69 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Photoperiod Sensitive Grain Sorghum Hybrids for Heterosis and Grain Quality Traits

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    In many dry crop production regions of the world, food-insecure farmers rely on sorghum because of its drought tolerance and ability to yield with low inputs. In Central America and Sub-Saharan Africa, these farmers grow photoperiod sensitive (PS) sorghums, which match natural rainfall patterns with the varieties’ growth and development so that they grow in the rainy season and mature into the dry season. Hybrids, despite their proven yield increases, have not been adopted in these regions. While there are several reasons for the absence of hybrids in these systems, an important factor is the complicated logistics of producing photoperiod-sensitive hybrids and the poor seed production systems in the region. To bypass these limitations, PS hybrids were created from photoperiod-insensitive (PI) parents, allowing the seed to be produced anywhere in the world. The objectives of the study were to 1) assess PS hybrids for heterosis and grain quality and 2) review and assess the potential of this seed production system. Results indicate that grain yield heterosis is present in PS hybrids at high enough levels to be economically viable. In addition, variability for grain quality and for grain yield suggests that further breeding progress can be made. Five hybrids have been chosen for further testing based upon their high yields

    Characteristics and Treatment Preferences of People with Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Internet Survey

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    Background: Although Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe and disabling anxiety disorder, relatively few people with this condition access evidence-based care. Barriers to treatment are multiple and complex, but the emerging field of Internet therapy for PTSD may improve access to evidence-based treatment. However, little is known about the characteristics of people with PTSD who seek online treatment, or whether they perceive internet treatment as an acceptable treatment option. Methodology: An online survey was used to collect information about the demographic and symptom characteristics of individuals with elevated levels of PTSD symptoms, and this was compared to data from corresponding sample from a national survey. Previous treatment experiences, perceived barriers to treatment and treatment preferences for Internet therapy and face-to-face treatment were also compared. Principal Findings: High levels of PTSD symptoms were reported by survey respondents. Psychological distress and disability was greater than reported by individuals with PTSD from a national survey. Half of the sample reported not having received treatment for PTSD; however, 88% of those who reported receiving treatment stated they received an evidence-based treatment. Primary barriers to treatment included cost, poor awareness of service availability, lack of prior treatment response and not perceiving personal distress as severe enough to warrant treatment. Most survey respondents indicated they were willing to try Internet treatment for PTSD. Conclusions: The Internet sample was symptomatically severe and multiple barriers existed to treatment. Internet therapy is an acceptable option for the treatment of PTSD in an internet sample.6 page(s

    Radon Potential, Geologic Formations, and Lung Cancer Risk

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    OBJECTIVE: Exposure to radon is associated with approximately 10% of U.S. lung cancer cases. Geologic rock units have varying concentrations of uranium, producing fluctuating amounts of radon. This exploratory study examined the spatial and statistical associations between radon values and geological formations to illustrate potential population-level lung cancer risk from radon exposure. METHOD: This was a secondary data analysis of observed radon values collected in 1987 from homes (N = 309) in Kentucky and geologic rock formation data from the Kentucky Geological Survey. Radon value locations were plotted on digital geologic maps using ArcGIS and linked to specific geologic map units. Each map unit represented a package of different types of rock (e.g., limestone and/or shale). Log-transformed radon values and geologic formation categories were compared using one-way analysis of variance. RESULTS: Observed radon levels varied significantly by geologic formation category. Of the 14 geologic formation categories in north central Kentucky, four were associated with median radon levels, ranging from 8.10 to 2.75 pCi/L. CONCLUSION: Radon potential maps that account for geologic factors and observed radon values may be superior to using observed radon values only. Knowing radon-prone areas could help target population-based lung cancer prevention interventions given the inequities that exist related to radon

    Incorporating real time velocity map image reconstruction into closed-loop coherent control

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    We report techniques developed to utilize three-dimensional momentum information as feedback in adaptive femtosecond control of molecular dynamics. Velocity map imaging is used to obtain the three-dimensional momentum map of the dissociating ions following interaction with a shaped intense ultrafast laser pulse. In order to recover robust feedback information, however, the two-dimensional momentum projection from the detector must be inverted to reconstruct the full three-dimensional momentum of the photofragments. These methods are typically slow or require manual inputs and are therefore accomplished offline after the images have been obtained. Using an algorithm based upon an “onion-peeling” (also known as “back projection”) method, we are able to invert 1040 × 1054 pixel images in under 1 s. This rapid inversion allows the full photofragment momentum to be used as feedback in a closed-loop adaptive control scheme, in which a genetic algorithm tailors an ultrafast laser pulse to optimize a specific outcome. Examples of three-dimensional velocity map image based control applied to strong-field dissociation of CO and O2 are presented

    A Review of Discourse Analysis in Literacy Research: Equitable Access

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    This review represents research employing discourse analysis conducted by scholars interested in literacy issues in education across the age span—preschool to adult—during the last 10 years. Drawing from more than 300 studies, we discerned that a common theme was understanding how the literacy education of all students can be successfully accomplished. We organized the review into two complementary sections. The first section highlights discourse analytic approaches taken to investigate: Whose literacies count? Which literacies count? The second section explains the contributions the studies made organized according to five questions: What are literate identities, how are they constructed, and by whom? How are disciplinary knowledges, discourses, and identities constructed? How can schools provide students with access to school‐based literacies? What are the shifting roles of literacy teachers and learners within and outside of school? How does discourse analysis research address movement within and across literacy sites and practices in a contemporary, globalized, and increasingly digitally influenced world? تلخيص البحث: تمثل هذه المراجعة الأبحاث التي يوجد فيها تحليل الخطاب الذي قام به الباحثون المهتمون بشؤون تعلم القراءة والكتابة في التعليم عبر الأعمار—من الروضة حتى بالغ سن الرشد—في السنوات العشرة الماضية. لقد حددنا موضوعاً مشتركاً من استجماع أكثر من 300 دراسة وهو الطريقة التي قد يتم فيها تعليم القراءة والكتابة لجميع الطلاب بالنجاح. وقد نظمنا المراجعة في قسمين متكاملين الأول يسلط الضوء على طرق الخطاب التحليلية المأخوذة للتحقيق في: لمن معارف القراءة والكتابة التي نحتاج إلى أخذها بعين الاعتبار؟ وأية معارف من هذه يجب الأخذ في الحسبان؟ والقسم الثاني يشرح مساهمات الدراسات المندرجة تحت الأصناف المبنية على خمسة أسئلة: ما هي هويات معرفة القراءة والكتابة وكيف يتم تشكيلها ومن يشكلها؟ وكيف يتم تشكيل المعارف الدراسية والخطابية والهوية؟ وكيف تستطيع المدارس أن توفر الطلاب بوسيلة للمعارف القائمة في المدرسة؟ ما هي الأدوار المتغيرة لمعلمي القراءة والكتابة وطلابهم داخل المدرسة وخارجها؟ وكيف يعالج التحليل الخطابي الحركات في مواقع القراءة والكتابة وعبرها وكذلك الممارسات التي تتم في عالم معاصر عولمي فيه يزداد التأثير الرقمي؟ 本文旨在阐述过去10年期间,学者致力于不同学龄(由学前以至成人)的读写教育问题研究时所使用的语篇分析方法。作者从300多个研究里整理出一个共通的主题,就是去理解如何使到所有学生的读写教育取得成功。本文献综述是由两个互补的章节组成。第一节重点介绍研究调查所采用的两个语篇分析的处理方法:是谁的读写文化有重要意义?哪些读写文化有重要意义?第二节根据五个问题来阐釋这些研究的贡献:1.有读写文化的人的身份认同,所指的是什么?是怎样建构而成的?由谁所建构而成的?2.各种学科知识、话语及身份认同是如何建构而成的?3.学校如何为学生提供获取校本读写文化知识的门路?4.读写教学教师与学生在校内及校外在角色上有什么转移?5.在当前全球化和日益受数码化影响的世界中,语篇分析研究如何处理流动于各种写文化网站以内及之间的文化信息及各种文化实践的问题? Cet état de la question présente l'analyse du discours dans les recherches des chercheurs qui s'intéressent aux questions de littératie en éducation— du niveau préscolaire à l'adulte — au cours des dix dernières années. En nous basant sur plus de 300 études, une préoccupation commune nous est apparue qui est de comprendre comment l'enseignement de la littératie peut permettre à tous les élèves de réussir. Nous avons organisé l'état de la question en deux parties complémentaires. La première partie s'intéresse au discours des approches analytiques réalisées pour étudier les questions suivantes: prendre en compte les littératies de qui ? prendre en compte quelles littératies? La seconde partie explique ce qu'ont apporté les études effectuées en réponse à cinq questions: que sont les identités lettrées ? comment sont‐elles construites, et par qui ? Comment sont construits les avoirs disciplinaires, les discours, et les identités ? Comment les écoles fournissent‐elles aux élèves un accès aux littératies basées sur l'école ? Quels sont les changements de rôles des professeurs de littératie et des apprenants dans l'école et hors de celle‐ci ? Comment le discours de la recherche analysé prend‐il en compte le mouvement au sein et au travers des sites de littératie et des pratiques dans un monde contemporain globalisé et de plus en plus influencé par l'informatique. В этом обзоре представлены исследования, проведенные на протяжении последних десяти лет с помощью дискурс‐анализа и посвященные проблемам развития грамотности людей разного возраста – от дошкольников до взрослых. Общая тема для более чем трехсот рассмотренных авторами источников: как добиться успеха в становлении грамотности? Обзор состоит из двух взаимодополняющих разделов. В первом описаны подходы к анализу дискурса, которые помогают понять, что принимается за образцы грамотности и кто может им соответствовать. Во втором разделе результаты исследований рассмотрены согласно пяти категориям: Как человек осознает себя в плане грамотности, на чем и кем строится эта идентичность? Как конструируется предметное или дисциплинарное знание, дискурс и идентичность? Как может школа дать учащимся доступ к школьной академической грамотности? В чем состоят и как меняются роли преподавателей грамотности и учащихся в стенах школы и за ее пределами? Как исследования дискурс‐анализа отражают перемещения участников дискурса в реальном и виртуальном пространстве в современном глобализированном мире? Este repaso presenta investigación que ha sido llevada a cabo usando análisis del discurso por estudiosos interesados en cuestiones de alfabetización en la educación a todas las edades—preescolar hasta adulto—en los últimos diez años. Al examinar más de 300 estudios, vimos que un tema común es el de entender cómo lograr exitosamente la educación de competencias de todos los estudiantes. Organizamos el repaso en dos secciones complementarias. Enfocamos la primera en los acercamientos analíticos del discurso que se han usado para investigar: ¿Cuáles competencias cuentan o valen? ¿Las competencias de quiénes cuentan o valen? La segunda sección explica las contribuciones que hicieron los estudios organizadas de acuerdo a cinco temas: ¿Qué son identidades competentes, cómo se construyen, y por quiénes? ¿Cómo se construyen el conocimiento, el discurso y las identidades de las disciplinas? ¿Cómo pueden las escuelas darles acceso a los estudiantes a las competencias basadas en la escuela? ¿Cuáles son los papeles cambiantes de los maestros y los estudiantes de competencias dentro y fuera de la escuela? ¿Cómo plantea la investigación del análisis del discurso el movimiento dentro y a través de los sitios de competencias y prácticas en este mundo contemporáneo, globalizado y digital?Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/88086/1/RRQ.45.1.5.pd

    Environment Tunes Propagation of Cell-to-Cell Variation in the Human Macrophage Gene Network

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    Cell-to-cell variation in gene expression and the propagation of such variation (PoV or ???noise propagation???) from one gene to another in the gene network, as reflected by gene-gene correlation across single cells, are commonly observed in single-cell transcriptomic studies and can shape the phenotypic diversity of cell populations. While gene network ???rewiring??? is known to accompany cellular adaptation to different environments, how PoV changes between environments and its underlying regulatory mechanisms are less understood. Here, we systematically explored context-dependent PoV among genes in human macrophages, utilizing different cytokines as natural perturbations of multiple molecular parameters that may influence PoV. Our single-cell, epigenomic, computational, and stochastic simulation analyses reveal that environmental adaptation can tune PoV to potentially shape cellular heterogeneity by changing parameters such as the degree of phosphorylation and transcription factor-chromatin interactions. This quantitative tuning of PoV may be a widespread, yet underexplored, property of cellular adaptation to distinct environments

    Short GRB Host Galaxies I: Photometric and Spectroscopic Catalogs, Host Associations, and Galactocentric Offsets

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    We present a comprehensive optical and near-infrared census of the fields of 90 short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) discovered in 2005-2021, constituting all short GRBs for which host galaxy associations are feasible (\approx 60% of the total Swift short GRB population). We contribute 245 new multi-band imaging observations across 49 distinct GRBs and 25 spectra of their host galaxies. Supplemented by literature and archival survey data, the catalog contains 335 photometric and 40 spectroscopic data sets. The photometric catalog reaches 3σ3\sigma depths of 2427\gtrsim 24-27 mag and 2326\gtrsim 23-26 mag for the optical and near-infrared bands, respectively. We identify host galaxies for 84 bursts, in which the most robust associations make up 54% (49/90) of events, while only a small fraction, 6.7%, have inconclusive host associations. Based on new spectroscopy, we determine 17 host spectroscopic redshifts with a range of z0.151.6z\approx 0.15-1.6 and find that \approx 25-44% of Swift short GRBs originate from z>1z>1. We also present the galactocentric offset catalog for 83 short GRBs. Taking into account the large range of individual measurement uncertainties, we find a median of projected offset of 7.9\approx 7.9 kpc, for which the bursts with the most robust associations have a smaller median of 4.9\approx 4.9 kpc. Our catalog captures more high-redshift and low-luminosity hosts, and more highly-offset bursts than previously found, thereby diversifying the population of known short GRB hosts and properties. In terms of locations and host luminosities, the populations of short GRBs with and without detectable extended emission are statistically indistinguishable. This suggests that they arise from the same progenitors, or from multiple progenitors which form and evolve in similar environments. All of the data products are available on the BRIGHT website.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables, submitte

    The Acceptability of Internet-Based Treatment and Characteristics of an Adult Sample with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Internet Survey

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    Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling anxiety disorder, but most individuals delay seeking treatment. Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) is an innovative service delivery method that may help to improve access to care, but the acceptability to consumers of such programs has not yet been established. Methodology: People with symptoms of OCD were invited to complete an online survey enquiring about demographic characteristics, symptom severity, and acceptability of Internet-based treatment. Demographic and symptom severity data were compared with people with OCD identified in a national epidemiological survey and with a sample of patients with OCD from a specialist outpatient anxiety clinic. Participants: 129 volunteers to an online Internet survey, 135 patients at a specialist anxiety disorders outpatient clinic, and 297 cases identified in a national epidemiological survey. Main Measures: Demographic characteristics, and severity of symptoms as measured by the Kessler 10-Item scale, the 12-item World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule - Second Edition and the Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale - Self Report Version. Principal Findings: The Internet sample was similar demographically but reported more severe symptoms than the comparison groups, although had similar severity of symptoms of OCD compared with other clinical samples reported in the literature. Participants reported Internet-based treatment for OCD would be highly acceptable. Conclusions: Internet-based treatment may reduce barriers to accessing treatment to people with OCD. Individuals in this study were similar demographically to other samples and had similar severity of symptoms as those identified in other clinical samples, suggesting that Internet-based treatment using techniques employed in face-to-face treatment may be effective in this group. Internet-based treatments for OCD need to be developed and evaluated