7 research outputs found

    Academic formation and permanent education: influences on leadership styles of nurses Formação acadêmica e educação permanente: influências nos estilos de liderança de enfermeiros

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    Objetivo: conhecer as influências da formação acadêmica e da Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) nos estilos de liderança adotados pelos enfermeiros no âmbito hospitalar. Método: pesquisa qualitativa do tipo descritiva, apoiada no referencial de Hersey e Blanchard. Participaram do estudo seis enfermeiros da rede hospitalar de Chapecó (SC), que tipificavam diferentes estilos de liderança. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados conforme Análise Temática. Resultados: os participantes sentiram-se pouco influenciados para liderar diante da formação obtida na graduação e ressaltaram dificuldades de integração ensino-serviço, que interferiram no exercício da liderança. Quanto à EPS, sinalizaram a falta de investimentos na qualificação. Conclusão: destaca-se a importância de o ensino na graduação fortalecer as práticas de aprendizagem da liderança e entende-se que a liderança é aperfeiçoada ao longo da vida profissional.    Objective: to know the influences of academic training and Continuing Health Education (EPS) on the leadership styles adopted by nurses in the hospital environment. Method: it is qualitative descriptive-type research supported in the references of Hersey and Blanchard. Six nurses from the hospital network of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, participated in this study and typified different leadership styles. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed according to Thematic Analysis. Results: the participants felt only slightly influenced to lead during the training obtained in their graduation course and highlighted difficulties in integrating education service, which interfered in exercising leadership. As for the Continuing Health Education (EPS), it indicated a lack of investment in qualification. Conclusion: standing it was highlighted the importance of education in graduation studies to strengthen leadership learning practices and it is understood that leadership is perfected and improved throughout working life. Key words: Nursing, Leadership, Continuing Education

    Academic formation and permanent education: influences on leadership styles of nurses Formação acadêmica e educação permanente: influências nos estilos de liderança de enfermeiros

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    Objetivo: conhecer as influências da formação acadêmica e da Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) nos estilos de liderança adotados pelos enfermeiros no âmbito hospitalar. Método: pesquisa qualitativa do tipo descritiva, apoiada no referencial de Hersey e Blanchard. Participaram do estudo seis enfermeiros da rede hospitalar de Chapecó (SC), que tipificavam diferentes estilos de liderança. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados conforme Análise Temática. Resultados: os participantes sentiram-se pouco influenciados para liderar diante da formação obtida na graduação e ressaltaram dificuldades de integração ensino-serviço, que interferiram no exercício da liderança. Quanto à EPS, sinalizaram a falta de investimentos na qualificação. Conclusão: destaca-se a importância de o ensino na graduação fortalecer as práticas de aprendizagem da liderança e entende-se que a liderança é aperfeiçoada ao longo da vida profissional.  Objective: to know the influences of academic training and Continuing Health Education (EPS) on the leadership styles adopted by nurses in the hospital environment. Method: it is qualitative descriptive-type research supported in the references of Hersey and Blanchard. Six nurses from the hospital network of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, participated in this study and typified different leadership styles. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed according to Thematic Analysis. Results: the participants felt only slightly influenced to lead during the training obtained in their graduation course and highlighted difficulties in integrating education service, which interfered in exercising leadership. As for the Continuing Health Education (EPS), it indicated a lack of investment in qualification. Conclusion: standing it was highlighted the importance of education in graduation studies to strengthen leadership learning practices and it is understood that leadership is perfected and improved throughout working life. Key words: Nursing, Leadership, Continuing Education

    The COVID-19 pandemic and professional nursing practice in the context of hospitals

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges to health systems and institutions, which had to quickly create conditions to meet the growing health needs of the population. Thus, this study aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on professional nursing practice environments and to identify the variables that affected their quality. Quantitative, observational study, conducted in 16 Portuguese hospitals, with 1575 nurses. Data were collected using a questionnaire and participants responded to two different moments in time: the pre-pandemic period and after the fourth critical period of COVID-19. The pandemic had a positive impact on the Structure and Outcome components, and a negative trend in the Process component. The variables associated with the qualification of the components and their dimensions were predominantly: work context, the exercise of functions in areas of assistance to COVID-19 patients, length of professional experience and length of experience in the service. The investment in professional practice environments impacted the improvement of organizational factors, supporting the development of nurses’ work towards the quality of care. However, it is necessary to invest in nurses’ participation, involvement and professional qualifications, which are aspects strongly dependent on the institutions’ management strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The COVID-19 Pandemic and Professional Nursing Practice in the Context of Hospitals

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges to health systems and institutions, which had to quickly create conditions to meet the growing health needs of the population. Thus, this study aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on professional nursing practice environments and to identify the variables that affected their quality. Quantitative, observational study, conducted in 16 Portuguese hospitals, with 1575 nurses. Data were collected using a questionnaire and participants responded to two different moments in time: the pre-pandemic period and after the fourth critical period of COVID-19. The pandemic had a positive impact on the Structure and Outcome components, and a negative trend in the Process component. The variables associated with the qualification of the components and their dimensions were predominantly: work context, the exercise of functions in areas of assistance to COVID-19 patients, length of professional experience and length of experience in the service. The investment in professional practice environments impacted the improvement of organizational factors, supporting the development of nurses’ work towards the quality of care. However, it is necessary to invest in nurses’ participation, involvement and professional qualifications, which are aspects strongly dependent on the institutions’ management strategiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Academic formation and permanent education: influences on leadership styles of nurses

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    Objetivo: conhecer as influências da formação acadêmica e da Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) nos estilos de liderança adotados pelos enfermeiros no âmbito hospitalar. Método: pesquisa qualitativa do tipo descritiva, apoiada no referencial de Hersey e Blanchard. Participaram do estudo seis enfermeiros da rede hospitalar de Chapecó (SC), que tipificavam diferentes estilos de liderança. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados conforme Análise Temática. Resultados: os participantes sentiram-se pouco influenciados para liderar diante da formação obtida na graduação e ressaltaram dificuldades de integração ensino-serviço, que interferiram no exercício da liderança. Quanto à EPS, sinalizaram a falta de investimentos na qualificação. Conclusão: destaca-se a importância de o ensino na graduação fortalecer as práticas de aprendizagem da liderança e entende-se que a liderança é aperfeiçoada ao longo da vida profissional.  Objetivo: conocer las influencias de la formación académica y de la Educación Permanente en Salud (EPS) en los estilos de liderazgo adoptados por los enfermeros en el ámbito hospitalar. Método: estudio cualitativo del tipo descriptivo, apoyado en el referencial de Hersey y Blanchard. Participaron del estudio, seis enfermeros de la red hospitalar de Chapecó, Santa Catarina que se tipificaban en diferentes estilos de liderazgo. Los datos fueron tomados por medio de entrevista semiestructuradas y analizados conforme Análisis Temático. Resultados: los participantes se sintieron un poco influenciados para liderar ante la formación obtenida en la graduación y resaltaron dificultades de integración entre enseñanza y trabajo lo que interfirió en el ejercicio del liderazgo. En lo que se refiere a la EPS, ella señaló falta de inversiones en la cualificación. Conclusión: se destaca la importancia de la enseñanza en la graduación, fortalecer las prácticas de aprendizaje del liderazgo y se entiende que el liderazgo es perfeccionado a lo largo de la vida profesional.Objective: to know the influences of academic training and Continuing Health Education (EPS) on the leadership styles adopted by nurses in the hospital environment. Method: It is qualitative, descriptive-type research, supported in the references of Hersey and Blanchard. Participating in this study were six nurses from the hospital network of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, who typified different leadership styles. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed according to Thematic Analysis. Results: The participants felt only slightly influenced to lead during the training obtained in their graduation course and highlighted difficulties in integrating education service which interfered with exercising leadership. As for the Continuing Health Education (EPS), it indicated a lack of investment in qualification. Conclusion: Standing out was the importance of education in graduation studies to strengthen leadership learning practices and it is understood that leadership is perfected and improved throughout working life

    Academic formation and permanent education: influences on leadership styles of nurses Formação acadêmica e educação permanente: influências nos estilos de liderança de enfermeiros

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    Objetivo: conhecer as influências da formação acadêmica e da Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) nos estilos de liderança adotados pelos enfermeiros no âmbito hospitalar. Método: pesquisa qualitativa do tipo descritiva, apoiada no referencial de Hersey e Blanchard. Participaram do estudo seis enfermeiros da rede hospitalar de Chapecó (SC), que tipificavam diferentes estilos de liderança. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados conforme Análise Temática. Resultados: os participantes sentiram-se pouco influenciados para liderar diante da formação obtida na graduação e ressaltaram dificuldades de integração ensino-serviço, que interferiram no exercício da liderança. Quanto à EPS, sinalizaram a falta de investimentos na qualificação. Conclusão: destaca-se a importância de o ensino na graduação fortalecer as práticas de aprendizagem da liderança e entende-se que a liderança é aperfeiçoada ao longo da vida profissional.    Objective: to know the influences of academic training and Continuing Health Education (EPS) on the leadership styles adopted by nurses in the hospital environment. Method: it is qualitative descriptive-type research supported in the references of Hersey and Blanchard. Six nurses from the hospital network of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, participated in this study and typified different leadership styles. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed according to Thematic Analysis. Results: the participants felt only slightly influenced to lead during the training obtained in their graduation course and highlighted difficulties in integrating education service, which interfered in exercising leadership. As for the Continuing Health Education (EPS), it indicated a lack of investment in qualification. Conclusion: standing it was highlighted the importance of education in graduation studies to strengthen leadership learning practices and it is understood that leadership is perfected and improved throughout working life. Key words: Nursing, Leadership, Continuing Education

    Situational leadership style adopted by nurses in the hospital field

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    This study aimed to analyze Situational Leadership styles adopted by hospital nurses and their association with their personal and professional profile. This is a quantitative and descriptive study and the Hersey and Blanchard leadership model was used with nurses who work in hospitals. Data were collected through sociodemographic questionnaire and the Leadership Effectiveness and Adaptability Description. The more directive leadership style focused on persuasion was the most present. The activity sector showed a significant relation to the leadership style (p=00.1), demonstrating approximation between assistance and leadership profile. Although the population is composed of young group with a short time of performance, the predominance of the Coaching leadership style may limit the creativity and potential of team members for the focus to be focused on the task. Strategies to achieve high levels of maturity, can assist nurses in adopting more flexible leadership practices