86 research outputs found

    Using Audit and Feedback to Improve Antimicrobial Prescribing in Emergency Departments: A Multicenter Quasi-Experimental Study in the Veterans Health Administration

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    Background: In this pilot trial, we evaluated whether audit-and-feedback was a feasible strategy to improve antimicrobial prescribing in emergency departments (EDs). Methods: We evaluated an audit-and-feedback intervention using a quasi-experimental interrupted time-series design at 2 intervention and 2 matched-control EDs; there was a 12-month baseline, 1-month implementation, and 11-month intervention period. At intervention sites, clinicians received (1) a single, one-on-one education about antimicrobial prescribing for common infections and (2) individualized feedback on total and condition-specific (uncomplicated acute respiratory infection [ARI]) antimicrobial use with peer-to-peer comparisons at baseline and every quarter. The primary outcome was the total antimicrobial-prescribing rate for all visits and was assessed using generalized linear models. In an exploratory analysis, we measured antimicrobial use for uncomplicated ARI visits and manually reviewed charts to assess guideline-concordant management for 6 common infections. Results: In the baseline and intervention periods, intervention sites had 28 016 and 23 164 visits compared to 33 077 and 28 835 at control sites. We enrolled 27 of 31 (87.1%) eligible clinicians; they acknowledged receipt of 33.3% of feedback e-mails. Intervention sites compared with control sites had no absolute reduction in their total antimicrobial rate (incidence rate ratio = 0.99; 95% confidence interval, 0.98-1.01). At intervention sites, antimicrobial use for uncomplicated ARIs decreased (68.6% to 42.4%; P < .01) and guideline-concordant management improved (52.1% to 72.5%; P < .01); these improvements were not seen at control sites. Conclusions: At intervention sites, total antimicrobial use did not decrease, but an exploratory analysis showed reduced antimicrobial prescribing for viral ARIs. Future studies should identify additional targets for condition-specific feedback while exploring ways to make electronic feedback more acceptable

    Safety and efficacy of bentonite as a feed additive for all animal species

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    The EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) received a request from the European Commission to assess the safety and efficacy of bentonite when used as a technological feed additive (substances for reduction of the contamination of feed by mycotoxins) for all animal species. The applicant, EUBA aisbl (European Bentonite Association) representing six companies, submitted to EFSA a technical dossier to support the application. The applicant proposes to use bentonite at the maximum level of 20,000 mg/kg complete feed. The additive apparently interferes with the analysis of aflatoxin B1 in feed. The safety of the additive was already evaluated by the Panel in an opinion delivered in 2012. Bentonites are safe for all animal species, the consumers and the environment when used at a maximum level of 20,000 mg/kg complete feed. The results of a new genotoxicity study reinforced the previous conclusion that smectites are non-genotoxic. Bentonites are not skin irritants but might be mildly irritant to the eye; based on a new study submitted, the additive is not a skin sensitiser. Owing to its silica content, the additive is a hazard by inhalation for the users. The in vitro study showed that the di- and tri-octahedral smectites tested can adsorb aflatoxin B1 at different concentrations and at pH 5; however, no adequate in vivo studies were available. Therefore, the Panel cannot draw conclusions on the additive\u2019s efficacy. The Panel further considers the safety and efficacy conclusions to apply equally to the di- and tri-octahedral smectites under assessment. The FEEDAP Panel posted some recommendations regarding the maximum content of other minerals in the additive and the incompatibilities of the additive with other medicinal substances. The Panel also drew a remark concerning the denomination of the additive and the current regulatory definition of Bentonite

    The Acute Phase Protein Ceruloplasmin as a Non-Invasive Marker of Pseudopregnancy, Pregnancy, and Pregnancy Loss in the Giant Panda

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    After ovulation, non-pregnant female giant pandas experience pseudopregnancy. During pseudopregnancy, non-pregnant females exhibit physiological and behavioral changes similar to pregnancy. Monitoring hormonal patterns that are usually different in pregnant mammals are not effective at determining pregnancy status in many animals that undergo pseudopregnancy, including the giant panda. Therefore, a physiological test to distinguish between pregnancy and pseudopregnancy in pandas has eluded scientists for decades. We examined other potential markers of pregnancy and found that activity of the acute phase protein ceruloplasmin increases in urine of giant pandas in response to pregnancy. Results indicate that in term pregnancies, levels of active urinary ceruloplasmin were elevated the first week of pregnancy and remain elevated until 20–24 days prior to parturition, while no increase was observed during the luteal phase in known pseudopregnancies. Active ceruloplasmin also increased during ultrasound-confirmed lost pregnancies; however, the pattern was different compared to term pregnancies, particularly during the late luteal phase. In four out of the five additional reproductive cycles included in the current study where females were bred but no birth occurred, active ceruloplasmin in urine increased during the luteal phase. Similar to the known lost pregnancies, the temporal pattern of change in urinary ceruloplasmin during the luteal phase deviated from the term pregnancies suggesting that these cycles may have also been lost pregnancies. Among giant pandas in captivity, it has been presumed that there is a high rate of pregnancy loss and our results are the first to provide evidence supporting this notion

    Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community

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    It is a critical time to reflect on the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) science to date as well as envision what research can be done right now with NEON (and other) data and what training is needed to enable a diverse user community. NEON became fully operational in May 2019 and has pivoted from planning and construction to operation and maintenance. In this overview, the history of and foundational thinking around NEON are discussed. A framework of open science is described with a discussion of how NEON can be situated as part of a larger data constellation—across existing networks and different suites of ecological measurements and sensors. Next, a synthesis of early NEON science, based on >100 existing publications, funded proposal efforts, and emergent science at the very first NEON Science Summit (hosted by Earth Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder in October 2019) is provided. Key questions that the ecology community will address with NEON data in the next 10 yr are outlined, from understanding drivers of biodiversity across spatial and temporal scales to defining complex feedback mechanisms in human–environmental systems. Last, the essential elements needed to engage and support a diverse and inclusive NEON user community are highlighted: training resources and tools that are openly available, funding for broad community engagement initiatives, and a mechanism to share and advertise those opportunities. NEON users require both the skills to work with NEON data and the ecological or environmental science domain knowledge to understand and interpret them. This paper synthesizes early directions in the community’s use of NEON data, and opportunities for the next 10 yr of NEON operations in emergent science themes, open science best practices, education and training, and community building

    Enhancing predictive performance for spectroscopic studies in wildlife science through a multi-model approach: A case study for species classification of live amphibians.

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    Near infrared spectroscopy coupled with predictive modeling is a growing field of study for addressing questions in wildlife science aimed at improving management strategies and conservation outcomes for managed and threatened fauna. To date, the majority of spectroscopic studies in wildlife and fisheries applied chemometrics and predictive modeling with a single-algorithm approach. By contrast, multi-model approaches are used routinely for analyzing spectroscopic datasets across many major industries (e.g., medicine, agriculture) to maximize predictive outcomes for real-world applications. In this study, we conducted a benchmark modeling exercise to compare the performance of several machine learning algorithms in a multi-class problem utilizing a multivariate spectroscopic dataset obtained from live animals. Spectra obtained from live individuals representing eleven amphibian species were classified according to taxonomic designation. Seven modeling techniques were applied to generate prediction models, which varied significantly (p < 0.05) with regard to mean classification accuracy (e.g., support vector machine: 95.8 ± 0.8% vs. K-nearest neighbors: 89.3 ± 1.0%). Through the use of a multi-algorithm approach, candidate algorithms can be identified and applied to more effectively model complex spectroscopic data collected for wildlife sciences. Other key considerations in the predictive modeling workflow that serve to optimize spectroscopic model performance (e.g., variable selection and cross-validation procedures) are also discussed

    Short-term storage of tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) spermatozoa: The effect of collection type, temperature and time.

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    The aims of this project were to characterize tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) spermatozoa motility over time, when excreted as either milt or spermic urine prior to packaging into a spermatophore, and to determine the effect of temperature on sperm motility. A split-plot design was utilized to assess the motility of the two pre-spermatophore sample types at two temperatures, 0°C and 20°C (n = 10 for each treatment). Spermiation was induced through exogenous hormone treatment of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analog in order to collect both milt and spermic urine, which were evaluated for motility, divided into two separate aliquots, and subsequently stored in either an ice-bath (0°C) or on the benchtop (20°C). The decay rate of sperm motility was assessed by reevaluating subsamples at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 24 hours following the initial assessment. Results showed that sperm stored at 0°C had significantly higher progressive, non-progressive, and total motility for both sperm collection types over time. An interaction was found between collection type and time, with milt exhibiting lower initial motility that was more sustainable over time, compared to spermic urine. For both milt and spermic urine, motility decreased rapidly with storage duration, indicating samples should be used as soon as possible to maximize motility for in-vitro fertilization and cryopreservation. This is the first study to describe the differences in sperm motility between milt and spermic urine from an internally fertilizing caudate and demonstrates the benefits of near freezing temperatures on sperm longevity

    Sperm Cryopreservation as a Tool for Amphibian Conservation: Production of F2 Generation Offspring from Cryo-Produced F1 Progeny

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    Sperm cryopreservation and biobanking are emerging as tools for supporting genetic management of small and threatened populations in amphibian conservation programs. However, there is little to no evidence demonstrating reproductive maturity and viability of offspring generated with cryopreserved sperm, potentially limiting widespread integration of these technologies. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that amphibian sperm can be cryopreserved and thawed to successfully produce individuals of an F1 generation that can reach adulthood and reproductive maturity, to generating viable gametes and an F2 generation. Species-specific exogenous hormones were administered to both F0 and F1 adults to stimulate spermiation and oviposition in the eastern tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum), dusky gopher frog (Lithobates sevosa), and Puerto Rican crested toad (Peltophryne lemur). Sperm cells collected non-lethally from F0 adults were cryopreserved, thawed, and used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) to produce F1 offspring. Individuals of the F1 generation are shown to reach adulthood, express viable gametes, and produce offspring through facilitated breeding, or IVF. The production of amphibian F2 generations shown here demonstrates that amphibian sperm collected non-lethally can be banked and used to generate reproductively viable animals of subsequent generations, thus maintaining valuable genetic linages and diversity in threatened amphibian species. The incredible value that cryopreservation of sperm has for long-term genetic management aids in the sustainability of both in situ and ex situ conservation efforts for this taxon

    R script for running a multi-model predictive modeling approach in R Studio.

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    R script for running a multi-model predictive modeling approach in R Studio.</p