141 research outputs found

    Conducting Co-Design with Older People in a Digital Setting: Methodological Reflections and Recommendations

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    Introduction: Co-design has been identified as a participatory method to create person-centred integrated healthcare services that align with older peopleā€™s values and lived experiences. Description: Existing guidelines on conducting co-design primarily focus on in-person methods with limited guidance on using digital methods to collect data. This gap in knowledge is particularly pertinent when co-designing with older people who can experience challenges with digital literacy and accessibility. This article uses the exemplar of a pilot site within a European co-design research project, aiming to create digital health technology to support integrated care, to describe the steps and considerations required when collaborating with older people in an online environment. Focus groups and one-to-one interviews were conducted utilising digital mediums of teleconferencing and telephone calls to engage and collaborate with older people. Discussion: Several preparatory steps are required to effectively bridge the digital divide and conduct co-design with older people including engaging gatekeepers, relationship and trust-building, assessing digital literacy levels, education and providing technological support. Conclusion: This article highlights the steps and considerations that researchers should be aware of when embarking on co-designing with older people in a digital setting. The authors describe their methods that promotes inclusivity and the empowerment of older people as equal collaborators in the research process. The co-design approach and recommendations can be applied to various research settings and wider areas of integrated care with this population

    Reactive Oxygen Species and Metabolic Re-Wiring in Acute Leukemias

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is the collective term for several oxygen containing free radicals, such as hydrogen peroxide. ROS is important in innate immunity, protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum and as a cell signalling molecule involved in cellular proliferation, survival, differentiation, and gene expression. ROS has been implicated in both hematopoietic stem cell quiescence and hematopoietic differentiation. Consequently, ROS is of considerable interest as a therapeutic target, with both pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant cellular modulation being explored. Recently, it has been established that increased ROS production in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) leads to increased glycolysis and metabolic reprogramming. It is often stated as a key tenet of the Warburg effect, that transformed cells, including AML, show increased aerobic glycolysis accompanied by increased cellular glucose uptake and lactate secretion. This review will summarize ROS state of the art in acute leukemia and how these reactive molecules re-wire metabolism in cancer cells. The review will focus on what are ROS? What are the sources of ROS in hematopoietic cells and their function and how this relates to the Warburg effect and regulation of metabolic pathways in acute leukemias

    A bridge from uncertainty to understanding : the meaning of symptom management digital health technology during cancer treatment

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    Objective: Digital health technology is valued as a tool to provide person-centred care and improve health outcomes amongst people with cancer and their family caregivers. Although the evidence to date shows encouraging effectiveness, there is limited knowledge regarding the lived experience and personal meaning of using supportive technology during cancer treatment. The aim of this study was to explore the lived experiences of people with colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy using digital health symptom management technology and their family caregivers. Methods: A longitudinal and multi-perspective interpretative phenomenological analytical approach was adopted including three people with newly diagnosed colorectal cancer and four family caregivers. Findings: Three superordinate themes and related subthemes were identified. The first theme (The 3 Cs of symptom management technology) centred on the continuity of care that participants felt while using the technology. The second theme (Digital health technology as a psychosocial support) offered insights into the psychological benefits using technology incurred as they navigated their cancer diagnosis including sense of control and psychological safety. The final theme (Impact of digital health technology on family caregivers) details the supportive effect the technology had on family caregiversā€™ role, responsibilities and well-being during the cancer experience. Conclusion: Digital health technology can act as a bridge from uncertainty to an understanding regarding a cancer diagnosis and its treatment. Digital health technology can support peoples' understanding of cancer and enhance self-management practices, while being a psychological support in navigating the uncertain and often worrying period of receiving cancer treatment

    Reactive oxygen species rewires metabolic activity in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease with poor clinical outcomes. We have previously shown that constitutive activation of NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2), resulting in over-production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), occurs in over 60% of AML patients. We have also shown that increased ROS production promotes increased glucose uptake and proliferation in AML cells, mediated by changes in carbohydrate metabolism. Given that carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolisms are all intricately interconnected, we aimed to examine the effect of cellular ROS levels on these pathways and establish further evidence that ROS rewires metabolism in AML. We carried out metabolomic profiling of AML cell lines in which NOX2-derived ROS production was inhibited and conversely in cells treated with exogenous H2O2. We report significant ROS-specific metabolic alterations in sphingolipid metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, purine metabolism, amino acid homeostasis and glycolysis. These data provide further evidence of ROS directed metabolic changes in AML and the potential for metabolic targeting as novel therapeutic arm to combat this disease

    Relationship and attachment to digital health technology during cancer treatment

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    Objective The aim of this study is to explore the relationship that people with cancer and their family caregivers develop with symptom management technology during chemotherapy. Data Sources A longitudinal and multi-perspective interpretative phenomenological approach was adopted. Data were collected using one-to-one in-depth interviews with people with colorectal cancer using supportive digital health symptom management technology (n=3) and their family caregivers (n=4) at two time points during chemotherapy treatment. Data were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis and followed COREQ guidelines. Conclusion People with cancer and their family caregivers can develop emotional bonds with supportive symptom management technology during cancer treatment. Digital health technology can be experienced as a person guiding them during their cancer treatment. Participants felt vulnerable after the technology was returned to the research team. Participants recognized that it was not the technology that successfully facilitated them through their initial chemotherapy cycles; rather, the technology helped them learn to manage their symptoms and promoted their self-efficacy, as well as how to emotionally respond. Implications for Nursing Practice: The relationship and psychological bonds people with cancer and their family caregivers develop with technology during treatment may be critically important for oncology nurses to be aware of should digital health be prescribed within the outpatient model of cancer care. This study indicates that technology may not be needed for a full treatment experience, as digital health can promote confidence and self-efficacy regarding symptom management and prepare people with cancer to be independent after the digital health technology is returned to the research team. However, further research is needed regarding individual preferences for digital health provision

    Human cloning in film: horror, ambivalence, hope

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    Fictional filmic representations of human cloning have shifted in relation to the 1997 announcement of the birth of Dolly the cloned sheep, and since therapeutic human cloning became a scientific practice in the early twentieth century. The operation and detail of these shifts can be seen through an analysis of the films The Island (2005) and Aeon Flux (2005). These films provide a site for the examination of how these changes in human cloning from fiction to practice, and from horror to hope, have been represented and imagined, and how these distinctions have operated visually in fiction, and in relation to genre

    Patientsā€™ Perspectives Regarding Digital Health Technology to Support Self-management and Improve Integrated Stroke Care:Qualitative Interview Study

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    Background: Digital technologies such as mobile apps and robotics have the potential to involve stroke patients better in the care process and to promote self-management. However, barriers exist that constrain the adoption and acceptance of technology in clinical practice. Examples of barriers are privacy concerns, challenges regarding usability, and the perception that there is no need for health-related technology. To address these barriers, co-design can be used to enable patients to reflect on their experiences of a service and to tailor digital technologies to the needs and preferences of end users regarding content and usability. Objective: This study aims to explore the perspectives of stroke patients toward how digital health technology could support self-management regarding health and well-being, as well as integrated stroke care. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted to understand patient perspectives. Data were collected in co-design sessions during the ValueCare study. Patients from a Dutch hospital who experienced an ischemic stroke (n=36) within the past 18 months were invited to participate. Data collection took place between December 2020 and April 2021 via one-to-one telephone interviews. A short self-report questionnaire was used to collect data on sociodemographics, disease-specific information, and technology use. All interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The interview data were analyzed using a thematic approach. Results: Patients held mixed attitudes toward digital health technologies. Some patients viewed digital technology as a convenient product or service, while others expressed no desire or need to use technology for self-management or care. Digital features suggested by stroke patients included (1) information about the causes of stroke, medication, prognosis, and follow-up care; (2) an online library with information regarding stroke-related health and care issues; (3) a personal health record by which patients can retrieve and manage their own health information; and (4) online rehabilitation support to empower patients to exercise at home. Regarding the user interface of future digital health technology, patients emphasized the need for easy-to-use and simple designs. Conclusions: Stroke patients mentioned credible health information, an online library with stroke-related health and care information, a personal health record, and online rehabilitation support as the main features to include in future digital health technologies. We recommend that developers and designers of digital health for stroke care listen to the ā€œvoice of the stroke patientsā€ regarding both functionality and the characteristics of the interface.</p

    LEF-1 drives aberrant Ī²-catenin nuclear localization in myeloid leukemia cells

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    Canonical Wnt/Ī²-catenin signaling is frequently dysregulated in myeloid leukemias and is implicated in leukemogenesis. Nuclear-localized Ī²-catenin is indicative of active Wnt signaling and is frequently observed in acute myeloid leukemia patients; however, some patients exhibit little or no nuclear Ī²-catenin even where cytosolic Ī²-catenin is abundant. Control of the subcellular localization of Ī²-catenin therefore represents an additional mechanism regulating Wnt signaling in hematopoietic cells. To investigate the factors mediating the nuclear-localization of Ī²-catenin we carried out the first nuclear/cytoplasmic proteomic analysis of the Ī²-catenin interactome in myeloid leukemia cells and identified putative novel Ī²-catenin interactors. Comparison of interacting factors between Wnt-responsive cells (high nuclear Ī²-catenin) versus Wnt-unresponsive cells (low nuclear Ī²-catenin) suggested the transcriptional partner, LEF-1, could direct the nuclear-localization of Ī²-catenin. The relative levels of nuclear LEF-1 and Ī²-catenin were tightly correlated in both cell lines and in primary AML blasts. Furthermore, LEF-1 knockdown perturbed Ī²-catenin nuclear-localization and transcriptional activation in Wnt-responsive cells. Conversely, LEF-1 overexpression was able to promote both nuclear-localization and Ī²-catenin-dependent transcriptional responses in previously Wnt-unresponsive cells. This is the first Ī²-catenin interactome study in hematopoietic cells and reveals LEF-1 as a mediator of nuclear Ī²-catenin level human myeloid leukemia

    Adaptation and implementation of a mobile phoneā€“based remote symptom monitoring system for people with cancer in Europe

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    Background: There has been an international shift in health care, which has seen an increasing focus and development of technological and personalized at-home interventions that aim to improve health outcomes and patient-clinician communication. However, there is a notable lack of empirical evidence describing the preparatory steps of adapting and implementing technology of this kind across multiple countries and clinical settings. Objective: This study aimed to describe the steps undertaken in the preparation of a multinational, multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test a mobile phoneā€“based remote symptom monitoring system, that is, Advanced Symptom Management System (ASyMS), designed to enhance management of chemotherapy toxicities among people with cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy versus standard cancer center care. Methods: There were 13 cancer centers across 5 European countries (Austria, Greece, Ireland, Norway, and the United Kingdom). Multiple steps were undertaken, including a scoping review of empirical literature and clinical guidelines, translation and linguistic validation of study materials, development of standardized international care procedures, and the integration and evaluation of the technology within each cancer center. Results: The ASyMS was successfully implemented and deployed in clinical practices across 5 European countries. The rigorous and simultaneous steps undertaken by the research team highlighted the strengths of the system in clinical practice, as well as the clinical and technical changes required to meet the diverse needs of its intended users within each country, before the commencement of the RCT. Conclusions: Adapting and implementing this multinational, multicenter system required close attention to diverse considerations and unique challenges primarily related to communication and clinical and technical issues. Success was dependent on collaborative and transparent communication among academics, the technology industry, translation partners, patients, and clinicians as well as a simultaneous and rigorous methodological approach within the 5 relevant countries
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