491 research outputs found

    The Effect of Indoor Environmental Quality on the Respiratory Health of Informal Workers

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    The quality of indoor environmental plays pivotal rule to influence the microbiological growth through the air that has a significant effect on human’s respiratory health. In some regions in Indonesia, airborne diseases among productive age are still a common problem. Even though the trend of accidents increases in some provinces, it has not been the priority to overcome by the government. In 2013, the accident of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) among informal workers were taken place as the first rank of 10 most common occupational illnesses in Ciomas District, West Java Province and the prevalence experienced upward trend in four months, from June to September. Thus, this study aimed to describe the relationship between indoorenvironmental quality (IEQ) and the occurrence of ARIs. The population and sample of study were all workers who worked in seven footwear workshops in Pagelaran Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency that employed 85 workers. The present study used a cross-sectional design to investigate whether relative humidity, illumination, and indoor temperature as the IEQ parameters have to do with worker’s respiratory health. The independent t-test was used to analyze the data that was collected in March to April 2014. The result revealed the average illumination levels at 175.586 lux (min 53.3 lux and max 367.0 lux), the average temperature levels at 30.96

    Program Online Learning sebagai Faktor Penunjang Keunggulan Kompetitif Binus University

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    Online learning has become a way to improve efficiency in the learning process without reducing the quality of learning itself. Colleges that run it hope that the program becomes an attraction for prospective students, especially those with limitation to follow the regular program. The goal of this research was to find out whether Binus Online Learning Program has any influence to the competitive advantage of Binus University. Data were compiled by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents consist of the students and lecturers on Binus Online Learning Program. This thesis is based on a quantitative methodology to gather and analyze the data to find out if they were any correlation between Online Learning Program and the competitive advantage of Binus University. It can be concluded that there are some positive and significant influences of Online Learning Program to the competitive advantage of Binus University. Therefore, promoting and developing Online Learning Program will increase the competitive advantage of Binus University, and cover the target market which regular programs do not

    Application of Web Communication Relationship Management in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in Indonesia are still managed traditionally since the touch of information technology is not optimal. On the other hand, the number of customers or transactions made by UKM may no longer be of small value. One modern business approach is to pay attention to customer factors, not only before the transaction but also after the transaction. Applications in the field of information technology in this domain are called Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This research tries to develop a CRM model adapted to the community's culture and the SME business model in Indonesia and considers the penetration of information technology in general. The approach used is to use the Prototype model in which the system creation process is structured and has several stages that must be passed so that the information system becomes better and easier. The results show the small and medium businesses can make CRM simpler and more generi

    Acute Respiratory Infections in Informal Footwear Workers

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    Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) were the most common diseases among informal workers attending the Ciomas Puskesmas (Public Health Centre), Bogor Regency in 2014. Commonly, these infections had occurred because of a lack of knowledge of both ARIs and industrial hygiene in the informal sector. This study aimed to describe the relationship between knowledge and awareness of ARIs (smoking habit and using PPE during work variables) and the incidence of ARIs. The population of study comprised seven footwear workshops in Pagelaran Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency. They employed 87 workers in 2014 and all workers were included in the sample of the study. To explore the association between awareness of ARIs and occupational health issues, we used the chi-square test. The study showed that there were 34 (40%) workers who suffered from ARIs. 56 (66%) were smokers, 65 (76%) employees did not use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during work, and 75 (88%) workers reported that they did not have knowledge concerning ARIs. Overall, the incidence of ARIs was not significantly associated with a smoking habit (P=1.000), PPE compliance (P=1.000), or knowledge of ARIs (P=0.512). Keywords: Acute Respiratory Infections, occupational health, Personal Protection Equipment, knowledge, smoking habit

    Tinjauan Kondisi Fisik Atlet Sepakbola Pelatcab Kota Pekanbaru

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    Abstrack:This research is descriptive research, which aims to determine the physical condition (bleep test) football athlete pelatcab city of Pekanbaru. Problems that occur in the athlete both in matches and training him among them are the lack of fighting spirit and athletes both in training and matches it caused a lot of athletes who mangalami fatigue or tiredness that is not playing, not optimal technique is done in because of fatigue which naturally like, passing unfocused, shhoting are weak, lost the ball when dribbling, ball control that is less than the maximum, it is presumably because the element is not optimal endurance athletes. The purpose of this study was to assess the physical condition of athletes football pelatcab Pekanbaru city with regard to aerobic endurance or VO2Max.Populasi in this study were all athletes who totaled 18 people. Data were collected by conducting bleep test or MFT. Based on data analysis aerobic endurance or VO2max, the average owned by football athletes Pekanbaru city pelatcab 34-42 categorized enoug

    Kandungan Logam Berat (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, dan Cr) dalam Air dan Sedimen di Perairan Teluk Jakarta

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    Penelitian Lingkungan dan Kebencanaan Geologi Kelautan Perairan Teluk Jakarta (Tanjung Kait – Muara Gembong) dilakukan pada bulan Oktober - November 2010. Uji logam berat (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, dan Cr) dilakukan terhadap 28 contoh air laut dan 28 contoh sedimen dasar laut menggunakan metoda Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi kondisi lingkungan terkini dari kandungan logam berat dalam air laut dan sedimen dasar laut. Kandungan logam berat (air laut dalam mg/l : sedimen dasar laut dalam ppm) terukur sebagai berikut : Cu ( <0.005 : 15.000-169.500 ); Pb (0.005-0.011 : 14.000-58.100); Zn (0.005-0.007 : 95.800-333.000); Cd (0.006-0.015 : 0.012-0.750); Cr (<0.001 : 45.320-139.180). Berdasarkan Metode Storet dapat dilihat nilai status mutu air laut perairan ini adalah -12, berarti bahwa kualitas air laut di perairan termasuk kelas C (tercemar sedang). Sedangkan status mutu sedimen di perairan menunjukkan skor nilai status mutu sedimen adalah 0, yang berarti bahwa kualitas sedimen termasuk kelas A (tidak tercemar/memenuhi baku mutu). Jelas terlihat bahwa nilai ambang batas (NAB) logam berat dalam sedimen jauh lebih tinggi dari NAB logam berat dalam air. Kata kunci: logam berat, sedimen dasar laut, air laut, nilai status mutu Marine Environmental and Geological Hazard Survey In Jakarta Bay Waters (Tanjung Kait - Muara Gembong) conducted in October-November 2010. Testing of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cr) performed on 28 samples of sea water and 28 subsurface sediment samples using the method of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The purpose of this study was to obtain data and information on current environmental conditions of heavy metal content in seawater and subsurface sediment. Heavy metal content (sea water in mg/l: subsurface sediment in ppm) measured as follows: Cu ( <0.005 : 15.000-169.500 ); Pb (0.005-0.011 : 14.000-58.100); Zn (0.005-0.007 : 95.800-333.000); Cd (0.006-0.015 : 0.012-0.750); Cr (<0.001 : 45.320-139.180). Based on the Storet method shows the value of water quality status of sea waters is -12, which means that the seawater quality in these waters belong to a class C (medium contaminated). While the status of sediment quality in these waters indicate subsurface sediment quality score status value is 0, which means that subsurface sediment quality belongs to the class A (not polluted/correspond to the quality standards). It is clearly seen that the threshold value (NAV) of heavy metals in sediments is much higher than the NAV of heavy metals in water. Keywords: heavy metal, subsurface sediment, seawater, quality score statu

    Pengaruh Tindakan Supervisi, Komitmen Profesional dan Komitmen Organisasionalterhadap Kepuasan Kerja Auditor Bpkp Perwakilan Daerah Riau

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    The purpose of this study was to test empirically the effect of actions that supervision, professional commitment and organizational commitment on job satisfaction auditors. The population in this study is the Public Sector Auditors who worked in Various Government Agencies Prov. Riau. sample in this study consisted of Auditor Candidate totaling 18 people, numbering Executive Auditor totaled 18 people, Implementing Advanced Auditor numbered 1, Auditor Supervisor of 20 people, first auditr amounted to 4 people and young auditors and auditors of 35 people associate amounted to 14 people. The total sample in this study amounted to: 110 people. Analysis of research on the use is to use multiple linear regression equation with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). The results showed that the supervision Based on the results of action research which is represented by the leadership and mentoring aspects significantly influence job satisfaction auditors. Supervision actions are represented by the aspect of working conditions, no significant influence on job satisfaction auditors, supervision actions represented by assignment aspects significantly influence job satisfaction auditors. Professional commitment significant effect on job satisfaction auditor at BPKP Prov. Riau. And organizational commitment has no effect on job satisfaction.Keywords: Action Supervision, Professional Commitment, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfactio

    Desain Aplikasi E-learning sebagai Media Pembelajaran Artificial Informatics

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    Internet merupakan salah satu teknologi yang berkembang sangat pesat, kehadiran internet memberikan kemudahan dalam menerima dan mengakses informasi dalam berbagai format dariseluruh penjuru dunia. Salah satu elemen di dalam internet adalah situs web, saat ini situs&nbsp;web tidak hanya dapat dijadikan sebagai media informasi tetapi berbagai sistem pembelajaran pun dapat dilakukan di internet, seperti halnya pembelajaran artificial Informatics. Artificial informaticsdimaksudkan sebagai alat ukur atau evaluasi atas kemampuan seseorang dalam memahami ilmu IT, artificial informatics sendiri merupakan cabang dari artificial Intelligence. Saat ini tersedia berbagai media yang dapat digunakan dalam mempelajari artificial informaticstetapi penjelasan atau bahasa pengantarnya masih menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehingga menjadi lebih sulit untuk dipelajari, terutama bagi orang yang masih awan dengan bahasa Inggris. Pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi internet dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran artificial informatics berbasis web dapat memberikan altenatif lain dalam mempelajari artificial Informatics. Dalam jurnal ini membangun suatu situs web yang menyajikan informasi serta materi-materi pembelajaran yang berhubungan dengan artificial Informatics

    Penerjemahan Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia Menggunakan Kamera pada Telepon Genggam Android

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    Penginderaan visual atau machine vision merupakan suatu proses manipulasi data citra. Data tersebut dapat digunakan untuk melakukan intepretasi banyak hal, salah satunya yaitu pengenalan gesture. Pengenalan gesture adalah antarmuka yang dapat mengenali gerak-isyarat seorang manusia dan mentranslasikan gerakan tersebut sebagai instruksi yang dapat dipahami oleh komputer. Pengenalan gesture dapat digunakan untuk penerjemahkan bahasa isyarat pada orang tunawicara. Hal ini karena banyaknya orang yang tidak mengerti bahasa tangan orang tunawicara. Sehingga, orang tunawicara kesulitan dalam berinteraksi di masyarakat.Pada tugas akhir ini pengenalan gesture untuk penerjemahan bahasa isyarat lebih mengarah pada hand recognition, yaitu pendeteksian Perubahan gerak tangan, dengan menggunakan android mobile phone sebagai divaisnya. Android mobile phone memiliki kamera untuk menangkap citra orang tuna wicara saat berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa isyarat berupa gerakan tangan. Selanjutnya, citra diproses oleh processing unit android untuk melakukan proses hand recognition. Setelah proses tersebut selesai, maka layar display akan memunculkan huruf atau kata dari Perubahan posisi gerak tangan yang dilakukan orang tunawicara yang berada di depan kamera

    Pembuatan Biogas Dari Rumput Laut Jenis Caulerpa Racemosa Dan Sargassum Duplicatum Sebagai Bahan Energi Alternatif

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    Seaweed has economic value that is very important for humans. Several years ago, only seaweed used as human food ingredients. Given the many types of seaweed are still not popular yet widely used and Along with the progress of science and technology, utilization of seaweed has expanded in various fields, including one uses seaweed as an ingredient of biogas alternative energy. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of seaweed species Sargassum duplicatum and Caulerpa racemosa for the manufacture of biogas as a new alternative energy sources and to know the pressure of gas contained in a type of seaweed Sargassum duplicatum and Caulerpa racemosa as a new alternative energy sources. This research was conducted in June-September 2010. Samples were taken in waters around Lampung Marine Aquaculture Development Center. Making biogas process is conducted at the Laboratory of Marine Science. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University. The method used is a laboratory experimental methods. Making biogas is done by collecting seaweed and beach sediments as seedman making, preparation of the digester and the making of starter and stuffing, were examined by using biogas pressure manometer U for three months, analyze the data descriptively biogas pressure. Based on the results of research in getting the peak pressure for this type of seaweed Sargassum duplicatum is 15.47 psi, 16.05 psi and 16.43 while to get the type of Caulerpa racemosa in the peak pressure of 15.42 psi, 15.88 psi and 16, 43 psi
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