23 research outputs found

    Hubungan Praktik Pemberian Makan Dengan Kejadian Berat Badan Kurang Pada Anak Usia 6-24 Bulan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sidoarjo

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    There are many problems arise related to feeding practices and breastfeeding pattern among children aged 6-24 months which is not suitable with the recommendation, such as not exclusively breastfeeding until infant aged 6 months, prelactal food, introduction of soft food, semi solid or solid foods for children whose age appropriate feeding, and food diversity. This study aims to analyze the association between feeding practices and underweight of children under two. This study was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional design. Using structured questionaire, interview was conducted to 51 mothers or caregivers who have children aged 6-24 months old and was selected by simple random sampling technique in Bluru Kidul and Magersari, Sidoarjo. Underweight was obtained from anthropometry data. Weight was measured by using baby scale and digital scale. Result of this research showed that there was no significant association between underweight of children under two with predominant breastfeeding, food diversity, and meal frequency as well as 6 months exclusive beastfeeding and duration of breastfeeding (p>0,05). This study concludes that there is no association between breastfeeding patterns and feeding practices with underweight of children aged 6-24 months. It is necessary to conduct further research on finding association between feeding practices and underweight of children aged 6-24 months by standardized anthropometric measuring tools to confirm results of this study in the same location

    Jumlah Uang Saku Dan Kebiasaan Melewatkan Sarapan Berhubungan Dengan Status Gizi Lebih Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    The prevalence of overnutrition in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. Overnutrition occurs because of an imbalance between consumed and expended energy. Overnutrition needs a serious attention because it deals with a variety of health problem complications in adult, such as diabetes and heart disease. This research aims to analyze the association between the amount of pocket money and breakfast habit with overnutrition status in elementary school children. Analytical observational research with cross sectional design was conducted in SDN Ploso I-172 Tambaksari Surabaya. The sample size was 52, which was taken by using simple random sampling technique in 4th and 5th grade students. Association among variables were analyzed using Chi-Square test. The result showed that 32.7% of respondents skip breakfast. The mean of respondent's pocket money was IDR 5.894,23 ± 3.215,06. Majority of respondents were obese (34.6%) and overweight (28.8%). Chi-Square test showed there was an association between the amount of pocket money (p=0.000) and breakfast habits (p=0.005) with overnutrition status. It can be concluded that the amount of pocket money and breakfast skipping habit contribute to overnutrition status in elementary school children. Parents are responsible for providing foods with adequate nutrition for children, habituate children to have breakfast at home, and provide pocket money to children with amount less than IDR 5.894,23 ± 3.215,06

    Balita pada Rumahatangga Miskin di Kabupaten Prioritas Kerawanan Pangan di Indonesia Lebih Rentan Mengalami Gangguan Gizi

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    Latar belakang. Risiko ketidaktahanan pangan rumahtangga timbul karena rendahnya pendapatan, rendahnya ketersediaan pangan maupun faktor gegrafis. Proporsi penduduk dengan asupan kalori di bawah tingkat konsumsi minimum (<1400 kkal/hari) sebesar 14,47% dan (<2000 kkal/hr) sebesar 64,21%, hampir dua kali lipat dari target MDGs (35,32%) menunjukkan adanya gangguan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga di Indonesia, yang dapat berdampak pada gangguan status gizi kelompok rentan, diantaranya Balita. Tujuan. Menilai status gizi dan menganalisis risiko gangguan gizi Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di daerah prioritas dan non prioritas kerawanan pangan di Indonesia Metode. Analisis lanjut data Riskesdas tahun 2010 untuk 99 kabupaten: diantaranya 71 kabupaten prioritas masalah kerawanan pangan (prioritas I:11, prioritas II: 25 dan prioritas III: 35) dan 28 kabupaten non prioritas di Indonesia, dengan unit analisis rumahtangga yaitu 11084 rumahtangga dan 2464 rumahtangga diantaranya tergolong miskin dan memiliki Balita Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko terjadinya masalah gizi Balita di wilayah prioritas rawan pangan yaitu gizi buruk dan kurang 2,172 kali lebih besar dan risiko sangat pendek dan pendek 1,669 kali besar dibandingkan di wilayah non prioritas. Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di kabupaten prioritas rawan pangan berisiko terjadi gizi buruk dan kurang 1,445 kali lebih besar serta berisiko sangat pendek/pendek lebih besar 1,406 kali dibandingkan Balita pada rumahtangga tidak miskin. Berdasarkan kelompok usia, Balita berusia 1-3 tahun pada rumahtangga miskin didaerah prioritas kerawanan pangan berisiko terjadi gizi buruk dan kurang 1,535 lebih besar serta berisiko terjadi sangat pendek dan pendek 1,608 kali dibandingkan Balita usia 0-6 bulan. Simpulan. Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di daerah kabupaten prioritas kerawanan pangan (I,II dan III) lebih rentan mengalami gangguan gizi (sangat pendek/pendek dan gizi buruk/kurang) dibandingkan di kabupaten non prioritas. Saran. Balita berusia 1-3 tahun pada rumahtangga miskin di kabupaten prioritas rawan pangan di Indonesia perlu mendapat prioritas utama percepatan perbaikan gizi

    Ketahanan Pangan Dan Coping Strategy Rumah Tangga Urban Farming Pertanian Dan Perikanan Kota Surabaya

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    Rapid urbanization in urban areas causes dissimilarity of food access in each household. It is become one of urban food security problem. Urban farming is a strategy to improve food access in urban areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference in food security and coping strategy of agriculture and fisheries urban farming households. This observational study used a cross-sectional design. A sample of 62 households were divided into 2 groups: agriculture and fisheries urban farming households. Food security was assessed by United States Household Food Security Survey Module (US-HFSSM) questionnaire while coping strategy was assessed by Reduced Coping Strategy Index (RCSI) questionnaire. The difference of household food security and coping strategy in both groups was analyzed by Chi square test. A total of 64,7% household in agriculture group were in food secured, while 75% households in fishery group were in food insecure with severe hunger degrees. There was no difference of household food security between agriculture and fisheries urban farming group (p = 0,255), although two groups had different in food security status. Most of agriculture urban farming household has RCSI score <14 (65,6%), while the majority of fishery urban farming household has RCSI score ≥ 14 (66,7%). There was a difference of coping strategy between agriculture and fishery urban farming household (p = 0,021). Agriculture urban farming households were secured and rarely do coping strategy compared to fishery urban farming households. Government programs to improve food security should be more focused on groups of fishery urban farming households

    Penerapan Higiene Sanitasi Jasa Boga Pada Katering Golongan A2 Dan Golongan A3 Di Kota Palangka Raya Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    The rapid development of new caterings without followed by supervision from the authorities in term of food safety could lead to food safety cases. This study aimed to analyze the application of hygiene sanitation in catering class A2and A3 in Palangka Raya. This research was conducted with descriptive observational design non-hypothesis. The primary data obtained through interview about characteristics of catering at 10 selected caterings (3 caterings class A2 and 7 caterings class A3) and observation of building, sanitary facilities, equipments, food handlers, foods, principles of hygiene and sanitation, and quality of food microbiology. Sample was selected based on purposive technique. Data were analyzed descriptively. The result showed entire catering still does not meet physical requirements in the application of hygiene sanitation catering (catering group A2 grades 70-74; class A3 grades 74-83). The application of principles hygiene and sanitation each variable in several caterings was met requirements. Assessment of the microbiological quality of vegetables menu in 3 caterings shows number of bacteria E.coli were 0/g. The conclusion of research in general is that principle the application of hygiene sanitation principle and microbiological quality are met by the catering class A2 and A3 in Palangka Raya. However, the physical feasibility still needs to be improved. Application of hygiene and sanitation in caterings are expected to be a reference to obtain hygiene certifi cate acceptance as well as information to Health Department for verify the application of hygiene and sanitation catering in Palangka Raya

    Daya Terima Dan Indeks Glikemik Makanan Brownies Yang Diperkaya Tepung Beras Merah Dan Kurma

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    People with diabetes mellitus need low glycemic index snack to support their nutritional requirement and to control blood glucose levels. The research objective was to analyze the acceptability (color, flavor, texture, and taste) and the glycemic index of brownies enriched with red rice flour (Oryza nivara) and dates (Phoenix dactylivera). Completely randomized factorial design with 5 repetitions was used on 5 formulas, one control formula (F0) and 4 modification formulas; F1 (25% red rice flour and 24% dates), F2 (75% red rice flour and 24% dates), F3 (25% red rice flour and 40% dates), and F4 (75% red rice flour and 40% dates). Four professional panelist and 30 non skilled panelists were recruited. Friedman test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test at α=0.05 was used to test the difference between group. Formula F2 has the highest acceptability (color, flavor, texture, and taste) with an average value of 2.83, while the lowest acceptability was found in F3 (25% brown rice flour and 40% of dates) with an average value of 2.40. The glycemic index of brownies formula F2 is 41.97. Brownies F2 which substitute wheat flour with red rice flour (25%:75%) and enriched with dates (24%) was the best modification brownies formula for its color, flavor, and texture with glycemic index of 41.97. Adding other ingredients to brownies can be done to improve the taste and lower glycemic index at the best formula (F2)

    The effectiveness of nutrition education for overweight/obese mothers with stunted children (NEO-MOM) in reducing the double burden of malnutrition in Indonesia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Citation: Mahmudiono, T., Nindya, T. S., Andrias, D. R., Megatsari, H., & Rosenkranz, R. R. (2016). The effectiveness of nutrition education for overweight/obese mothers with stunted children (NEO-MOM) in reducing the double burden of malnutrition in Indonesia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Bmc Public Health, 16, 11. doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3155-1Background: Nutrition transition in developing countries were induced by rapid changes in food patterns and nutrient intake when populations adopt modern lifestyles during economic and social development, urbanization and acculturation. Consequently, these countries suffer from the double burden of malnutrition, consisting of unresolved undernutrition and the rise of overweight/obesity. The prevalence of the double burden of malnutrition tends to be highest for moderate levels (third quintile) of socioeconomic status. Evidence suggests that modifiable factors such as intra-household food distribution and dietary diversity are associated with the double burden of malnutrition, given household food security. This article describes the study protocol of a behaviorally based nutrition education intervention for overweight/obese mothers with stunted children (NEO-MOM) in reducing the double burden of malnutrition. Methods: NEO-MOM is a randomized controlled trial with a three-month behavioral intervention for households involving pairs of 72 stunted children aged 2-5 years old and overweight/obese mothers (SCOWT) in urban Indonesia. The SCOWT pairs were randomly assigned to either an intervention group or to a comparison group that received usual care plus printed educational materials. The intervention consisted of six classroom sessions on nutrition education and home visits performed by trained community health workers using a motivational interviewing approach. The primary outcomes of this study are the prevalence of double burden of malnutrition as measured in SCOWT, child's height-for-age z-score (HAZ) and maternal body mass index (BMI). Discussion: Because previous studies are mainly observational in nature, this study advances understanding of the double burden of malnutrition through a fully powered randomized controlled trial. The intervention assists participants in self-administered goal setting to improve diet and child feeding behaviors by improving self-efficacy. Maternal self-efficacy may be enhanced through vicarious and active mastery of experiences gained during six sessions of nutrition education and verbal persuasion during home visits