843 research outputs found

    Economics of Disability Research Report #4: Estimates of the Prevalence of Disability, Employment Rates, and Median Household Size-Adjusted Income for People with Disabilities Aged 18 though 64 in the United States by State, 1980 through 2000

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    This report replicates Economics of Disability Reports 1, 2, and 3, with some minor changes. These reports contain the prevalence of a disability, employment rates, and median household size-adjusted income between states over the 1980s and 1990s. In response to the requests of state officials to generate statistics that reflect the population they serve, this report includes people aged 18 through 64 rather than people aged 25 through 61. The new age group is more likely to include those who enter the labor force after high school, during college, and post-college as well as those people who have decided not to take early retirement. In addition, at the request of state officials, the statistics in this report are not separated by gender because most government agencies do not make a strong distinction between men and women, even though men and women face different labor market conditions. This report uses data from the March Current Population Survey to estimate the prevalence of a disability, employment rate, and median household size-adjusted income among the non-institutionalized working-age (aged 18 through 64) civilian population in the United States, and for each state and the District of Columbia for the survey years 1981 through 2000 and income/employment years 1980 through 1999. Two definitions of disability that are commonly used in the literature—work limitation and work disability—are utilized. The prevalence of a work limitation and work disability varies greatly across states and over time. The employment rate of persons with work limitations relative to that of persons without a disability varies greatly across states. However, over the last 20 years the relative employment rate of those with work limitations dramatically declined overall and in most states. Consequently, the decrease in the relative employment rate for persons with work limitations induced the growth in the median household size-adjusted income of those with work limitations

    Comprehensive Monosynaptic Rabies Virus Mapping of Host Connectivity with Neural Progenitor Grafts after Spinal Cord Injury.

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    Neural progenitor cells grafted to sites of spinal cord injury have supported electrophysiological and functional recovery in several studies. Mechanisms associated with graft-related improvements in outcome appear dependent on functional synaptic integration of graft and host systems, although the extent and diversity of synaptic integration of grafts with hosts are unknown. Using transgenic mouse spinal neural progenitor cell grafts expressing the TVA and G-protein components of the modified rabies virus system, we initiated monosynaptic tracing strictly from graft neurons placed in sites of cervical spinal cord injury. We find that graft neurons receive synaptic inputs from virtually every known host system that normally innervates the spinal cord, including numerous cortical, brainstem, spinal cord, and dorsal root ganglia inputs. Thus, implanted neural progenitor cells receive an extensive range of host neural inputs to the injury site, potentially enabling functional restoration across multiple systems

    Flood and Landslide Applications of Near Real-time Satellite Rainfall Products

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    Floods and associated landslides are one of the most widespread natural hazards on Earth, responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in property damage every year. During 1993-2002, over 1000 of the more than 2,900 natural disasters reported were due to floods. These floods and associated landslides claimed over 90,000 lives, affected over 1.4 billion people and cost about $210 billion. The impact of these disasters is often felt most acutely in less developed regions. In many countries around the world, satellite-based precipitation estimation may be the best source of rainfall data due to lack of surface observing networks. Satellite observations can be of essential value in improving our understanding of the occurrence of hazardous events and possibly in lessening their impact on local economies and in reducing injuries, if they can be used to create reliable warning systems in cost-effective ways. This article addressed these opportunities and challenges by describing a combination of satellite-based real-time precipitation estimation with land surface characteristics as input, with empirical and numerical models to map potential of landslides and floods. In this article, a framework to detect floods and landslides related to heavy rain events in near-real-time is proposed. Key components of the framework are: a fine resolution precipitation acquisition system; a comprehensive land surface database; a hydrological modeling component; and landslide and debris flow model components. A key precipitation input dataset for the integrated applications is the NASA TRMM-based multi-satellite precipitation estimates. This dataset provides near real-time precipitation at a spatial-temporal resolution of 3 hours and 0.25deg x 0.25deg. By careful integration of remote sensing and in-situ observations, and assimilation of these observations into hydrological and landslide/debris flow models with surface topographic information, prediction of useful probabilistic maps of landslide and floods for emergency management in a timely manner is possible. Early results shows that the potential exists for successful application of satellite precipitation data in improving/developing global monitoring systems for flood/landslide disaster preparedness and management. The scientific and technological prototype can be first applied in a representative test-bed and then the information deliverables for the region can be tailored to the societal and economic needs of the represented affected countries

    A 10-Year Climatology of Amazonian Rainfall Derived from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations

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    In this study we present and describe a satellite-derived precipitation climatology over northern South America using a passive microwave technique, the Goddard Profiling Algorithm. A period of data slightly longer than 10 years is examined. The climatologies take the form of the mean estimated (adjusted) rainfall for a 10-year (+) period, with sub-divisions by month and meteorological season. For the six-year period 1992-1997, when two satellites were in operation, diurnal variability (to the extent it is discerned by four unequally spaced observations) is presented. We find an alternating pattern of morning and maxima stretching from the northeast (Atlantic coast) clear across the continent to the Pacific. The effects of topography, coastlines and geography (river valleys) on the rainfall patterns are clear. Interannual variability is examined by computing the deviations of yearly and warm season (DJF) rainfall from their respective long-term means. Interannual variability of the diurnal nature of the rainfall is presented, and the strong El Nino event of 1997-1998 is discussed

    An initial examination of the occupancy and use of the wireless-radio bands

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    Data on the occupancy and use of the license-exempt wireless-radio bands collected over a 10 year period is summarized. Numerous examples of measured results are presented in a time-history format. The time- and frequency-varying properties of radio noise and radio interference are visually portrayed where the noise and interference is usually highly impulsive and highly changeable. Of primary concern is that the interference could not be effectively described in standard statistical terms such as peak power, average power, root-mean-square power, amplitude probability plots, or other such conventional measures. The noise and interference was nonstationary in nature with time and frequency variations comparable to message lengths.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Emerging links between surface nanotechnology and endocytosis: Impact on nonviral gene delivery

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    Summary Significant effort continues to be exerted toward the improvement of transfection mediated by nonviral vectors. These endeavors are often focused on the design of particulate carriers with properties that encourage efficient accumulation at the membrane surface, particle uptake, and endosomal escape. Despite its demonstrated importance in successful nonviral transfection, relatively little investigation has been done to understand the pressures driving internalized vectors into favorable nondegradative endocytic pathways. Improvements in transfection efficiency have been noted for complexes delivered with a substrate-mediated approach, but the reasons behind such enhancements remain unclear. The phenotypic changes exhibited by cells interacting with nano-and micro-featured substrates offer hints that may explain these effects. This review describes nanoscale particulate and substrate parameters that influence both the uptake of nonviral gene carriers and the endocytic phenotype of interacting cells, and explores the molecular links that may mediate these interactions. Substrate-mediated control of endocytosis represents an exciting new design parameter that will guide the creation of efficient transgene carriers

    Os «quadros» como agentes estratégicos de desenvolvimento das organizações: contributos para uma análise das funções dos quadros superiores

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    O presente artigo pretende reflectir sobre os «quadros» enquanto agentes estratégicos de desenvolvimento das organizações. A partir desta abordagem poder-se-á, por um lado, compreender melhor a importância das funções e, por inerência, dos saberes e/ou das competências dos quadros superiores na actualidade, por outro lado, responder à questão: de que falamos quando nos referimos aos quadros? As técnicas de investigação utilizadas foram a análise documental e o inquérito por questionário. A amostra é constituída por 72 empresas do sector de componentes para automóvel. Estruturalmente, começamos por realizar uma reflexão teórica baseada na análise dos quadros enquanto processo societal, na análise das propostas de objectivação e representação dos quadros em Portugal (Classificação Nacional das Profissões e Estruturas Sindicais Representativas) e na análise dos quadros como constructo dos modos de gestão das organizações. Empiricamente analisam-se as funções dos quadros superiores à luz dos resultados do inquérito por questionário aplicado às empresas do sector de componentes para automóvel. Conclui-se que os quadros superiores das empresas do sector de componentes para automóvel representam uma fonte de vantagem competitiva para as organizações. As funções, as competências e a possibilidade de identificar procedimentos adequados às directrizes estratégicas das empresas são, entre outros, fundamentos do prestígio social associado aos quadros superiores no sector de componentes para automóvel

    Competition of lattice and basis for alignment of nematic liquid crystals

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    Due to elastic anisotropy, two-dimensional patterning of substrates can promote weak azimuthal alignment of adjacent nematic liquid crystals. Here we consider how such alignment can be achieved using a periodic square lattice of circular or elliptical motifs. In particular, we examine ways in which the lattice and motif can combine to favor differing orientations. Using Monte Carlo simulation and continuum elasticity we find, for circular motifs, that the coverage fraction controls both the polar anchoring angle and a transition in the azimuthal orientation. If the circles are generalized to ellipses, arbitrary control of the effective easy axis and effective anchoring potential becomes achievable by appropriate tuning of the ellipse motif relative to the periodic lattice patterning. This has possible applications in both monostable and bistable liquid crystal device contexts
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