33 research outputs found
Morphological study of Red lake in Dinaric karst based on terrestrial laser scaning and sonar system
Red Lake (Dinaric karst, Croatia) is an exceptional karst phenomenon, worldwide known for its beauty and extreme depth. Even so, through the history of Red Lake’s research there were many controversies in the conclusions and the theories concerning its genesis, geomorphology and hydrology. The aim of this work is to give an overview of existing findings about Red Lake as well as to present the newest research results gained with the help of emerging technologies based on terrestrial laser scanning and hydro acoustics. The measuring was conducted during September 2013. A new generation of equipment developed to advance the geoscientific research was deployed during the field work. The gathered data enabled a thorough analysis which led to new important findings on Red Lake. Deployment of Remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) equipped with imaging sonar resulted in the first hydro acoustic survey of the lake. Some of the results confirmed the already known and well documented characteristics of Red Lake whereas others disputed the widely accepted assumptions in the scientific community and the general public. The presented research generated, for the first time, a DEM for Red Lake which allowed a good estimate on the lake’s volume. For the recorded maximum water level at 311 m a.s.l. the volume of water stored is 8.24 x 106 m3. A temperature profile of the lake was recorded during the field work and it offered an insight on possible water mixing through karst conduits near the surface of the water. The application of TLS and ROV sonar systems considerably improved the understanding of Red Lake’s morphology
Mila and the Stranger
Književno prevođenj
Karst Rivers Hydrology: Case of the Lika and Gacka (Croatia)
In this paper a case of very special hydrological behaviour of two neighbouring sinking karst rivers, Lika and Gacka, (Dinaric karst of Croatia), is analysed. The Lika River has a torrential hydrological regime. At the Sklope gauging station its minimum, mean and maximum measured discharges in the 1951-2005 period were: 0 (dry) m3/s : 24.5 m3/s : 729 m3/s. During the same period the Gacka River, at the Vivoze gauging station, had the following characteristic discharges: 2.29 m3/s; 14.7 m3/s; 71.0 m3/s. While the flow regime of the Lika River is characterised by extremely and very quick changes of discharges, the Gacka River flow regime is unusually uniform. The objective of the investigations made in this paper was to analyse the extremely different hydrological behaviour of the two neighbouring sinking rivers in order to find its reasons. Master depletion curves defined for the two analysed rivers shows that the karst aquifer of the Gacka River is much more abundant than Lika’s. The difference in the water temperature regime of the two neighbouring rivers is extremely high. At the Lika-Bilaj gauging station the minimum, mean and maximum measured water temperatures in the period of 1964-1991 were: 0.6°C; 9.3 °C; 21.4°C. During the period of 1964-2005 the Gacka River, at the Čovići gauging station had the following characteristic water temperatures: 6.4°C : 9.1°C : 11.6°C. The resident time in the karst underground of water discharging from the Gacka karst springs is much longer than in the case of the Lika River. The most probable explanation for this unusual hydrological behaviour of the two neighbouring karst rivers is that water from the Lika River and its catchment recharges some karst springs of the Gacka River. It is concluded that the Lika River feeds the Gacka River with an average annual discharge of about 5.35 m3/s. This value is different during each year and depends on the hydrological situation. It is very probably higher during the wet years than during the dry ones
Hrvatska književnost i zdravlje - Pismo iz 1920. godine
izvor: Sabrana djela Ive Andrića, Deca, knjiga deveta, Svjetlost, Sarajevo 1988
Application of Techologies Based on Hydroacoustics, Radar and Pressure Sensors in Monitoring and Analysis of Water Movement in Karst : Doctoral Thesis
Zbog svoje iznimne ranjivosti, krški vodonosnik predstavlja izazov u pogledu zaštite, praćenja, održavanja kvalitete vode i eksploatacije. Hidrološki i hidrogeološki procesi kod krša su ekstremno nepredvidivi zbog anizotropnosti i heterogenosti samog vodonosnika. Procjena regionalne hidrodinamike podzemlja krških terena je često iznimno teška zadaća. Svaki krški vodonosnik ima specifična hidrogeološkai hidrološka svojstva što u konačnici zahtjeva regionalna mjerenja i inkorporaciju prikupljenih saznanja u daljnje modeliranje i upravljanje istim. Razvoj novih tehnologija mjerenja i praćenja vodonosnika u poljima hidroakustike, radara, mjernih senzora i računalne tehnologije, nastaje potreba za implementacijom iste i generiranja novih protokola i metoda mjerenja. Nadalje, nova tehnologija pruža daleko veće mogućnosti te samim time otvara prostor za nove spoznaje vezane za krški vodonosnik te preispituje stare. Vremenska i prostorna rezolucija mjerenja se povećavaju, a računalna tehnologija nudi izvrstan alat za analizu i uspostavljanje modela procesa u prirodi koji vode do boljeg razumijevanja. Glavni pokretač pri izradi ovog rada je stjecanje novih i poboljšavanje starih saznanja o dinamici vode unutar krškog vodonosnika i na površini proučavajući podzemnu dinamiku vode u špiljama i jamama kao i površinsku na primjeru krških jezera i otvorenih vodotoka. Nove spoznaje vezane za prirodu kretanja vode u krškom terenu rezultiraju upravo eksperimentalnim pristupom i mjerenju različitih hidroloških epizoda unutar izrazito heterogenog sustava. U ovom radu se prikazuju kontinuirana hidrološka mjerenja izvedena u dubokoj krškoj jami te se uspostavljaju modeli mjerenih parametara. Nadalje, primjenjuje se probabilistički koncept mjerenja protoka na otvorenom vodotoku kod nepravilnih profila te se pritom uvode novi protokoli mjerenja. Po prvi puta detaljno su snimljena morfometrijska mjerenja Crvenog i Modrog jezera kod Imotskog s najnovijim dostupnim tehnologijama te kontinuirana hidrološka mjerenja Modrog jezera. Prezentiran je također i uspostavljeni hidrološki model za Modro jezero.Because of its extreme vulnerability karst aquifer is a challenge in terms of protection, monitoring, maintenance of water quality and exploitation. Hydrologic and hydrogeological processes in karst are extremely unpredictable because of anisotropy and heterogeneity of the aquifer. Assessment of regional hydrodynamics of underground karst terrain is often extremely difficult task. Each karst aquifer has specific hydrogeological and hydrologic properties, which ultimately require a regional measurement and incorporation of gathered data in further modelling and management. The development of new technology based measurement and monitoring of aquifers in the fields of hydro acoustics, radar measurement, sensors and computer technology creates a need to implement theexisting and generate the new protocols and methods of measurement. Furthermore, the new technology provides far greater opportunities and thus they open up new insights related to karst aquifer and revise the old ones. Temporal and spatial resolution of measurements increase whereas computer technology offers an excellent tool for analyzing and establishing a models of processes in nature that lead to a better understanding. The main motivation for this dissertation is the gaining of new knowledge in the dynamics of water within the karstaquifer and on the karst surface, as well as improvement and validation of old findings by studying the dynamics of underground water in the caves and in the case of surface karst lakesand open streams taking into account. Experimental approach and measurement of hydrological episodes within a highly heterogeneous system result with a new insight in the nature of water movement in the karst terrain. The continuous hydrological measurements in a deep karst cave and established models of the measured parameters are presented in this work. Furthermore, the probabilistic concept of discharge measurement in open water course with irregular profile was carried out which led to introduction of new measurement protocols. For the first time, the detailed morphometric measurements using available emerging technologies were conducted for Red Lake and Blue Lake near Imotski. Continuous hydrological measurements of Blue Lake resulted with a hydrological model which is also presented in this work
Na jevrejskom groblju u Sarajevu
Književni deo „Jevrejskog almanaha“ u kome je objavljena pripovetka Ive Andrića "Na jevrejskom groblju u Sarajevu", odnosi se na literarne radove sa jevrejskom tematikom iz oblasti istorije, književnosti, umetnosti, memoarske građe i Holokausta. Neki od radova iz ove rubrike objavljuju se po prvi put, neki su objavljeni i na drugim mestima a neki su delovi većih celina (zbirki, romana, memoarske građe, dnevnika i sl.).The literary section of the "Jewish Almanac" where is published story "Na jevrejskom groblju u Sarajevu" by Ivo Andrić, refers to literary works on Jewish topics in the fields of history, literature, art, memoirs, and Holocaust. Some of the works in this section are published for the first time, some have been published elsewhere and some are parts of larger entities (collections, novels, memoirs, diaries, letters, etc.)
Hydrological measurements in Crveno Jezero (Red Lake) in the period from 28 September 2013 to 10 September 2015
U članku su analizirani rezultati hidroloških mjerenja izvršenih na Crvenom jezeru kod Imotskog u razdoblju od 28. rujna 2013. u 23 sata do 10. rujna 2015. u 16 sati. U tom su razdoblju kontinuirano (svaki sat) mjereni: (1) vodostaj; (2) temperatura vode; (3) električna vodljivost. Mjerenja su izvršena instrumentom CTD DIVER (Schlumberger Water Services). Instrument je bio postavljen na nadmorskoj visini 212,60 m n.m. tako da su mjerenja vršena stalno u jednoj točki. Tako izvršena i u ovom radu prikazana mjerenja predstavljaju prvi sustavni, kontinuirani monitoring izvršen na ovom svjetski poznatom krškom fenomenu. U radu su definirane vrijednosti promjene zapremine vode u Crvenom jezeru. Izvršene su usporedbe s mjerenjima istih parametara u Modrom jezeru.The paper analyses the results of hydrological measurements carried out in Crveno Jezero at Imotski in the period from 28 September 2013 (11 pm) to 10 September 2015. In this time period, the following parameters were continuously measured (every hour): (1) water levels, (2) water temperature and (3) electrical conductivity. The measurements were performed by using a CTD DIVER (Schlumberger Water Services). The instrument was posi¬tioned at 212.60 m a.s.l. to facilitate continuous measurements in one point. The resulting measurements described in the paper present the first systemic, continuous monitoring conducted in this world-known karst phenomenon. The paper determines the values related to the changes in Crveno Jezero water volumes and compares them with the measurements of the same parameters in Modro Jezero (Blue Lake)
Contribution to studying the hydrology of Skradinski Buk on the Krka River
U članku je izvršena hidrološka analiza vodostaja i protoka izmjernih na dvije hidrološke postaje koje kontroliraju procese tečenja vode preko morfološki vrlo složenog sustava Skradinskog Buka na rijeci Krki. Na postaji Skradinski Buk Gornji, koja kontrolira ukupni dotok vode na slap, vodostaj se mjeri od 1923. godine do danas s prekidom tijekom razdoblja od 1941. do 1946., dok su protoci definirani za razdoblje 1947.-2015. U ovom radu obrađeni su podaci vodostaja i protoka za razdoblje 1947.-2015. Na vodomjernoj postaju Nacionalni Park vodostaji i protoci mjere se od 1990. do 2015. Dio od ukupne vode koji dotječe do slapa odvodi se tunelom, otvorenim kanalom, a potom tlačnim cjevovodom za pogon hidroelektrane Jaruga. Instalirani protok HE Jaruga iznosi 31 m3/s. Zahvat kao i sama HE Jaruga smješteni su na lijevoj obali slapa. Dno zahvata vode za HE Jarugu nalazi se na koti od 21, 71 m n.m., a najviša kota zahvata iznosi 25, 30 m n.m. U slučaju kad je hidroelektrana u pogonu lijevi dio slapa na nadmorskim visinama nizvodno od kote 21, 71 m n.m., ostaje bez određenih količina vode koje se koriste za pogon hidroelektrane. Zbog morfologije lijevi je dio slapa bitno bogatiji vodom od desnog dijela. U razdoblju 1990.-2015. srednji godišnji protok opažen na vodomjernoj postaji Skradinski Buk Gornji iznosio je 48, 9 m3/s, dok je na nizvodnoj postaji Nacionalni Park iznosio 20, 6 m3/s. Osnovni cilj hidroloških analiza izvršenih u ovom radu je stvaranje uvjeta za definiranje boljeg upravljanja vodnim resursima Skradinskog Buka kao i za određivanje ekološki prihvatljivog protoka preko slapa tijekom raznih razdoblja godine s osobitim naglaskom na sušnu i toplu sezonu kada se u Nacionalnom Parku, a osobito na samoj lokaciji Skradinskog Buku boravi velik broj turista. Od ključnog je interesa korištenjem pouzdanih hidroloških informacija shvatiti na koji način odvođenje dijela voda sa slapa utječe na njegov ekološki sustav, ali i na njegovu dugoročnu stabilnost