53 research outputs found


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    The aim of this article was to show the initial stage of development of women's world football through the analysis of first five tournaments within the World Championships. Such beginning in the form of world class tournaments has allowed strengthening the position of women's football in the world, giving it international prestige. First tournament took place in China in 1991. Joao Havelange, a then FIFA president, was a great promoter of the establishment of the FIFA World Cup. The next world championships were played in Sweden. It was a perfect tournament in terms of organization. A turning point in women's football was a tournament played in 1999 in the United States. It was a great media success of women's football. This tournament broke the audience record of sport competitions involving women, as the final match was watched by more than 90 thousand spectators at the stadium. The next championships strengthened the position of football in the world. Currently, there is a need to monitor and register important events in women's football, as it happens in men's football

    The Most Important Motor Coordination Skills in the Goalkeepers’ Training

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    The conducted studies were aimed at identifying the most important coordination motor skills (CMS) among junior footballers playing as the goalkeepers as well as defining the impact of physical activity on young players’ CMS. In this study there were used seven tests, which were able to asses in comprehensive and objective way seven most important CMS of football players. The studies were conducted with the participation of 26 goalkeepers form the Polish leagues of the first, second and third league, who played in junior teams in the 2015/2016 season. Statistica 10.1 PL program was used in statistical calculations as well as discriminative function analysis and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The dominant CMS in young footballers playing as goalkeepers were: spatial orientation, coupled motion, adaptation and displacement of movement actions as well as, to a lesser extent, kinesthetic differentiation of movements. The highest level of CMS the goalkeepers achieved in the main part of training in the situation of the highest training load. It should be continued to monitor the level of CMS of goalkeepers, taking into account the type of exercise that focuses on developing particular motor skills

    Identyfikowanie różnic w sytuacyjnie uwarunkowanych zmianach sprawności działania w grze w piłkę nożną graczy i zespołów reprezentujących mistrzowski poziom umiejętności

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    The dynamic development of football game, especially of its technical and tactical dimen-sions as well as multi-factorial physical features of players, have led to the need to conduct studies and their analysis in order to deepen and understand occurring phenomena. The studies and their results presented in this work were aimed at better understanding of the changes taking place and indicating trends in the modern football game at the highest sports level. The purpose of the studies was to indicate trends in the monitoring and eval-uation of football game over the last decade, which were characterized as systematic changes in the efficiency of performance. The research material used for the analysis was obtained on the basis of the most modern systems analyzing players' game as well as exploration of a large number of factors including five championships: the World Cham-pionships in 2010 and 2014 and the European Championships in 2008, 2012 and 2016. The calculated game performance indicators allowed to compare the efficiency of football teams and players participating in individual tournaments. The effectiveness of winning and losing teams was determined. There was compared the efficiency of players' specific positions on the pitch. There were also indicated factors of the game which in the highest degree determined the victory in direct competition and those which were the most important when achieving good results in championships. The studies have shown that since the European Championships in 2008 the activity of shots on goal has decreased, efficiency of counterattacks, especially among side midfielders, has decreased, activity and effectiveness of duels in the air that aim at taking over the ball passed high have increased. It has been also indicated that since the European Championships in 2008 the differences in the efficiency of passing the ball between winning and losing teams, previ-ously beneficial for the winners, have decreased with a countervailing trend. Since the European Championships in 2008 the average distance a football player runs in a match has been lengthening to reach the average level of 11 000 meters in the World Champi-onships in 2014. The factors that had the greatest impact on the game efficiency of teams during the analyzed tournaments were the parameters of shots, such as: the activeness and effectiveness of shots as well as activeness of shots from the penalty area and from outside of the penalty area. Among the parameters determining the efficiency of passes were among others: the efficiency of passes that gain space being performed in the mid-dle zone, the efficiency of passes that maintain game space in the zone of gaining space and creating goal situations. The studies also showed that game effectiveness was influ-enced by defensive actions such as: the efficiency of sliding tackles, duels in the air that is the fight for taking over the ball passed high or clearances, whereas among offensive actions the efficiency of crosses gaining the game space

    Weight of diagnostic characteristics in the assess ment of tourism potential of rural areas according to Siedlce inhabitants

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    The presented work is an attempt to determine the importance of individual diagnostic characteristics conditioning rural tourism development by calculating their weights. The research was conducted in 2020 and involved the inhabitants of the city of Siedlce. The research method comprised a diagnostic survey. The authors’ research tool of choice was a questionnaire. The research pertained to an assessment of characteristics reflecting the tourism potential of rural areas in Poland. Evaluation of attitudes was based on a 10-grade Likert scale. The resulting point scores were used to calculate weights of characteristics affecting tourism development in rural areas. The characteristics representing structural resources which had the greatest impact on rural tourism development included: presence of natural water bodies in the commune, number of historic sites,number of food and beverage serving establishments, convenient road access to the commune’s administrative centre, and distance between the locality and the nearest town whose population exceeds 20 thousand inhabitants. Considering functional resources, indicators which may enhance an area’s attractiveness to tourists include commune’s ability to obtain EU funds and their expenses on tourism and entrepreneurship

    The accommodation and transport modes of choice of Siedlce and Siedlce poviat residents engaged in domestic religious tourism in the years 2017-2019

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    The objective of the present work was to fill in the research space exploring the existential issues of people participating in religious tourism. The authors undertook to indicate places of accommodation and transport modes of choice for the purpose of religious trips made by people living either in the town of Siedlce or in the surrounding area called Siedlce poviat. The following determinants were used while establishing the aim of the study: gender, age andlevel of education. The study here involved the method of diagnostic survey whose research tool was the authors’ own questionnaire. The analysis conducted in the study reported here demonstrated significant relationships between accommodation of choice and gender, level of education as well as age of the pilgrims. By far the greatest number of respondents used accommodation offered in pilgrim hostels. The majority of subjects travelling for religious purposes in Poland participated in walking pilgrimages. Despite a convenient location of Siedlce poviat with regard to airports, tourists from the study area did not choose this mode of transport at all. The objective of the present work was to fill in the research space exploring the existential issues of people participating in religious tourism. The authors undertook to indicate places of accommodation and transport modes of choice for the purpose of religious trips made by people living either in the town of Siedlce or in the surrounding area called Siedlce poviat. The following determinants were used while establishing the aim of the study: gender, age andlevel of education. The study here involved the method of diagnostic survey whose research tool was the authors’ own questionnaire. The analysis conducted in the study reported here demonstrated significant relationships between accommodation of choice and gender, level of education as well as age of the pilgrims. By far the greatest number of respondents used accommodation offered in pilgrim hostels. The majority of subjects travelling for religious purposes in Poland participated in walking pilgrimages. Despite a convenient location of Siedlce poviat with regard to airports, tourists from the study area did not choose this mode of transport at all.

    Funkcjonowanie LGD Ziemi Kraśnickiej jako przykład aktywizacji obszarów wiejskich w krajach Unii Europejskiej

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    Celem artykułu było wskazanie funkcjonowania LGD Ziemi Kraśnickiej jako przykład aktywizacji terenów wiejskich w kraju Unii Europejskiej jakim jest Polska. Przedstawiono funkcjonowanie LGD prowadzącego swoją działalność na obszarze jednego z najbiedniejszych regionów Unii Europejskiej jakim jest województwo lubelskie, a w nim powiat kraśnicki. Zastosowaną metodą był sondaż diagnostyczny, a narzędziami badawczymi kwestionariusz ankiety i wywiadu. Podmiot badań to 96 członków funkcjonujących w grupie LGD. W opinii badanych LGD przyczyniło się do rozwoju działalności pozarolniczej w regionie, promocji gminy i zmniejszeniu bezrobocia. Walory przyrodnicze i turystyczne, istniejąca atrakcyjna infrastruktura inwestycyjna to najważniejsze walory badanego obszaru, a wspieranie lokalnej działalności, to główny cel funkcjonowania LGD. Strategia LGD w całości wypełnia swoje założenia na terenie objętym badaniom. Przyczynia się do rozwoju regionu, ukierunkowanego w szczególny sposób na odchodzeniu mieszkańców od produkcji rolniczej i przechodzenie do sektorów pozarolniczych, co jest podstawowym założeniem strategii LGD

    The Physical Activity of Gymnasium and Secondary Education Teachers

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    Despite a noticeable increase in health awareness of active participation in physical culture, the vast majority of society still does not see a dependency between health and physical activeness. Only a few consider the lack of movement as one of the most harmful factors. Many researches, both Polish and foreign, point to insufficient level of physical activeness among citizens of the European Union, also including Polish ones. The report was aimed at determining the level of declared physical activity of gymnasium and secondary education teachers from Bialski region. In addition, an attempt was made to assess the impact of such variables as sex and subject taught on the level of respondents’ physical activeness. There was applied a method of diagnostic survey using an IPAQ questionnaire (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) – short version, last 7 days. The research material consisted of 221 randomly selected gymnasium and secondary school teachers from Bialski region. Due to the subject taught, respondents were divided into two groups: physical education teachers (n=76) and teachers of other subjects (n=145). The largest percentage of groups surveyed consisted of people who had a sufficient level of physical activity, whilst the one third met the criteria of the high level. Only physical activeness of moderate nature significantly differentiated groups surveyed in favour of physical education teachers. Taking sex as a criterion of division of the population surveyed, among the women, a considerable differentiation appeared in the area of walking, whereas the male population did not show significant differences only in the area of intense activity

    Виявлення відмінностей у ефективності дій команд, які виграли та програли під час чемпіонату світу Росія − 2018

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    Systematically undertaken analyzes of football pitch activities, especially in championship tournaments, are conducive to ongoing monitoring of players’ behaviors on the pitch as well as identifying trends in football game. Such actions allow training verification and the use of modern and current reality-related changes in game tactics. These are also changes in motor and mental preparation of the players. Purpose and Research Methods. The aim of the study was to indicate the influence of the situational variable, which was the outcome of the match (victory or defeat) of the teams directly competing with each other on the efficiency of actions during the World Championships Russia − 2018. ProZone game analysis system was used as a research method. Results of Work. It was stated that the winning teams: in all analyzed parameters of shots on goal, activity and effectiveness of short- and medium-range passes, keeping the ball in the penalty area, dribbling, sliding tackle and effectiveness of clearance, achieved significantly higher values of analyzed parameters than teams losing matches in direct competition. In this championship tournament there were no significant tendency changes in the analyzed game parameters affecting the development of football. Conclusions. There should be carried out systematic studies especially of championship tournaments as well as players and teams at a championship level in order to observe and set new football trends. Apart from goal shots, which are definitely preferred by winning teams, other activities are characterized by leveling out the game efficiency between winning and losing teams. This applies especially to the quality parameters of the game.Систематично проведений аналіз діяльності на футбольних полях, особливо на турнірах чемпіо­натів, сприяє постійному моніторингу поведінки гравців на полі, а також виявляє тенденції у футбольній грі. Такі дії дозволяють перевірити навчання та використовувати сучасні зміни, пов’язані з реальністю в тактиці гри. Це також зміни рухової та розумової підготовки гравців. Мета та методи дослідження. Метою дослі­дження було вказати на вплив ситуаційної змінної, яка була результатом матчу (перемога чи поразка) команд, які безпосередньо конкурували між собою за ефективність дій під час чемпіонату світу Росія − 2018. Метод дослідження − спостереження за допомогою системи аналізу ігор ProZone. Результати роботи. Було вста­новлено, що команди-переможці: у всіх перевірених параметрах ударів у ворота, активність та ефективність коротких та середніх пасів, наполегливість гравця з м’ячем у штрафному майданчику, дриблінг, а також активність слайдів та ефективність нокауту досягали значно більших значень тестованих параметрів ніж команди, які програвали матчі в прямому змаганні. У цьому турнірі чемпіонату не було помітних тенденцій до змін в аналізованих ігрових параметрах, що впливають на розвиток футболу. Висновки. Слід проводити систематичні дослідження, особливо на чемпіонатних турнірах, а також гравців та команд на рівні чемпіонатів, щоб спостерігати та встановлювати нові футбольні тенденції. Крім ударів по воротах, які безумовно віддають перевагу командам-переможцям, інші види діяльності характеризуються вирівнюванням ефективності гри між командами, які перемагають та програють. Особливо це стосується параметрів якості гри

    Turystyka rowerowa osób niepełnosprawnych

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    Niepełnosprawność jest jednym z ważniejszych problemów współczesnego świata. Fakt ten wynika z powszechności i rozmiaru tego zjawiska. Z roku na rok wzrasta liczba osób o różnym stopniu niepełnosprawności. Jest to spowodowane procesem starzenia się społeczeństwa, jak również wzrastającą ilością zagrożeń cywilizacyjnych. Celem badań było poznanie opinii osób niepełnosprawnych na temat uczestnictwa i znaczenia w ich życiu turystyki rowerowej. Badania przeprowadzono w 2010 roku na terenach wschodniej Polski. Popularność roweru używanego do celów rekreacyjnych i turystycznych w ostatnim czasie wyraźnie wzrosła. Turystyka kolarska, spacery, wycieczki, a nawet wielodniowe wędrówki na rowerze są atrakcyjnym sposobem wypełniania wolnego czasu

    Samoocena aktywności fizycznej studentów kierunku Wychowanie Fizyczne Wydziału Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu w Białej Podlaskiej

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    Aktywność fizyczna jest właściwością istot żywych, sposobem ich funkcjonowania zarówno od strony fizjologicznej jak i psychicznej. Celem pracy było określenie poziomu aktywności fizycznej studentów, w oparciu o deklarowaną przez nich samoocenę, a także poznanie motywów, które skłoniły respondentów do wyboru różnych form aktywności. W badaniu zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem wersji długiej kwestionariusza ankiety IPAQ. Wyniki badań wykazały, iż deklarowany poziom samooceny odzwierciedla faktyczny poziom aktywności fizycznej studentów. Wśród przyszłych badanych nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego, a zwłaszcza w grupie respondentów określających siebie jako “bardzo aktywni” dominowały takie motywy jak podniesienie kondycji fizycznej, wzmocnienie własnej wartości oraz poprawa stanu zdrowia