80 research outputs found

    Zestaw przerywania procesu umierania

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    Nierecenzowany artykuł poglądowyArtykuł prezentuje zastosowanie zaprojektowanego przez studentów Ratownictwa Medycznego Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego Andrzeja Bieniek oraz Konrada Rawińskiego zestawu do przerywania umierania. Zaprezentowano budowę zestawu przerywania umierania, omówiono strukturę, rozplanowanie poszczególnych modułów oraz jego architekturę. Ponadto artykuł przedstawia podstawowe pojęcia oraz definicje z zakresu wypadków masowych. Zestaw do przerywania umierania został przetestowany przez doświadczonego ratownika medycznego w badaniu przeprowadzonym w dniu 16-go stycznia 2015 r. z użyciem bezzałogowego statku latającego typu „dron” na terenie Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie.The article presents the use of set to interrupting the dying which has been designed by medical emergency students of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University Andrew Bieniek and Konrad Rawiński. The paper shows theset of interrupting the dying, discusses the structure layout of the individual modules and its architecture. In addition, the article shows the basic concepts and definitions of mass casualties. The set to interrupting the dying has been tested by an experienced paramedic in study on 16 January 2015 using unmanned aerial flying vehicle - "drone" in the area of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University

    The specificity of histological techniques of frozen sections in Mohs Micrographic Surgery

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    Chirurgia mikrograficzna Mohsa (MMS, Mohs micrographic surgery) to metoda etapowego wycięcia chirurgicznego nowotworów skóry oparta na pełnej histologicznej analizie marginesów, prowadzona najczęściej w trybie śródoperacyjnym. Szybkie sporządzenie preparatów histologicznych obrazujących całość marginesów wycięcia (brzegów bocznych i dna) wymaga specjalnego postępowania, poczynając od rodzaju wycięcia chirurgicznego, poprzez markowanie topograficzne preparatów, ich podział, a także wszystkie etapy obróbki histologicznej. Autorzy, od kilkunastu lat pracujący metodą Mohsa w technice „świeżej tkanki” (skrawków mrożonych), przedstawiają liczne stosowane rozwiązania w tym zakresie. Omawiają szczegółowo budowę i działanie opatentowanego (i używanego przez siebie) urządzenia laboratoryjnego, pozwalającego na proste i precyzyjne wykonanie dużych preparatów histologicznych w MMS.Mohs Micrographic Surgery (MMS) is a method of staged surgical excision of skin cancer based on a full analysis of histological margins, conducted mostly in “intraoperative” procedure. Fast preparation of histological sections, demonstrating the whole surgical margin (lateral and deep), requires special handling, starting with mode of surgical excision, through topographical marking of specimens, their division, to all steps of histological processing. Authors, employing the Mohs Microgpaphic Surgery in “fresh tissue” version (frozen sections) for many years, resent and discuss a number of solutions applied in this field. Particularly, the construction and operation of the own-patented, laboratory apparatus, allowing for simple and precise execution of large histological sections in MMS is discussed

    Liposuction in the treatment of idiopathic lower extremity lymphoedema

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    Idiopatyczny obrzęk limfatyczny kończyn dolnych jest dość rzadką chorobą o nieznanej etiologii. Wśród prawdopodobnych czynników wywołujących go wyróżnia się infekcję, predyspozycje genetyczne, malformacje naczyń limfatycznych. Diagnozę potwierdza zwykle obserwacja kliniczna, jednak powinno się ją zweryfikować, przeprowadzając limfoscyntygrafię. Rekomendowana przez Międzynarodowe Towarzystwo Limfologiczne terapia zwana kompleksową terapią przeciwzastoinową (CTD) obejmuje ręczny drenaż limfatyczny, bandażowanie uciskowe z zastosowaniem bandaży o małej elastyczności i ćwiczenia przeciwzastoinowe. Kompleksowa terapia przeciwzastoinowa daje dobre efekty terapeutyczne, potwierdzone badaniami klinicznymi. Jednak w niektórych przypadkach niemożliwe jest osiągniecie jakiejkolwiek redukcji obrzęku lub uzyskany rezultat jest niewielki. W obrzęku limfatycznym niepoddającym się leczeniu za pomocą terapii kompresyjnej bezpieczną i skuteczną metodą okazała się liposukcja, wprowadzona do leczenia obrzęku przez Brorsona. W poniższym artykule przedstawiono przypadek obrzęku limfatycznego kończyny dolnej leczony za pomocą liposukcji w ośrodku autorów pracy. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 4: 271–276Idiopathic lymphoedema of the lower extremities is an uncommon disease of unknown aetiology. Possible pathogenic factors include infection, genetic predisposition, and lymphatic vascular malformations. Diagnosis is usually based upon clinical presentation; however, it should be confirmed by lymphoscintigraphy. Standard treatment, recommended by the International Society of Lymphology, called complex decongestive therapy (CDT) includes manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy using low-stretch bandages, and decongestive exercises. CDT is an effective treatment which is proven in clinical studies; however, in some cases only limited or no oedema reduction can be achieved. Liposuction, introduced to lymphoedema therapy by Brorson, has been proven to be a safe and effective treatment in lymphoedema not responding to compression therapy. We present a case of idiopathic lower extremity lymphoedema treated with liposuction in our centre. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 4: 271–27

    Possibilities of driveability and fuel consumption improvement by advanced control power transmission system in passenger car

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    The correct work of a power transmission system for the sake of a car motion properties, fuel consumption and pollution emission, requires proper control of an engine and power transmission system. This problem becomes especially significant in the case of automation of the power transmission system and particularly regarding the system of constant gear ratio change between the engine and drive wheels (Continuously Variable Transmission), examined in the paper. This control is based on friction degree conditions estimation between metal belt and the transmission wheels. This paper also describes the experimental results of bench test and road test and applying of different control strategies. First Published Online: 27 Oct 201

    Ultra-shallow nitrogen plasma implantation for ultra-thin silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy) layer formation, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 1

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    The radiation damage caused by low energy r.f. plasmas has not been, to our knowledge, studied so far in the case of symmetric planar plasma reactors that are usually used for PECVD processes. The reason is that, unlike nonsymmetricalRIE reactors, such geometry prevents, basically, high-energy ion bombardment of the substrate. In this work, we present the results of experiments in which we have studied the influence of plasma processing on the state of silicon surface.Very low temperature plasma oxidation has been used as a test of silicon surface condition. The obtained layers were then carefully measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry, allowing not only the thickness to be determined accurately, but also the layer composition to be evaluated. Different plasma types, namely N2, NH3 and Ar, were used in the first stage of the experiment, allowing oxidation behaviour caused by the exposure to those plasma types to be compared in terms of relative differences. It has been clearly proved that even though the PECVD system is believed to be relatively safe in terms of radiation damage, in the case of very thin layer processing(e.g., ultra-thin oxynitride layers) the effects of radiation damage may considerably affect the kinetics of the process and the properties of the formed layers

    National and international security in contemporary changing reality. Pt. 1

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paper“National and International Security in Contemporary Changing Reality” is a compelling, must-read work for those who study and try to gain a better understanding of today’s national and international security environment. A collection of diverse views of Polish and international authors on military, security, international relations, new forms of warfare such as cyber-terrorism and challenges they bring about allows the reader not only to see the whole complexity and interdependencies of the current security network, but creates a solid foundation for any further studies, especially for those readers who wish to obtain a better understanding of the Polish and other former Warsaw Pact countries’ perspective on the current and future role of international organizations such as NATO and the EU. While discussing security and defense from many different angles, authors – whose backgrounds are diverse and who jointly represent a vast and profound experience in defense-related matters – invite the reader to embark on a fascinating journey through the modern world of multifaceted security relations, links among sometime remote areas of defence-related studies, and challenges that not only NATO and its members but all the nations of the modern world must face and live up to

    The fluctuation of process gasses especially of carbon monoxide during aerobic biostabilization of an organic fraction of municipal solid waste under different technological regimes

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) is an air pollutant commonly formed during natural and anthropogenic processes involving incomplete combustion. Much less is known about biological CO production during the decomposition of the organic fraction (OF), especially originating from municipal solid waste (MSW), e.g., during the aerobic biostabilization (AB) process. In this dataset, we summarized the temperature and the content of process gases (including rarely reported carbon monoxide, CO) generated inside full-scale AB of an organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) reactor. The objective of the study was to present the data of the fluctuation of CO content as well as that of O2, CO2, and CH4 in process gas within the waste pile, during the AB of the OFMSW. The OFMSW was aerobically biostabilized in six reactors, in which the technological regimes of AB were dependent on process duration (42–69 days), waste mass (391.02–702.38 Mg), the intensity of waste aeration (4.4–10.7 m3·Mg−1·h−1), reactor design (membrane-covered reactor or membrane-covered reactor with sidewalls) and thermal conditions in the reactor (20.2–77.0 °C). The variations in the degree of waste aeration (O2 content), temperature, and fluctuation of CO, CO2, and CH4 content during the weekly measurement intervals were summarized. Despite a high O2 content in all reactors and stable thermal conditions, the presence of CO in process gas was observed, which suggests that ensuring optimum conditions for the process is not sufficient for CO emissions to be mitigated. In the analyzed experiment, CO concentration was highly variable over the duration of the process, ranging from a few to over 1,500 ppm. The highest concentration of CO was observed between the second and fifth weeks of the test. The reactor B2 was the source of the highest CO production and average highest temperature. This study suggests that the highest CO productions occur at the highest temperature, which is why the authors believe that CO production has thermochemical foundations