCO2 — w grupie I
w III obniżyło się i wzrosło, w II wzrosło, a w IV obserwowano obniżenie; pHa — w grupie I
i w III stwierdzono wzrost, w II wzrost i spadek, a w IV nie stwierdzono zmian; sataO2 —
w grupie I i II obniżenie, w III i IV wartości nie wykazywały istotnych zmian.
Wyniki badań gazometrycznych krwi żylnej: pvO2 — w grupie I i II wartości nie wykazywały
istotnych zmian, w III i IV nastąpił wzrost; pvCO2 — w grupie I stwierdzono wzrost, w II i IV
spadek, w grupie III spadek i wzrost; pHv — w grupie I, II i III stwierdzono wzrost, a w IV
wartości nie wykazywały istotnych zmian; satvO2 — w grupie I spadek, w II, III i IV wzrost.
Składniki morfologiczne: wartości Ht, Hb, RBC, WBC, Plt obniżyły się znamiennie w 90.
minucie po zabiegu we wszystkich grupach. Po 24 godzinach zmiany cech morfologii nie wykazywały statystycznie istotnych różnic w porównaniu z wartościami wyjściowymi. Zmiany
radiologiczne płuc: odczyn opłucnowy stwierdzono u 4 chorych w grupie I, u 6 w II, u 3 w III
i u 3 w IV. Zmiany zapalne stwierdzono u 2 chorych w grupie I, u 2 w II, u jednego w III i w IV.
1. Zabiegi ST żylaków przełyku z zastosowaniem 5% EO i 3% PK wywołują zaburzenia
gazometryczne we krwi tętniczej i żylnej, objawiające się obniżeniem pO2 i satO2 oraz
zwiększeniem pCO2 i pH.
2. Zaburzenia wymiany gazowej w płucach są przejściowe i nie wywołują żadnych objawów
klinicznych u leczonych chorych.
3. Wstrzyknięcie enoksaparyny przed zabiegiem ST, z użyciem 5% EO, zapobiega rozwojowi
obserwowanych zmian w gazometrii.
4. Wartości składników morfologicznych krwi obniżyły się w 90. minucie po zabiegu ST i PŻP
i nie powodowały zmian w stanie klinicznym u chorych.
5. Zabiegi ST z użyciem 5% EO i 3% PK wywołują zmiany radiologiczne w płucach, objawiające
się wysiękowym zapaleniem opłucnej i zmianami niedodmowo-zapalnymi.
6. Obserwowane po zabiegach ST objawy, takie jak bóle zamostkowe, stany podgorączkowe,
przejściowa gorączka i nudności zalicza się raczej do objawów towarzyszących ST niż do
rzeczywistych powikłań.
J. Transf. Med. 2011; 2: 82–98Background: The aim of the study was to perform the analysis of gasometric exchange in
lungs following esophageal variceal sclerotherapy with 5% EO and 3% PC, determine the effect
of enoxaparin on the gasometric changes in the lungs, on blood count as well as on the
radiological image of the lungs in patients treated with 5% EO, evaluate the changes in the
blood count and the radiological image of the lungs after ST and EVL and determine the type
and frequency of complications following sclerotherapy procedure.
Material and methods: The study was conducted in four groups of 30 patients each: group I
(EO) — ST with 5% EO, group II (PC) — ST with 3% PC, group III (EO + Enox) —
endoxaparin was injected subcutaneously prior to ST with 5% EO and group IV (EVL) —
EVL. Gasometric investigations of arterial and venous blood (pO2, pCO2 pH, satO2 ) were
performed prior to each procedure as well as 1, 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min after. The following
parameters were determined prior to procedure, in the 90 min and 24 hours after procedure;
Ht, Hb, RBC, WBC, platelet count. Radiological examinations of the chest were performed
prior to and 48 hours after procedure.
Results: Results for arterial blood: paO2, decrease was statistically significant in group I and
II but the changes in group III and IV were not; paCO2 decreased to increase in groups I and
III, increased in group II and decreased in group IV; pHa — increased in groups I and III,
increased to decrease in goup II and no changes were observed in group IV; sataO2 decreased
in groups I and II, and no significant changes were observed in groups III and IV.
Results for venous blood: pvO2, values showed no significant changes in groups I and II but an
increase was observed in groups III and IV; pvCO2 increased in group I, decreased in group II
and IV and decreased to increase in group III; pHv — values increased in group I , II and III
and no changes were observed in group IV; satvO2 — decreased in groups I and increased in
groups II, III and IV.
Blood parameters (Ht, Hb, RBC, WBC, platelet count) significantly decreased in 90. min following
procedure in all four groups. After 24 h no statistically significant changes in blood parameters
were observed as compared to initial values. Radiological changes in the lungs — pleural reactions
were observed in 4 patients from group I, in 6 from II, in 3 from III and 3 from IV. Inflammatory
reactions were reported in 2 patients from group I, in 2 from II, in one from III and IV.
1. Esophageal variceal sclerotherapy with 5% EO and 3% PC causes gasometric changes in
arterial and venous blood manifested as decrease of pO2 and SatO2 as well as increase of
pCO2 and pH.
2. Disturbances of gasometric exchange in lungs are transient and cause no clinical symptoms.
3. Injections of enoxaparin prior to ST with 5% EO prevent such changes in gasometric
4. Blood count increased in 90 minutes after ST and EVL with no changes in clinical
state of patients.
5. ST with 5% EO and 3% PC is the cause of radiological changes in the lungs manifested as
exudative pleuritis and atelectatic changes.
6. Symptoms observed after ST such as retrosternal pain, subfebrile body temperature, transient
fever and nausea, are regarded rather as ST-associated symptoms than real complications.
J. Transf. Med. 2011; 2: 82–9
Postępowanie w dużej torbieli śledziony w ciąży – opis przypadku
Splenic cysts in pregnancy are an extremely rare disorder and to date only seven such cases have been reported in literature. The consensus for the management of pregnant patients with splenic cysts is therefore yet to be established. A 25-year old nullipara with a large (10 cm in diameter) splenic cyst located in the upper pole and the hilum was qualified for surgery in the second trimester of pregnancy. Open total splenectomy was performed because of the central location and large diameter of the cyst. No complications were reported. The pathology report demonstrated secondary cyst (pseudocyst). The remaining antepartum course was uneventful and the patient spontaneously delivered a healthy baby at 39 weeks of pregnancy. We are of the opinion that splenic cysts should be operated on in the second trimester of pregnancy because of the risk of spontaneous rupture. Total splenectomy is a safe and effective procedure for centrally located large cysts.Torbiele śledziony u ciężarnych są niezwykle rzadko spostrzeganą jednostką chorobową, do chwili obecnej w literaturze opisano zaledwie siedem przypadków. Z tego względu nie opracowano konsensusu postępowania u ciężarnych z torbielami śledziony. Przedstawiono przypadek 25-letniej pierworódki z torbielą średnicy 10 cm, zajmującej górny biegun i wnękę śledziony, którą zakwalifikowano do leczenia operacyjnego w trzecim trymestrze ciąży. Ze względu na centralną lokalizację torbieli wykonano całkowitą, otwartą splenektomię. W przebiegu śród- i pooperacyjnym nie stwierdzono żadnych powikłań. Badanie histopatologiczne ujawniło torbiel wtórną (rzekomą) śledziony. Pozostały przebieg ciąży był niepowikłany i pacjentka urodziła zdrowe dziecko siłami natury w 39 tygodniu ciąży. W naszej opinii duże torbiele śledziony powinny być operowane w drugim trymestrze ciąży ze względu na ryzyko samoistnego pęknięcia. W przypadku centralnej lokalizacji torbieli całkowita splenektomia jest bezpiecznym i skutecznym sposobem postępowania
Superficial lymph nodes involved by lymphoma in modern gray-scale ultrasound imaging
Background: Clinical evaluation by palpation of superficial lymph nodes involved by lymphoproliferative process is not sufficient. Ultrasound is a useful method of the initial differential diagnosis of lymph nodes. The aim was to assess the spectrum of ultrasound features of superficial lymphomatous nodes and possible diagnostic pitfalls. Material/Methods: Fifty five lymph nodes in 55 patients were prospectively examined in ultrasound with application of blood flow imaging modes and modern imaging techniques. Only forty lymph nodes with histopathologically proven lymphoma were selected for this analysis (3 Hodgkin, 37 non-Hodgkin). Results: 27.5% of the examined lymph nodes were longitudinal; 42.5% had an oval or round shape; 30% were oval-lobulated or lobulated. 32.5% of the nodes did not show an echogenic hilum, 20% had a normal hilum, and 25% - evidently abnormal. 12.5% of the nodes were anechoic. The general ultrasound impression of a reactive lymph node was presented by 37.5% of the lymphomatous nodes; 45% were suspicious. Among 26 patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma with multiple lymph nodes involved, in 15 (58%) lymph nodes were modeling on each other. Conclusions: Lymphomatous nodes reveal diverse ultrasound presentations: from appearances indistinguishable from benign reactive lymph nodes to features typical of metastases. Ultrasound internal structure of lymphomatous nodes may be anechoic, causing the possibility of confusion with a cyst, especially in case of a single lymphomatous node. Multiple lymphomatous nodes with non-Hodgkin lymphoma often model on each other assuming geometrical shapes
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn
Multidisciplinary studies of the Middle–Upper Bathonian ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn revealed
variable palaeoenvi- ronmental conditions during the deposition of this seemingly monotonous
sequence. We interpret the conditions in the bottom environment and the photic zone, and also
evaluate the influence of the adjacent land areas, based on sedi- mentology, geochemistry,
sporomorphs and palynofacies composition, benthic (foraminifera, gastropods, bivalves, scaphopods,
echinoderms), planktonic (calcareous nannoplankton, dinoflagellate cysts), and nektonic (sharks)
fossils. The Gnaszyn succession originated relatively close to the shore, within reach of an
intense supply of terrestrial fine clas- tic and organic particles. The latter are mainly of
terrestrial origin and range from 1.5 to 2.5 wt.%. The precise water depth is difficult to estimate
but most likely ranges from several tens of metres to a few hundred metres. All fossil groups show
minor changes throughout the succession. As the climate seems to have been quite stable during this
period we consider sea-level fluctuations to have been the main factor responsible for the changes.
The terrestrial input, includ- ing freshwater and land-derived clastic and organic particles
(sporomorphs and cuticles), increased during periods of sea-level lowstand. As a consequence,
stress conditions (lower salinity, higher nutrient availability, lower water trans- parency) in the
photic zone caused blooms of opportunistic planktonic taxa. Furthermore, a faster sedimentation
rate led to oxygen depletion and deterioration of the living conditions in the bottom environment
due to an increased accumulation of organic matter. As a result, the benthic biota became taxonomically impoverished and
commonly dominated by juvenile forms. During periods of high sea level, the source areas were
shifted away from the basin, resulting in a decrease in the terrestrial influx, increase in the
salinity of surface waters, the appearance of more diverse phytoplank- ton assemblages, a lower
sedimentation rate, and an improvement of living conditions at the bottom
DNA Oxidative Cleavage Induced by the Novel Peptide Derivatives of 3-(quinoxalin-6-yl)alanine in Combination with Cu(II) or Fe(II) Ions
Three model dipeptides containing 3-(2,3-di(pyridin-2-yl)quinoxalin-6-yl)alanine, 3-(dipyrido[3,2-a:2,3-c]phenazin-11-yl)alanine, and 3-(2,3-diphenylquinoxalin-6-yl)alanine were studied with respect to their ability to bind selected transition metal ions, such as Cu(II), Fe(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Mn(II), and Cr(III). It was found that only Cu(II) and Fe(II) ions could form stable complex species with the studied compounds. The ability to form the complexes correlated well with DNA damage experiments. Only the ferrous and cupric complexes are capable of generating both single- and double-strand scissions. However, double-strand breakages appear to be dominating lesions in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, especially for copper(II) containing systems. The quantity of breakage products in the presence of N-(3-(dipyrido[3,2-a:2,3-c]phenazine-11-yl)alanyl)glycine complexes was the highest as compared to the complexes of the remaining compounds. Moreover, this ligand was the only one that cleaved DNA in the absence of either Cu(II) or Fe(II) ions
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