4,871 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Strategi Differensiasi Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Jasa Karaoke Inul Vizta Palembang

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    This study tried to analyze the influence of differentiation strategy on customer satisfaction in karaoke services Inul Vizta in the city of Palembang. The population in this study is the customer who use the services of karaoke Inul Vizta Palembang and the sample was determined by using purposive sampling method, the sampling method on the basis of specific criteria. For example, customers who use the services of karaoke Inul Vizta. From the results of individual trials (partial) in this study stated product differentiation, differentiation and image differentiation channels affect customer satisfaction. it is based on the value of T calculated for each variable bigger than T table (1.660) and the significance value less than 0.05. differentiation of services that not only affects customer satisfaction based on the value of T calculated smaller than the T table and significance values greater than 0.05. From the test results together (simultaneously) in this study stated product differentiation, service differentiation, differentiation and image differentiation channels simultaneously affect customer satisfaction. It is based on the value of F calculated (7.832) is greater than F table (2.31) and the significance of the resulting 0000 values less than 0,05

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Pengalaman Kerja dan Kompensasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Tirtasari Flora Grata

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    Sumber daya manusia sangat memengang peranan terpenting dalam perusahaan, karena tanpa adanya SDM perusahaan tidak akan bekerja secara maksimal dalam operasionalnya. Akan tetapi pada kenyataannya  sampai saat ini tenaga kerja masih menjadi faktor  dalam menentukan jalannya peroses produksi dan semua perusahaan menghendaki agar setiap tenaga kerja dapat bekerja secara efektif dan efisien. Pengembangan SDM yang bekerja di sektor public maupun sektor swasta, perlu dilakukan nya perencanaan dan berkesinambungan. Strategi pengembangan SDM dikenal dengan manajemen organisasi, kurangnya fleksibel dalam menerima gagasan-gagasan baru yang kurang sesuai dan dapat melakukan beberapa reformasi secara fundamental pada praktik dan kebijakan konfensional. Pada umumnya setiap perusahaan menjalankan perusahaanya tidak terlepas dari adanya masalah pada karyawan tentang produktivitas kerja karena setiap perusahaan akan menggunakan tenaga kerja, begitu pula yang dialami oleh PT. TIRTASATI FLORA GRATA yang memiliki tujuan utamanya yaitu meningkatkan hasil produksi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikaji lebih lanjut faktor-faktor utama yang mempengaruhi produktivitas kerja karyawan dalam perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Secara parsial motivasi berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja pada PT. Tirtasari Flora Grata.Secara parsial pengalaman kerja berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja pada PT. Tirtasari Flora Grata.Secara kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja pada PT. Tirtasari Flora Grata.Secara motivasi, pengalaman kerja dan kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja pada PT. Tirtasari Flora Grata

    Autonomous learning and reproduction of complex sequences: a multimodal architecture for bootstraping imitation games

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    This paper introduces a control architecture for the learning of complex sequence of gestures applied to autonomous robots. The architecture is designed to exploit the robot internal sensory-motor dynamics generated by visual, proprioceptive, and predictive informations in order to provide intuitive behaviors in the purpose of natural interactions with humans

    Methodology to assess safety effects of future Intelligent Transport Systems on railway level crossings

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    There is consistent evidence showing that driver behaviour contributes to crashes and near miss incidents at railway level crossings (RLXs). The development of emerging Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure technologies is a highly promising approach to improve RLX safety. To date, research has not evaluated comprehensively the potential effects of such technologies on driving behaviour at RLXs. This paper presents an on-going research programme assessing the impacts of such new technologies on human factors and drivers’ situational awareness at RLX. Additionally, requirements for the design of such promising technologies and ways to display safety information to drivers were systematically reviewed. Finally, a methodology which comprehensively assesses the effects of in-vehicle and road-based interventions warning the driver of incoming trains at RLXs is discussed, with a focus on both benefits and potential negative behavioural adaptations. The methodology is designed for implementation in a driving simulator and covers compliance, control of the vehicle, distraction, mental workload and drivers’ acceptance. This study has the potential to provide a broad understanding of the effects of deploying new in-vehicle and road-based technologies at RLXs and hence inform policy makers on safety improvements planning for RLX


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan Mendapatkan besaran limpasan, Infiltrasi dan banjir pada ketiga model. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Model 1 mengambil sampel Pasir, Kerikil, Lempung, Lanau. Model 2 mengambil sampel Pasir dan Kerikil, Pasir dan Lempung, Pasir  dan Lanau. Model 3 mengambil sampel Permodelan ketiga dengan mengambil sampel pada delapan kecamatan di wilayah Kota Lubuklinggau. Diuji pada laboratorium dengan mengunakan alat simulator hujan. Pada model 1, bahan pasir diberi waktu hujan selama 4 menit terjadi banjir mulai menit ke 3 sebesar 16 cm sampai 21 cm, bahan Kerikil di beri waktu hujan selama 4 menit terjadi banjir mulai menit ke 3 sebesar 16 cm sampai 20 cm, bahan Kerikil, alanau dan lempung di beri waktu hujan selama 4 menit terjadi banjir mulai menit ke 3 sebesar 16 cm sampai 20 cm, Model 2, Pasir dan Kerikil, Pasir dan Lanau, Pasir dan Lempungke 3 sebesar 16 cm sampai 21cm. Model 3, Kecamatan Lubuklinggau Selatan 2, diambil tanah pada tiga titik banjir tertinggi pada titik III, pada menit ke 3 seberat 20 cm dan 21 cm karena daerah tersebut adalah Daerah irigasi. Kemampuan bahwa banjir teringgi pada model satu pada bahan pasir, banjir pada model 2 sama, kecamatan lubuklinggau selatan satu lebih mudah bajir karena tanahnya sering tergenang air oleh air irigasi. Disarankan untuk memperbanyak sampel. Aplikasi peneliian ini adalah untuk perencanaan drainase perkotan. Kata Kunci : Limpasan; Infiltrasi; Banjir; Alat Simulator Hujan; Model. Abstract: This study aims to obtain the amount of runoff, infiltration and flooding in the three models. The method used in this study is Model 1 taking samples of sand, gravel, clay, silt. Model 2 takes samples of Sand and Gravel, Sand and Clay, Sand and Silt. Model 3 takes samples. The third model takes samples from eight sub-districts in the Lubuklinggau city area. Tested in the laboratory using a simulator. In model 1, the sand material is given 4 minutes of rain, there is a flood starting from the 3rd minute of 16 cm to 21 cm, the gravel material is given a 4 minute rain time, there is a flood from the 3rd minute of 16 cm to 20 cm, the gravel material The silt and clay were given 4 minutes of rain, starting from the 3rd minute of 16 cm to 20 cm, Model 2, Sand and Gravel, Sand and Silt, Sand and Clay 3 of 16 cm to 21 cm. Model 3, South Lubuklinggau District 2, took soil at the three highest flood points at point III, at minute 3 weighing 20 cm and 21 cm because these areas are irrigation areas. The ability that the highest flooding in model one is on sand material, flooding in model 2 is the same, southern Lubuklinggau sub-district one is more prone to flooding because the land is often flooded by irrigation water. It is recommended to multiply the sample. This research application is for urban drainage planning. Keywords: Runoff; Infiltration; Flood; Rain Simulator Tool; Model

    The Uptake and Expected Impact of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) amongst the Australian Passenger Vehicle Fleet

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    Electronic Stability Program (ESP) is an in-vehicle active control system which acts in loss of control situations to stabilise a vehicle. Several studies have shown the road safety benefits of ESP in international contexts. However, little consideration has been given for factors which may inhibit the uptake and potential effectiveness of ESP amongst the Australian vehicle fleet. This study highlights some of these potential factors including the rate of uptake of ESP into the Australian new vehicle market, purchasing patterns, driver behaviour, culture and the media. Conclusions are drawn in terms of future research directions and good public policy to maximise the effects of ESP in Australia

    Driving performance impairments due to hypovigilance on monotonous roads

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    Drivers' ability to react to unpredictable events deteriorates when exposed to highly predictable and uneventful driving tasks. Highway design reduces the driving task mainly to a lane-keeping manoeuvre. Such a task is monotonous, providing little stimulation and this contributes to crashes due to inattention. Research has shown that driver's hypovigilance can be assessed with EEG measurements and that driving performance is impaired during prolonged monotonous driving tasks. This paper aims to show that two dimensions of monotony - namely road design and road side variability - decrease vigilance and impair driving performance. This is the first study correlating hypovigilance and driver performance in varied monotonous conditions, particularly on a short time scale (a few seconds). We induced vigilance decrement as assessed with an EEG during a monotonous driving simulator experiment. Road monotony was varied through both road design and road side variability. The driver's decrease in vigilance occurred due to both road design and road scenery monotony and almost independently of the driver's sensation seeking level. Such impairment was also correlated to observable measurements from the driver, the car and the environment. During periods of hypovigilance, the driving performance impairment affected lane positioning, time to lane crossing, blink frequency, heart rate variability and non-specific electrodermal response rates. This work lays the foundation for the development of an in-vehicle device preventing hypovigilance crashes on monotonous roads

    Digital Society Ecosystem Impact on Creative Industry

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    Industry 4.0 phenomenon has emerged since many technological breakthroughs developed in the past decades. Human well-being behavior are basically influenced by the digital technology. The current customers incline the need for customized products. This situation drive the production paradigm shift from the mass production to the individual production. This paradigm shift force companies to own more resources. Companies’ collaboration is a way to win the competition. Industrial revolution era bring the fact that dominant economic activity is coming from a strong business ecosystem. The major impact of digitalization is faced by the creative industries, an industry priority and a \u27laboratory\u27 for studying economic transformation and modern society. This paper will review the digitalization in industry 4.0 era, business ecosystem and society shift, and the digitalization impact on creative industry. Keywords Industry 4.0; business ecosystem; society shift; creative industr
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