35 research outputs found

    Green potential of Pleurotus spp. in biotechnology

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    Background The genus Pleurotus is most exploitable xylotrophic fungi, with valuable biotechnological, medical, and nutritional properties. The relevant features of the representatives of this genus to provide attractive low-cost industrial tools have been reported in numerous studies to resolve the pressure of ecological issues. Additionally, a number of Pleurotus species are highly adaptive, do not require any special conditions for growth, and possess specific resistance to contaminating diseases and pests. The unique properties of Pleurotus species widely used in many environmental technologies, such as organic solid waste recycling, chemical pollutant degradation, and bioethanol production. Methodology The literature study encompasses peer-reviewed journals identified by systematic searches of electronic databases such as Google Scholar, NCBI, Springer, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect, and ISI Web of Knowledge. The search scheme was divided into several steps, as described below. Results In this review, we describe studies examining the biotechnological feasibility of Pleurotus spp. to elucidate the importance of this genus for use in green technology. Here, we review areas of application of the genus Pleurotus as a prospective biotechnological tool. Conclusion The incomplete description of some fungal biochemical pathways emphasises the future research goals for this fungal culture

    Early diverging insect-pathogenic fungi of the order entomophthorales possess diverse and unique subtilisin-like serine proteases

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    Insect-pathogenic fungi use subtilisin-like serine proteases (SLSPs) to degrade chitin-associated proteins in the insect procuticle. Most insect-pathogenic fungi in the order Hypocreales (Ascomycota) are generalist species with a broad host-range, and most species possess a high number of SLSPs. The other major clade of insect-pathogenic fungi is part of the subphylum Entomophthoromycotina (Zoopagomycota, formerly Zygomycota) which consists of high host-specificity insect-pathogenic fungi that naturally only infect a single or very few host species. The extent to which insect-pathogenic fungi in the order Entomophthorales rely on SLSPs is unknown. Here we take advantage of recently available transcriptomic and genomic datasets from four genera within Entomophthoromycotina: the saprobic or opportunistic pathogens Basidiobolus meristosporus, Conidiobolus coronatus, C. thromboides, C. incongruus, and the host-specific insect pathogens Entomophthora muscae and Pandora formicae, specific pathogens of house flies (Muscae domestica) and wood ants (Formica polyctena), respectively. In total 154 SLSP from six fungi in the subphylum Entomophthoromycotina were identified: E. muscae (n = 22), P. formicae (n = 6), B. meristosporus (n = 60), C. thromboides (n = 18), C. coronatus (n = 36), and C. incongruus (n = 12). A unique group of 11 SLSPs was discovered in the genomes of the obligate biotrophic fungi E. muscae, P. formicae and the saprobic human pathogen C. incongruus that loosely resembles bacillopeptidase F-like SLSPs. Phylogenetics and protein domain analysis show this class represents a unique group of SLSPs so far only observed among Bacteria, Oomycetes and early diverging fungi such as Cryptomycota, Microsporidia, and Entomophthoromycotina. This group of SLSPs is missing in the sister fungal lineages of Kickxellomycotina and the fungal phyla Mucoromyocta, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota fungi suggesting interesting gene loss patterns

    A phylum-level phylogenetic classification of zygomycete fungi based on genome-scale data

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    Zygomycete fungi were classified as a single phylum, Zygomycota, based on sexual reproduction by zygospores, frequent asexual reproduction by sporangia, absence of multicellular sporocarps, and production of coenocytic hyphae, all with some exceptions. Molecular phylogenies based on one or a few genes did not support the monophyly of the phylum, however, and the phylum was subsequently abandoned. Here we present phylogenetic analyses of a genome-scale data set for 46 taxa, including 25 zygomycetes and 192 proteins, and we demonstrate that zygomycetes comprise two major clades that form a paraphyletic grade. A formal phylogenetic classification is proposed herein and includes two phyla, six subphyla, four classes and 16 orders. On the basis of these results, the phyla Mucoromycota and Zoopagomycota are circumscribed. Zoopagomycota comprises Entomophtoromycotina, Kickxellomycotina and Zoopagomycotina; it constitutes the earliest diverging lineage of zygomycetes and contains species that are primarily parasites and pathogens of small animals (e.g. amoeba, insects, etc.) and other fungi, i.e. mycoparasites. Mucoromycota comprises Glomeromycotina, Mortierellomycotina, and Mucoromycotina and is sister to Dikarya. It is the more derived clade of zygomycetes and mainly consists of mycorrhizal fungi, root endophytes, and decomposers of plant material. Evolution of trophic modes, morphology, and analysis of genome-scale data are discussed

    Whole Genome Sequencing and the Zygomycota

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    Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Modicella reveals an independent evolutionary origin of sporocarp forming fungi in the Mortierellales

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    Most studies of tissue differentiation and development have focused on animals and plants but many fungi form multi-cellular aggregations of spore-bearing tissue known as fruiting bodies or sporocarps. The ability to form sporocarps has arisen independently in several different evolutionary lineages of fungi. Evolutionary relationships of most sporocarp-forming fungi are well known, but the enigmatic zygomycete genus Modicella contains two species of sporocarp-forming fungi for which the phylogenetic affinities have not been explored based on molecular data. Species of Modicella have an uncertain trophic mode and have alternatively been considered members of the order Endogonales (which contains documented species of sporocarp-forming fungi) or the order Mortierellales (which contains no previously documented species of sporocarp-forming fungi). In this study we perform phylogenetic analyses based on ribosomal DNA of Modicella malleola from the Northern Hemisphere and Modicella reniformis from the Southern Hemisphere to determine the evolutionary affinities of the genus Modicella. Our analyses indicate that Modicella is a monophyletic genus of sporocarp-forming fungi nested within the Mortierellales, a group of microfungi with no previously documented sporocarp-forming species. Because Modicella is distantly related to all other known sporocarp-forming fungi, we infer that this lineage has independently evolved the ability form sporocarps. We conclude that the genus Modicella should be a high priority for comparative genomics studies to further elucidate the process of sporocarp formation in fungi.Fil: Smith, Matthew. University of Florida. Department of Plant Pathology; Estados UnidosFil: Gryganskyi, Andrii. Duke University. Department of Biology; Estados UnidosFil: Bonito, Gregory. University Of Duke; Estados UnidosFil: Nouhra, Eduardo Ramon. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (p); ArgentinaFil: Moreno-Arroyo, Baldomero. Universidad de Cordoba. Departamento de Biología Vegetal; EspañaFil: Benny, Gerald. University Of Florida; Estados Unido

    Sequential utilization of hosts from different fly families by genetically distinct, sympatric populations within the Entomophthora muscae species complex.

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    The fungus Entomophthora muscae (Entomophthoromycota, Entomophthorales, Entomophthoraceae) is a widespread insect pathogen responsible for fatal epizootic events in many dipteran fly hosts. During epizootics in 2011 and 2012 in Durham, North Carolina, we observed a transition of fungal infections from one host, the plant-feeding fly Delia radicum, to a second host, the predatory fly Coenosia tigrina. Infections first appeared on Delia in the middle of March, but by the end of May, Coenosia comprised 100% of infected hosts. Multilocus sequence typing revealed that E. muscae in Durham comprises two distinct subpopulations (clades) with several haplotypes in each. Fungi from either clade are able to infect both fly species, but vary in their infection phenologies and host-specificities. Individuals of the more phylogenetically diverse clade I predominated during the beginning of the spring epizootic, infecting mostly phytophagous Delia flies. Clade II dominated in late April and May and affected mostly predatory Coenosia flies. Analysis of population structure revealed two subpopulations within E. muscae with limited gene exchange. This study provides the first evidence of recombination and population structure within the E. muscae species complex, and illustrates the complexity of insect-fungus relationships that should be considered for development of biological control methods