28 research outputs found

    Do they feel like cops? Police culture among private security guards

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    Police culture can result in several problems that can manifest themselves in various side effects, such as excessive use of force or domestic violence. Such occupational culture is formed due to the different circumstances police officers encounter in their work, e.g., constant exposure to danger, high authority, the possibility of using force, the right to autonomous decision-making, and working in a strictly hierarchical environment. As private security guards also operate in public areas and often in the public interest and have the option of enforcing measures that in some cases extend to the degree of police powers, previous research indicated that there is a possibility that a police-like occupational culture prevails among private security guards. The paper identifies the elements of police culture among private security guards through the narrative literature review. The literature search was performed according to a pre-defined strategy. We pre-determined the keywords, inclusion criteria, search methods, and bibliographic databases. The identified literature was analyzed with the descriptive and comparative methods. The results indicate that despite differences in the nature of their work, attitudes, and values between security guards and police officers, significantly more related circumstances and factors suggest similarities in occupational cultures

    Zamejska Koroška

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    V vodniku je predstavljenih devet ekskurzij s severozahodnega dela slovenskega zamejskega prostora. Razvrščene so v obratni smeri urinega kazalca. Šest območij obiska (Ziljska dolina, Beljak z okoliškimi jezeri, Karavanke in Rož, Celovec in Gosposvetsko polje, južna pobočja Svinške planine in Velikovško čezdravje, Podjuna) v sodobnosti še lahko obravnavamo kot narodnostno mešana območja, dve območji (Labotska dolina, zgodovinski kraji severne Koroške) sta zaradi germanizacije ta status izgubili, območje pogorja Nockberge pa je že dolgo onstran severnega roba slovenskega narodnostnega ozemlja. Celotna avstrijska zvezna dežela Koroška se ponaša z bogato naravno, zgodovinsko in kulturno dediščino. Prežeta je z izrazitimi naravnimi lepotami, med katerimi lahko izpostavimo gore in jezera, pa tudi kulturnozgodovinskimi, kamor lahko uvrstimo privlačna stara mestna jedra, prvovrstno cerkveno dediščino ter slikovite, praviloma zelo dobro ohranjene gradove in skrbno vzdrževane grajske razvaline. Glavni sezoni sta pozimi, ko zaživijo prostrana smučišča, in poleti, ko se turisti preusmerijo k obalam tamkajšnjih, za avstrijske razmere zelo toplih jezer

    High-resolution X-ray absorption spectrometry of atomic vapors

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    A measurement of an x-ray absorption spectrum of a monatomic sample yields pure atomic absorption essential for the EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) analysis in cases of a weak structural signal. A construction of an absorption cell to contain vapor sample takes into account specific properties of the investigated element. Metal-vapor absorption cells for the elements K, Zn, Rb, Cd, Cs, and Hg are presented and comments are made on the use of materials and the operating mechanisms of the cells.Z meritvijo rentgenskega absorpcijskega spektra enoatomnega vzorca dobimo atomsko absorpcijo, ki je nujna za analizo EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure - podaljšana drobna struktura rentgenskih absorpcijskih robov), kadar je strukturni signal šibek. Izdelava absorpcijske celice, v kateri hranimo uparjeni vzorec, je odvisna od lastnosti preiskovanega elementa. V prispevku so predstavljene absorpcijske celice za kovinske pare K, Zn, Cd, Rb, Cs in Hg, posebna pozornost pa je namenjena delovanju celic in materialom, ki so bili uporabljeni pri njihovi izdelavi

    High-resolution X-ray absorption spectrometry of atomic vapors

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    A measurement of an x-ray absorption spectrum of a monatomic sample yields pure atomic absorption essential for the EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption FineStructure) analysis in cases of a weak structural signal. A construction of an absorption cell to contain vapor sample takes into account specific properties of the investigated element. Metal-vapor absorption cells for the elements K, zn, Rb, Cd, Cs, and Hg are presented and comments are made on the use of materials and the operating mechanisms of the cells

    Zaznava sovražnega govora na slovenskem spletu

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    V članku najprej ločujemo kaznivi sovražni govor od drugih oblik spornega komuniciranja, predvsem od neprimernega izražanja (npr. kletvic) in nesprejemljivega govora, ki je lahko predmet civilnih tožb (npr. razžalitve). V empiričnem delu analiziramo razumevanje sovražnega govora med slovenskimi uporabniki interneta. Izkaže se, da sporno komuniciranje uporabnike sicer zelo moti, vendar pa sovražni govor razumejo izjemno ohlapno. Na eni strani ga večinoma sploh ne prepoznajo, na drugi strani vanj vključujejo druge oblike spornega komuniciranja, ki jih ni mogoče kazensko preganjati kot sovražni govor. V sklepni razpravi umeščamo rezultate v kontekst prizadevanj za boljše razumevanje in tudi reguliranje sovražnega govoraThe paper first differentiates hate speech from adjacent legal issues (e.g. threats, insults) and inappropriate communication (e.g. indecent language). In the empirical part the perception of online hate speech among Slovenian Internet users is analysed. The results indicate that users are bothered by problematic communicationhowever, they understand the notion of hate speech very vaguely. On one hand, the majority of users do not recognise it while, on the other, they often associate it with issues which cannot be prosecuted as hate speech. Finally, the results are discussed in the context of efforts to create better hate speech regulation and understandin

    XUV superfluorescence from helium gas in the paraxial three-dimensional approximation

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    We present the results of a theoretical study of XUV superfluorescence from doubly excited states of helium resonantly pumped by free-electron laser (FEL) pulses. Our model allows us to predict both the spectrum and angular distribution of emitted XUV radiation in a wide range of experimentally accessible parameters. This is achieved by going beyond two key deficiencies of most previous models: The one-dimensional treatment in space is upgraded to three dimensions with electromagnetic fields treated in the paraxial approximation and spontaneous emission is modeled by a recently developed approach that avoids the unrealistic delayed response but preserves the expected characteristics of the emitted field in the spontaneous emission limit. The case study of 3a1^1Po^o resonance in helium with 63.66 eV excitation energy is presented for realistic parameters of seeded light pulses from the FERMI FEL facility and a recently developed high-pressure gas cell. Results of numerical simulations show that both the spectral width and angular divergence of emitted radiation vary with gas pressure and pump pulse intensity in a complex way