14 research outputs found

    Historical Methodological Aspect of Labour Market Conception

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    What is the commodity in the labour market – labour force, labour or labour services? What is the labour market? What is the difference between labour force market and labour resources market? Rather frequent confusion of these conceptions (even in scientific literature) shows that these conceptions are not clearly conceptually determined. The article indicates that not labour force but labour – functional status of labour force – is purchased in the market. Namely labour is the main object of labour demand and supply. All relations with labour market subjects focus on hiring relations and these become the main conditioning element. Thus when designing the measures of labour market policy and looking for their improvement, it is important to remember that driving forces as well as "short" places of essential factors determining the working of economic mechanism focus namely on hiring relations

    Vocational guidance – GPS for management of human resource development: does it work in Lithuania

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    The purpose – of this article is to assess the vocational guidance situation and development opportunities in Lithuania. Research methodology – Systematic analysis of the peculiarities of vocational guidance; identification of the main problems and possibilities for vocational guidance through the development of a qualifications system based on the results of statistical analysis, expert assessment, data grouping and interpretation. Findings – Vocational guidance as an important subsystem of the educational system is being underemphasised and underfinanced, career counselling is pursued in a fragmentary manner, mainly through project-based initiatives which are not be based on systematic information. A way to improve vocational guidance is to organise it as an integrated information platform linked to the qualifications system. Research limitations – The main limitation is the lack of official statistics in vocational guidance. The systematic collection and publication of statistics would make it possible to quantify and analyse the factors of the current vocational guidance situation and their impact on the development of human resources. Practical implications – The obtained results are useful for social and economic and educational policy-making. Originality/Value – The article contributes to the scientific literature by presenting a model of vocational guidance development related to the development of the qualifications system, which would allow providing the necessary access to information

    Occupational Standards: A Key to Improving Match Between Skills and Labour Market Needs in Lithuania

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    A country’s qualification structure that meets the needs of the labour market and properly skilled professionals at different levels of qualification are the objectives targeted by each country, region and entity. Competencies demanded on the labour market determine the competitiveness of a person, entity and the whole country. In order to train professionals to better meet the labour market needs, solution formulas for the problems are sought in the field of infrastructure improvements, system management and other areas. This article analyses the opportunities for enhancing match of skills safeguarded by the national occupational standards in Lithuania, including the analysis of progress, problems and solutions

    Research of provisions of the Lithuanian youth migration

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    Young people are a very important part of society, on whom the country and people’s welfare depends. Unfortunately, emigration of young people is notable every year because of the present economic, social and financial situations. In the year 2013 because of emigration Lithuania has lost 17.6 thousand of young people of the country‘s population between ages of 14–29 years. Because of youth emigration Lithuania has confronted with social, demographic problems. Our homeland is losing population yearly, rapid aging of the populations noticeable, age structure of the deformations going also birth rates are decreasing because of youth migration, brain drains noticeable. Number of well educated, diligent young people is decreasing, as a result Lithuania often lacks good specialists and there is nobody to replace them. Purpose of this article is to find out what are the reasons for the emigration of young people and to answer the question why young people are emigrating from Lithuania and what would encourage them to stay in their homeland. This article consists of three parts. The first part has dealt with the theoretical aspects of migration, in the second part the article examines the concept of migration of the population, its causes, factors and consequences. The third part of the article carried out the provisions of Lithuanian youth migration study using literature and statistical data. The article ends with conclusions and recommendations

    Professional standards – possibilities to harmonize the needs of work world and education system

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    The role of the labor factor in today‘s economy continues to grow together with its increasing share of value added. Therefore country‘s labor force qualification structure that meets labour market demands and competitive specialist with varying levels of qualification are micro and macro level goal driving individual, company and country‘s competitiveness in the global market. To achieve this goal education system tries to improve professional training but is limited by lack of information because only the work system can tell what specialist it requires and what these specialists need to be taught. A national qualifications system may be a mediator between business world and education system to help coordinate requirements and needs of each other but the pace and the problems of development of national qualifications system and professional standards still not encouraging. Profesiniai standartai – galimybė derinti veiklos pasaulio ir švietimo sistemos poreikius Santrauka Darbo veiksnio vaidmuo šiuolaikinėje ekonomikoje nuolat auga didėjant jo sukuriamai pridėtinės vertės daliai. Todėl darbo rinkos poreikius atitinkanti šalies darbo jėgos kvalifikacinė struktūra ir veiklos sistemoje konkurencingi, paklausias kompetencijas turintys įvairaus kvalifikacinio lygmens specialistai yra mikro- bei makrolygmens tikslas ir siekiamybė, lemianti asmenų, įmonių ir visos šalies konkurencingumą globalioje rinkoje. Siekiant šio tikslo, švietimo sistema bando tobulinti profesinį rengimą, tačiau galimybes riboja informacijos stoka, nes tik veiklos sistema gali atsakyti, kokių specialistų jiems reikia, ko mokyti. Nacionalinė kvalifikacijų sistema gali tapti tarpininku, padedančiu suderinti veiklos pasaulio ir švietimo sistemos poreikius, tačiau jos kūrimo ir profesinių standartų rengimo tempai bei problemos kol kas nenuteikia optimistiškai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: nacionalinė kvalifikacijų sistema, profesiniai standartai, kvalifikacija, kompetencija, darbo rinka

    Historical Methodological Aspect of Labour Market Conception

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    Problems of identifying and regulating the structure of the labour market in depressive Lithuanian regions

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    In order to be able to identify problems of the labour market structure in depressive Lithuanian regions and propose key directions in search for solutions, a systematic analysis of population capable for work has to be made, covering employed and unemployed individuals as well as people not registered with a labour exchange. A correlation and factorial analysis of eighteen macroeconomic indicators of all municipalities and broken down by individual depressive regions (20 municipalities with an unemployment rate exceeding the national average by 1.5 time in 2004) offered a possibility to assess the relevance of employment and unemployment indicators as well as other analysed indicators for future social and economic growth trends on a national level and in individual depressive regions from 1996 to 2004. On the basis of the structural analysis of the labour market the following key issues can be identified in depressive regions of Lithuania: long-term unemployment causes emigration of a young and qualified labour force, resulting in the overall negative statistical data drawn from the remaining middle or senior-age population or low-qualified labour force within the national structure of population capable to work, as well as individuals living on subsistence terms in small farms

    Rise of employment in depressed regions as a prime objective of country's regionai policy summary

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    Main labour market characteristics of the depressed areas are: high level of unemployment, characterised by the large share of long-term unemployed persons without labour market skills; low level of enjoyment, large share of unofficial labour market, big amount of employees in agriculture; poverty, influenced by the decreasing share of labour income and increasing income from transfers; ageing of society - decreasing of the youth share and increasing share of the old-age pensioners. Unemployment is an essential feature of the depressed regions - a macro level problem, the economical subsequence of which are: unproduced goods, poverty, declining economic growth as well as psychosocial subsequence’s which become risk factor for the society: they increase emigration and induced growth of criminality. The unemployment index typifies situation in the counties and regions and it is relevant measure for the regional disparities evaluation. It is essential to develop an unconventional labour market instrument - Local Employment Initiatives when implementing the main objective of regional policy - raising an employment level in depressed regions