14 research outputs found


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    The authors discuss the vegetational status of the Carex rostrata species in Slovenia, which presents a certain amount of problems also in other parts of Middle Europe. Based on the floristic inventory, the relevés with species Carex rostrata were classified into four different classes. The most frequent are the relevés made on rich minerotrophic fens in the montane zone. Belonging to the class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae they were classified into the association Caricetum rostratae Osvald 1923 em. Dierssen 1982. Relevés of the second group were made on high bogs in the montane zone. Carex rostrata thrives in ombrotrophic conditions, on acidic peat ground, with some Sphagnum species and other ombrotrophic species. These relevés undoubtedly belong to the class Oxycocco-Sphagnetea and are classified into association Carici rostratae-Sphagnetum. In the lower altitudes of Slovenia, on marshy eutrophic grounds in relevés, there prevail character species of the class Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea. This group of relevés was classified into the association Galio palustris-Caricetum rostratae ass. nov. Species Carex rostrata also thrives on mesotrophic wet meadows with prevailing character species from the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, order Molinietalia, but due to low coverage Carex rostrata is not a dominant species there.Avtorja obravnavata vegetacijsko problematiko vrste Carex rostrata v Sloveniji, ki povzroča, tako kot v drugih predelih srednje Evrope, precejšnje težave. Na podlagi floristične sestave lahko uvrstimo popise v štiri vegetacijske razrede. Najpogostejši so popisi iz montanskega pasu, napravljeni v mineralno bogatih nizkih barjih. Uvrstili smo jih v razred Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae in v združbo Caricetum rostratae Osvald 1923 em. Dierssen 1982. Druga skupina popisov je bila napravljena na nekaterih visokih barjih v montanskem pasu. Vrsta Carex rostrata uspeva v ombrotrofnih razmerah, na močno zakisani šotni podlagi, skupaj z različnimi vrstami iz rodu Sphagnum in pretežno ombrotrofnimi vrstami. Ti popisi nedvomno spadajo v razred Oxycocco-Sphagnetea, opredelili pa smo jih kot samostojno združbo Carici rostratae-Sphagnetum. V nižinskih predelih, v evtrofnih močvirjih, prevladujejo v popisih vrste razreda Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea. Te popise uvrščamo v asociacijo Galio palustris-Caricetum rostratae ass. nova. Vrsta Carex rostrata pa uspeva tudi na mezotrofnih mokrotnih travnikih, ki po floristični sestavi spadajo v razred Molinio-Arrhenatheretea oziroma v red Molinietalia, vendar je njena pokrovnost nizka in ni dominantna vrsta

    Two new montane grassland communities from the SE Alps (N Slovenia)

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    On very steep dolomite slopes in the western foothills of the Kamnik Alps (Ravni hrib, Javorov vrh, Zaplata, Kriška gora) and southwestern Karavanke Mountains (Dobrča) we conducted a phytosociological study into montane grasslands (former hay meadows, partly pastures) where Gladiolus palustris, a species ofEuropean conservation concern, also occasionally occurs. They were compared with similar montane grasslands (former hay meadows) on sunny slopes of the Stol ridge above Breginj in the southwestern foothills of the Julian Alps. Based on this comparison we described three new syntaxa: Centaureo julici-Laserpitietumsileris gladioletosum palustris, Festuco amethystinae-Seslerietum calcariae and Pediculari julici-Bromopsietum transsilvanicae. Both new associations are classified into the alliance Caricion austroalpinae and treated as a long-term successional stage in the belt of altimontane beech forests from the association Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum

    Phytosociological analysis of European larch forests in the Southeastern Alps

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    Using the (unweighted) average linkage clustering (UPGMA) method we classified 458 phytosociological relevés of larch forests in the Southeastern Alps into 25 clusters. Based on their analysis we described the following new subassociations: Rhodothamno-Laricetum geetosum rivalis, sorbetosum chamaemespili, piceetosum abietis, adoxetosum moschatellinae, cystopteridetosum fragilis, cyclaminetosum purpurascentis, dryadetosum octopetalae and sorbetosum ariae. The selected method proved adequate in identifying the differences between larch stands on potential subalpine spruce and beech sites and larch forests on the upper forest line, as well as the differences between initial larch stages on the upper forest line and more stable development stages on better developed soils on promontories and ledges above the upper beech forest line. Larch forests are the most frequent in the altitudinal belt between (1,500) 1,600 and 1,800 (1,900) m, on shady aspects and slopes that are steeper than 30º. They are some of the best preserved forest types in the Southeastern Alps, even virgin forests on smaller surface areas (Macesnje above the Beli Potok valley in the Julian Alps), and their role as biotopes is exceptional

    Southeastern-Alpine endemic Leontodon hispidus subsp. brumatii (Cichoriaceae) in the Sava valley (central Slovenia)

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    In the spring and summer of 2010 a number of new localities of the southeastern- Alpine endemic Leontodon hispidus subsp. brumatii were found on temporarily flooded riparian rocks in the gorge of the Sava River between the village of Sava and Zidani Most (central Slovenia). The species has so far been known only in northeastern Italy and western Slovenia (the Soca valley). In order to obtain more specific information its sites were studied phytosociologically and the communities in which it grows in the Sava and the Soča valleys compared. Two new associations were described on the basis of these comparisons: Triseto argentei-Leontodontetum brumatii ass. nov. and Leontodonti brumatii-Seslerietum calcariae ass. nov. As this endemic taxon and its endemic communities are a characteristic of riparian flora and vegetation of some Slovenian mountain rivers and as its localities in the Sava valley are explicitly disjunct and the southeasternmost in the entire known distribution area, they deserve to be studied and protected

    Gozdne in grmiščne združbe z zeleno jelšo (Alnus viridis) v Sloveniji

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    This paper provides phytosociological tables that describe scrub and forest communities with Alnus viridis in the Slovenian Alps. We described three new associations: Rhododendro hirsuti-Alnetum viridis (a green alder community on calcareous bedrock in the Eastern and Southeastern Alps), Huperzio selagi-Alnetum viridis (a green alder community in the silicate rocks under Mt. Komen in the eastern Savinja Alps) and Alno viridis-Sorbetum aucupariae (a successional stage of mountain ash and green alder on potential beech sites in the foothills of the southern Julian Alps; similar stages are known also elsewhere in the Alps), and presented additional three associations (Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum, Rhodothamno-Laricetum and Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetum mugo) whose stands comprise green alder.V članku s fitocenološkimi tabelami opisujemo grmiščne in gozdne združbe, v katerih v slovenskih Alpah uspeva vrsta Alnus viridis. Opisali smo tri nove asociacije: Rhododendro hirsuti-Alnetum viridis (združba zelene jelše na karbonatni podlagi v vzhodnih in jugovzhodnih Alpah), Huperzio selagi-Alnetum viridis (združba zelene jelše v silikatnem skalovju pod goro Komen v vzhodnih Savinjskih Alpah) ter Alno viridis-Sorbetum aucupariae (sukcesijski stadij jerebike in zelene jelše na potencialno bukovih rastiščih v prigorju južnih Julijskih Alp, podobne stadije poznajo tudi drugod v Alpah) ter predstavili še tri druge asociacije (Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum, Rhodothamno-Laricetum in Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetum mugo), v čigar sestojih uspeva zelena jelša


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    SYNDlNAMICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN REAL VEGETATION UNlTS ON POTENTIAL-NATURAL HABITAT OF COMMUNTTY OSTRYO-FAGETUM. Successional development starts from grassland Bromo-Brachypodietum pinnati, through stadia with Juniperus communis, Corylus avellana, Fraxinus ornus and Carpinus betulus, to the wood Ostryo-Fagetum


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    ln Slovenia, medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) were identified as minor crops that could be of national interest within sight of their cultivation as well as of marketing of their alternative products. Being aware of degradation of natural ecosystems and of loosing plant biodiversity, which is essential for selection and breeding work Slovenian Fund for Nature has recently ratified the Resolution on conservation of biological diversity and permanent landscape development, with special reference of in situ conservation of MAP. National collection (Genebank) of MAP was officially recognised and supported by Slovenian government in 1995 and 1996. At present, this genebank holds 650 accessions of MAP, some of which have been evaluated chemically and/or biologically. In the frame of MAP Genebank, in situ and ex situ conservation strategy is planned to be achieved by inventarization of natural resources, their conservation in situ, by sustainable use of natural resources limited on exploitation of germplasm for ex situ genebank and by prevention of massive exploration. Because of high morphologic and chemical variability of MAP species, current horticulture technique for vegetative propagation - tissue culture has been introduced as one of genebank technologies with the aim of obtaining rapid and economical propagation method, which will ensure homogeneity of interesting accessions in future. ln globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus L) micropropagation method using shoot apices was applied, but in oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and in St. John\u27s-wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) nodal segments were used for establishing of tissue culture. Sterilisation of plant material was one of the most problematic stages in micropropagation procedure because accessions of the same plant species specifically responded to the concentration of sterilisation solution as well as to the time of sterilisation.Zdravilne in aromatične rastline so v Sloveniji postale zanimive tako z vidika njihovega pridelovanja kot z vidika trženia proizvodov na njihovi osnovi. Zavedajoč se problematike degradacije ekosistemov in nevarnosti izgubljanja biološke raznovrstnosti, ki je osnova selekcijskega in žlahtniteljskega dela v prihodnosti, je Slovenski sklad za naravo nedavno ratificiral Resolucijo o trajnostnem razvoju podeželja in ohranjanju biološke raznovrstnosti v Sloveniji, v kateri je poudarjena tudi skrb za varstuo zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin in situ. V letu 1995 in 1996 je bila uradno priznana Nacionalna zbirka (genska banka) zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin, v kateri vzdržujemo okoli 650 akcesij. lzmed teh so bile nekatere kemijsko in/ali biološko ovrednotene. ln situ in ex situ strategija ohranjanja naravnih izvorov v okviru genske banke zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin je predvidena v 4 stopnjah: inventarizacija naravnih izvorov, aktivno ohranjanje, zmerna in smotma raba ter preprečevanje masovnega izkorišćanja naravnih izvorov. Da bi omogočili hitro ter ekonomično razmnoževanje in v prihodnosti pridobili klonski material zanimivih akcesij zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin, smo zaradi njihove velike variabilnosti v morfoloških in kemotaksonomskih lastnostih uvedli v okviru genske banke tehniko tkivnega razmnoževanja. Pri artičoki (Cynara scolymus L.) je bila uporabljena metoda mikropropagacije prek rastnih vršičkov, pri dobri misli (Origanum vulgare L.), materini dušici (Thymus vulgaris L.), žajblju (Salvia officinalis L.) in šentjanževki (Hypericum perforatum L.) pa nodalno segmentiranje aksilarnih poganjkov. Sterilizacija rastlinskega materiala se je izkazala za eno najtežavnejših stopenj mikropropagacije proučevanih zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin, saj se akcesije znotraj rastlinske vrste individualno odzivajo na jakost dezinficiensa in na čas razkuževanja

    Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na disperzijo in mobilnost metuljev ogrožene vrste Coenonympha oedippus (Fabricius 1787) (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) v habitatni krpi

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    The within-patch microdistribution and movements of adults of the critically endangered butterfly, Coenonympha oedippus, were studied using mark-recapture data from an isolated patch network, which consisted of 8 patches in central Slovenia. The impact of patch characteristics on both parameters was analyzed. Males fly longer distances and spend more time flying than females. The distances and seasonal pattern of male movements were dependent on the patch size, and on the microdistribution and density of freshly emerged (receptive) females. The spatial and temporal pattern of female microdistribution was influenced by vegetation height, the homogeneity of host plant stands and the shading of the ground and/or the lowest parts of herb layer. In the case of near continuous distribution of host plants within a patch, the structure of herb vegetation appears to be the major determinant of adult microdistribution. It affects the dynamics of butterfly emergence and the selection of oviposition sites. The per cent cover of the nectar plant, Potentilla erecta, does not play an important role in butterfly microdistribution.V izoliranem omrežju osmih habitatnih krp v osrednji Sloveniji smo z metodo markiranja, izpusta in ponovnega ulova raziskovali prostorsko razporeditev in gibanja imagov kritično ogrožene vrste Coenonympha oedippus v habitatni krpi in vpliv značilnosti krpe na oba proučevana parametra. Samci preletavajo daljše razdalje in v dnevni aktivnosti več časa porabijo za let kot samice. Preletne razdalje in vzorci preletavanja samcev v sezoni so odvisni od velikosti krpe ter prostorske razporeditve in populacijske gostote sveže izleglih (receptivnih) samic. Na prostorske in časovne vzorce disperzije samic vplivajo višina vegetacije, homogenost sestoja hranilnih rastlin gosenic in osončenost spodnje plasti zeliščne vegetacije. Če je razporeditev larvalnih hranilnih rastlin v krpi enakomerna in kontinuirana, je struktura zeliščne vegetacije najpomembnejši dejavnik, ki določa disperzijo imagov, saj vpliva na dinamiko izleganja iz bub in izbiro mest za ovipozicijo. Pokrovnost vrste Potentilla erecta, ki je hranilna rastlina odraslih osebkov, ne vpliva na razporeditev odraslih osebkov v krpi

    Razširjenost lihenizirane glive Letharia vulpina v subalpinskih macesnovih sestojih (Rhodothamno- Laricetum) v vzhodnih Julijskih Alpah (Slovenija)

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    The article provides the list of localities of Letharia vulpina in the eastern Julian Alps (northwestern Slovenia) that were recorded by the authors in 2010. Prior to this year the knowledge on the occurence of this lichenized fungus in Slovenia was insignificant (only one known locality, recorded already in the 19th century). With a phytosociological table we present the species composition and structure of natural subalpine larch stands (Rhodothamno-Laricetum deciduae) in which the species Letharia vulpina grows as an epiphyte on old and thick trees. It can also be expected in other Alpine regions in Slovenia where similar natural larch stands are preserved and the air is not over polluted.Članek podaja seznam nahajališč vrste Letharia vulpina v vzhodnih Julijskih Alpah (severozahodna Slovenija), ki so jih avtorji popisali v letu 2010. Pred tem letom je bila vednost o pojavljanju te lihenizirane glive v Sloveniji zelo majhna (eno samo znano nahajališče, opaženo že v 19. stoletju). S fitocenološko tabelo prikazujemo vrstno sestavo in zgradbo naravnih subalpinskih macesnovih sestojev (Rhodothamno-Laricetum deciduae) v katerih vrsta Letharia vulpina raste kot epifit na starih in debelih drevesih. Pričakujemo jo lahko tudi v drugih alpskih območjih v Sloveniji, kjer so ohranjeni podobni naravni macesnovi sestoji in kjer ozračje ni preveč onesnaženo