553 research outputs found

    Crystallisation of soft matter under confinement at interfaces and in wedges

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    The surface freezing and surface melting transitions exhibited by a model two-dimensional soft matter system is studied. The behaviour when confined within a wedge is also considered. The system consists of particles interacting via a soft purely repulsive pair potential. Density functional theory (DFT) is used to calculate density profiles and thermodynamic quantities. The external potential due to the confining walls is modelled via a hard-wall with an additional repulsive Yukawa potential. The surface phase behaviour depends on the range and strength of this repulsion: When the repulsion strength is weak, the wall promotes freezing at the surface of the wall. The thickness of this frozen layer grows logarithmically as the bulk liquid-solid phase coexistence is approached. Our mean-field DFT predicts that this crystalline layer at the wall must be nucleated (i.e. there is a free energy barrier) and its formation is necessarily a first-order transition, referred to as `prefreezing', by analogy with the prewetting transition. However, in contrast to the latter, prefreezing cannot terminate in a critical point, since the phase transition involves a change in symmetry. If the wall-fluid interaction is sufficiently long ranged and the repulsion is strong enough, surface melting can instead occur. Then the interface between the wall and the bulk crystalline solid becomes wet by the liquid phase as the chemical potential is decreased towards the value at liquid-solid coexistence. It is observed that the finite thickness fluid film at the wall has a broken translational symmetry due to its proximity to the bulk crystal and so the nucleation of the wetting film can be either first-order or continuous. Our mean-field theory predicts that for certain wall potentials there is a premelting critical point analogous to the surface critical point for the prewetting transition. In a wedge...Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Coarsening modes of clusters of aggregating particles

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    There are two modes by which clusters of aggregating particles can coalesce: The clusters can merge either (i) by the Ostwald ripening process in which particles diffuse from one cluster to the other whilst the cluster centres remain stationary, or (ii) by means of a cluster translation mode, in which the clusters move towards each other and join. To understand in detail the interplay between these different modes, we study a model system of hard particles with an additional attraction between them. The particles diffuse along narrow channels with smooth or periodically corrugated walls, so that the system may be treated as one-dimensional. When the attraction between the particles is strong enough, they aggregate to form clusters. The channel potential influences whether clusters can move easily or not through the system and can prevent cluster motion. We use Dynamical Density Functional theory to study the dynamics of the aggregation process, focusing in particular on the coalescence of two equal size clusters. As long as the particle hard-core diameter is non-zero, we find that the coalescence process can be halted by a sufficiently strong corrugation potential. The period of the potential determines the size of the final stable clusters. For the case of smooth channel walls, we demonstrate that there is a cross-over in the dominance of the two different coarsening modes, that depends on the strength of the attraction between particles, the cluster sizes and the separation distance between clusters

    Selectivity in binary fluid mixtures: static and dynamical properties

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    Selectivity of particles in a region of space can be achieved by applying external potentials to influence the particles in that region. We investigate static and dynamical properties of size selectivity in binary fluid mixtures of two particles sizes. We find that by applying an external potential that is attractive to both kinds of particles, due to crowding effects, this can lead to one species of particles being expelled from that region, whilst the other species is attracted into the region where the potential is applied. This selectivity of one species of particle over the other in a localized region of space depends on the density and composition of the fluid mixture. Applying an external potential that repels both kinds of particles leads to selectivity of the opposite species of particles to the selectivity with attractive potentials. We use equilibrium and dynamical density functional theory to describe and understand the static and dynamical properties of this striking phenomenon. Selectivity by some ion-channels is believed to be due to this effect.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamical density functional theory analysis of the laning instability in sheared soft matter

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    Using dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) methods we investigate the laning instability of a sheared colloidal suspension. The nonequilibrium ordering at the laning transition is driven by non-affine particle motion arising from interparticle interactions. Starting from a DDFT which incorporates the non-affine motion, we perform a linear stability analysis that enables identification of the regions of parameter space where lanes form. We illustrate our general approach by applying it to a simple one-component fluid of soft penetrable particles

    Binding potentials for vapour nanobubbles on surfaces using density functional theory

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    We calculate density profiles of a simple model fluid in contact with a planar surface using density functional theory (DFT), in particular for the case where there is a vapour layer intruding between the wall and the bulk liquid. We apply the method of Hughes et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 142, 074702 (2015)] to calculate the density profiles for varying (specified) amounts of the vapour adsorbed at the wall. This is equivalent to varying the thickness hh of the vapour at the surface. From the resulting sequence of density profiles we calculate the thermodynamic grand potential as hh is varied and thereby determine the binding potential as a function of hh. The binding potential obtained via this coarse-graining approach allows us to determine the disjoining pressure in the film and also to predict the shape of vapour nano-bubbles on the surface. Our microscopic DFT based approach captures information from length scales much smaller than some commonly used models in continuum mechanics.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Solvent fluctuations around solvophobic, solvophilic and patchy nanostructures and the accompanying solvent mediated interactions

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    Using classical density functional theory (DFT) we calculate the density profile ρ(r)\rho({\mathbf r}) and local compressibility χ(r)\chi({\mathbf r}) of a simple liquid solvent in which a pair of blocks with (microscopic) rectangular cross-section are immersed. We consider blocks that are solvophobic, solvophilic and also ones that have both solvophobic and solvophilic patches. Large values of χ(r)\chi({\mathbf r}) correspond to regions in space where the liquid density is fluctuating most strongly. We seek to elucidate how enhanced density fluctuations correlate with the solvent mediated force between the blocks, as the distance between the blocks and the chemical potential of the liquid reservoir vary. For sufficiently solvophobic blocks, at small block separations and small deviations from bulk gas-liquid coexistence, we observe a strongly attractive (near constant) force, stemming from capillary evaporation to form a low density gas-like intrusion between the blocks. The accompanying χ(r)\chi({\mathbf r}) exhibits structure which reflects the incipient gas-liquid interfaces that develop. We argue that our model system provides a means to understanding the basic physics of solvent mediated interactions between nanostructures, and between objects such as proteins in water, that possess hydrophobic and hydrophilic patches.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figure

    Dynamical model for the formation of patterned deposits at receding contact lines

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    We describe the formation of deposition patterns that are observed in many different experiments where a three-phase contact line of a volatile nanoparticle suspension or polymer solution recedes. A dynamical model based on a long-wave approximation predicts the deposition of irregular and regular line patterns due to self-organised pinning-depinning cycles corresponding to a stick-slip motion of the contact line. We analyze how the line pattern properties depend on the evaporation rate and solute concentration

    The standard mean-field treatment of inter-particle attraction in classical DFT is better than one might expect

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    In classical density functional theory (DFT) the part of the Helmholtz free energy functional arising from attractive inter-particle interactions is often treated in a mean-field or van der Waals approximation. On the face of it, this is a somewhat crude treatment as the resulting functional generates the simple random phase approximation (RPA) for the bulk fluid pair direct correlation function. We explain why using standard mean-field DFT to describe inhomogeneous fluid structure and thermodynamics is more accurate than one might expect based on this observation. By considering the pair correlation function g(x)g(x) and structure factor S(k)S(k) of a one-dimensional model fluid, for which exact results are available, we show that the mean-field DFT, employed within the test-particle procedure, yields results much superior to those from the RPA closure of the bulk Ornstein-Zernike equation. We argue that one should not judge the quality of a DFT based solely on the approximation it generates for the bulk pair direct correlation function.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Localized states in the conserved Swift-Hohenberg equation with cubic nonlinearity

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    The conserved Swift-Hohenberg equation with cubic nonlinearity provides the simplest microscopic description of the thermodynamic transition from a fluid state to a crystalline state. The resulting phase field crystal model describes a variety of spatially localized structures, in addition to different spatially extended periodic structures. The location of these structures in the temperature versus mean order parameter plane is determined using a combination of numerical continuation in one dimension and direct numerical simulation in two and three dimensions. Localized states are found in the region of thermodynamic coexistence between the homogeneous and structured phases, and may lie outside of the binodal for these states. The results are related to the phenomenon of slanted snaking but take the form of standard homoclinic snaking when the mean order parameter is plotted as a function of the chemical potential, and are expected to carry over to related models with a conserved order parameter.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figure

    Sedimentation of a two-dimensional colloidal mixture exhibiting liquid-liquid and gas-liquid phase separation: a dynamical density functional theory study

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    We present dynamical density functional theory results for the time evolution of the density distribution of a sedimenting model two-dimensional binary mixture of colloids. The interplay between the bulk phase behaviour of the mixture, its interfacial properties at the confining walls, and the gravitational field gives rise to a rich variety of equilibrium and non-equilibrium morphologies. In the fluid state, the system exhibits both liquid-liquid and gas-liquid phase separation. As the system sediments, the phase separation significantly affects the dynamics and we explore situations where the final state is a coexistence of up to three different phases. Solving the dynamical equations in two-dimensions, we find that in certain situations the final density profiles of the two species have a symmetry that is different from that of the external potentials, which is perhaps surprising, given the statistical mechanics origin of the theory. The paper concludes with a discussion on this