56 research outputs found

    Atomistic simulation of the measurement of mechanical properties of gold nanorods by AFM

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    Mechanical properties of nanoscale objects can be measured with an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip. However, the continuum models typically used to relate the force measured at a certain indentation depth to quantities such as the elastic modulus, may not be valid at such small scales, where the details of atomistic processes need to be taken into account. On the other hand, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of nanoindentation, which can offer understanding at an atomistic level, are often performed on systems much smaller than the ones studied experimentally. Here, we present large scale MD simulations of the nanoindentation of single crystal and penta-twinned gold nanorod samples on a silicon substrate, with a spherical diamond AFM tip apex. Both the sample and tip sizes and geometries match commercially available products, potentially linking simulation and experiment. Different deformation mechanisms, involving the creation, migration and annihilation of dislocations are observed depending on the nanorod crystallographic structure and orientation. Using the Oliver-Pharr method, the Young's moduli of the (100) terminated and (110) terminated single crystal nanorods, and the penta-twinned nanorod, have been determined to be 103 +/- 2, 140 +/- 4 and 108 +/- 2 GPa, respectively, which is in good agreement with bending experiments performed on nanowires.Peer reviewe

    Atomistic Simulation of Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Hydration Layers on Calcite, Dolomite, and Magnesite Surfaces

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    Advances in atomic force microscopy (AFM) in water have enabled the study of hydration layer structures on crystal surfaces, and in a recent study on dolomite (CaMg(CO3)(2)), chemical sensitivity was demonstrated by observing significant differences in force-distance curves over the calcium and magnesium ions in the surface. Here, we present atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of a hydration layer structure and dynamics on the (10 (1) over bar4) surfaces of dolomite, calcite (CaCO3), and magnesite (MgCO3), as well as simulations of AFM imaging on these three surfaces with a model silica tip. Our results confirm that it should be possible to distinguish between water molecules coordinating the calcium and magnesium ions in dolomite, and the details gleaned from the atomistic simulations enable us to clarify the underlying imaging mechanism in the AFM experiments.Peer reviewe

    Tip dependence of three-dimensional scanning force microscopy images of calcite-water interfaces investigated by simulation and experiments

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    In this study, we have investigated the influence of the tip on the three-dimensional scanning force microscopy (3D-SFM) images of calcite-water interfaces by experiments and simulations. We calculated 3D force images by simulations with the solvent tip approximation (STA), Ca, CO(3)and OH tip models. For all the 3D images, thezprofiles at the surface Ca and CO(3)sites alternately show oscillatory peaks corresponding to the hydration layers. However, the peak heights and spacings become larger when the mechanical stability of the tip becomes higher. For analyzing thexyslices of the 3D force images, we developed the extended STA (E-STA) model which allowed us to reveal the strong correlation between the hydration structure just under the tip and the atomic-scale force contrasts. Based on these understandings on the image features showing the strong tip dependence, we developed a method for objectively estimating the similarity between 3D force images. With this method, we compared the simulated images with the three experimentally obtained ones. Among them, two images showed a relatively high similarity with the image obtained by the simulation with the Ca or the CO(3)tip model. Based on these agreements, we characterized the hydration structure and mechanical stability of the experimentally used tips. The understanding and methodology presented here should help us to derive accurate information on the tip and the interfacial structure from experimentally obtained 3D-SFM images.Peer reviewe

    Dislocation-Actuated Growth and Inhibition of Hexagonal L-Cystine Crystallization at the Molecular Level

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    Crystallization of L-cystine is a critical process in the pathogenesis of kidney stone formation in cystinuria, a disorder affecting more than 20β€―000 individuals in the United States alone. In an effort to elucidate the crystallization of L-cystine and the mode of action of tailored growth inhibitors that may constitute effective therapies, real-time in situ atomic force microscopy has been used to investigate the surface micromorphology and growth kinetics of the {0001} faces of L-cystine at various supersaturations and concentrations of the growth inhibitor L-cystine dimethylester (CDME). Crystal growth is actuated by screw dislocations on the {0001} L-cystine surface, producing hexagonal spiral hillocks that are a consequence of six interlacing spirals of anisotropic molecular layers. The high level of elastic stress in the immediate vicinity around the dislocation line results in a decrease in the step velocities and a corresponding increase in the spacing of steps. The kinetic curves acquired in the presence of CDME conform to the classical Cabrera–Vermilyea model. Anomalous birefringence in the {101Μ…0} growth sectors, combined with computational modeling, supports a high fidelity of stereospecific binding of CDME, in a unique orientation, exclusively at one of the six crystallographically unique projections on the {1010} plane

    Atomic force microscope adhesion measurements and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations at different humidities

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    Due to their operation principle atomic force microscopes (AFMs) are sensitive to all factors affecting the detected force between the probe and the sample. Relative humidity is an important and often neglected-both in experiments and simulations-factor in the interaction force between AFM probe and sample in air. This paper describes the humidity control system designed and built for the interferometrically traceable metrology AFM (IT-MAFM) at VTT MIKES. The humidity control is based on circulating the air of the AFM enclosure via dryer and humidifier paths with adjustable flow and mixing ratio of dry and humid air. The design humidity range of the system is 20-60 % rh. Force-distance adhesion studies at humidity levels between 25 % rh and 53 % rh are presented and compared to an atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The uncertainty level of the thermal noise method implementation used for force constant calibration of the AFM cantilevers is 10 %, being the dominant component of the interaction force measurement uncertainty. Comparing the simulation and the experiment, the primary uncertainties are related to the nominally 7 nm radius and shape of measurement probe apex, possible wear and contamination, and the atomistic simulation technique details. The interaction forces are of the same order of magnitude in simulation and measurement (5 nN). An elongation of a few nanometres of the water meniscus between probe tip and sample, before its rupture, is seen in simulation upon retraction of the tip in higher humidity. This behaviour is also supported by the presented experimental measurement data but the data is insufficient to conclusively verify the quantitative meniscus elongation.Peer reviewe

    Resolving Point Defects in the Hydration Structure of Calcite (10.4) with Three-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy

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    It seems natural to assume that defects at mineral surfaces critically influence interfacial processes such as the dissolution and growth of minerals in water. The experimental verification of this claim, however, is challenging and requires real-space methods with utmost spatial resolution, such as atomic force microscopy (AFM). While defects at mineral-water interfaces have been resolved in 2D AFM images before, the perturbation of the surrounding hydration structure has not yet been analyzed experimentally. In this Letter, we demonstrate that point defects on the most stable and naturally abundant calcite (10.4) surface can be resolved using high-resolution 3D AFM-even within the fifth hydration layer. Our analysis of the hydration structure surrounding the point defect shows a perturbation of the hydration with a lateral extent of approximately one unit cell. These experimental results are corroborated by molecular dynamics simulations.Peer reviewe

    RosettaRemodel: A Generalized Framework for Flexible Backbone Protein Design

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    We describe RosettaRemodel, a generalized framework for flexible protein design that provides a versatile and convenient interface to the Rosetta modeling suite. RosettaRemodel employs a unified interface, called a blueprint, which allows detailed control over many aspects of flexible backbone protein design calculations. RosettaRemodel allows the construction and elaboration of customized protocols for a wide range of design problems ranging from loop insertion and deletion, disulfide engineering, domain assembly, loop remodeling, motif grafting, symmetrical units, to de novo structure modeling

    Orientation-dependent backbone-only residue pair scoring functions for fixed backbone protein design

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Empirical scoring functions have proven useful in protein structure modeling. Most such scoring functions depend on protein side chain conformations. However, backbone-only scoring functions do not require computationally intensive structure optimization and so are well suited to protein design, which requires fast score evaluation. Furthermore, scoring functions that account for the distinctive relative position and orientation preferences of residue pairs are expected to be more accurate than those that depend only on the separation distance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Residue pair scoring functions for fixed backbone protein design were derived using only backbone geometry. Unlike previous studies that used spherical harmonics to fit 2D angular distributions, Gaussian Mixture Models were used to fit the full 3D (position only) and 6D (position and orientation) distributions of residue pairs. The performance of the 1D (residue separation only), 3D, and 6D scoring functions were compared by their ability to identify correct threading solutions for a non-redundant benchmark set of protein backbone structures. The threading accuracy was found to steadily increase with increasing dimension, with the 6D scoring function achieving the highest accuracy. Furthermore, the 3D and 6D scoring functions were shown to outperform side chain-dependent empirical potentials from three other studies. Next, two computational methods that take advantage of the speed and pairwise form of these new backbone-only scoring functions were investigated. The first is a procedure that exploits available sequence data by averaging scores over threading solutions for homologs. This was evaluated by applying it to the challenging problem of identifying interacting transmembrane alpha-helices and found to further improve prediction accuracy. The second is a protein design method for determining the optimal sequence for a backbone structure by applying Belief Propagation optimization using the 6D scoring functions. The sensitivity of this method to backbone structure perturbations was compared with that of fixed-backbone all-atom modeling by determining the similarities between optimal sequences for two different backbone structures within the same protein family. The results showed that the design method using 6D scoring functions was more robust to small variations in backbone structure than the all-atom design method.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Backbone-only residue pair scoring functions that account for all six relative degrees of freedom are the most accurate and including the scores of homologs further improves the accuracy in threading applications. The 6D scoring function outperformed several side chain-dependent potentials while avoiding time-consuming and error prone side chain structure prediction. These scoring functions are particularly useful as an initial filter in protein design problems before applying all-atom modeling.</p

    A Generic Program for Multistate Protein Design

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    Some protein design tasks cannot be modeled by the traditional single state design strategy of finding a sequence that is optimal for a single fixed backbone. Such cases require multistate design, where a single sequence is threaded onto multiple backbones (states) and evaluated for its strengths and weaknesses on each backbone. For example, to design a protein that can switch between two specific conformations, it is necessary to to find a sequence that is compatible with both backbone conformations. We present in this paper a generic implementation of multistate design that is suited for a wide range of protein design tasks and demonstrate in silico its capabilities at two design tasks: one of redesigning an obligate homodimer into an obligate heterodimer such that the new monomers would not homodimerize, and one of redesigning a promiscuous interface to bind to only a single partner and to no longer bind the rest of its partners. Both tasks contained negative design in that multistate design was asked to find sequences that would produce high energies for several of the states being modeled. Success at negative design was assessed by computationally redocking the undesired protein-pair interactions; we found that multistate design's accuracy improved as the diversity of conformations for the undesired protein-pair interactions increased. The paper concludes with a discussion of the pitfalls of negative design, which has proven considerably more challenging than positive design
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