69 research outputs found

    Static spectroscopy of a dense superfluid

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    Dense Bose superfluids, as HeII, differ from dilute ones by the existence of a roton minimum in their excitation spectrum. It is known that this roton minimum is qualitatively responsible for density oscillations close to any singularity, such as vortex cores, or close to solid boundaries. We show that the period of these oscillations, and their exponential decrease with the distance to the singularity, are fully determined by the position and the width of the roton minimum. Only an overall amplitude factor and a phase shift are shown to depend on the details of the interaction potential. Reciprocally, it allows for determining the characteristics of this roton minimum from static "observations" of a disturbed ground state, in cases where the dynamics is not easily accessible. We focus on the vortex example. Our analysis further shows why the energy of these oscillations is negligible compared to the kinetic energy, which limits their influence on the vortex dynamics, except for high curvatures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, extended version, published in J. Low Temp. Phy

    On the origin of the decrease in the torsional oscillator period of solid He4

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    A decrease in the rotational period observed in torsional oscillator measurements was recently taken as a possible indication of a supersolid state of helium. We reexamine this interpretation and note that the decrease in the rotation period is also consistent with a solidification of a small liquid-like component into a low-temperature glass. Such a solidification may occur by a low-temperature quench of topological defects (e.g., grain boundaries or dislocations) which we examined in an earlier work. The low-temperature glass can account for not only a monotonic decrease in the rotation period as the temperature is lowered but also explains the peak in the dissipation occurring near the transition point. Unlike the non-classical rotational inertia scenario, which depends on the supersolid fraction, the dependence of the rotational period on external parameters, e.g., the oscillator velocity, provides an alternate interpretation of the oscillator experiments. Future experiments might explore this effect.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Combining Molecular Sieve and Complexing Properties of the Column Packing in Gas Chromatography

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    Influence of modifying pentasyl group synthetic zeolites (Silicalite-1 and Silicalite-2) with metal cations capable to specific interactions on the separation ability of the chromatographic column has been studied.Вивчено вплив модифікування синтетичних цеолітів сімейства пентасілів (Сілікаліту-1 і Сілікаліту-2) катіонами металів, здатних до специфічних взаємодій, на розділювальну здатність хроматографічної колонки.Изучено влияние модифицирования синтетических цеолитов семейства пентасилов (Силикалита-1 и Силикалита-2) катионами металлов, способными к специфическим взаимодействиям, на разделительную способность хроматографической колонки

    Natural zeolite (chabazite/phillipsite) dietary supplementation influences faecal microbiota and oxidant status of working dogs

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    We evaluated whether chabazite/phillipsite dietary supplementation might affect the faecal microbiota, oxidant and antioxidant status of working dogs at rest undergone to a trial test. Forty English Setter dogs were involved in two replicate trials. At each replicate, dogs were divided into two homogeneous groups (10 dogs/group). During a period of 28 days, diet was supplemented (Z group) or not supplemented (C group) with chabazite/phillipsite at the dose of 5 g/head/day. On day 29, dogs were subjected to a trial test. Faecal characteristics were assessed at 0 and 29 days (within two hours from the end of the trial test). Faecal consistency was not affected by dietary supplementation (p > .05). On day 29, Lactobacillus spp. and Enterococcus spp. counts were higher and Enterobacteriaceae were lower in Z than in C group (p  .05). Our results suggest that chabazite/phillipsite dietary supplementation, improves the intestinal microbiota ecosystem and may counteract the oxidative damage caused by physical stress in hunting dogs at the beginning of the working season

    NMR Experiments on Rotating Superfluid 3He-A : Evidence for Vorticity

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    Experiments on rotating superfluid 3He-A in an open cylindrical geometry show a change in the NMR line shape as a result of rotation: The amplitude of the peak decreases in proportion to f(T)g(Ω), where Ω is the angular velocity of rotation; at the same time the line broadens. Near Tc, f(T) is a linear function of 1−T/Tc. At small velocities g(Ω)∝Ω. These observations are consistent with the existence of vortices in rotating 3He-A.Peer reviewe

    Supersolid behavior in confined geometry

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    We have carried out torsional oscillator (TO) and heat capacity (HC) measurements on solid 4He samples grown within a geometry which restricts the helium to thin (150 um) cylindrical discs. In contrast to previously reported values from Rittner and Reppy of 20% non-classical rotational inertia (NCRI) for similar confining dimensions, 0.9% NCRI (consistent with that found in bulk samples and samples imbedded in porous media) was observed in our TO cell. In this confined geometry the heat capacity peak is consistent with that found in bulk solid samples of high crystalline quality

    Path integral Monte Carlo simulation of charged particles in traps

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    This chapter is devoted to the computation of equilibrium (thermodynamic) properties of quantum systems. In particular, we will be interested in the situation where the interaction between particles is so strong that it cannot be treated as a small perturbation. For weakly coupled systems many efficient theoretical and computational techniques do exist. However, for strongly interacting systems such as nonideal gases or plasmas, strongly correlated electrons and so on, perturbation methods fail and alternative approaches are needed. Among them, an extremely successful one is the Monte Carlo (MC) method which we are going to consider in this chapter.Comment: 18 pages, based on talks on Hareaus school on computational methods, Greifswald, September 200

    Vortex waves in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We have theoretically studied vortex waves of Bose-Einstein condensates in elongated harmonic traps. Our focus is on the axisymmetric varicose waves and helical Kelvin waves of singly quantized vortex lines. Growth and decay dynamics of both types of vortex waves are discussed. We propose a method to experimentally create these vortex waves on demand.Comment: minor changes, 7 pages, 7 figure

    The dynamics of vortex generation in superfluid 3He-B

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    A profound change occurs in the stability of quantized vortices in externally applied flow of superfluid 3He-B at temperatures ~ 0.6 Tc, owing to the rapidly decreasing damping in vortex motion with decreasing temperature. At low damping an evolving vortex may become unstable and generate a new independent vortex loop. This single-vortex instability is the generic precursor to turbulence. We investigate the instability with non-invasive NMR measurements on a rotating cylindrical sample in the intermediate temperature regime (0.3 - 0.6) Tc. From comparisons with numerical calculations we interpret that the instability occurs at the container wall, when the vortex end moves along the wall in applied flow.Comment: revised & extended version. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, accepted (2008

    Multimode probing of superfluid 4He by tuning forks

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    Flexural mode vibrations of miniature piezoelectric tuning forks (TF) are known to be highly sensitive to superfluid excitations and quantum turbulence in 3He and 4He quantum fluids, as well as to the elastic properties of solid 4He, complementing studies by large scale torsional resonators. Here we explore the sensitivity of a TF, capable of simultaneously operating in both the flexural and torsional modes, to excitations in the normal and superfluid 4He. The torsional mode is predominantly sensitive to shear forces at the sensor - fluid interface and much less sensitive to changes in the density of the surrounding fluid when compared to the flexural mode. Although we did not reach the critical velocity for quantum turbulence onset in the torsional mode, due to its order of magnitude higher frequency and increased acoustic damping, the torsional mode was directly sensitive to fluid excitations, linked to quantum turbulence created by the flexural mode. The combination of two dissimilar modes in a single TF sensor can provide a means to study the details of elementary excitations in quantum liquids, and at interfaces between solids and quantum fluid