28 research outputs found

    Wydarzenia kulturalne formą kreowania nowego oblicza obiektów muzealnych

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    W sytuacji niewystarczających dotacji na działalność merytoryczną muzeów, zwłaszcza samorządowych, a także niskiej frekwencji zwiedzających, słabo zainteresowanych tradycyjną ofertą placówek, istnieje pilna potrzeba wzbogacania jej o dodatkowe elementy odpowiadające oczekiwaniom współczesnego klienta. Obserwacja prężnie działających muzeów w Polsce i na świecie wskazuje, że takim atrakcyjnym, poszerzającym produkt muzealny komponentem jest organizacja wydarzeń kulturalnych. Artykuł jest próbą wyjaśnienia roli wydarzeń kulturalnych w kształtowaniu produktu muzeum na podstawie analizy konkretnego przypadku Muzeum Miejskiego „Dom Gerharta Hauptmanna” w Jeleniej Górze-Jagniątkowie

    Wiedza o nabywcach usług turystycznych w świetle badań ankietowych biur podróży w Polsce

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    The article characterizes the selected information sources referring to the clients of travel services(activity on websites or social networks and mobile applications used), next an attempt is made to transform the information collected from the aforementioned sources into knowledge allowing effective marketing management of a tourist enterprise. The empirical part of the article presents the authors’ own research results regarding the evaluation of the above knowledge sources’ usefulness level in the actual practice of travel agencies functioning in Poland

    Cultural events as a method for creating a new future for museums

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    In the situation of insufficient subsidies for the substantive activities of museums, primarily the ones funded by the local governments, as well as low attendance of visitors, not really interested in the traditional offer of such institutions, there is an urgent need to extend it with additional elements corresponding to the expectations of a contemporary client. The observation of the thriving museums in Poland and worldwide indicates that cultural events represent such an attractive component which expands the museum offer. The article presents an attempt of explaining the role of cultural events in developing a museum product based on the analysis of a specific case of the Municipal Museum Gerhart Hauptmann’s House in Jelenia Góra-Jagniątków

    The Concept of Smart Hotels as an Innovation on the Hospitality Industry Market – Case Study of Puro Hotel in Wrocław

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    Market observation indicates the development of a new model for running a business in hospitality industry, referred to as smart hotels. This model is specifically distinguished by the new information and communication technologies. The concept of smart hotels is relatively new and can be regarded as an innovative solution in tourism. The presented article discusses the essence of a smart hotel category and identifies the attributes of an intelligent hotel. The theoretical discussion based on the subject literature in the theory of organization and management, as well as hospitality business economics and management was also illustrated using the case study of PURO hotel in Wrocław. The necessary information was collected from both secondary and primary sources. The most important information gathering method was interpersonal in-depth interview with the aforementioned hotel’s manager

    Sharing economy – wyzwania społeczno-ekonomiczne dla lokalnej polityki turystycznej. Przypadek Barcelony

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    The article discusses problems of sharing economy impact on the local economy of tourism oriented cities, based on the case of Barcelona. It presents the directions influencing the developing socioeconomic trend on the functioning of enterprises, local budget and the life of residents. Particular attention was paid to the negative socio-economic impacts of the functioning of such platforms, acting as intermediaries in the exchange of sharing economy offer as: Airbnb and Uber. These effects provide incentives for the local authorities to implement changes in the local tourism policy. In case of Barcelona the discussed changes are predominantly of legal nature and remain oriented towards regulating the activities of entities operating within the framework of sharing economy in order to, on the one hand, increase control over them and, on the other, counteract unfair competition

    Wirtualizacja i prosumpcja – innowacyjne trendy w konsumpcji turystycznej i ich wpływ na strategie dystrybucji podmiotów organizacji i pośrednictwa w turystyce

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    The primary purpose of the article is to characterize the two trends in tourism consumption, mutually determining each other, and their impact on the distribution strategies of entities operating in the sector of tourism organization and intermediation. By means of applying the method of scientific publications, both domestic and foreign, review the study explains the concepts of virtualization and prosumption, as well as discusses their manifestations in tourism. The analysis of information collected from many sources, mainly the secondary ones, not only the importance, but also the impact directions of both consumer oriented trends were emphasized on the functioning of tour operators in the area of their offer distribution

    Management of responsible development of enterprise

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed pape