2,150 research outputs found

    Museum visitors’ heterogeneity and experience processing

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    This research examines the relationships between affective and cognitive antecedents and consequences of satisfaction under a market heterogeneity approach. It includes co-creation of preparatory activities. The sample consisted of 276 museum visitors in London. Two analysis have been conducted: structural equation model and latent class path analysis. The paper contributes to the development of a theoretical framework for further understanding of service experience in which co-creation plays an important role. Two segments were identified: 1) emotional (with lower degree of co-creation, equally distributed by age and nationality); 2) rational (higher degree of co-creation, younger and domestic visitors). Our research shows significant differences between the two segments regarding variables such as satisfaction, loyalty, service experience, emotion, positive disconfirmation and willingness to pay more

    Telegram in campaign: the use of mobile instant messaging services in electoral political communication

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    The use of mobile instant messaging platforms has increased in recent years in political communication given the private nature of this form of communication, a trend which has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this research is to know the Telegram usage done by the main political parties within the election campaign. For this purpose, the Catalan election of the 14th of February 2021 are studied with a quantitative content analysis on a sample composed of 600 messages published by five political parties (PSC, Vox Barcelona, ERC, Junts per Catalunya, CUP and En Comú Podem). Results show that one of the most important functions of this platforms is the information and dissemination of its electoral programme. Regarding the main topics, the organization and functioning of the campaign and the political wrangling predominate. Our findings show that the position of the different parties regarding the independence of Catalonia, their political trajectory and their position within the government/opposition axis are conditioning factors of their communication strategy on this platform. Finally, the analysis of the public impact of the published messages reveals the disconnection between the parties and the citizens. In addition, a “more is more” effect which determines that the more messages are broadcast on this platform, the greater the number of views by users is, is detected. These data reveal new evidence on how Telegram is being used in the election campaign by political actors.El uso de plataformas de mensajería instantánea móvil se ha incrementado en los últimos años en la comunicación política dado el carácter privado de esta forma de comunicación, tendencia que se ha incrementado durante la pandemia del COVID-19. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer el uso de Telegram por parte de los principales partidos políticos dentro de la campaña electoral. Para ello se estudian las elecciones catalanas del 14 de febrero de 2021 con un análisis de contenido cuantitativo sobre una muestra compuesta por 600 mensajes publicados por cinco partidos políticos (PSC, Vox Barcelona, ​​ERC, Junts per Catalunya, CUP y En Comú Podem). Los resultados muestran que una de las funciones más importantes de estas plataformas es la información y difusión de su programa electoral. En cuanto a los temas principales, predomina la organización y funcionamiento de la campaña y la disputa política. Nuestros hallazgos muestran que la posición de los diferentes partidos respecto a la independencia de Cataluña, su trayectoria política y su posición dentro del eje gobierno/oposición condicionan su estrategia comunicativa en esta plataforma. Finalmente, el análisis del impacto público de los mensajes publicados revela la desconexión entre los partidos y la ciudadanía. Además, se detecta un efecto “más es más”, que determina que cuantos más mensajes se emiten en esta plataforma, mayor es el número de visualizaciones por parte de los usuarios. Estos datos revelan nuevas evidencias sobre cómo los actores políticos están utilizando Telegram en la campaña electoral

    Energy solutions to one-dimensional singular parabolic problems with BVBV data are viscosity solutions

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    We study one-dimensional very singular parabolic equations with periodic boundary conditions and initial data in BVBV, which is the energy space. We show existence of solutions in this energy space and then we prove that they are viscosity solutions in the sense of Giga-Giga.Comment: 15 page

    Acoustic effects at prehistoric landscapes: an archaeoacoustics analysis of rock art sites from Western Mediterranean

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    Many pre-state societies around the world give special importance to places where distinctive acoustic effects are generated. These places often receive special treatment including the production of rock paintings in them. In the Western Mediterranean, it seems that outstanding acoustic effects such as directional echoes, augmented audibility and long reverberation time are present in some rock art areas with Neolithic depictions made between the 7th and 4th millennia BC. These have been painted in different styles that have been given the name of Macroschematic, Levantine and Schematic rock art styles. On the basis of the results of our acoustic tests, we argue that there is a strong probability of acoustics having been used as a method by Neolithic artists to select the shelters in which to produce rock art. This paper presents the results of the ongoing ARTSOUNDSCAPES ERC Project on archaeoacoustics. This project seeks to explore the role of sound in the creation and use of rock art sites. he authors discuss the results of previous fieldwork in three countries (Spain, France and Italy) and the development of an innovative set of research methods that include 3D Ambisonic recordings, GIS soundshed analysis, and Transmission Loss measurements

    Phytochemical Profile of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill Fruits (cv. ‘Orito’) Stored at Different Conditions

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    This research analyzed the phytochemical profile of prickly pear fruits from ‘Orito’ cultivar stored under cold conditions (2◦ C, 85–90% RH) and shelf-life conditions at room temperature (stored at 20◦ C for three days after cold storage) for 28 days, mimicking the product life cycle. A total of 18 compounds were identified and quantitated through HPLC-DAD-MS/MS (High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic-Diode Array Detector-Mass Spectrometry) analyses. Phenolic acids such as eucomic acid and betalains such as indicaxanthin were the predominant chemical families, and piscidic acid was the most abundant compound. During cold storage, the content of eucomic acid isomer/derivative and syringaresinol increased, and citric acid decreased, which could be caused by the cold activation of the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzymes. However, no significant differences were found in the content of these compounds during shelf-life storage. These results showed that ‘Orito’ fruit marketability would be possible up to 28 days after harvesting, retaining its profile, which is rich in bioactive compounds

    Weak formulation for singular diffusion equation with dynamic boundary condition

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    In this paper, we propose a weak formulation of the singular diffusion equation subject to the dynamic boundary condition. The weak formulation is based on a reformulation method by an evolution equation including the subdifferential of a governing convex energy. Under suitable assumptions, the principal results of this study are stated in forms of Main Theorems A and B, which are respectively to verify: the adequacy of the weak formulation; the common property between the weak solutions and those in regular problems of standard PDEs.Comment: 23 page

    EMPRESS : A European project to enhance process control through improved temperature measurement

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    A new European project called EMPRESS, funded by the EURAMET program ‘European Metrology Program for Innovation and Research,’ is described. The 3 year project, which started in the summer of 2015, is intended to substantially augment the efficiency of high-value manufacturing processes by improving temperature measurement techniques at the point of use. The project consortium has 18 partners and 5 external collaborators, from the metrology sector, high-value manufacturing, sensor manufacturing, and academia. Accurate control of temperature is key to ensuring process efficiency and product consistency and is often not achieved to the level required for modern processes. Enhanced efficiency of processes may take several forms including reduced product rejection/waste; improved energy efficiency; increased intervals between sensor recalibration/maintenance; and increased sensor reliability, i.e., reduced amount of operator intervention. Traceability of temperature measurements to the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) is a critical factor in establishing low measurement uncertainty and reproducible, consistent process control. Introducing such traceability in situ (i.e., within the industrial process) is a theme running through this project

    Natación artística en niñas: antropometría, genotipo y rendimiento deportivo.

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    En cada deporte es importante optimizar peso y composición corporal y la genética y los datos antropométricos pueden influir en rendimiento deportivo y salud, sobre todo en deportistas menores. Este estudio analiza 60 nadadoras artísticas entre 9 y 17 años, divididas en tres grupos de edad: ≤12, 13-15 y 16-17 años. Se realizó un análisis de medidas antropométricas, edad de menarquia, genotipo relacionado con rendimiento (gen ACTN3) y resultados deportivos, con objetivo de relacionar estos parámetros entre sí en los grupos de edad. Las nadadoras de mayor edad mostraron tendencia a portar el genotipo heterocigoto RX de ACTN3. En este estudio, la práctica de este deporte podría tener impacto en índice de masa corporal, pliegue tricipital, peso y edad de menarquia. La mayor prevalencia del genotipo heterocigoto ACTN3 R577X podría ofrecer una ventaja, pero el rendimiento en competición de las nadadoras artísticas tuvo poca relación con sus medidas antropométricas.post-print680 K

    Political agenda on Twitter during the 2016 Spanish elections: issues, strategies, and users’ responses

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    In recent years, political communication has been marked by an increased use of social media. Platforms such as Twitter have become an essential tool for political actors, especially during electoral campaigns. The aim of this study is to analyse the use of Twitter by Spanish political actors to build their agenda during electoral campaigns. The implementation strategy and users’ responses were also analysed. A quantitative content analysis was conducted, which was complemented by a metric evaluation. The sample was taken from the general election of 26 June 2016. The profiles of the four political parties most popularly represented in Spain (Partido Popular, Partido Socialista, Podemos, and Ciudadanos) and their leaders (Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez, Pablo Iglesias, and Albert Rivera respectively), were analysed. A total of 9,049 tweets were studied and the results allowed us to detect various parameters of the management of political agendas on Twitter during the electoral campaign. Among them, it is worth highlighting: the existence of different forms of agenda-setting interactions built by the parties and articulated by the leaders, the low degree of thematic fragmentation, the prevalence of a game frame, the identification of three conditioning factors, and the detection of dissonance between the agenda built by politicians and the interests of the users of this platform