40,062 research outputs found

    Erosion-corrosion behaviour of Zirconia WC-6Co, WC-6Ni and SS316

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    The current study investigates a ceramic, two cermets and a metal under solid-liquid impingement with 3.5% NaCl and 150mg/l hydraulic fracturing sand at two extreme angles of impact, 90° and 20°. The materials tested were Zirconia, sintered WC-6Co, sintered WC-6Ni and SS316. Each material was exposed to a testing regime using re-circulating impinging jet apparatus with a velocity of 19m/s and one hour duration. The electrochemical properties of the materials were investigated in-situ through anodic and cathodic polarisation and application of cathodic protection. Post experimental analysis of the degraded surface was completed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Optical 3D Imaging. Zirconia exhibited a brittle response to erosion-corrosion testing with the mass loss at 90° being fifty times greater than the negligible mass loss at 20°. WC-6Co and WC-6Ni both outperformed SS316 under all solid-liquid impingement erosion-corrosion testing regimes. WC-6Ni exhibited slightly better erosion-corrosion resistance over WC-6Co at both 90° and 20°. SS316 had the best corrosion resistance and showed passivation during anodic polarisations in solid-liquid impingement conditions. The nickel binder increased the corrosion resistance of WC-6Ni over WC-6Co. Cathodic protection was successfully applied on sintered WC-6Co and SS316 isolating the key components of erosion-corrosion

    Dynamics of Macroscopic Wave Packet Passing through Double Slits: Role of Gravity and Nonlinearity

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    Using the nonlinear Schroedinger equation (Gross-Pitaevskii equation), the dynamics of a macroscopic wave packet for Bose-Einstein condensates falling through double slits is analyzed. This problem is identified with a search for the fate of a soliton showing a head-on collision with a hard-walled obstacle of finite size. We explore the splitting of the wave packet and its reorganization to form an interference pattern. Particular attention is paid to the role of gravity (g) and repulsive nonlinearity (u_0) in the fringe pattern. The peak-to-peak distance in the fringe pattern and the number of interference peaks are found to be proportional to g^(-1/2) and u_0^(1/2)g^(1/4), respectively. We suggest a way of designing an experiment under controlled gravity and nonlinearity.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures and 1 tabl

    A double bounded key identity for Goellnitz's (big) partition theorem

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    Given integers i,j,k,L,M, we establish a new double bounded q-series identity from which the three parameter (i,j,k) key identity of Alladi-Andrews-Gordon for Goellnitz's (big) theorem follows if L, M tend to infinity. When L = M, the identity yields a strong refinement of Goellnitz's theorem with a bound on the parts given by L. This is the first time a bounded version of Goellnitz's (big) theorem has been proved. This leads to new bounded versions of Jacobi's triple product identity for theta functions and other fundamental identities.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in Proceedings of Gainesville 1999 Conference on Symbolic Computation

    A methodology for testing fault-tolerant software

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    A methodology for testing fault tolerant software is presented. There are problems associated with testing fault tolerant software because many errors are masked or corrected by voters, limiter, or automatic channel synchronization. This methodology illustrates how the same strategies used for testing fault tolerant hardware can be applied to testing fault tolerant software. For example, one strategy used in testing fault tolerant hardware is to disable the redundancy during testing. A similar testing strategy is proposed for software, namely, to move the major emphasis on testing earlier in the development cycle (before the redundancy is in place) thus reducing the possibility that undetected errors will be masked when limiters and voters are added

    Summary of Coral Cay Conservation's habitat mapping data from Utila, Honduras

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    IIThe coral reefs of Honduras are of vital national and international importance,both ecologically and economically, but are threatened because of rapid economicand population growth.? During work on Utila between 1999 and 2000 (the ?Bay Islands 2000? project),Coral Cay Conservation developed a programme of surveys, training andconservation education aimed at assessing the status of local reefs and improvingenvironmental awareness amongst neighbouring communities.? This summary report provides an overview of the habitat mapping data collectedby the Bay Islands 2000 project.? CASA provided software, hardware and skills, on a charitable basis to ensure thatthe data collected by CCC could be developed into a GIS, not only for mappingthe status of the coral reefs of Honduras, but also to provide analysis of the aerialextent of these reefs.? Data were collected within individual ?study areas?, to facilitate analysis at a rangeof spatial scales, and utilised the CCC standard baseline survey technique for therapid assessment of the characteristics of reef communities. The surveys,therefore, utilised a series of transects, perpendicular to the reef.? Baseline transects discriminated nine benthic and six geomorpholgical classeswhich indicates Utila has a high habitat diversity. Habitat diversity is importantsince the number of habitat types has been shown to be a good representation ofspecies biodiversity.? The nine benthic classes that were distinguished were all relatively coral poorbecause of a suite of relatively long-term local and regional factors, exacerbatedby the combination of Hurricane Mitch and coral bleaching in 1995 and 1998.? Damselfish were the most abundant reef associated fish recorded during baselinetransect surveys. Commercially important fish were less abundant that wouldnormally be expected in unfished systems.? A recurring pattern in the baseline transect data was the greater abundance anddiversity of fish in coral rich classes. However, although the link between fishabundance and coral cover was clear, not all species were necessarily mostabundant in the most coral rich areas.? Invertebrates were generally uncommon, partly because of fishing pressure, andthe abundances of many invertebrate taxa were correlated with coral cover.? A habitat map is presented within this report as an indication of the distribution ofhabitat types around Utila.? Using the map, estimates of areal extents of each benthic class and habitat type areinstructive. For example, there is only approximately 27 km2 of reefal habitatsaround Utila. Furthermore, the area supporting the most coral rich benthic classesis only approximately 4 km2 (15%). These statistics both highlight the damagecaused by the bleaching event and Hurricane Mitch and other anthropogenicimpacts and the need to conserve remaining coral rich areas.? If further reserves were to be created, it would be important to try to protect arange of reef and habitat types. For this reason, it appears that the Turtle HarbourWildlife Refuge is well placed since this areas includes a wide range of habitattypes. However, placement of reserves in Utila should favour relatively coral richhabitats over sand dominated areas.? This study led to six recommendations:Summary Utila habitat mapping reportIII? One or more agencies should collect additional ground-truthing data fromaround Utila to facilitate both classification of currently ?Unknown? polygonsand an accuracy assessment of the map.? Establish an integrated GIS and associated meta-database for Utila, includingdata from the Bay Islands 2000 project.? Examine the potential of using data collected by the Bay Islands 2000 projectas the basis of national habitat classification scheme and subsequent nationalhabitat map.? Continue to aim to establish one or more additional multiple use marineprotected areas around Utila, with an integrated monitoring programme tomeasure their efficacy, and strengthen the enforcement of regulations in theTurtle Harbour Wildlife Sanctuary. Establish regulations, and enforce existinglegislation, to minimise the detrimental effects of coastal development on reefhealth.? Additional marine reserves in Utila should integrate factors such as thepreference of many fish species for coral rich habitats and the protection ofareas incorporating a range of habitat types, including mangroves and seagrassbeds, in order to allow for nursery areas, ontogenetic shifts and species thatrely on non-coral rich habitats. The corollary of the preference of fish speciesfor coral rich habitats is to protect coral cover within the reserves.? The reef on the south coast of Utila appears to be a good candidate forprotection because it is relatively sheltered from storm and hurricane damage
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