26 research outputs found


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    The paper analyzes the range of current from energy-efficient light sources (LSs), such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The studied LSs exceed the standard values for the current harmonics, even with passive power factor correction. We have developed a methodology for calculating relative errors of active energy meters that measure the energy used by CFLs and LEDs and applied the methodology to determine the values of the relative errors of the induction and the digital meters. It is found that the errors of of both types of electricity meters for measuring power in the circuits with the tested LSs–CFLs and LEDs–exceed the maximum permissible errors by 3.0 % and 4.0 % respectively. Thus, when the load is a source of non-sinusoidal current, a consumer is overcharged for electricity. The values of errors in electricity metering can be reduced by eliminating the causes of the deteriorating quality of electricity, i.e. by supplying the lighting installations with energy-efficient light sources provided with active power factor correction

    Use ofmeteorological data for evaluationof energy potential of solar radiation

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    Змонтована експериментальна установка для вимірювання та запису потоку сонячної енергії. Встановлено зв’язок між хмарністю і потоком сонячної енергії.Mounted experimental installation to measure and recording the flow of solar energy. The relationship between cloudiness and of the flow solar energy

    Features of lighting systems organization in the urban economy and ways of their efficiency increase

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    На основі аналізу світлотехнічних систем міського господарства по областях України за 2010 та 2011 роки, розглянуто їх недоліки та запропоновано шляхи підвищення енергозбереження в цій підгалузі світлотехніки. Проаналізовано енергетичну ефективність теплових, розрядних та напівпровідникових джерел світла в світлотехнічних системах зовнішнього освітлення. Проведено порівняльний аналіз розрахункових та нормативних параметрів із використанням світлових приладів типу НКУ-11У, РКУ-11У, ЖКУ-11У, ЛКУ-11У. Показано, що використання в СП компактних люмінесцентних ламп дозволить досягти економії енергоресурсів в 2,5 – 3 рази при збереженні нормативних показників зовнішнього освітлення.Lighting is an important sphere of well-being of urban and rural communities in a country. Due to insufficient financing of this sub-branch the outdoor lighting systems are equipped with out-of-date lighting devices and low efficiency sources of light. It resulted in the increase in energy consumption and decrease of technical characteristics of lighting. For the increase of power efficiency of the lighting systems it is necessary to equip them with modern lighting devices with the energy saving sources of light. A basic role of the lighting systems in the urban economy is given to the systems of outdoor lighting. Therefore the attention to this sub-branch of lighting is paid in the article. Energy efficiency of lighting fixtures depends on such factors: luminous efficiency of light sources, their useful life, operation characteristics stability during the operation period; lighting and energy parameters of lighting devices; cost indices which include capital expenditures for lighting devices and sources of light (10÷15%), costs on installation and maintenance (15%), cost of electricity (70÷75%). Nowadays much emphasis is placed on the necessity of replacing the out-of-date incandescent lamps (IL) by more modern ones, compact luminescent lamps (CLL) with a built-in electronic start-up regulating device (ESRD) in particular. Despite their low efficiency IL are still widely used today in lighting and according to the forecasts their replacement by CLL will considerably decrease the power consumption. Such forecasts are being testified by the experimental investigations. According to the results obtained the replacement leads to considerable economic effect – decrease in power consumption by 19-30% (depending on the quantity of lamps installed). Thus, the evaluation of energy consumption of lighting systems of outdoor lighting by different types of sources of light and selection of the most effective ones have become an urgent problem. The state of the outdoor lighting all over the regions of Ukraine has been analyzed which resulted in the possibility to evaluate its efficiency and determine the ways of its increase

    System of autonomous power of outdoor lighting of population items in the territory of Ukraine

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    Зроблено аналіз споживання електроенергії системами зовнішнього освітлення в окремих регіонах України за 2016 рік. Проведено техніко-економічний розрахунок вартості автономної енергетичної системи.The analysis of electricity consumption by the systems of outdoor lighting in some regions of Ukrainefor 2016 year. The technical and economic calculation of the cost of the autonomous power system have been carried out

    Research of energy potential of solar radiation in Ternopil

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    Запропоновано методику та змонтовано експериментальну установку для вимірювання та записування густини потоку сонячного випромінювання. Проведено аналіз часового розподілу густини потоку та розраховано поверхневу густину енергії сонячного випромінювання для Тернополя. Визначено вплив кліматичних умов на величину енергії сонячного випромінювання. Показано, що найпродуктивнішим для фотогенерації електричної енергії на території Тернополя є період від травня до вересняExperimental installation for measuring and recording of solar radiation flux density was mounted according to suggested procedures. Analysis for density flux time distribution was performed and surface energy density of solar radiation for the city of Ternopil was calculated. It was proved that the most productive period for electricity photo generation within Ternopil city area is May through Septembe


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    The current relevance of the research. The study of the quality of life is a core issue both at the scientists’ level and the level of government workers in the world. The main goal is not only to extend lifetime, but to improve its quality too. Ukraine’s desire to enter the European Community and the European Union is impossible without substantial improvement of the quality of life. However, the quality of life depends on the quality of labor potential, and hence on the prospects for the development of the country. Since the 70s of the XXth century, the state of the quality of life has begun to attract the attention of many researchers and practitioners in various fields of researches. The Council of the European Union adopted a development strategy in 2010 – ‘Europe 2020: A Strategy for smart, stable and inclusive growth’ based on the analysis of monitoring the quality of life of the European Union. The aim was to study the students’ components of the quality of life, depending on the place of study (countries) and the origin (nationality). Methods: synthesis and analysis of the current scientific and methodological studies on self-assessment of the quality of life using the SF-36 questionnaire and the methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Analyzing the students’ answers, we revealed the regularity among indicators of the physical and mental (psychological) components of the quality of life and the sex of the respondents, the year of study, self-evaluation of their study achievements, conditions of life. Besides, the main components that play the leading roles in shaping the overall picture of the quality of life and those that reduce the quality of students’ lives were found out. Due to the analysis of the correlations between indicators of the physical and mental (psychological) components of the quality of life, the interdependent components that form the basis of the students’ quality of life were highlighted. Conclusions. The study makes it possible to compare both the generalized results of the quality of the Ukrainian and Polish students’ lives and the individual components that form the physica l and mental (psychological) basis for the quality of life

    Energy efficiency of semiconductor light sources at pulse mode

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    Представлена методика та опис установки для вимірювання енергоефективності напівпровідникових джерел світла при імпульсному живленні. Досліджено вплив параметрів джерел живлення з широтною модуляцією імпульсів на енергетичну ефективність світлодіодів.The methods and description of the device is presented for measuring the energy efficiency of semiconductor light sources at pulse mode. The influence of power sources parameters with pulse width modulation on the energy efficiency of LEDs is investigated