69 research outputs found

    A Reutilização Solidária em Portugal. Projeto de criação de um panorama online do setor

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    Existem na Europa organizações da economia social e solidária que recorrem à recolha e revenda de objetos descartados (mobiliário, eletrodomésticos, vestuário e mais) como forma de financiar o seu trabalho de benfeitoria social. No contexto do enorme desperdício decorrente do modelo económico produtivista e hiper-consumista em vigor, esta atividade tem o mérito de resgatar recursos do fluxo de resíduos – estando alinhada com a hierarquia estabelecida pela UE, que privilegia a prevenção e a reutilização à reciclagem. O pioneirismo e a eficiência destas organizações em matéria de prolongamento da vida dos recursos, demonstrados por estudos diversos, fazem delas parceiros de eleição na prossecução das políticas europeias de economia circular. Mas se no espaço europeu existem várias associações nacionais (e uma transnacional) que representam estes atores, obrando pelo seu fortalecimento e reconhecimento, em Portugal o setor encontra-se fragmentado e goza de fraca visibilidade. Da identificação do alto potencial de desenvolvimento da reutilização solidária em Portugal, com benefícios sociais e ambientais, nasceu o trabalho de projeto que o presente relatório documenta. Partindo de dez estudos de caso portugueses e três europeus, foi construído um website (reutilizacaosolidaria.info) com o objetivo de divulgar conhecimento sobre reutilização solidária, inspirar stakeholders e facilitar a colaboração entre os mesmos. Este relatório sintetiza o panorama que emerge dos estudos de caso, enquadrando-o no contexto europeu e filiando essa práxis na justaposição entre “Economia Circular” e “Economia Social e Solidária”.In Europe, a number of social and solidarity economy organizations collect and sell unwanted goods (furniture, electrical appliances, clothes and more) as a means to finance their social missions. Considering the great amounts of waste generated by the current productivist and consumerist economic model, this is a commendable activity, as it promotes prevention and reuse over recycling and, as such, is aligned with the EU waste hierarchy. These organizations have a long track record in reuse, and are efficient at it, as demonstrated by several studies. Therefore, they are well-placed to assist national and local authorities in the implementation of European circular economy policies. Contrary to European examples of national and transnational cooperation among social and solidarity economy organizations active in reuse, in Portugal the sector is highly fragmented and enjoys very low public recognition. The project documented in this report – the creation of a website dedicated to solidarity-oriented reuse in Portugal – sprang from the desire to help foster the sector and amplify its environmental and social benefits. The website reutilizacaosolidaria.info builds on Portuguese and European case studies, and is intended as a resource about solidarity-oriented reuse, aiming to inform, inspire and foster collaboration among stakeholders. This report summarizes the state of affairs emerging from the case-studies, connecting it to the broader European context and conceptually placing it at the intersection between Circular Economy and Social and Solidarity Economy


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    O presente trabalho visa tratar de uma nova modalidade de condomínio que tem ganhado força nos últimos anos no Brasil, a Multipropriedade ou Time Sharing. Constitui um instituto ainda pouco utilizado no Brasil, um dos países com vasta exploração turística. Suas bases foram constituídas no exterior na década de 60, sendo assimilada pelo Brasil recentemente. Para acompanhar o desenvolvimento sócioimobiliário o legislador deve tratar deste tema para proporcionar segurança às situações de fato. Este trabalho pretende elucidar as noções formuladas pelo direito sobre este instituto, discutindo as situações resultantes dele, interpretando as leis que dispõem sobre o assunto a luz da Constituição Federal e da legislação vigente no Brasil

    Aposentadoria especial com reflexos no direito fundamental à saúde

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    A pesquisa tem como finalidade um breve estudo a respeito da aposentadoria especial que tem o intuito de retirar os trabalhadores da situação de risco à saúde, a integridade física ou mental. Para ser analisada essa forma de aposentadoria concedida pela Previdência Social observa-se o contexto histórico, os requisitos para ter acesso a esse direito, os beneficiários, o salário ofertado, bem como a extinção desse benefício

    Biological and phytochemical evaluation of methanolic extracts from ennyroyal and lavender species of the portuguese flora

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    Medicinal and aromatic plants represent a healthier alternative to synthetic phenolic compounds, with a positive impact on therapeutic, aromatic and dietetic or gastronomic purposes. The in vitro biological activities of the phenolic compounds are an important parameter to select the most promising extracts for use in industrial applications. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant, antibacterial and cytotoxicity properties of 17 pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) and 18 lavender (Lavandula pedunculata L.) accessions from the Portuguese flora, conserved in the Portuguese Genebank (BPGV), in order to select the accessions with the highest yield and high content of active ingredients for use in the different industrial sectors.The authors are grateful to the PDR2020-7.8.4-FEADER-042741- Recursos genéticos – Conservação e melhoramento de recursos genéticos e vegetais (2018-2022) UIDB/00195/2020, and to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020) and through the institutional scientific employment program-contract for C.P., M.I.D. and L.B. contracts .info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pesquisa de microrganismos em dispensadores de antissépticos, desinfetantes e detergentes num hospital

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    As Infeções Associadas aos Cuidados de Saúde (IACS) estão entre as principais causas de mortalidade em todo o mundo. Adquiridas em meio hospitalar, resultam da incorreta desinfeção praticada, desde dispositivos médicos a superfícies hospitalares e práticas de higienização de profissionais de saúde. O presente trabalho teve como principais objetivos verificar a existência de microrganismos em dispensadores de antissépticos, desinfetantes e detergentes em diferentes serviços na Unidade de Saúde de Bragança; e identificar e testar o perfil de sensibilidade dos microrganismos detetados. As amostras recolhidas foram semeadas em Gelose Columbia + 5% de sangue de carneiro, incubadas a 37ºC durante 48 horas. Em caso de crescimento bacteriano procedeu- se à repicagem das colónias para meio Gelose Columbia + 5% de sangue carneiro e/ ou para meio MacConkey para obtenção de culturas puras. A identificação bacteriana e determinação do perfil de sensibilidade aos diferentes antimicrobianos foi realizada com recurso ao aparelho Vitek 2 da BioMérieux. De entre as 151 amostras semeadas, 25 apresentaram crescimento de microrganismos, constituindo uma percentagem de contaminação de 17%. Os microrganismos mais frequentemente isolados foram Staphylococcus hominis, Sphingomonas paucimobilis e Staphylococcus epidermidis com uma percentagem de 20%, 20% e 16%, respetivamente. Algumas das bactérias isoladas demonstraram perfis de resistências preocupantes que apesar de pertencerem a um grupo de bactérias comensais, estes são responsáveis por IACS. É essencial que se tomem medidas relativas ao manuseamento e acondicionamento de todas as soluções, para que se consiga diminuir a taxa de contaminação das mesmas e, consequentemente, as IACS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    As leveduras são de grande utilidade para a panificação e com o surgimento da biotecnologia teve enorme incremento comercial e desenvolvimento tecnológico, onde se proporcionou redução de custo e facilitou a fabricação de pães. Neste estudo objetivou-se a selecionar e identificar leveduras que foram obtidas da fermentação espontânea de ameixa e uva. Foram retirados 100 uL do mosto de uva e ameixa e passado para placas contendo ágar MRS, incubadas em anaerobiose e aerobiose em estufa a 35 ºC. Após tempo de incubação realizou-se o teste de coloração de gram e microscopia óptica, buscando apenas microrganismos gram positivos. Por morfologia foram separadas 4 leveduras aeróbicas gram positivas, onde foram transferidas para tubos contendo caldo Mycosel e deixados por 48h em estufa a 35 ºC. Realizou-se contagem de leveduras viáveis em câmara de Neubauer, utilizando-se 0,5g de levedura comercial para comparar o crescimento dos isolados. A contagem dos microrganismos isolados variou entre 1,52x10-5; 6,25x10-4; 1,062x10-5; 1,47x10-6 UFC.mL-1. Já a levedura comercial foi 4x10-6 UFC.g-1. Concluiu-se com esses resultados uma concentração relativamente parecida entre os testes, o que seria uma ferramenta para melhor explorar o potencial dessas leveduras para fabricação de pães

    Search for microorganisms in antiseptic, disinfectant and detergent dispensers of a local health care unit from Northeast Portugal

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    Introduction: Health care associated infections (HCAI) are among the main causes of mortality worldwide, and of the increase of internment time and related costs. Many HCAI acquired in hospitals result from improper disinfection practices of medical devices and surfaces of the hospital environment, as also insufficient asepsis of health professional’s skin [1,2]. Objectives: The main objectives of the present work were to verify the presence of microorganisms in antiseptic, disinfectant and detergent dispensers from different services of Bragança’s Local Health Care Unit, and to determine their resistance profiles. Materials and Methods: 151 Samples were collected from antiseptic (alcoholic solution, povidone-iodine and chlorhexidine), disinfectant (70% alcohol) and detergent (dermatological soap) dispensers, and futher plated in Columbia CNA + 5% sheep blood and MacConkey agar. The identification and the bacterial antibiogram were performed using Vitek 2. Results and Discussion: Among the 151 samples plated, 25 exhibited contamination, corresponding to a contamination percentage of 17%. The most frequently identified and isolated microorganisms were Staphylococcus hominis, Sphingomonas paucimobilis and Staphylococcus epidermidis with a percentage of 20%, 20% and 16%, respectively. Micrococcus luteus/lylae, Rhizobium radiobacter, Staphylococcus capitis, Pseudomonas luteola, Staphylococcus warneri, Staphylococcus vitulinus, Kocuria kristinae and other gram-positive bacillus were identified with less prevalence. The dermatological soap was the product with the highest contamination percentage and it was in the Medicine services that more contaminated products were found, while Surgery services showed the lowest contamination. Some of the isolated bacteria showed important resistance profiles, such as Staphylococcus hominis and Staphylococcus epidermidis, namely to betalactams (oxacillin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid) and quinolones (levofloxacin). Conclusion: Although the main isolated microorganisms belong to a group of commensal bacteria that do not cause problems to a person with a normal immunity system, these are responsible for HCAI. Therefore, it is essential to develop protocols for handling and packaging all the solutions in order to decrease the contamination level and, consequently, the HCAI

    Effects of conductive and non-conductive materials on the activity of a hydrogenotrophic methanogen

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    Several conductive materials (CM), such as carbon nanotubes (CNT), activated carbon (AC), and magnetite, have been reported to mediate interspecies electron transfer in methanogenic environments. However, CNT also accelerated methane production (MP) of pure cultures of methanogens. We hypothesize that other CM and also non-CM may affect the methanogenic activity of pure cultures. For that purpose, we incubated the hydrogenotrophic methanogen, Methanobacteriun formicicum strain DSM 1535T, with AC, zeolite (Zeo), sand and glass beads (at 0.5 g/L), and followed MP. All materials reduced lag phases preceding the MP, and the time for complete conversion of H2/CO2 to methane. The best results were obtained with Zeo, since total hydrogen conversion occurred in less than 5 days (instead of 8 days as in the control incubated without materials). Approximately 5 days with sand, and 6 days with glass beads and AC, were necessary to achieve the complete conversion. The lag phases with AC were quite short (1 day) when compared with the control assay without materials (5 days). The initial MP (determined during the first 3 days of incubation) was improved 16 times with Zeo and 11 times with AC, when compared with the cultures incubated without materials. The results show that there is not a direct relationship between conductivity and the improvement of methanogenic activity. Other physicochemical properties of the materials might be related with the beneficial effects towards methanogens.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zeolite stimulates the activity of microbial enrichments converting butyrate to methane

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    Conductive materials have been tested as a strategy to improve methane production (MP) in anaerobic digestion (AD) processes1,2. The effect of zeolite (0.5 g/L) towards microbial enrichments converting butyrate (10 mmol/L) to methane was investigated and compared with a microbial enrichment in the absence of the material. The enrichments were initiated with granular anaerobic sludge from a brewery WWTP as inoculum. Incubations were carried out under strict anaerobic conditions (at 37 °C) and periodically transferred to fresh medium. The results showed that, after an initial adaptation period (3 transfers), the presence of zeolite significantly accelerated the total conversion of butyrate to methane, since it took approximately 30d with zeolite and around 45d without zeolite. However, both enrichment cultures after extended adaptation (more than 8 transfers) behaved similarly, degrading butyrate in approximately 15d. Nevertheless, zeolite addition to active butyrate enrichment cultures without previous contact with zeolite, slightly accelerated MP, while the highly adapted zeolite-enrichment decreased activity when incubated without zeolite. Thus, the presence of zeolite showed to stimulate the microbial activity enhancing MP from butyrate degradation. This material possess natural ion-exchange properties, absorptive capacity and could function as a support for biomass which makes its application very attractive to AD processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio