36 research outputs found

    Povezanost stereovida i motoričkih vjeÅ”tina u djece s intelektualnim teÅ”koćama

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    The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between stereoacuity and proficiency in fine and gross motor skills. Stereovision is one of the information sources for accurate perception of objects in depth, and it is related to performance on motor skills tasks. Studies have shown that children of primary school age with mild intellectual disabilities perform worse than typically developing children on specific fine and gross motor skills. Also, problems in visual functioning, including impaired binocular vision (stereovision), are common in children with intellectual disability. We tested 27 children with intellectual disabilities but without any motor skills deficiency. Research was conducted at the Centre for Education "Velika Gorica" and Elementary School "Nad lipom". For this research, we constructed a Likert-type scale to assess fine and gross motor proficiency. We also tested stereoacuity using the Random Dot 2 Acuity Test with Lea SymbolsĀ®. Our results show a relationship between the degree of stereovision and level of proficiency in fine and gross motor skills. Since stereovision develops during preschool years and is related to other skills, we need to provide timely assessment of visual functioning and create specific program adaptations for children with intellectual disabilities.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost između stupnja razvoja stereovida i spretnosti u gruboj te finoj motorici. Stereovid je jedan od izvora informacija za točnu procjenu percepcije objekata u dubini i povezan je s izvođenjem motoričkih aktivnosti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su djeca s lakim intelektualnim teÅ”koćama osnovnoÅ”kolske dobi loÅ”ija u izvođenju motoričkih aktivnosti nego djeca tipičnog razvoja. Također, vizualna odstupanja učestala su kod djece s intelektualnim teÅ”koćama, uključujući i oslabljen binokularni vid (stereovid). Testirali smo 27-ero djece s intelektualnim teÅ”koćama, bez motoričkih teÅ”koća. Istraživanje je provedeno u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje "Velika Gorica" i Osnovnoj Å”koli "Nad lipom". Za potrebe ovog istraživanja, konstruirali smo skalu Likertovog tipa za procjenu spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Također, testirali smo i stereovid koristeći stereotest Random Dot 2 Acuity Test with Lea SymbolsĀ®. Rezultati su pokazali postojanje povezanosti između stupnja razvoja stereovida i spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Budući da se stereovid razvija u predÅ”kolskoj dobi i povezan je s razvojem drugih vjeÅ”tina, nužno je osigurati pravovremenu procjenu vizualnog funkcioniranja i u skladu s tim, kreirati specifične programe za djecu s intelektualnim teÅ”koćama

    Information systems risk management

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    TežiÅ”te ovog rada je na informacijskim sustavima i upravljanju rizicima informacijskog sustava. Zbog sve bržeg razvoja informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija sve se viÅ”e organizacija oslanja na informacijske sustave. Radi se o sustavima dizajnirani za prikupljanje, obradu, pohranjivanje i distribuciju informacija. Oni potpomažu organizaciji u ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva i donoÅ”enju pravih odluka. Iz tog razloga proces upravljanja rizicima igra važnu ulogu u zaÅ”titi informacija i organizacije od IT-rizika. Djelotvorno upravljanje rizicima čini važnu komponentu za uspjeÅ”no funkcioniranje informacijskog sustava, a sastoji se od dva glavna koraka; procjene rizika i ublažavanje rizika. Upravljanje rizicima ne omogućuje samo prepoznavanje slabosti i ranjivosti sustava nego i predviđanje, a time i sprječavanje nastanka Å”tete. Kako bi se podržala informacijska sigurnost razvili su se različiti standardi i okviri, a među najpoznatijima su Obitelj ISO 27000 normi, CobiT i ITIL. KThe focus of this paper are information systems and their risk management. Information systems are systems designed to collect, process, store and distribute information. The rapid growth of information and communication technology has led organizations to rely on information systems more than ever. In this digital age almost every organization uses information systems to process their information. They support the organization to achieve their mission and to make better decisions. Therefore, risk management plays a critical role in protecting an organization's information assets and thus its mission from IT-related risks. An effective risk management process is an important component of a successful information system and includes two main steps; risk assessment and mitigation. With risk management its not only possible to notice system weaknesses and vulnerability, but also to predict and prevent a possible harmful event. Therefore, standards and frameworks were developed to help organizations manage information systems and security. Some of the most popular are ISO/IEC 27000 family, CobiT and ITIL, which also will be briefly presented

    Correlation between stereopsis and gross and fine motor skills of children with intellectual disabilities

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost između stupnja razvoja stereovida i spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Stereovid je jedan od izvora informacija za točnu procjenu percepcije objekata u dubini i povezan je s izvođenjem motoričkih aktivnosti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su djeca s umjerenim intelektualnim teÅ”koćama, osnovnoÅ”kolske dobi, loÅ”iji u izvođenju motoričkih aktivnosti nego djeca tipičnog razvoja. Također, vizualna odstupanja su učestala kod djece s intelektualnim teÅ”koćama, uključujući i oslabljen binokularni vid (stereovid). Testirali smo 27 djece s intelektualnim teÅ”koćama, bez motoričkih teÅ”koća. Istraživanje je provedeno u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje ā€žVelika Goricaā€œ i Osnovnoj Å”koli ā€žNad Lipomā€œ. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja, konstruirali smo skalu spretnosti Likertovog tipa za procjenu spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Također, testirali smo i stereovid koristeći stereotest (Random Dot 2 Acuity Test with Lea SymbolsĀ®). Rezultati su pokazali postojanje povezanosti između stupnja razvoja stereovida i spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Smatramo da će ovo istraživanje doprinijeti poticanju novih istraživanja i kreiranju specifičnih programa za djecu s intelektualnim teÅ”koćama.The goal of this study was to determine the relation between the stereoacuity and proficiency in fine and gross motor skills. Stereopsis is one of the information sources for accurate perception of objects in depth and itā€™s related with performance on motor skills tasks. Few studies shows that primary school age children with mild intellectual disabilities perform worse than typically developing children on specific fine and gross motor skills. Also, visual anomalies are common in children with intellectual disability, including impaired binocular vision (stereovision). We tested 27 children with intellectual disabilities, without any motor skills deficiency. Research was conducted at the Center for Education ā€žVelika Goricaā€œ and elementary school ā€žNad Lipomā€œ. For this research, we constructed Likert type scale to assess fine and gross motor proficiency. Also, we tested stereoacuity using Random Dot 2 Acuity Test with Lea SymbolsĀ®. Our results has shown the relation between the degree of stereopsis development and levels of proficiency in fine and gross motor skills. This paper will contribute to encouraging new researches and the creation of specific programs for children with intellectual disabilities

    Information systems risk management

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    TežiÅ”te ovog rada je na informacijskim sustavima i upravljanju rizicima informacijskog sustava. Zbog sve bržeg razvoja informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija sve se viÅ”e organizacija oslanja na informacijske sustave. Radi se o sustavima dizajnirani za prikupljanje, obradu, pohranjivanje i distribuciju informacija. Oni potpomažu organizaciji u ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva i donoÅ”enju pravih odluka. Iz tog razloga proces upravljanja rizicima igra važnu ulogu u zaÅ”titi informacija i organizacije od IT-rizika. Djelotvorno upravljanje rizicima čini važnu komponentu za uspjeÅ”no funkcioniranje informacijskog sustava, a sastoji se od dva glavna koraka; procjene rizika i ublažavanje rizika. Upravljanje rizicima ne omogućuje samo prepoznavanje slabosti i ranjivosti sustava nego i predviđanje, a time i sprječavanje nastanka Å”tete. Kako bi se podržala informacijska sigurnost razvili su se različiti standardi i okviri, a među najpoznatijima su Obitelj ISO 27000 normi, CobiT i ITIL. KThe focus of this paper are information systems and their risk management. Information systems are systems designed to collect, process, store and distribute information. The rapid growth of information and communication technology has led organizations to rely on information systems more than ever. In this digital age almost every organization uses information systems to process their information. They support the organization to achieve their mission and to make better decisions. Therefore, risk management plays a critical role in protecting an organization's information assets and thus its mission from IT-related risks. An effective risk management process is an important component of a successful information system and includes two main steps; risk assessment and mitigation. With risk management its not only possible to notice system weaknesses and vulnerability, but also to predict and prevent a possible harmful event. Therefore, standards and frameworks were developed to help organizations manage information systems and security. Some of the most popular are ISO/IEC 27000 family, CobiT and ITIL, which also will be briefly presented

    Endocrinological outcomes of pure endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery: a Croatian Referral Pituitary Center experience

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    AIM: To analyze early remission, complications, and pituitary function recovery after pure endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery (PEETS), a novel method in pituitary adenoma treatment. ----- METHODS: Testing of all basal hormone values and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed preoperatively and postoperatively (postoperative MRI only in nonfunctioning adenomas) in 117 consecutive patients who underwent PEETS in the period between 2007 and 2010. The series consisted of 21 somatotroph adenomas, 61 prolactinomas, and 4 corticotroph and 31 nonfunctioning adenomas. Sixty-three were macroadenomas and 54 were microadenomas. Remission was defined as hormonal excess normalization on the seventh postoperative day in functioning adenomas and as normal MRI findings approximately four months postoperatively in nonfunctioning adenomas. The presence of hypogonadism, growth hormone deficiency, and hypothyroidism was assessed on the seventh postoperative day. Hypocortisolism was assessed through necessity for replacement therapy within 18 months postoperatively. ----- RESULTS: Remission was achieved in 84% of patients: in 100% of microadenoma and 70% of macroadenoma patients (P<0.001, odds ratio [OR], 28.16, 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.61-491.36), respectively. Endocrinological complications occurred in 17.1% of patients: in 9% of microadenoma and 24% of macroadenoma patients (P=0.049, OR, 3.06; 95% CI, 1.03-9.08). Duration of empirical hydrocortisone replacement therapy was significantly shorter in microadenoma patients (P<0.001). Thirty-five percent of preoperatively present hormonal deficiencies improved after the surgery. Between tumor types there were no significant differences in remission, complications, and normal pituitary function recovery. ----- CONCLUSION: Patients with microadenomas had higher remission and lower complication rates following PEETS, emphasizing the necessity for early detection and treatment of pituitary adenomas. PEETS is a discussion-worthy method for microprolactinoma treatment

    Tumor mozga kao prototip teÅ”kog moždanog oÅ”tećenja u bolesnika sa ā€œsindromom niskog t3ā€

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    The purpose of our study was to contribute to better understanding of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as a valuable biological material in the research of brain tumors within the ā€œlow T3 syndromeā€, and to discuss the role of thyroid hormones in the central nervous system in subjects with severe cerebral lesions. We studied the levels of total triiodothyronine (tT3), total thyroxine (tT4), free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) and thyrotropin (TSH) in serum, and fT3, fT4, rT3 and TSH levels in CSF of patients with brain tumor, and compared the results with control group. Study results indicated a statistically significantly higher level of rT3 in serum and CSF of brain tumor patients vs. control group (p<0.05). The rT3/fT3 ratio was highest in CSF and serum of brain tumor patients, yielding a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). These results could suggest higher permeability of the blood brain barrier in brain tumor patients. We also assume that rT3, in the framework of ā€œcerebral low T3 syndromeā€, is also generated through local intracerebral conversion. Disruption of this process in severe cerebral lesion can lead to increased rT3 concentrations, i.e. development of the ā€œlow T3 syndromeā€.Cilj studije bio je doprinijeti boljem poznavanju cerebrospinalne tekućine kao vrijednog bioloÅ”kog materijala u istraživanju moždanih tumora i ā€œsindroma niskog T3ā€, te razmotriti ulogu hormona Å”titnjače unutar srediÅ”njega živčanog sustava kod bolesnika s ozbiljnim moždanim oÅ”tećenjem. Analizirali smo razinu ukupnog trijodtironina (tT3), ukupnog tiroksina (tT4), slobodnog trijodtironina (fT3), slobodnog tiroksina (fT4), reverznog trijodtironina (rT3) i tireotropina (TSH) u serumu i razinu fT3, fT4, rT3 i TSH u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini u bolesnika s tumorom mozga te dobivene rezultate usporedili s kontrolnom skupinom ispitanika. Rezultati su ukazali na statistički značajno veću razinu rT3 u serumu i cerebrospinalnoj tekućini u bolesnika s tumorom mozga u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (p<0,05). Odnos rT3/fT3 bio je također statistički značajno veći kod bolesnika s tumorom mozga (p<0,05). NaÅ”e istraživanje moglo bi ukazivati na veću propustljivost krvno-moždane barijere u bolesnika s tumorom mozga. Također pretpostavljamo da se u bolesnika s tumorom mozga rT3 pojačano stvara kroz aktivniju intracerebralnu pretvorbu. Svakako, naÅ”i rezultati trebaju biti potvrđeni i daljnjim podrobnijim istraživanjima