7 research outputs found

    Science Teacher's Perception of Digital Technology-Based Learning in the 21st Century

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    Abstract: Science Teacher’s Perception of Digital Technology-Based Learning in the 21st Century. Objective: The research aims to identify science teachers’ perceptions of digital technology-based learning in the 21st century. Methods: This type of research is survey research. Perception data was collected through questionnaires and interviews of 30 science teachers in West Sumatra. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis. Findings: It was found that the main components determining the success of digital technology-based science learning are competence, effort, and teacher commitment. Teachers are greatly helped to prepare learning plans, choose teaching materials and media, carry out learning, and evaluate with digital technology. This affects the student’s learning process and outcomes. Students feel interested, excited, and enthusiastic. Conclusion: 21st-century skills can be trained through learning based on digital technology. These findings can serve as a basis in determining the models and media of science learning based on digital technology in the 21st century.Keywords: perception, digital technology, 21st-century skills.Abstrak: Persepsi Guru Sains Terhadap Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Digital di Abad 21. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi guru sains tentang pembelajaran berbasis teknologi digital di abad 21. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian survei. Data persepsi dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan wawancara 30 guru sains di Sumatera Barat. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Temuan: Ditemukan bahwa komponen utama penentu keberhasilan pembelajaran sains berbasis teknologi digital adalah kompetensi, usaha, serta komitmen guru. Guru sangat terbantu menyiapkan rencana pembelajaran, memilih bahan ajar dan media, melaksanakan pembelajaran, serta melakukan evaluasi dengan adanya teknologi digital. Hal ini berdampak kepada proses dan hasil belajar siswa. Siswa merasa tertarik, senang dan antusias. Kesimpulan: Keterampilan abad 21 dapat dilatihkan melalui pembelajaran berbasis teknologi digital. Temuan ini dapat dijadikan dasar dalam menentukan model dan media pembelajaran sains berbasis teknologi digital di abad 21.Kata kunci: persepsi, teknologi digital, keterampilan abad 21.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.20222

    Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa IPA: Studi Metaanalisis

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    Abstrak Motivasi merupakan dorongan yang mengakibatkan seseorang melakukan tindakan yang dapat berasal dari dalam diri (intrinsik) dan luar/lingkungan (ekstrinsik). Motivasi belajar dapat memengaruhi hasil belajar siswa, baik dari segi kognitif/pengetahuan, minat membaca, persepsi, dan Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengukur effect size artikel penelitian tentang hubungan antara motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa IPA. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metaanalisis menggunakan instrumen lembar tabulasi data dan dianalisis menggunakan software openMEE. Artikel yang dipilih berjumlah 20 dengan rentang publikasi tahun 2016-2021. Rata-rata effect size yang diperoleh dari masing-masing artikel adalah tinggi (efek besar) sehingga diinterpretasikan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara variabel motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa IPA. Hasil penelitian dapat memberikan acuan bagi guru bahwa motivasi sangat penting diberikan kepada siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. AbstractMotivation is an impulse that causes a person to take actions that can come from within (intrinsic) and outside/environmentally (extrinsic). Learning motivation can affect student learning outcomes, both in terms of cognitive/knowledge, reading interest, perception, and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. This research aimed to measure the effect size of research articles on the relationship between motivation and learning outcomes of science students. The type of research used was meta-analysis using data tabulation sheet instruments and analyzed using openMEE software. The selected articles were 20 with a publication range of 2016-2021. The average effect size obtained from each article was high (large effect) so it is interpreted that there was a significant correlation between motivational variables and science student learning outcomes. The results of the research can provide a reference for teachers that motivation is very important given to students during the learning process

    SELF EFFICACY MAHASISWA TERHADAP PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA DASAR SELAMA PANDEMI COVID 19 DI UIN IMAM BONJOL PADANG (Students' Self-Efficacy Towards Learning of Basic Physics During The Covid-19 at Imam Bonjol State Islamic University of Padang)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine student self-efficacy in learning Basic Physics at the Tadris IPA Physics study program at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang during the covid 19 outbreak. This type of descriptive research was conducted in this study, with 45 first semester students as the population. This study uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool that has been validated by experts. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the self-efficacy of students in basic physics subjects during online learning was in the good/high category (71.11%). From the aspect of the dimension of self-efficacy, it was also obtained that the average of each dimension obtained high results or in the good category. This means that students have awareness and belief in their potential and can adapt to learning in pandemic conditions. The obstacle for students in learning basic physics is that the implementation of practicum is not optimal. the solution is the need for regulation from educational institutions, especially in practicum courses to continue to practice in the laboratory by paying attention to health protocols


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    Everyone is taught to live independently, independence is a pattern of life that is formed from the habits of various human habits. Habit of thinking is one of the causes. The habits of intelligent thinking of each individual are called habits of mind. Independence and habits of mind are the factors needed in the series of learning processes so that the problems faced by students are able to be resolved properly, becoming a problem in schools that students' learning independence is less honed because of the dominance of teachers in teaching. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of students' learning independence and habits of mind. Conducted in 2020 in class X MIA SMAN 7 Pekanbaru. This research is a descriptive research type with a survey method. The instruments used were in the form of a questionnaire of learning independence and habits of mind with 30 items of positive and negative statements that have been validated on a 5-Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (SD) to strongly agree (SA) With three questionnaire categories, there are 3, namely high (mean 4.41-5.00), moderate (mean 3.39-4.40), low (mean 1.00-3.38). The research data were processed by using descriptive percentages. The results showed that the independent learning in portfolio assessment learning was 3.60 in the medium category. The mean of students' habits of mind is 3.8 in the medium categoryAbstrak: Setiap orang diajarkan hidup mandiri, kemadirian merupakan pola kehidupan yang terbentuk dari kebiasaan berbagai kebiasaan manusia, Kebiasaan berpikir menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Kebiasaan berpikir cerdas setiap individu disebut dengan habits of mind. Kemandirian dan Habits of mind menjadi faktor yang dibutuhkan pada rangkaian proses  pembelajaran agar masalah yang dihadapi siswa mampu diselesaikannya dengan baik menjadi sebuah masalah di sekolah kemandirian belajar siswa kurang terasah karena dominansi guru dalam mengajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmmengetahui profil kemandirian belajar dan habits of mind siswa.  Dilakukan pada tahun 2020 di kelas X MIA SMAN 7 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif denagn metoda survey.  Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket kemandirian belajar dan habits of mind 30  butir pernyataan  positif dan  negative yang sudah divalidasi  dengan  5  skala  likert  yang memiliki rentang dari sangat tidak setuju (STS) sampai  sangat setuju (SS). Dengan tiga kategori angket ada 3 yaitu tinggi (rerata 4,41-5,00), sedang (rerata 3,39-4,40), rendah (rerata 1,00-3,38). Data hasil penelitian diolah dengan cara deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemandirian belajar pada pembelajaran asesmen portofolio yaitu 3,60  berada pada kategori sedang. Rerata habits of mind siswa yaitu 3,8 beada pada kategori sedang