3,854 research outputs found

    Design of Body-Grounded Tactile Actuators for Playback of Human Physical Contact

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    We present four wearable tactile actuators capable of recreating physical sensations commonly experienced in human interactions, including tapping on, dragging across, squeezing, and twisting an individual’s wrist. In seeking to create tactile signals that feel natural and are easy to understand, we developed movement control interfaces to play back each of these forms of actual human physical contact. Through iterative design, prototyping, programming, and testing, each of these servo-motor-based mechanisms produces a signal that is gradable in magnitude, can be played in a variety of temporal patterns, is localizable to a small area of skin, and, for three of the four actuators, has an associated direction. Additionally, we have tried to design toward many of the characteristics that have made high frequency vibration the most common form of wearable tactile feedback, including low cost, light weight, comfort, and small size. Bolstered by largely positive comments from naive users during an informal testing session, we plan to continue improving these devices for future use in tactile motion guidance

    The Evolution of Focus in Austronesian (1981)

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    The present paper attempts to account for the evolution of Western Austronesian focus constructions by showing that they evolved as a result of the reinterpretation of nominalized equational constructions by analogy with functionally equivalent verbal constructions, i.e., *-en, *ni-/-in-, *-ana, *iSi-, and possibly *mu-/-um- were all noun-deriving affixes in PAN that their verbal focus usages in the Formosan and Philippine languages represent a secondary development

    The Evolution of Focus in Austronesian

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    In this paper, we will attempt to reconstruct the features of Proto-Austronesian morphology and syntax which gave rise to the focus systems exhibited by modern Philippine languages. In order to approach this problem, it will be necessary to consider the following questions: 1) What is the grammatical structure of sentences showing ‘verbal focus’ in Philippine languages? And in particular, what is their synchronic and diachronic relation to nominalizations which show affixes cognate with the verbal focus affixes? We need to have a reasonably clear idea of the endpoint of an evolutionary sequence before we can reconstruct the stages that led up to it. 2) Do the focus systems of Philippine languages represent a retention from Proto-Austronesian or an innovation? What kind of case marking system can we reconstruct for the proto-language which will allow us to provide plausible accounts of how a single original system could evolve into the Oceanic object focus system in one area and the Philippine subject-focus system in another

    Behavioural Response Thresholds in New Zealand Crab Megalopae to Ambient Underwater Sound

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    A small number of studies have demonstrated that settlement stage decapod crustaceans are able to detect and exhibit swimming, settlement and metamorphosis responses to ambient underwater sound emanating from coastal reefs. However, the intensity of the acoustic cue required to initiate the settlement and metamorphosis response, and therefore the potential range over which this acoustic cue may operate, is not known. The current study determined the behavioural response thresholds of four species of New Zealand brachyuran crab megalopae by exposing them to different intensity levels of broadcast reef sound recorded from their preferred settlement habitat and from an unfavourable settlement habitat. Megalopae of the rocky-reef crab, Leptograpsus variegatus, exhibited the lowest behavioural response threshold (highest sensitivity), with a significant reduction in time to metamorphosis (TTM) when exposed to underwater reef sound with an intensity of 90 dB re 1 µPa and greater (100, 126 and 135 dB re 1 µPa). Megalopae of the mud crab, Austrohelice crassa, which settle in soft sediment habitats, exhibited no response to any of the underwater reef sound levels. All reef associated species exposed to sound levels from an unfavourable settlement habitat showed no significant change in TTM, even at intensities that were similar to their preferred reef sound for which reductions in TTM were observed. These results indicated that megalopae were able to discern and respond selectively to habitat-specific acoustic cues. The settlement and metamorphosis behavioural response thresholds to levels of underwater reef sound determined in the current study of four species of crabs, enables preliminary estimation of the spatial range at which an acoustic settlement cue may be operating, from 5 m to 40 km depending on the species. Overall, these results indicate that underwater sound is likely to play a major role in influencing the spatial patterns of settlement of coastal crab species

    Spontaneous growth of bismuth nanowires on a sputter-deposited thin bismuth film

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    Thin films of bismuth of thickness 100nm have been deposited onto Si(111) substrates held at 120°C using magnetron sputter deposition. The three-inch magnetrons were operated at DC powers between 30W and 50W to give deposition rates between 0.03 and 0.09nms-1. Examination of the surface of the thin films using scanning electron microscopy revealed nanowires of diameter 80-120nm and length between 3 and 16μm emerging from the film. An investigation of the effect of deposition rate found little influence on the nanowire diameter, but indicated that some longer nanowires could be found on the film deposited at the lowest rate. A 20nm film grown on glass at 110°C shows a nanowire with dimension of around 50nm. Using a relatively higher rate for the first 25nm followed by a lower rate to 100nm produced some very straight and regular nanorods

    Anisotropic evolution of 5D Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime

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    We examine the time evolution of the five-dimensional Einstein field equations subjected to a flat, anisotropic Robertson-Walker metric, where the 3D and higher-dimensional scale factors are allowed to dynamically evolve at different rates. By adopting equations of state relating the 3D and higher-dimensional pressures to the density, we obtain an exact expression relating the higher-dimensional scale factor to a function of the 3D scale factor. This relation allows us to write the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker field equations exclusively in terms of the 3D scale factor, thus yielding a set of 4D effective Friedmann-Robertson-Walker field equations. We examine the effective field equations in the general case and obtain an exact expression relating a function of the 3D scale factor to the time. This expression involves a hypergeometric function and cannot, in general, be inverted to yield an analytical expression for the 3D scale factor as a function of time. When the hypergeometric function is expanded for small and large arguments, we obtain a generalized treatment of the dynamical compactification scenario of Mohammedi [Phys.Rev.D 65, 104018 (2002)] and the 5D vacuum solution of Chodos and Detweiler [Phys.Rev.D 21, 2167 (1980)], respectively. By expanding the hypergeometric function near a branch point, we obtain the perturbative solution for the 3D scale factor in the small time regime. This solution exhibits accelerated expansion, which, remarkably, is independent of the value of the 4D equation of state parameter w. This early-time epoch of accelerated expansion arises naturally out of the anisotropic evolution of 5D spacetime when the pressure in the extra dimension is negative and offers a possible alternative to scalar field inflationary theory.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, paper format streamlined with main results emphasized and details pushed to appendixes, current version matches that of published versio

    The detection of syngamin, an indigenous plant hormone, by culture of immature corn embryos

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    Digitized 2007 AES.Includes bibliographical references (pages 85-91)

    Recreating the Feel of the Human Chest in a CPR Manikin via Programmable Pneumatic Damping

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    It is well known that the human chest exhibits a strong force displacement hysteresis during CPR, a stark contrast to the non hysteretic behavior of standard spring manikins. We hypothesize that individuals with experience performing CPR on humans would perceive a manikin with damping as more realistic and better for training. By analyzing data collected from chest compressions on real patients, we created a dynamic model that accounts for this hysteresis with a linear spring and a one-way variable damper, and we built a new high-fidelity manikin to enact the desired force displacement relationship. A linkage attached to the chest plate converts vertical compression motions to the horizontal displacement of a set of pneumatic dashpot pistons, sending a volume of air into and out of the manikin through a programmable valve. Position and pressure sensors allow a microcontroller to adjust the valve orifice so that the provided damping force closely follows the desired damping force throughout the compression cycle. Eight experienced CPR practitioners tested both the new manikin and an identical looking standard manikin; the manikin with damping received significantly higher ratings for haptic realism and perceived utility as a training tool